UPDATED: Understanding the rules of democracy and how to bend the rules to suit our needs

Why cannot we apply the rules of democracy in a fair way?

There is little doubt that former Labour maverick Dom Mintoff knew what democracy was all about. He also knew how to make a mockery of democracy.

But at least he knew he was doing something wrong.

There is a moral here.

In other words he knew when he committed conscious mistakes and errors of judgement. Or better still he knew when he was acting like a pocket dictator.

For that reason many people decided that 25 years ago the man and his minions should go.

Those 25 years are seemingly up.

There is abundant proof that Lawrence Gonzi does not know what democracy really stands for.  He also thinks that his kind of democracy is the one that should be taken for granted.  And the one we should be respectful of.

Let me be more direct.

Most Roman Catholics know when they commit a sin.  But some do not. Those who pillaged and killed in the name of the Lord were those who believed that murdering the infidel for the cause, was justification in itself.

There are many who think that fraud, is no sin. I mean sin in the Christian sense.

So when one sees that Frans Borg, the brother of Father (Beirut) Joe Borg who as we shall see next Sunday is actively involved in the no to divorce campaign is a top civil servant and tolerated one starts to asks serious questions.

Well more than a top civil servant, he is the deputy secretary to the cabinet and in terms of civil service his position with the Zwieg bla Divorzju is clearly untenable.

I am sure the Prime Minister¹s right hand man, Edgar Galea Curmi thinks that is not the case.  He will probably argue that divorce is not a political issue.

Now that is what Godwin Grima, the permanent secretary and effectively head of the civil service, said.  He is of course wrong.  Awfully wrong!

What gall Godwin? I thought he knew better. But then again, Godwin is a religious (good man) who sees anyone crusading against divorce as perfectly justified!

These people are so bloody self-righteous that they cannot even see the problem with having such a senior civil servant actively involved in such a controversial political campaign.

The wonderful thing is that throughout these last 40 years, anyone remotely linked to the civil service was barred from being active in a matter of controversy.

More than barred. Countless teachers for example, were forced to give up their careers and move on to become heads of schools in favour of taking up a life in politics. If only I look back and see what happened to all those political activists who had so much to offer in politics and had their career shot down by civil service code.

I remember way back – under a Nationalist government – when I was employed with the Environment Department – that my activity with NGO’s was not, and was to be stopped at once.

I mean, anyone who ever thought of being active in politics – most especially with a movement or a political party that was not on the side with government – would be constrained to resign.

Mr Frans Borg is, of course, a very special case. He was held responsible by the Labour Party for the suspension of EU funds for Life Long Learning programmes after serious shortcomings in the administration of these funds was discovered.

But instead of being held responsible for the mess, it was the new permanent secretary Christopher Bezzina who got the blame. And Dolores Cristina typically washed her hands of this, and did what was expected of her: that is, blame everyone else and do the honourable thing and not resign.

Better still, the EU funds we lost were anyhow guaranteed to all those students who were expecting their foreign studies to be covered. They were covered by our taxes.  And everyone was happy, including Cristina – who managed to deflect much of the flak.

But back to the questions related to democracy and deception.

There is this Christian belief that the end justifies the means.

So much so, that in recent correspondence which I have seen and which will be elaborated upon in next Sunday’s MaltaToday, there is abundant proof of collusion between the Nationalist party, the Roman Catholic Church and the ‘Zwieg Bla Divorzju’ movement.

When I spoke to Andre Camilleri, I asked him, point blank, if he was the Andre Camilleri they saw at the Nationalist HQ. He categorically denied this.

But the eyewitness who told me swore that he saw him because he literally bumped into him. They must have seen an apparition.

But the Borg case proves beyond any doubt that the government wants to see its best people give a helping hand to this cause.

The civil service rules are of course applicable only if its suits others.

In next Sunday’s edition, I will be looking at the people in public office, and this includes the public domain of national broadcasting… those responsible for supposedly disseminating ‘objective’ news who are involved with the anti-divorce movement.

