Diversification is the key to success | Andy Ellul
Diversification of our trading partners ensures that we do not become dependent...
Diversification of our trading partners ensures that we do...
A reminder to do better: the EP on persecution of minorities | Christian Colombo
Humans are not inherently evil, just inherently human. Yet we we remain capable of the horrendous atrocities that were carried out in the past. We must...
Humans are not inherently evil, just inherently human. Yet...
Diving, head-first! | Clayton Bartolo
As a government and as a ministry we have just launched a strategy scoped to boost our diving industry sustainably
As a government and as a ministry we have just launched a...
Gaming: one of Malta’s few industries that built a local ecosystem | Marisa Xuereb
The gaming industry is one of the few local industries that has managed to build a local ecosystem around it, and one industry where Malta is an established...
The gaming industry is one of the few local industries that...