The national interest and the common good

The way the two major political parties make claims to the 'national interest' and 'the common good' gives me the creeps and is reminiscent of far-right politics.

Italian junior minister Stefano Salia has confirmed that strong-arm tactics in international relations does not work, especially for Malta.

Let’s start with Labour's obsession with the national interest in matters related to immigration and foreign policy. Labour leader Joseph Muscat lauded Italy’s right wing government for its “strong attitude, a position in favour of its national interest,” ignoring the fact that this position infringes on Malta’s national interest.  For that is what you get when everyone invokes the nationalist interest, an anarchy in which the strongest nations prevail on the weaker ones. Our long term interest is best serve by the pain staking process of creating a system of rules not by Italy's rude diplomacy.

“Malta shouldn’t be wary about taking a strong attitude in favour of the national interest. The national interests comes first and before anything else,” Muscat was reported saying. I ask:  does the national interest come before human rights? History is full of examples of cases where demagogues used the national interest as an excuse for policies which had tragic consequences. Am sure Muscat does not belong to that category but his ambiguity may well legitimize such positions or fuel such expectations.

Is Labour advocating a foreign policy inspired by no other value than national self interest? Doesn't Labour have any red lines when it comes to the fundamental right for asylum for people coming from hellish places like Libya or Somalia?

I am all for “responsibility sharing” but the greatest enemies of this concept are those who put the national interest before anything else. If everyone takes this position, there will never be any such mechanism in place. Due to our geographic position, this is the only long term solution to our problems. That said, we must accept the reality that some migrants are here to stay and that immigration is something we have to learn to serenely live with it.

Secondly Muscat is mistaken in comparing the predicament of African asylum seekers coming to Malta from Libya with Tunisian economic migrants arriving in Lampedusa. While the latter can be sent back if their country is a safe place of origin, the former have a right for protection. So Italy giving "protection" to Tunisians has nothing to do with the fate of asylum seekers from Libya.

I also find it baffling that a progressive party does not even attempt to explain the predicament from the hell created by a regime which the Labour Party has not condemned.

Equally repulsive is the PN's obsession with the common good on issues like divorce. For while I fully subscribe to the idea of a common good with regards to environmental issues and social justice, this idea becomes dangerous when applied to matters of personal choices and morality.

It amounts to nothing more than the imposition of values on people who deviate from what increasingly looks like a totalitarian ideology which is being applied not just to divorce but also to host of other issues including freedom of expression and gay and transgender rights. We risk having people like big brother Edwin Vassallo coming up with all sort of bright ideas on policing our life from cradle to grave. This why I believe a “yes” victory in the forthcoming referendum is vital for our democracy.

I much fear that a “no” victory will herald an unarrestable clampdown of civil rights and a drift to authoritarianism disguised as a defense of a common good which clearly does not include people like me in its definition.

Those pseudo liberals calling for abstention in the forthcoming referendum are intentionally or non intentionally conniving in this design.  I don’t give a damn if Muscat or Gonzi benefit from the result. Too much is at stake for such petty considerations.  Those making such calculations are either stupid or diabolical.