The control of the news – or the ability to report irrelevant news – is one way of controlling public opinion. 

It is of course widely known that the Nationalist party has a network of people within public entities and public agencies who are on its side and waiting to serve.

The referendum on divorce is perhaps a taster of what it will be like when the national election approaches. 

What is expected is a fair election… but it will not be the case. If it were, we would not have PBS run like an extension of the PN HQ.

Yes, this country cannot even agree on the rules that govern a free and fair election.

It is that bad.

The real good thing about this referendum is that whether the referendum for divorce is won or lost, the establishment is bound to lose.

Yes, the Church will have to face the reality that all Churches in Europe have had to face. The overwhelming influence of secular society will side-line the Church.

History does not only repeat itself for other societies.

And the Nationalist party will have to confront its own reality; that of being led by a party leadership that looks backwards, and not forwards.


This opinion article appeared on MaltaToday's Wednesday edition

Albert Zammit
Jessica Chetcuti
I must admit that I find the title of this blog somewhat bewildering, and the question that I’m asking myself is why would anyone need to bend the rules of democracy in the first place? . From a layman’s point of view the way that I see it is that the general public will on the 28th May actively participates in a referendum on the divorce issue, when we’ll be asked if we are "for" or "against" divorce….............It really is as simple as that. . Does it really matter that there is, as you suspect, collusion between the NP, the Church and Zwieg Bla Divorzju?........ I would have been surprised if there wasn’t, after all they’re all in the same team. . Most people have already made up their mind as to how they are going to vote, and I would like to think that these people have the courage and common sense to vote as their conscience tells them. . Of course the church is going to go all out and with their usual fire and brimstone sermons based on the lines that anyone voting for divorce will end up in purgatory and suffer the wrath of God….. Well fine…. but lets consider the fact that a large number of people have already obtained their divorce overseas because they could afford it, then I guess that purgatory must be pretty well booked up by now. .
Albert Zammit
Does it do you honour, Mr Balzan, to call Fr Joe Borg 'Beirut'? What does it have to do with the jist of this blog? What has the fact that the person concerned is Fr Borg's brother got to do with it? Can't two brothers have diverging opinions? Or the same opinion? Why bring his brother into it? And why stoop low and call Fr Borg -Beirut? Does it do justice to your article? Honestly: you need to get a firm grip on yourself and stop emulating a certain female blogger! It' doesn't do you honour to stoop so low and call people names. When are we going to grow up in this country?
I thought the basic point made in the blog was right. There is a colony of fleas living in the arm pit of an african baboon that have arguably a better sense of democracy than Gonzi ever will. Mintoff wanted everything his way coz he was the man. Gonzi wants everything his way coz his GOD made him the man. Between the two - i find the first less scary. If there is a GOD, I am confident he too would be more comfortable with the first. Fleas and Gonzi aside - the leading countries in Europe are NOT roman catholic. That means they don't defer to the papacy on matters related to GOD. And leading countries in Europe are SECULAR. Don't like it? Then you need another union to join - but definitely not the European one. What we really need is some African Islamic style union - just labelled white and Christian, because this is really what Malta is all about. The Europe Gonzi wanted to joined ended in the dark ages - talk about being late.
@pnsjetta "What I fail to understand is what's wrong with having a civil servant acting as an opinion leader to speak out his opinion?" Exactlly saviour's point, but what is good for the goose is just as good for the gander, and since there arte rules that govern civil servants these must be obeyed until such time they are changed and not because this civel servant is a gonzi blue eyed boiy he can break all the rules. Others have had to face the music for such short comings but aparently to some even posters in here if you are a nazzi then you can break any rule or law as long as it is in the name of the church (not God mind you).
