Joseph, you are so bloody wrong

In politics people search for strong leaders, people who can lead and people who take decisions.

Well, I was expecting this sooner or later. Gonzi’s stand last Sunday, in contrast to Joseph Muscat’s comments on migration, was commendable. 

I cannot understand what came over the man. He said that we should applaud the Italians and show we mean business. He interpreted Italian policy as a sign of strength. He is obviously unaware that minister Roberto Maroni is as mad as a hatter.
Muscat seemingly approved their decision to block the AFM from landing migrants saved from the high seas and taken to the nearest port of call (Lampedusa). 

The Italians as we all know have flouted international maritime law and blockaded Lampedusa against the AFM.  One Italian under secretary went as far as to link the proposed laying of an energy cable between Malta and the Italian mainland to the migrants’ issue. What gall.

The Lampedusa saga led many Maltese to question the arrogance shown by the Italians. Muscat was probably thinking that by embracing Italian arrogance he would appeal to the xenophobes, most of the Maltese by the way. It backfired.

In this regard Lawrence Gonzi – who is usually always tackled head-on by my unkind pen – has been very consistent on migration and migrants. Consistency is a good thing in politics.

When some years back his nephew in the Safi local council passed silly comments on a right-wing blog which were tantamount to racist remarks, the Prime Minister ruled his (nephew’s) position untenable and he had to resign.

Throughout his tenure the PM has always been consistent on migrants in general. Last Sunday he decided to uphold that belief and he lashed out at the Italian position which he rightly so described as illegal.

Now, politicians usually do not take positions which are not in synch with voters concerns. But when they do, you have to admire them.

I may disagree with Gonzi’s views on divorce, but at least we should say that he has been consistent on this too; and the consistency reflects the importance he gives to his religious views.

The same applies to his concerns over migrants and his politics about xenophobia.

On the latter I am in complete agreement. In fact it is a pity there are so many other points where we differ. Muscat’s reading on migration is wrong and more importantly it is far from admirable. He is looking not at the principles here, but at the voting trends and voting concerns.

And in this regard he does not win any brownie points, at least not from me. In politics people search for strong leaders, people who can lead and people who take decisions which are not based on voting concerns.

Muscat has a very good chance of winning the next election, but it has little to do with the Labour party’s ability to woo voters and votes, but rather by the Nationalist party’s policy of alienating voters, losing its grass roots and of treading on too many corns. It also has to do with the need to alternate power.

But if Muscat thinks that his words will not be scrutinised, he is very much mistaken. Over the last 23 years, the Nationalist campaign has managed to entrench an image in the psyche of the Nationalist militants.  It reads like this: everything that is Labour is ‘jaqq’.

It is the unfortunate side of years of repeated assaults on inculcating the idea that mediocrity equals Labour.

Muscat cannot move forward if he does not combat this perception.  He can do this in only two ways. The first is to prove to everyone that he is a leader before being a politician and the second – which is probably more difficult, is to prove that a Labour government can provide a sense of normality if elected.

The position Muscat embraces on migrants and migration is neither progressive nor moderate, and not even left wing. It is opportunist.

In the coming months, he must take into consideration every single word, every sentence and metaphor.

If he does not, he will be win the next election because people are simply angry, sick and tired of the PN. And then his government, if he manages to get elected, will be nothing but ‘gvern tal-intervalli’.

Leadership, foresight is what voters want.


(Father) Joe Borg is obviously wasting his precious time trying to defend his silly statement where he suggested to the Zwieg Bla Divorzju posse to use children to promote the fight against divorce.  He has explained that his reference to children had nothing to do with ‘tfal’ as we know them.

Now for good or for bad, I hail from the parish of San Guzepp in the heartland of Birkirkara like Joe Borg himself. There ‘tfal’ are known as children – children as in kids. He argues rather lamely that he was referring to grown-up children. Men and women, who had mothers or fathers who were separated or divorced.

But then this is not the issue. The issue is that Joe Borg has this two weights and two measures approach to everything.

If instead of Joe Borg’s electronic missal or email, it had been an email from the pro-divorce movement, there is little doubt in my mind that the media studies lecturer and Nationalist apologist would have found very good reasons to consider the whole issue a worthy news story.

Joe, as we all know, is not stupid. He knows how to argue and play with words. One should not expect the former public relations officer of the Curia in the turbulent 1980s to be in favour of divorce. Though he should be the last one to cry wolf if a newspaper has access to emails between key members of the No movement and decided to publish.

