The spin and the mistakes with millions

Government spin has reached epic proportions, equivalent perhaps to Gaddafi's claim that all Libyans love him.

So Prime Minister Gonzi and his team of spin doctors under the direction of the Cardinal* had decided to issue a statement saying that the official statistic that €80 million worth of arms traded with Libya from Italy through Malta should have read €8 million.

They said (well RCC suggested they say) that the mistake was by a local private company that erroneously wrote 80 instead of 8 million when filling in the forms.

Heh! Anyone who believes that one, raise your hands.

So the government simply passed on the statistic to the EU and hence the ‘error.’ I am surprised how willing certain private companies are willing to take the blame for everything.

This comes of course after a carefully stage-managed TV programme by the PN’s prime apologist, who presents a programme on public broadcasting every Monday and continues to make it obvious that he has only one agenda.

Last Monday he dragged on the Prime Minister, who was riding on a wave after his appearance during the Libyan crisis. On Monday on TVM he decided to lambaste the reporters of this ‘statistic’ story and accuse them of being irresponsible. Well that is a nice way of putting it.

I would imagine they were labelled as irresponsible because these kind of stories are very sensitive with such a volatile dictator living up to his reputation next door to us in Tripoli. He is, by the wa,y a Scud missile away, that is.

But with all due respect, it wasn’t a journalist who stated that Gaddafi should go, go and go. It was our Prime Minister, who on Sunday night at a press conference got carried away and said what the US and the Europeans wished for him to say. He said that Gaddafi’s days were over.

He will be a very disappointed and confused man when he realises that Gaddafi, like Sadaam Hussein in 1991, could very well stay on for a very long time. Then what?

Well, Dr Gonzi was not irresponsible. No, not all.

You will of course realise that these kind of TV programmes are well rehearsed. Yes. well rehearsed. The Where’s Everybody team know what I am talking about. Those in the PN who are no longer in the inner circle will testify how common it was to be rehearsed by this ‘team’.

After last Monday’s programme, the Italian ambassador wrote in a newspaper to say that the figure of guns sold to Libya from Italy was in fact €8 million not €80 million. A day later, the PM’s office issued the funniest statement of the year saying that a Maltese company made a typing error.

But then if you think that this isn’t funny do avoid seeing yet another programme next Monday on State TV about Libya. Just avoid TV on Monday altogether, and simply log on to Malta’s 2nd most popular website Yes, it is official MaltaToday has overtaken most Maltese websites and is now only second to The Times.