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .............................. ..................... SPLAT!!!! Kif dejjaqni dan in-nemus! Fl-ahhar ma naqbadtx wahda! Andy Farrugia.
duncan abela
Dear blog moderator and editor I am all for freedom of speech and everyone should be allowed to have his say However to allow one person to hog this blog by posting 8 comments of hardly any substance or relevance is a bit too much and deters blog comments of a more serious nature. All credit to you that contrary to blogs in other papers you do not filter comments for what are often very dubious policy reasons but perhaps it is time to restrict contributors to not more than two comments and at same time ban those who descend to depths of vulgarity in their comments. Your commentary deserved a much more serious discussion on issues such as what activities senior civil servants should be allowed to actively participate in and what they should be allowed to disclose once they leave service as both are very relevant topical subjects.
Very nice article; in particular the last bit: "The real good thing about this referendum is that whether the referendum for divorce is won or lost, the establishment is bound to lose."
Dan il bluff li qed isemmhi kollu min halqekk hiereg ghax bdejt tfajjar il kliem mil warrani. Toqghodx tilghaba tad dejjaq habbib. Hawn Malta kulhadd ghandu simpatija ghal xi partit...u int ghandek wkoll. Il PN il partit tal qalb tieghek. Min kliemek in nies jindunaw x'hint. Jekk trid li jien pastaz mieghek, allura iva jien pastaz ma min jkun pastaz w arroganti. Bhal ma int int habib! Int tikteb ismek mhux ghax xi tough guy izda ghax ghandek il backing ta' partit. Jien nikteb hawn ghax veru nixtieq bidla f'dan il pajjiz wara 25 sena ta' Gvern Nazzjonalista. Jekk int ghadek kuntent b'dan il gvern jigifieri li stanajt sew taghtu. Jien u l-maggoranza tal poplu ma hadna xejn hlief problemi ghalhekk irriduha il bidla!!!!
Luke Lapira
I am a practising Catholic by choice because I beleive in the Catholic principles and value and hence my choice is obvious No to divorce. What I fail to understand is what's wrong with having a civil servant acting as an opinion leader to speak out his opinion? I have my own reasons to say no to Divorse and these not simply from a Catholic perspective but even from a social perspective. This does not mean to leave those who have are living their marriage as hell on Earth should remain so and not get another life. There are other solutions and if these available systems employing these solutions are not working well/ these should be seriously addressed. But let us address problems not create others to pseudo-solve the ones we already have and then we find out that we created an even bigger one! And as a start rather than being aggressive to eachother in our language let us all pray for unity within families...the rest shall follow.
silversurfer, diga ghedtlek li jekk int taf l-ezistenza tieghek ghal xi partit politiku, l-istess ma japplikax ghalija. Dwar x'jixraqli u x' ma jixraqlix; kif ukoll il-kapacitajiet tieghek li tkellem in-nies pastaz ma jidhirlix li dan hu il-lok li nikkummenta, specjalment ma nies anonimi li ma nafhomx. Nippreferi nara x'jsarfu wicc imb wicc, minghajr hafna bluff. Andy Farrugia
Kemm ghandek paroli fil vojt Andy. Ilsienek naqra twil hux. Mill jidher xi cowboy ta Gonzi hux patpitu. Int xi taparsi qaddis li tmur l-ewwel bank tal knisja thabbat fuq sidrek 'htija tieghi'? Jekk ghandek dritt li tghid li ghandek mela ahna ghandna l-istess dritt u nkellmek pastaz kif jixraqlek! U siehbi din mhiex free country ghal kulhadd l-istess. Toqghodx tipprova tpingi stampa mcajpra!!
B Agius, this is a free country and you can gatecrash as much as like; siimilarly you are free to express your views any way you deem fit. But please spare me your sobriquets; unless you wish to have custard thrown back at you (tart indeed - mela qatt xi darba irqad mieghi jew!) Andy Farrugia alias