Because Gonzi has no b .lls. the spin doctors have gone bonkers and are trying to cover up this mess by trumping the 'humanitarian' card of GonziPN. The truth is there is no' humanitarian' heart of GonziPN ; there is only failure to defend our interest! One EU bureauocrat after an other come here to tell us what we should do (because they don't want to do it themselvs ) and GonziPN says yes , yes yes, left right and centre! If the Maltese are racist, as the International Jesuits are saying, so are the Germsn French Brits etc; yet NGOs ( who receive monies from these Governmnets)they only bully us. Its time the governent takes care of our problems; there are tens of thousands of Africans on the Libyan shores wanting to come to Malta. We can help a few but we can.t help everyone. This is not racism; its survival.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
National Interest gave the world the Holocaust Common good justified Hiroshima and Nagasaki Two of the most abused phrases with horrendous results.
Dear Mr Debono; what's wrong with Italy? Italy is doing exactly the same things the other Europeans are doing. They don't want illegal immigrants at home. France closed the frontier for'italiana' illegal immigrants, the Germans quickly retorted 'no free passage for immigrants' the UK helps the Libyans by bombardment but then it wan.t accept Libyan or other 'illegal immigrants' . The Poles are a world apart, except that when a Pole becomes EU President he is meeting with Gonzi to discussssssss the issue. If honest, the Poles could take illegal immigrants from Malta now; not one of them! Dear James, their stands (EU) says it all; ONLY voluntary burden sharing, 'iridu jitnejku bil Malti,! and you find nothing wrong with the rich countries of the North! Ah, Malta, the super power of the World is an exception; we accept everyone, because we have enough resources and space! Come on James, many Maltese live in the real world, not in a world of make believe, we want to share in the' altruism' of the Europeans' we will accept ONLY voluntary 'illegal immigrants' that is a few ; because the truth is we have no space, we are too crowded, and we have Maltese who are living miserably.
@ Mr A. Vella. Take a stand against the right wing dominated EU, not against immigrants..The EU is favouring the exploitation of Africa by their buddies which result in the present African pogrom. What makes these people flee Africa?. Africa has the biggest concentration of commodities and wealth on earth. Who is burning the ground for them? Only this week Glencore a European commodity trader -one of the biggest traders in oil,coal, forests, copper, sugar,iron, mines processing plants, etc has a turnover of 145 billion dollars is being floated on the London Stock Exchange;its trading arms control a fleet of tankers twice as many as the Royal Navy! This is why the Africans are fleeing! This is why we have helpless immigrants, this is why Europe will NOT take a stand to help us to help these unfortunate people!
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Where is the PN when the country needs it??? The PN is in government not the PL or Joseph Muscat! The time will come when Joseph Muscat will have to take decisions in the interest of the Maltese people, but till then it's Gonzi who must do the work! Kemm taharqek qalbek ghall-immigranti llegali. Ghal hutek Maltin (laburisti) velenu ghandek biss.
Nerik Mizzi (never mind Mintoff, the least said the better) took a stand against the British Empire not against a bunch of helpless immigrants fleeing from danger. . How brave we all are when we confront destitute vulnerable Africans - and how scared stiff of Gaddafi as we frantically try to 'keep our heads low'. ' Where was Joseph Muscat when we really needed to take a firm stand?
Peter Cassar
The Italians got nothing by stamping their feet except appearing ridiculous and alarmist. For as I said before one cannot invoke the "national interest" one day and pretend solidarity the next day. Malta's best interests are served by more and not by less Europe. And secondly i do not feel threatened in any way because my country has behaves in a civilised way accepting migrants. I would definitely feel threatened if my country behaves like Italy.
James, 2000 years of Maltese history has shown that your kind of arguments lead to submission: taking a stand, like Mizzi did and Mintoff later on- leads to dignity and ultimately results! We must not let foreign interest ride over our survival : we are not Coco islands whose inhabitants were presto exiled to the UK with the proviso that they could never return back home for military reasons!! You know what? The democratic, free,British Court of Justice recently ruled against the islanders! If you have kids James, you have to take care of them, not your mother, not your friends , not your neighbours, not the foreigners! Its the natural law.
Ah! Glad to hear that you are against anarchy, Mr James Debono. You could have fooled me. Andy Farrugia
Peter Cassar
@fed up ultimately small countries like malta have no chance of winning in a struggle between conflicting national interests. By declaring his support for the anti Maltese Italian position and suggesting that Malta should emulate Italy Muscat has made a blunder. For if everyone invokes the national interest, it will be strong nations who benefit and not small nations like Malta.For that is what you get when everyone invokes the national interest, an anarchy in which the strongest nations prevail on the weaker ones.
The idea that being progressive means taking stands against your own interest is bizarre to say the least. The 'progresssive issue' is brought about by pseudo-liberals who like to attack left wing parties so that the end result would be in their favour: election of right wing parties, as it is happening in Europe now! UK France,Italy,Denmark,Poland, etc all have right wing parties simply because the workers think that the left wingers are not taking a stand in favour of their interest. We are all human. Do you think that a worker preferes to be on the dole as a result of his 'politically correct' Party, or employed, under a right wing Government-led administration? . So beware or pseudo- liberals bearing gifts wrapped up as progressives! Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox; is very progressive for the local people, for us, and this is what the Labour Party is all about, taking care of people first and foremost!
Joe Muscat is looking for number one ie Malta. Like all other Europeans are doing. In the past the Europeans had no qualms is pillaging and ransacking Africa of all its riches and leaving its people in famine, disease and ignorance. Now at long last the Africans are presenting the bill. As usual Europe does not want to know. So why should we be different? Why should we have to play the heros. Can you imagine what an influx of say 20,000 imigrants would mean to Malta. In the eventuality Europe would just hand us a blank cheque and planes with flok to Malta to take the migrants from our hands. Sure and pigs will fly. Don't you realize wth a union of predators who live by the law of the jungle. we have to be like that. Up to now all we got from Europe were bombs, talk and more talk and a few factories. What's the big deal about Labour recognising Gaddafi. Europe not only recognised Gaddafi but leaked his ass and let him get on with murdering thousands of migrants.Just days before the rebellion, Gonzi went to pay his respect to the Rais(tal-habbaziz) and tried to off load him Air Malta But as long as the oil was flowing and was investing millions in many European countries nobody blinked an eyelid. All of a sudden there is great concern about the poor civilians and the hero Sarkosy forces military action. Why all this fret about Lybia? In Sudan the goverment massacared hundres of thousands. Why didn't anybody care. Because in Sudan there is no oil and the fleeing civilians do no pose a threat to Europe. I just like to see some areas of Malta filled to the brim with Lybians and Tunisians and the rest. That would really light up our Christian values and sense of solidarity. Gimme a break!!
"For that is what you get when everyone invokes the nationalist interest, an anarchy in which the strongest nations prevail on the weaker ones. " Now that's a sharp and insightful one liner. Well done, James!
James, I tend to favour the introduction of divorce though the gimmicky referendum question is unpleasantly ambiguous - it reads more like a promotion jingle than a serious question. . I am aware - obviously - that the PN is officially against divorce (the PL is this time sitting on the fence, for a change) but, to be fair, they claim this position is not being taken on moral grounds but for social reasons (e.g an increase in family breakdowns, etc). . Now, one may agree or not that divorce has negative social effects - that is highly debatable - but, as you yourself say, James, the "common good" is a valid principle in social policy-making . The anti-divorce lobby does include people, notably the Church, who put forward moral and even religious reasons but the PN as a political party doesn't. . Regarding Joseph Muscat, what can one say? Your bafflement, James is due to your incorrect description of the PL as a "progressive" party. It isn't. Even the PN's accusation that it is populist is wrong: it is not populist, it is hungry. Hungry for power. At any cost.
"For while I fully subscribe to the idea of a common good with regards to environmental issues and social justice, this idea becomes dangerous when applied to matters of personal choices and morality." Funny ideas you have about the common good! Morality is an optional; and then some people are irked when they are told that they have no moral values. Strange! As is the fact that personal choices do not somehow impinge on others within a community. But according to this wiseacre this is dangerous! Boqq! Andy Farrugia