Trump proposes US takeover of Gaza to turn it into 'Riviera of the Middle East'
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's 360 degrees U-Turn on holding a referendum on the introduction of divorce, following MT's reveleation of a surprise motion in Parliament by Opposition Leader by Joseph Muscat.
Albert Zammit •
Mr Vella, I am glad you're coming out of the woodwork.
What I suggested to Mr Balzan, actually came about because I was disgusted at the way he was 'outing' you and saying things about you and your family. He is writing in the same way as Daphne Caruana Galizia in her blog - where you find yourself very much at home, I gather.
Mr Vella, you are acting extremely foolishly. Similar to Balzan copying Caruana Galizia, you are copying the Socialists of yore with your behaviour.
I look forward to seeing an improvement in your behaviour - perhaps, but only perhaps, the antics will stop.
And whether I am a coward or not ... you will never get to know, will you? Anyway, it's the song which is important, not the singer.
Do have a nice day. Spend less of it on blogs. They don't show you in a good light.
Michael, you "don't approve"? And who the hell are you to not approve?
A coward who is too timid to show his name.
Albert Zammit •
At Mr Saviour Balzan .... well, ok, we will continue clicking on MT ... but if there's hdura coming out from 'that woman's blog', you have to be careful that MT doesn't become its equal, because basically, I do not approve of the 'hdura' coming out of these non-moderated comments.
Albert Zammit •
Mr Vella, if there is someone who is getting excited through his pants at the mere mention of Daphne's blog, it's you - but I will leave it to others to judge.
If I had agreed with you and with your idol's beliefs, you wouldn't have called me a 'clothes-rending sanctimonious prick', would you, now? I mean to say, you were quite friendly and agreeable with me the first time, 'cos you thought that I was on your side. Pity I had to break your bubble.
'Bad grammar' doesn't come into it - be careful, 'cos your'e sounding like your idol Daphne more and more. Even the vocab she uses is there. Just because someone uses 'bad grammar' doesn't mean that he or she is from the Labour camp. There are Nats that use 'bad grammar' throughout.
The important thing is the message that comes across, not the 'bad grammar'.
Why should I be 'unable to pronounce (Daphne Caruana Galizia's) name'? Is she some Innominata? Please, do not cover yourself, and her, with ridicule.
So, what if she has 'single-handedly' broken stories that no other newspaper did? Perhaps it's because newspapers are managed by editorial boards that are not made up of crazy people.
As far as I am concerned, Daphne can continue writing ad nauseam (she has already reached that peak anyway) - that's not my point. The point I am making is that in spite of the fact that Daphne's blog has become similar to a 'bicca tal-art li biha l-mara l-hoxna bis-sigarett f'halqha tal-Mandragg kienet tnaddaf it-toilets', in the years gone by, Knocker still has no right to express himself the way he did and that this newspaper should have moderated his comment in the first place.
Now, there you are - off you go, back to Daphne's blog, because, I suspect, that's where you belong. It's people like you, and her, that has reduced the Nationalist Party's performance this time round, into a circus!
Michael, don’t be such a clothes-rending sanctimonious prick. Let knocker express himself – he IS Labour, with his violent sentiments, his anonymous attempts at intimidation, even his bad grammar. Yes, he’s obnoxious but he’s all Labour.
And anyway, if his comments break the law, it's Balzan who should be worried.
As for Daphne Caruana Galizia (like others, you’re unable to pronounce her name) she’s very effective at defending herself so I don’t have to. Let me remind you however that she has single-handedly broken stories that “independent” journalists never did, from Scerri Herrera’s behaviour (the Chief Justice had something to say about that), to Sandro Chetcuti’s links to Joseph Muscat, to Julia Farrugia’s father being investigated in connection with the Raymond Caruana murder, to Saviour Balzan’s conflict of interest on the same issue.
So, don’t get too excited when you speak of Daphne’s blog. Calm down and try to cope with your emotions because I don’t think she’s going to stop writing any time soon. Tough.
Albert Zammit •
@ Car u tond: Actually, in hindsight, even I have to apologise to you. I got momentarily confused and when I said that 'you should be taken to court', I was referring to KNOCKER 2 and his comment, and not to you. I therefore apologise sincerely and hope I did not worry you unduly. But what I said about the rest, remains.
(There, you see, how gentlemen should behave, even when their names do not show?)
Dear Michael001. Please accept my apologies, I did not want to attribute to you things which you did not mean. I don't want to threaten any one; I never did.