* The Cardinal is Richard Cachia Caruana

Albert Zammit
@ Whiteowl: You are correct, perhaps, in being against Vella's blogger. However, Saviour Balzan is no better. And that is unfortunate.
Brilliant blog yet again Saviour ...You have my upmost respect the only paper i now read and i do not ass kiss ..... I like to read it how it really is not how some blinkered person's pretend it to be . Gonzi and co will be remembered but alas for all the wrong reasons . @ Antoine Vella your dominitrix sent you to write for her it seems ,Here is a suggestion stay on the( we all agree running bull ..... ) and nod your head when it is your turn ..
Albert Zammit
@ martin borg - Thank you, I will do my best. I always try to speak truthfully and from what you write, that is exactly how you come across: myopic and partisan.
@michael 000 I totally agree with you "Il-qahba milli jkollha taghtik" apparently you were looking in the mirror while writing your last post. I am not surprised that you have stooped so low as to name calling, in fact I believe you have impressed us all with your acumen at debating, in fact I would say you are a Master debator, keep it up, you entertain us well.
Albert Zammit
@ Martin Borg - Well, your words have shown you for what you are and so you cannot be taken seriously, since you are myopic and very, very partisan in approach. How can you enter into a solid discussion with me? @ Bozenius: You remind me of the Maltese adage of the 'qahba milli jkollha ttik'. Obviously, you are the 'qahba' and you put to me what you have in front of your own mirror. Unlike you, I do not allow myself to be fed anything. I am frequent in my criticism of Gonzi but at this point in time, he is doing well and it's thanks to him that we have a relative - repeat, relative - peace of mind. You are a very sad person. Get over it.
@Micheal001 The fact of the matter is that Gonzi will go down in history as one of the worst PM our nation has ever had and us citizens have the right to criticize and be cynical of our governing parties. Whether you agree with some of our opinions is irrelevant because its obvious you are a spoon-fed biased and politically narrow minded individual who will flare-up and pull a tantrum once anyone even slightly questions Gonzi's decisions . In fact it is probably due to the unconditional support people like you give him that has led his cabinet as being probably the most arrogant and insensitive governance ever !! Lastly you refer to my kind worse then cockroaches , well you can call me whatever you wish for all I care , as I said before your opinion is irrelevant because you are a human advertisement , a billboard ,those political propaganda flyers we throw away every morning .
@michael001 " No wonder in WWII the British sent Italian fans to exile. Wonders never cease! " For once you are right, in fact the British put to death a NATIONALIST Fascist spy and did not send fans into exile but declared pro-facist maltese politicians who even had the gall to participate in Mussolini's raleys in Rome. But that is another story better not go down that road, the past is past.
@michael001 I have done better than gonzi already as I have not taken any side and condemned outright any violence coming from which ever side it comes, unreservedly. gonzi has gone on record saying that Gadaffi should go, I think Gadaffi should go but gonzi is PM and has the responsability of the nation in his hand whilst my goodself I am your everyday John Doe. I hope you can see the difference. gonzi has more than once put his foot in his mouth saying one thing and doing another then come up with all kinds of excuses to rectify his mistakes and U-turns. gonzi is a poor excuse of a prime minister Malta never had such a blundering PM who is constantly manouvered from behind the scenes.
This is the best joke of the year so far. If these guys make such mistakes with '0's than I'm surprised how they're not our of business yet. Tell us another, will you?
Albert Zammit
@ Knocker 3, I would be lowering myself by continually engaging myself in discussion with you because I can smell sheer ignorance mixed with partisan politics, from miles away. However, there is no 'regime' in Malta. The last time I saw, there was a democratically-elected government in our country. It would be an insult to our country and to both political parties, were you to persist in your trying to portray the NP in government as a 'regime'. The fact that there are 'fake journalists' is neither here nor there. The 'lady' which you refer to is no journalist. She is a terrible apologist who is unfortunately not realising the terrible harm she is inflicting on her own cause. And the presence of real journalists has nothing to do with a 'real democracy'. If our Maltese journalists want to act impartially, they can. They don't do so, however, because they enter journalism in the first place with one aim in mind: scoring brownie-points to their political affiliations. And yes, I am a 'wise guy' and you are an ignoramus! 'Now, you got it'?