He and other members of the movement should not be offended if they are taken to task: more so by MaltaToday, a newspaper that has been in favour of the introduction of divorce from its inception in 1999.

No one is talking here of the lifestyles, past and present, of some prominent members of the No movement. If we were in London, the UK tabloids would sooner rather than later have already pasted the incompatibility of the lifestyle of those who preach one thing and do another. But this is Malta, and in Malta, the only individuals who transcribe these stories are those who have been blessed with being on the side of the administration.

Joe Borg of course shares the same opinion as others in Zwieg Bla Divorzju that MaltaToday is bullying the movement. 

Rather amusing, I thought: more so when the bullying seems to have been linked to the story about Joe Borg’s brother, a senior civil servant who was literally given the green light to take vacation leave to work for the no movement by the Office of the Prime Minister.

Bullying, it seems, is the interpretation given to reporting the news and investigating stories. But bullying is not the word to be used when referring to bile and diarrhoea on blogs by a certain merchant of hate.

Then again, one should not expect anything different from someone who compared Malta in the turbulent 1980s to war-torn Beirut.

This opinion was first published in the MaltaToday Midweek on 13 April 2011.

It does not take to be a genius to recognise that what we are witnessing in Europe as regards illegal immigration' is simply a game of political dominoes. Joseph Muscat may not run a European super power Opposition Party, but he has a good claim as anyone to being the top of third or fourth- tier leader; in fact one of the Opposition leaders of the smallest country in the EU. In matters of war and peace he has already shed all inhibitions, and championed Malta's neutrality clause with great results for us. After 6 years of EU false pretences, and false promises, many Maltese have given up all hope that the European big countries will ever stop passing the baton -to us; Joseph Muscat is simply reflecting this frustration. We don't have it with the poor Africans; we have it with those who exploit them and in return close their frontiers to them. The charm offensive of GonziPn has failed to deliver anything. Almost without exception, GonziPN spouts the same tired political cliches about the merits of the solidarity of Europe, the importance on not rocking the European boat, the virtues of solidarity and so forth. How can one rock this club of faceless zombies in Europe? The best leaders for Malta have always been those with an outsize figure who have changed reality on this island and who felt no need to apologize for themselves or for their calling. Maltese history has taught us that there is no long term advantage in being yes man; diplomacy without signed papers is like music without instruments; this is why the EU chant free voluntary burden sharing for me but not for thee.
@kelinu the usual apologetic excuse, JM is not an alternative to a rotten, mismanaging,deceitful and cheating gonzi. I have already stated that JM might have chosen the wrong words to convey what the maltese realy feel but Saviour's piece is just as lacking. Saviour, gonzi is no good, Joseph is no good so what the funk do you want?
Malta desperately needs an alternative to Gonzi but I am sorry to say that Muscat is still far from being that alternative. Joseph Muscat's comment on immigration was simply shocking even worse than his comment on the Egytian revolution. I find the utter lack of self-criticism by some commenters here as very worrisome. The same old attitude of we are right and they are wrong all over again. The lack of a credible alternative to the present sorry lot does not bode well for Malta.
dear Saviour, I also do not agree with your piece about Joseph Muscat, but unlike some other bloggers here, I don't think that you have ulterior motives; it's just your opinion, with which I happen not to agree with. If I wanted to read a paper with whom I always agree, I would buy il-Kulhadd or il-Mument, depending on which side I'm on. The reason I buy and follow MT is precisely because of contributors liike you who have an opinion and express it. I think that Joseph's comment merely reflected an attitude, that of a government who defends its nation's interests as it feels best, whatever it takes, something that the present Gonzi government does not have the balls to do. Meanwhile, looking forward for your next contribution.
Exactly Bozenius!
I think Mr.Balzan is correct in saying J.Muscat has got it wrong this time. We all know what he meant but the way JM conversed is too crude and insensitive on the immigration issue. I still believe he will make a better PM then Gonzi and that he would probably mature and grow in stature in the role of PM. However he has to measure his words to gain the respect and trust of the sceptics( and as Saviour pointed it out , that is many years of the anti -Labour propaganda we all have become accustomed to hearing and a good many believing!) Basically he has a lot of work to do and could do without this avoidable criticism. So all I'm saying is call it as it is , what is wrong is wrong! At the end of the day we are speaking about politicians and they do not deserve our blind faith ever!