Albert Zammit •
Well, I have read what 'Car u Tond', 'Antoine Vella' and 'Dnub..' have to say. In turn, I have this to reply:
@ Car u tond: If you think for one minute that I approve DCG's writings, you are so wrong! Her blog disgusts me - truly. YET, and I repeat, YET, your comment to which I referred is DANGEROUS, ANTI-SOCIAL, CONDEMNABLE, VIOLENT, MAKES ME REMEMBER LABOUR OF OLD, ... can I be clearer? Actually, this newspaper is insulting itself for accepting your comments. Got the message? No? Right: you should be taken to court over your comment.
@ Dnub ma jorqodx - I suggests that you be quiet and say nothing about the past because believe me, it is not something that I would wish to remember, when I go to vote. I can only vouch for what I witness and for what I can touch with my own hands: and Mintoff/KMB of the 70s and 80s were years that I wish to forget, but cannot. Atrocities at their worst!!!! And nothing can change that. The fact that people like you try to find excuses for those times, shows the poor mentality that some human beings have.
@ Antoine Vella - Mr Vella, your name frequently appears in D's blog. Sometimes, I read what you have to say. Believe me, I need no lessons from you about Labour, I need no lessons from you about anything; actually, I don't like you to even stand in the same place where I am standing. The fact that you and some others find it expedient to help that blogger in her quest, is disgusting - as disgusting as those I have replied to, above. And by the way, the Nats have done so badly these past years, that it would take more than a 'scarecrow' for me to vote for Nats. And whose fault is it? Partly the fault of people like YOU, PERSONALLY YOU! For being so akin to the henchmen that Labour had in the 70s and 80s, because whatever your party does, it's ok. Whatever DCG says is ok. Well, I don't think so: I think that the material that she gives now is disgusting, and shows her for what he is: scum. She is worse than the 'mara tal-mandragg'; she is infinitely worse and of a class lower than a 'fat woman waving an MLP flag'. And YOU, again PERSONALLY, are in cahoots with her for encouraging her on.
However, to try and shut people up by resorting to violence, as some would want, can never be accepted.
You see? Some of us in this country are civil!
Antoine repeats the same old mantra 70's and 80's, but conveniently forgets the 30's, 50's and 60's when the PN abused of the Church and mortal sin to win 4 corrupt elections. Mentioning the past why does'nt Mr Vella mention the Fascists era of the Nationalist Party when millions of Europeans were murdered and when the Fascist used to bombard the islands on a daily basis?
Michael, it is important for people to realise that Labour has never repented of the brutal, physical and moral violence that characterised it during the 1970s and 1980s. Labour thugs, such as knocker, still exist and are ready to start all over again.
As such, knocker serves a very useful purpose - reminding voters of Labour's dirty past and warning them about the future - and should be allowed to carry out his role.
Think of him as a scarecrow for the electorate.
Pull the other one Michael oo1! Bhal xejn ma tridtx tghid li qabdu maghha bully bhal dik! Throughout her writings she left a trial of devastation, draining, destruction and ultimately futile and bitter experience imaginable. Bullies like her thrive because the very high authorities at PN are weak.....if not actually encourage her! She molests (verbally) everyone who does not agree with her; both Nats and Labs!
Well said. I totally agree. Inciting violence the way KNOCKER2 does should not be allowed at all.
Albert Zammit •
Quoting KNOCKER 2 - certainly NOT, REPEAT, NOT, MY WORDS:
'If you asked I'd tell you she isn't even able to distinguish between what is good and what is not good for her in light of the fast approaching elections when she has a good chance of losing her police protection hence her immunity to retaliation from people who are fed up with her antics up to here. Not even all the Gordons (starting from Chinese Gordon, Flash Gordon, Flesh Gordon (she wishes!) through to Pisani Gordon will be able to defend her from the flak she will get right into her ugly face.'
Michael001 writes: ' Now this is serious. This is very serious. Serious threats, not even veiled. These are words that prove that Labour is not NEW and that Labour is still OLD as Mintoff.
Malta Today should be moderating these comments and if they do not have the ability to do so, I strongly suggest that they close it down. I repeat: such threats as these should prove that this commentery is getting out of hand.
let her say what she wishes she wants to say - if her blog is limited only to her followers it will lose its impact - my advice is - do not take the bait - let her continue to preach to the already converted - do not respond or criticse her on her blog - do it elsewhere - you will be surpirsed how the power she now wields will diminsh if nobody takes the bait.