Michael 001. By the word "regime" we mean a political set-up where democracy is either non-existent or else is only a charade. By "democracy" I mean the Western type of democracy. Now, this type does not exist in the Arab world. In Malta only the "charade" type exists. Proof? The continued existence of fake journalists like the Bidnija Witch posing as freelancers but are actually made use of as the government's pundits and apologists. They can target anybody the Regime doesn't like with impunity. Some of them, the worst kind, even enjoy police protection. In a real democracy, only journalists who write against the Government are afforded that kind of protection, not the other way round. Now you got it, wise guy?
Albert Zammit
Mr Balzan, about a year ago you promised your readers that every Sunday you would write about this ... this 'Cardina'. You did keep your word ... for a couple of Sundays. Mysteriously, you stopped. I, for one, wonder why. Ran out of steam. You are on the wrong path if you think that you can fight your adversary using his/her same base and disgusting tactics because in so doing, you have become base and disgusting yourself.
Albert Zammit
@ Martin Borg: 'Should Gadaffi remain in power gonzi will blame the media that he was misinterpreted and would be the first to go lick Gadaffi's wounds. The guy can't seem to get anything right his mouth is wider than city gate.' Can you perhaps do a better job? Or Joseph Muscat, with AST at his side? Or George Vella, even? So, are you ready to deal with a crazy dictator? I think that it is so embarrasing and shameful for some Maltese not to forget partisan politics during such moments. No wonder in WWII the British sent Italian fans to exile. Wonders never cease!
Albert Zammit
Knocker 3: 'Come to think of it, basically, what is the difference between the Regime they support and thee Gaddafi regime?' I suggest you take a look at the dictionary and look up the word 'regime'. You don't have one? Looks like it. Find one online.
@michael001 what exactly has Gonzi done to merit any praise????
Albert Zammit
It is true, that some people say, that these were days in which we could also be ashamed. Ashamed, especially, of words coming from BOZENIUS! Did I anywhere say that Gonzi should be declared a saint or champion of the people? What I am saying is that at this point in time, Gonzi is doing a fantastic job leading the country during very stressful moments. Gonzi claiming that Gaddafi has to go was correct and it was not he who said it the first or the last time. He will not 'end up in our face for years' because even if Gonzi had not uttered a word about the matter, no civilised country can ever 'deal' with Gaddafi ever again, from now on. Only a ridiculous regime will want to have anything to do with Gaddafi in the near future or ever. Would a future PL-led Malta government bargain with a crazy dictator such as Gaddafi? But of course, for people resembling BOZENIUS, it's ok to deal with any crazy maverich ... as long as that it for our own personal gain!! In other words, people like BOZENIUS are those who have no ideals, no principles ... does that make them people? They are worse than cockroaches! 'Gonzi is only getting what he deserves.' Meaning, what, exactly?
What do you suggest Micheal001 ,that we make Gonzi a saint or a champion of the people? We are not fools and do not want to be fooled anymore with empty promises, lies and the mismanagement of our country . You say 'we are vulnerable' damn right we are!, that's is precisely why saying Gaddafi should go when he might end up in our face for years to come was only going to make our relationship with our unpredictable neighbors rather uncomfortable not to mention embarrassing ! Gonzi is only getting what he deserves .
Albert Zammit
Mr Balzan, the PM was not 'carried away' as you say. I cannot understand why you continue to attack the man on every occasion. You are not better than anyone else that you dare to criticise. We are in a vulnerable situation and you continue to attack Gonzi left, right and centre. Shameful, I think.
Even writing a simple cheque one has to put in script the amount of the cheque, ie €100 -one hundred euros. Then an invoice consisting of millions is subject to mistakes like an extra zero. Go tell it to the marines. Should Gadaffi remain in power gonzi will blame the media that he was misinterpreted and would be the first to go lick Gadaffi's wounds. The guy can't seem to get anything right his mouth is wider than city gate.
Salgister and fommirrih. Spot on. I’d like to congratulate you on your precise portrait of the situation. WJ Parnis England Ltd are trying to take us all for a ride with the indirect connivance of the Bidnija Witch as briefed, instructed and directed by the Cardinal and in strict co-ordination with Castille’s Trash Gordon, the Loo and the rest of the We battalion. Come to think of it, basically, what is the difference between the Regime they support and thee Gaddafi regime? Both may be called “Ir-Regim tal-Kurunell”. As a matter of fact the Maltese variant too was accorded that appellation in the early 90`s before the creator of the justified moniker had a miraculous change of heart and joined Minister Galea who, in turn, has since been banished like Dalli to the EU “wilderness” on orders of you know who.
Micheal Bonanno
Permit me a note and an observation. How come it is being said that it is Euro 8 million and not Euro 80 million with a misprint of a "0"? If I'm not mistaken the amount was about Euro 79 million and some thousands. So where is the misprint? There was never a round figure in the first place.