@Mark: What a bore and sad being you are. Can't you tell when Muscat is wrong? on this one he was clearly wrong and deserves his good share of criticism. On immigration he seriously needs to get his act together.
My family, friends and I always bought Malta Today but with this drastic article you have shown your gratuitous tirade against Joe Muscat’s . Your writing suggest you are the Gonz’s a scourge attracting many Labour leaning voters to your paper. Today we are schocked about these comments and we are considering seriously of every buying your newspaper. As for Gonzi being a leader who can lead? YOUR ARE BLOODY WRONG.
And there I thought you impartial. Man how wrong I was. This gratuitous tirade against Joe Muscat’s stand on migration, gives you up. You I concede that you are slide and clever. Your writing suggest you are the Gonz’s a scourge attracting many Labour leaning voters to your paper. Now you show yourself as a pussycat. You took to task Joe Muscat, whose only fault was that he was too outspoken and forthright. His stance coincides with the major members of the EU (you love so much) who are hermetically closing their borders to immigrants. Unlike Europe, Malta has no historical responsibility to these people. On the other hand Europe raped, ransacked and pillage Africa in the hey days of colonialism and left it in its current miserable condition. Do not forget that the current crisis was precipitated by France and Britain because of their concern about Gaddafi’s massacre of civilians. Now that, as usual, everything went pear shaped, France, the defender of the civilians does not want them on its souls. You have become like the TIMES everything Joe Muscat does is either a gimmick or for vote catching. Notwithstanding all the good intentions, does our size permit us to open our shores to thousands of immigrants. The number is swelling and there is concern for the immediate future. Up to now we are acting like Oliver Twist begging for more aid from Europe but this gives us lip service. Concerning pecuniary aid the EU is a prodigal as Ebenezer Scrooge. Gonzi is a master of milking a situation to his advantage. One this issue he can shoot his mouth as much as he likes, knowing full well that those who arrive, do so by mistake as their ultimate destination is a country on the continent. Mr. Balzan.. Being called jaqq is nothing new we have been called worse things. That word or the other one Marmalja prove that we people of the Labour Party know a thing or two about Xenophobia as we experienced and still are experience one of its siblings, Apartheid In the case of vote catching antics, Joe Muscat is mere a novice. He could learn a thing or two from Gonzi. Our PM is a master in hoodwinking the people with lies and empty promises. I challenge you to write a blog on promises made before the last Election and how many he kept. As for Gonzi being a leader who can lead? YOUR ARE BLOODY WRONG.
"Muscat has a very good chance of winning the next election, but it has little to do with the Labour party’s ability to woo voters and votes,......" . Do you mean to say that the nationalists won any election by wooing the electorate? Get real Mr. Balzan, if any party had the chance to woo voters from the other parties it was AD which , if I am not mistaken, you used to be part of , but it failed election after election. Why did prominent people abondon AD Mr Balzan?
Mr. Balzan has it occured to you that the present influx of illegal immigrants could be the work of human trafficers and not necessarily the result of the Libyan conflict? Maybe Joseph did not use the right words to voice his concern and that of the majority of the maltese but he sure hit the nail on the head when he showed how other EU countries are looking after their own well being and giving Malta the cold shoulder. Where is the solidarity we were promised by the EU? I for one in the past would have defended the rescue of illegals but the way Europe treated Malta and the stupid "Voluntary Burden Sharing" our stupid government signed with the EU only made me rethink my priorities. As a christian one is bound to offer help and charity but there are limits also, Mother Therese used to say "....give until it hurts" by now it is not simply hurting but also causing problems to our own.
Ser nikteb bil-Malti biex inkun iktar car. Ghaliex in-NATO qeghda thalli lill dawn in-nies jitilqu biex jeghrqu???? Il-Libya imdawwra mill-bahar u mill-ajru biex ma jidhol xejn....allura ghax qeghdin ihallu dawn in-nies f'dghajjes perikoluzi jitilqu????
Those who are commenting below are trying to explain what JM meant to say when he spoke about the Lampedusa incident. Why didn't he say so himself? He should not leave room for people to twist his message. He should be clear and emphatic in what he says.There is nothing worse then saying something which is open to interpretation.