@ Jamrie
I do not need to read it. I suggest you direct your fellow bloggers below to do so. All I see is bile against a woman who has the guts to speak out.
Jessica Chetcuti •
You voice concern that freedom of speech (as in Daphne’s blog) is being violated, I sometimes wonder if you are actually aware of what is entailed in Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
I agree that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, but that right also carries duties and responsibilities, I suggest that you read Section 2 of the mentioned article.
Malta Today is the standard bearer of free speech, unlike the Times and the nasty viper/sniper, where anti PN comments are censored or obliterated.
Prosit Saviour keep up the good work
Just one small correction. It was 180 degrees not 360 degrees. I am referring here to confused stand(s) on divorce. After reconfirming that not everyone can take the heat let us take a look at the real issues the ones that are conveniently side-lined by the same posse of 'I cannot take the heat but conveniently vomit on anyone who comes my way.' If you are for uncensored news and commentary then this is your site.
I really thought that Malta Today was the standard bearer of free speech....times certainly change judging by the majority of comments below....unless of course it`s all coordinated. I say the woman is free to blog on whatever she wishes. Anyone who does not like what she writes can respond in kind but whoever talks of muzzling her reminds me of the 70s and 80s. Let`s be the modern tolerant society we all pretend to be.
Aravind •
@ Briffy if you have actually read even one of her blog's ..Yet still ask what has it got to do with Gonzipn ..Then i am amazed !.
@Knocker 2...your reasoning really amazes me. DCG is perfectly entitled to publish anything she likes on her blog and to refrain from uploading any comments she wants; just like Malta Star, Times, l-Orizzont etc. These portals are selective and so is DCG's. They are sort of like private property, they decide who to invite in their domain. And what, may I ask, has this to do with Gonzipn? It beats me.
Aravind •
Bongu Vladi ..My you had a busy night last night all those during the war stories and not even time to answer yourself with your make believe friends ..
Aravind •
If briffy / briffs agrees with DCG then he/she must be one of her many many pseudonyms or a member of the family Vella .
I find it very hard to believe that anyone who tries to justify Vladi's behaviour as anything like normal is not one of the forementioned ..A desktop bully that is all she is and an embarrassment to anyone connected to her but things are not going so well for her now are they .
:Lest you get confused, "political water boarding" as practiced by the nasty Bidnija sniper, was invented and put into use by conservative politicians like Dick Cheyney: not by liberals!. The Bidnija sniper and bully, is following suit.She uses verbal and psychological violence on Maltese citizens; in the meantime she gets Police protection to continue her haressments and coertions.
The Bidnija bully is pulling GonziPN down the drain; sooner or later Gonzi has to divorce her.
Ugigh ta' zaqq biss jaqbdek meta ssemmi 'l dik. Nahseb nofs Malta t*h*a tahtha!
I hear a new book is about to be published: The Logic of Wenzu Gonzi. Apparently it contains 250 pages, all completely blank.
@briffy: This is how the Bidnija Witch addressed one of her commenters who simply wrote in to convey the following short message:
chavsRus says:
Tuesday, 15 February at 2302hrs
It nevers rains but it pours, doesn’t it?
[Daphne - I've uploaded your comment only to tell you that you are no longer welcome here. Carry on slandering me elsewhere surrounded by mad and vicious people, with whom you share far more than you do with anyone commenting here. Please hop off now and mix with your own kind. Thank you. And after reading some of the obsessive, cracked stalker-type things you have said about me elsewhere under the name Fellus Ta Gahan, I also recommend that you see a psychiatrist. You are quite obviously not normal. Believe me, I have had a lot of experience with fixated nutjobs like you. You need help.]
Do you still believe there is any freedom of any sort under the GonziPN regime? The Witch can take potshots at anyone she likes, but if anyone responds, she reaches for her vilest accusations and implications and lets go simply because she feels secure in her sniper's hideout with police protection guarding her frontdoor. Oy, are you still there, briffy? Oh, I see you are too ashamed to reply.
Get real guys and girls....either play prude and righteous or act like modern liberals. Make up your mind. Sleep over it. Good night.
Briffy mela ma smajtx x'qallek Saviour.
Hu pacenzja ssemmijiex b'isimha u lanqas bl-initials taghha ghax tqabbadna ugiegh ta' zaqq.
Jaqq, jaqq u jaqqq.