Saviour let us assume that the directives from Brussels and the enuchs from Castille might have a case of pointing out the clerical error. What about the weight on the Bills of lading and Customs papers? Does this match the weight of 8 million euros or 80 million euros? That CABAL in charge of Dar Malta in Brussels and the pooches in Castille must have little respect for the wit or intelligence of the Maltese citizens. As for that other horned beast from Where's Everybody who seems to be at the right place at exactly the right time when this administration needs a little propaganda push, his actions has become the subject of ridicule all over the island. WHERE NONE ADMIRE, IT IS USELESS TO EXCELL. WHERE NONE LISTEN, IT IS USELESS TO TOLL THE BELL.
Well, you can tell that to WJ Parnis England Ltd and their mentor and protector RCC also known as the Cardinal. P.S. The whole affair hasn't come to his mastiff's attention yet. Or else she (known also as the Bidnija Witch) is deliberately keeping mum about it, bringing up other subjects just to gloss over it. It's too big for her to handle.
Helenio Galea
Whether it was 8 euros, 8 million or 80 million is irrelevant. It's disgusting how a Maltese company was involved in the shipment of weapons, irrespective of however small the role was and to whom it was shipped.
One expects eventually to learn what happened to WJ Parnis England after this international HOWLER. They made us look as if we are (were we or weren't we?) the biggest arms dealers in the Med. Mr RCC isn't known to be so complacent and merciful with persons who commit such errors. How come he did not chastize the people involved this time round? Remember how he disposed of UMB, of John Dalli and currently in the process of disposing of JPO? How come he appears to be so lenient of WJ PArnis England company? Does he by any chance have a share in the company or what? This is one story, Mr Balzan, you cannot allow to go unnoticed. Nor can you let the Bidnija Witch off the hook without convincing her in your unique way to try to explain it or at least to complain about it. From whatever she says on the matter we will obtain a glimpse of what the Cardinal himself thinks of it. This happened in the St John's debacle. From what she wrote we knew what RCC, who had a direct and personal interest in the project, was planning and preparing in that direction. One should add that thanks to JPO's intervention, the whole project was blasted off the national agenda. Try it, Salv, only good things can come out of this kind of daring journalism.
Luke Camilleri
Are you sure maltatoday is Malta’s 2nd most popular website It has certainly become my 1st. welldone and keep it up!
Good article Savior. In fact it is a bit strange that there was this type of misktake, but as we all know employees make these mistakes sometimes. So after this article are you implying that the company WJ PArnis England ( which you did not mention by the way) should be fined for such a mistake.?? Also since these mistakes are done gnerally by emplyees do you think that this employee should be fired and loose the job??.cause this is very serious mistake as per your article. ( But maybe next time you should give all the facts to your readers). Good day.
Antoine Vella, assuming you have washed and sufficiently rinsed yourself today, and assuming one can talk to talk without dying of the stench ... can you state your reasons for your disagreement with Saviour Balzan? Or well, are you a secret member of WE apart from being one of the Bidnija Witch's poodles?
Pauline Moran
Artiklu tajjeb hafna Salv. Haqqek fliexkun inbid illum. Kellu bzonn jaghmel zbalji hekk ma cittadin dan il Gvern fuq xi cheque. Tahseb li ser tircievi xi elf euro cheque li jibghatlek tax xoghol u tircievi 10elef euro minflok. He he...Mela mhux hekk, kemm joqghod attent Wenzu fuq dawn l-affarijiet. Antione, int ghadek tippova tiggustifika dawn il hmeriiet kollha habib? Mela ghandek xi commission diehla jekk tipprova iddawwar l-informazzjoni? Hallina habib u mur kompli ikteb il hrejjef ma Jane Ayre u mhux tigi tipprova tidher sabih ma Gvern li kisser il pilastri ekonomici w socjali tal pajjiz. INTHOM DEJJEM LAQTU LIL BARRANI FL-ISTORJA TAGHKOM, META LILNA DEJJEM STMANA TA TAPIT! Ma tisthux!!!!!!!!
congratulations Saviour.
8 Million is more or less the cost of 4 penthouses at The Point. And Mr Antoine Vella, you mean to tell me that the value was only of 8 Million euro?
The 80 millions arms exported from Malta was first captured on an EU document; the local Times quoted from it too, so did the Telegraph where, in the same document Belgium, France, Italy and Malta were also mentioned. The Labour Sunday paper reproduced what the Times of Malta published earlier, and hey presto, DR Gonzi' in a stage managed press conference blames the PL for wanting to harm the country! Pull the other one please! Up till then I thought that Gonzi was doing the right things, but from what I see, the spinning boys are itching and saying to themselves, now its the time to hide the mess Malta is in too! DR Gonzi must not forget that Malta is our island home before being someone else's fortress!
Parnis England Ltd said they made a mistake. Saviour, are you saying they are lying? You are implying but not stating it. What are you afraid of: criminal libel?
Grzegorz Tomski
Go Maltatoday, Go!!