Crossing the mediterranean even when rough seas are predicted is something they know well but however they keep on doing it. Why? Because their friends already here are intelligent enough to call their nationals telling them about what rights they have got, how many free perks they have etc. Have you ever been in B'Bugia or Marsa? I challenge you to find an empty telephone box besides that not even business men stay that much on the phone. Guess what they are discussing? When taking irresponsible risks what you can expect is just tragedies. This thing of continuing to excuse illegal immigration because of fear of wars and god knows what else has become ridiculous. In Tunisia, there isn't anymore war and I believe a democratic country is on its way - so how come that Italy has been flooded with illegal tunisians? And this is just one example. Has anyone of you ever thought that many of them might not be crossing the mediterraean simply because they are in a bad state in their country, but because they might be criminals hiding from the laws? Tell me, what do we know about the many people landing on our island illegally other than their claims? For instance I can claim to be a millionaire that doesn't mean its true! Have you ever thought of the risks our AFM officers take when rescuing their irresponsible illegal crossing? I think you didn't because otherwise you wouldn't speak like this. Yes it is l-ewwel Malta u il-Maltin and not every tom dick and harry. One thing I know for sure and it is that some people like you don't have answers for these arguments and refuse to acknowledge that in fact these are problems so they end up taking a short road and call whoever places arguments against africans as racists. Yes we should help them against drowning, but I'm sorry as soon as they get better, fed etc, back on a plane and off they go to Africa again. Without repatriation these crossings will never be discouraged and many others will continue to drown. There are plenty of african countries in africa from where to choose if their country is not good. Europe is no Eldorado. Why do I have to pay from my taxes for abusers??? I invested all my life in this country and I'm tired of this abuse.
The problems that Maltese have are not with the poor immigrants, but with the EU, whose heart bleed for the immigrants ...on paper, and then does nothing concretely, except passing the buck to little Malta and thus being invaded. 1116 IS NO JOKE FOR OUR ISLAND.Until the European capitalists continue to exploit the Africans, sell arms to tyrants, hand on commissions to corrupt African leaders, and exploit the African resources for cheap money, or worse, getting Europeans-especially UK French, Belgian,m Italians and Danish companies OWNING the African resources, we will still continue to have people crossing the Med on derilict boats- dying on their way to Eldorado. WE must teach Africans how to fish and not give them a few fish to eat. They must fight for their liberty and for a just homeland. A minority of these Africans cross over to Europe whilst the multitude ( millions) continue to live there in squalor! What is the EU doing for these people there ? NOTHING. They want to leave the Africans in this condition so that the Europeans will reap diamonds, coal, wood, gold, cocoa, etc. We never hear anything about these scandals. Why? WE MUST PROTECT OUR NATIONAL INTEREST FIRST LIKE DR MUSCAT SAID!
Jessica Chetcuti
Muscat seemingly approved their (Italians) decision to block the AFM from landing migrants saved from the high seas and taken to the nearest port of call (Lampedusa). . It’s not at all surprising that many people have accused the Italians for being downright bloody arrogant, nothing new there....... But look at it from another perspective. What happens when the immigrant situation on our small island is such that we are quite literally bursting at the seams and for us to accommodate any more would be extremely difficult? Along comes an Italian patrol boat with another 200 on board. Should we welcome them with open arms or tell the Italians to take them to the Italian mainland? I know that we are dealing with peoples lives but the sad truth is that we are just too small to accommodate vast numbers of immigrants and the EU should acknowledge this fact.
Are you saying that in these past three years Dr.Muscat haven't said any thing that makes sense ? Every one makes such a mistake every now and than.I do not agree with you Mr.Balzan that Joseph made a mistake when he said that we should do the same like the Italians, at least they are not cowards, nor he. With the good teachers that Dr.Muscat is accommodated with, I'm sure that he will be a winner soon for the good of our country. I'm not saying that he do not need to continue trimming, but I'm sure when the time will come he knows what to do. Good day.
Ridt nghid 1116 immigrant illegali f'inqas min gimgha!
Ghaziz Saviour, l-Mexxej Laburista qal li qed johrog aktar bic-car kemm l-Unjoni Ewropea kellha biss paroli fil-vojt dwar is-solidarjeta’. Jekk il-Gvern u Lawrence Gonzi huma kuntenti li l-Gvern Germaniz se jiehu mitt immigrant illegali, jien m’iniex kuntent, tenna Joseph Muscat.Huwa sostna li l-Gvern Malti, filwaqt li jirispetta d-dinjita’ tal-bniedem, ghandu l-obbligu li jhares l-ewwel l-interess nazzjonali. Naqbel perfettament ma Dr Muscat. Taf li hadlu 116 finqas min gimgha. Tista il bicca gzira taghna takkomoda dan l-influss kollhu? Ghax qal nipprotegu l-interess nazzjonali dawruwa kemm felhu u qalu li joseph jhalli lglandestini jeghrqu. Gideb u faccolizmu. Il gvern terbhu bil genwinita u l-onesta. Din it tattika qeghdin jaghmluwa ghax qeghdin dahrom mal hajt bis surveys li saru!