Peter Paul Azzopardi •
"Minix se nsemmiha, u minix se nsemmiha ghal raguni wahda - ghax meta nsemmiha jaqbadni ugiegh ta' zaqq..." Well there you have the answer riya, TROY, Baxter Loo et. al :)
Saviour - fqajtni bid-dahk, bis-serjeta. Kont se naqleb it-te fuqi kif jaghmel Baxter Loo xi kultant.
To all the Briff's out there who are trying to justify the rights and competence or legality of DCG as a journalist, let's agree that she is unique in mannerism, diplomacy and outright disgusting behaviour.
I think these Briff's are missing completely what Saviour is trying to highlight.
While we all agree that it is good to have freedom of expression in journalism, but surely journalists are not entitled to incite hatred and personal vindictive stories that are full of half truths and outright lies.
I like to think of DCG as someone so badly in need of attention and human effection that she retaliates by trying to destroy those in society whom she believes to be her enemies and if she senses that someone has decided to reject what she deems right, these people become her enemies, who must be destroyed at all costs.
For example Saviour has becone a target because he has quite rightly been exposing the bad policies of DCG endorsed administration.
He has also employed competent journalist who have PL ingrained in their political beliefs. So they along with Saviour their boss are the main targets.
In one of her blogs that I read, she blames Saviour's complaints because he has become a parent and therefore cannot sleep at night.
Does that really make sense to any of you Briffs?
Make no mistake about it, DCG is a narcissist with a twisted mind who does not accept that society considers her an untrustworthy and unbalanced citizen because of her writings and actions and even those around her have accepted these facts and are fearful of her.
At times they had to seek assistance from the police to return to their home because of her uncontrolled anger.
Does these actions make DCG acceptable to you Briffs?
As a narcissist she believes she has no other alternative but to live up to that label, irregardless who she hurts verbally, mentally or physically.
In conclusion this female timebomb might explode if the world she endorses in the present falls apart, so therefore the worst thing that could happen to her is, that PL wins the next election and turns her world upside down. She must fight against this propability with all her might because she cannot envision her life under a PL administration.
So Saviour let's all work together and ensure that when that day arrives the hospital will have an available rubber room and in the meantime pray she does not hurt anyone or herself for that matter.
@ Briffa Mr. I read most newspapers including the 'official" Nationalist ones, and you know what, none of the newspapers resort to the sort of nasty language found in the Bidnija's hate bible. This is not freedom of expression but bullying at its worst.
I must say I am in total agreement with Mr Briffy....and believe me we`re not related. I am quite surprised that all seem to be swooning and being scandalised at DCG`s articles. It`s a free country and she is free to speak her mind. I am perplexed that Saviour Balzan and Malta Today...the champions of free speech???...should react so aggressively.
Grzegorz Tomski •
Prosit Saviour and Maltatoday. Keep on informing us about what's really going on in this country. This newspaper's views are a breath of fresh air in the local journalism industry. You have all my support and of countless others.
@Knocker 2....Are you are implying that should Labour come to power there will be no place for freedom of speech in Malta? If you are you're playing in the hands of those who fear that that would be the case. They don't need much persuasion to reach that conclusion; they have lived in Malta before and have experienced the way the old faces viewed anybody who didn't toe the line of the regime - enemies of the state. The government was the party - only the party faithful of course, and the regime was the state. L'etat c'est moi.
Mr.Briffy who does not hide behind pseudonyms.
Have you ever checked how many pseudonyms are on DCG blogs?
OR how many blogs are censored by DCG before being posted?
It seems to me that you are trying to defend the indefensible.
As the saying goes KULL QAHBA GHANDA IL PREZZ.
So Mr.Briffy who does not hide behind pseudonyms, please try to bare with us who post on Saviours blogs and put up with our vents.
As for myself I try to take these blogs with a little humour because this incident of GORDON & DAPHNE would make a nice PORNO STORY.
Just imagine seeing the scene where Gordon finally seduces Daphne and what her reaction would be.(With the Cardinal's blessing of course)
Would she throw a tantrum for the auducity of Mr. Bean looking Gordon to take liberties and let fly those famous china plates at his comical head or would she enjoy the encounter and then let us in on the secret on her blog titled, WHEN I WAS GLAD I KEPT ALL MY PLATES IN THE CUPBOARD AND PUT MY MOUTH TO BETTER USE.
@briffy. This is just one brilliant comment coming from the Bidnija Witch. What would you suggest Salvu (not Saver) should reply to that?