Apologies for crashing in a party/argument between (seemingly)two tarts! It is interesting noting that even "maltese journos" use the Church when it suits them - everything through the prism of religion when it suits. What's this about sin? Real democracies take care of minorities. Pretend ones keep minorities disinfranchised. Marriage -even between same sex couples- is a legal and civil right. What you do outside this concept and/or in accordance with your faith is your right too. Divorce therefore should also be available as a remedy. Whether one uses it or not it's up to them - in real democracies!! Even Catholic Spain, Catholic Portugal and Catholic Argentina believe so! Malta? Eons behind. Whether or not involvement by a civil servant in political activity is tenable or not depends on how a country is run! Many more enlightened democracies (with all their faults) have procedures that will not allow such active political involvement by paid servants of the State. Of course in Malta the State and the Party in power is one and the same most times. Both sides of politics apply this when it suits them. Real democracies progress constitutionally to separate Church from State. Malta obtained its Independence Constitution weighed by an agreement with the Church. It is incumbent on progressive Governments to lead a change in this area if Malta is to become a real democracy. But , being Maltese, we'll probably have to get by with what we have for many years to come!!!
Don't worry about me, i have a hide as thick as a buffalo's and sufficient fire in my belly to match; i will sleep well, rest assured. You disappoint me immensely; so it's ok to publish what you tout as evidence but you are not ready to back it up in a court of law! I was bang on target, right from the start. Now i will leave you in peace to play your little power games. Adios, sayonara! Andy Farrugia
Dear Andy, I am not quite sure you appreciate that I do not really feel as strongly as you about things. I have long accepted the fact that the majority rules ok and that the minorities are to be trampled over. This is not some mission but simply a question of consistency. If divorce passes or not is irrelevant to me. But not to those we wish to rekindle a new life. Next Sunday I promise to provide you with a story that will show that there are those who have planned to use children to help in the campaign. This thing of 'man,' well I do not really care if I am man or not. I think I am past that. So I am afraid we will have to wait until next Sunday to prove that I am 'man.' Goodnight and sleep well.
"I suggest you hold your horses. Next Sunday we will publish evidence which clearly shows the strategy over the use of children in the campaign." Had you been a half decent person you would not just publish your so-called evidence but you would open a court case against whoever is breaking the law (Charter of Children's Rights) by exploiting and abusing children. Go on, take up my challenge, and if you are so sure of your evidence i will financially support your court action, though i don't swim in it. Are you man enough to do so or is this just hot air? Andy Farrugia
Hahahaha! Evidence from this cesspit? You mean more muck slime and effluvium! Some hope! Continue to amuse us! Andy Farrugia.
I suggest you hold your horses. Next Sunday we will publish evidence which clearly shows the strategy over the use of children in the campaign. Hold your horses. The point of this article is very simple, those who have tried to involve themselves in public life and have been part of the civil service have been barred. Frans Borg is an exception to the rule.
Bilhaq, don't forget to take me to the cleaners, ta, bully! Andy Farrugia
Issa nistenna lilek tigi tghallimni naqra ta; fejnu l-punt? Spjegali ha nifhem profs! Int qed tattakka persuna ghas-semplici raguni li qed jimmilita/timmilita fl-organizazzjoni li hi kontra l-attegjament li hadt int, il-gurnal tieghek u l-kukkanja ta gurnalisti tieghek (bhal dak il-giddieb li qal li l-isqfijiet qed juzaw it-tfal). Daqshekk hi semplici profs! Andy Farrugia
Nirrispondik bil-malti biex forsi tifhem. Taf taqra jew? Dak hu l-punt. Kwistjoni ta kejl differenti meta jaqbel ghall-gvern. Read midweek....
Tghidtx cucati; mela sewwa, ghax tkun tahdem fic-civil m'ghandekx dritt ghal hsieb liberu u li tippartecipa f'kampanji ta' interess pubbliku. Hallina, int u l-vizjoni mijopika tad-demokrazzija li ghandek! Nahdem fejn nahdem, jien ghandi dritt li insemma lehni u nippartecipa fl-liema organizazzjoni demokratika li jidhirli; ma nahsebx li se tigi int u twaqqafni. Iddahhaqx. Andy Farrugia alias