Yes, Nato warships do not take immigrants on their boats; is it because they are racist like us Maltese? I did not see such observations on Net TV on on the local Times. Why? Because Nato countries are in the MED for reasons of State; not because of humanitarian values. Please remember than Malta is just a pin head, not the centre of the world. Joseph Muscat did the right thing to castigate the Europeans for playing 'whiter than white with us' and at the same time close their frontier to immigrants. The UK and Germany France and Denmark closed their frontiers! Do you think we should not? We don't have people to defend as these super Europeans who closed their frontiers? We helped thousands but we can't continue to do this, it s beyond us and you know it! And why did Mifsud Bonnici vote aagainst the hypocritical Europeans in the last vote against permanent rights to Illegal immigrants? Simply to defend us; and that is the way it should be.
I just noted that the no fly zone with all the aircraft and sea vessels around Libya and just leave these kind of dangerous immigrations to go and drown is something beyond one's imagination. French, UK and US are only to attack and no defence for these poor souls going to drown. What JM stated means that it is the PN that is doing the show and in the show there are other considerations to be taken because the PL first and foremost is Malta. Yes you cannot these poor souls coming to drown on their own. No one would like to see them drowning as a rule. But while doing our duty, we can have other ways than dumping them in our already crowded island. i have an idea or 2 especially those coming from italy but it is the managers of our country that need to activate these ideas and still be on the good side and on the practical side and at the same time defending these poor souls and our maltese poor souls. About Fr Joe's children whether as he clarified means sons and daughters or otherwise the fact we will see what are the pro's and cons of introducing the remarrying in our legal system or otherwise stay as we are.
As I see it muscat is doing quite well on different issues. however, on immigration, he is just awful. He needs to be more careful or otherwise he will continue to open himself to criticism, which he could do without.
You, like others, are misinterpreting what Dr Muscat said last Sunday. Hear his speech again. But then I don't think you would!
chris caruana turner
So yes, Saviour, you have highlighted the differences between the two leaders. One is conservative, abiding to a reactive behaviour. While the other one is proactive. While Lawerence Gonzi pretends that others keep to the established rules, because for him it is the ideal niche, since he thinks that things possibly fall into place with rules and with time. The other wants to take the bull by its horns and work in the interest of Malta. The thing that Lawrence Gonzi is missing is that with his conservative attitude he isn't really providing solutions, he is waiting for others to find solutions for him. He will then, like a gentleman, abide with the new solutions, no matter what. Cause let's not forget that when Gonzi had the opportunity to leverage on the other members to really address this problem, he blew it, cause he did not take other responsible people's advice and negotiated. As we say in Maltese, he was a "pastizz" when he had the opportunity and failed miserably. So Saviour, on this immigration issue, while much has still to be done, one would pretend the Maltese Government to be capable of moving mountains, in the face of adversity, if need be, so that a solution is found. Cause this is in the interest of Malta. However this Government and its leader have never been capable of reaching such expectations. Except maybe when it came to providing help and support logistics, and then again, this was mainly done to be seen as "helwin" with foreigners. Once that was over, everyone "telaqulna". What sense do the UK's prime minister eulogies to Malta make now? Thus being conservative and furthermore, consistent, in such situations, can hardly be seen as a compliment. What is needed is a proactive government, with a leader that is capable of foreseeing and taking opportunities that can be exploited to the benefit of Malta and the Maltese. After all that is the lesson we've learnt so far from our "friendly" EU colleagues.
Hahaha! Was this the kind of evidence you had in mind, Mr Balzan? Who is abusing and exploiting children? Take up my challenge and take them to court! But you are only interested in sensationalism, equivocation and mud-slinging. As for "bile and diarrhoea on other blogs you do have a point but you are in no position to lecture anyone on this, given the highly toxic effluvium that oozes copiously out of this latrine. Andy Farrugia
Spot on!
It's a shame that we have so few truly independent commentators in Malta. But look: No comments so far. Most the usual contributors just don't know what to say in the face of a balanced view. Oh boy, are we in dire need of an end to this political duopoly - unique in Europe by the way.