"Monday, 14 February at 2226hrs
Kemm int konsistenti Alla jbierek Saver. Anqas int tuba wkoll biex ma kontx taf min hi Julia Farrugia."
briffy, do you really believe Salvu should waste his time with such a chav who writes the way she writes only because she has police protection (paid by you and me) outside her door?
There is only one way how to deal with the Bidnija Bitch. I have hinted at it in other places on this thread. That she can "distinguish between her stomodaeum and proctodaeum" is your assertion. It needs to be proven. If you asked I'd tell you she isn't even able to distinguish between what is good and what is not good for her in light of the fast approaching elections when she has a good chance of losing her police protection hence her immunity to retaliation from people who are fed up with her antics up to here. Not even all the Gordons (starting from Chinese Gordon, Flash Gordon, Flesh Gordon (she wishes!) through to Pisani Gordon will be able to defend her from the flak she will get right into her ugly face.
As if DCG needs any prompting from anyone...she's got a mind of her own and is intelligent enough to distinguish between her stomodaeum and proctodaeum unlike alot of bloggers who just vent their spleen on this blog and hide behind pseudonyms to disseminate and foment hate. If they feel that DCG is making up stories these characters should go to her blog and tell her as much and try and debate in a civilised manner. I suggest they also visit the Malta Today archives of pre-2008 days to verify for themselves that the events as portrayed by DCG and by people who somehow survived the years of socialist bliss in Malta are borne out by Malta Today which quotes court archives.
Prosit Saviour, keep on doing what a true journalist is supposed to do!
well said, saviour Balzan !
Malta a EU member state, I says to the EU since we are an UE member! we are citizens of the EU, can you help the maltese citizens, since our goverment is acting this way?
we are citizens of EU so we must have the equal rights as all EU states!
Equal rights should be alll the same to all EU citizens!
Thank you again Saviour. Don't be bothered about the losers who vomit hatred on her hate- bible. They are agitated because they are by now endangared species; no body wants to be on their band wagon.
Luke Camilleri •
Ma tafx veru jekk tibkhiex, tithaqx, jew tibqa imbellah..din farsa, tragedja, kummiedja, pantomima, telenovella, xi tbazwira mill pinna ta' Eileen Montesin?
X'suppost jaghmel Cikku Poplu quddiem dan kollhu? Nahseb ihoss ruhu insulentat, jekk ghandhu nitfa inteligenza!
You're 100% right, of course. Pisani Gordon is the Castille man who tells the Bidnija Witch whom to attack with a view to destroying. He has made so many enemies it will be difficult to know who will eventually wait for him for a little talk when his boss is no longer the lord of the manor. This does not exonerate the Bidnija Witch of the guilt of the vicious attacks she unleashes on whoever for some reason or other bothers GonziPN. She too will be awaited for a little talk once the policeman Mr Rizzo appointed as her guardian angel will be transferred to somewhere safer for him. It will be interesting to know what both Pisani and the Witch will have to say by way of excusing themselves for the savage treatment they are meting out to anyone who is considered as persona non grata by the current Regime. The times they are a-changing, Pisani and the Witch, take note and upgrade your weltanschaung, before it is too late.
We have a Prime Minister who cannot decide! We expect a Prime Minister to decide, so the question is if he is acting like a simpleton and finds it hard to decide, why the heck did he reward himself an increase of 600 euro a week?
Saviour, I think that the real Prime Minister is the spiteful, morbid,and nasty plus evil woman of Bidnija.She is running the show and the result is for all to see; Gonzi iss contemplating political suicide otherwise how can a Prime Minister take advice from woman who is on self- destruct mode and is playing the end game? She wants to carry Gonzi down with her and Gordon Pisani, the genius from nowhere, is giving her a helping hand! Beware of the Ides of March Dr Gonzi!
Tajjeb ħafna Sur Balzan - imma jekk tippermetti kumment, min idur 360 grad jibqa' jħares l-istess naħa. Naħseb 180 grad ridt tgħid.
Jeff Cassar •
Videoblog tajjeb hafna ghalkemm bil-praspuri taghhom ma jaghmluhiex difficli biex tizufjetta bihom. U naqbel mas-suggeriment li terga' taghmel reporter, nimmisjah wisq.
Prosit Hafna Saviour. Jiena u l-familja tieghi naqblu mieghek!
Savior, why don't you re-start 'reporter' or a similar version on maltatoday,