Saviour Balzan's videoblog

When the Austrian government bailed out its national airline before selling it to Lufthansa, the EC said nothing of this 'restructuring'.

Salv, darba il Prim Ministru taghna kien qal li XEJN ma isir b'kumbinazzjoni. Meditate gente meditate.
Saviour, in addition to the 500 million, the Austrian government also approved an interim loan of 200 million euros for AA.
@ Bruno Giordano. Air Malta is still existent, unlike SeaMalta, the Dockyards etc because Gonzipn has a strategic need to use it when the General Election is due. I have no doubt that it will survive till that date so that Gonzipn can "import" 3000 blue votes at an expense of 25 euros each. This notwithstanding AirMalta's massive debts (all because of PN mismanagements) and the employment of a bravu and not cuc foreigner with a salary tag of 500,000 euros annually. Gonzipn does not care a damn about this. His priority is to win the next general Election. Mark my words my friend.
Luke Camilleri
Why does Fr. Joe Borg not participate in a debate with Jyou and keeps chickening out like he did on REALTA? He seems to prefer working "undercover" , gets onsultancies "undercover" and just likes to give out his opinion when this cannot be debated like in the paper review he does on Campus FM every Monday where his true colours truly come out! Will we see you with Fr. Joe Borg on some Bondi+ one of these days? Again he goes on Bondi+ when there is no one to debate him! Well done Savior, you are what independent journalism is all about!
Always remember that we have a government that has a 'leader who can lead' But a person of your intellect should have perceived that we are being led by a pathological liar. You also should have understood that the primary aim of this administration of sorts is milking the current crises to DESTROY EVERYTHING THAT MINTOFF AND HIS GOVERNMENT DID DURING THE 70s. All parastatal companies are defunct one of our major banks is privatised, the dockyard is no more. What is left are the two jewels of Labour's crown: the welfare state and Air Malta. The former is being demolished by a war of attrition carried outby devaluing the social service and also braining washing the people that we have no money and the welfare state is a thing of the past, take the Governor of the Central Bank (who has a fat paycheck and pays no taxes) latest broadside against the welfare state. The situation of Air Malta is like that sinking ship that it is going down fast whilst the rescuers are squabbling and arguing about the best way to save the ship. When they decide the ship would either have sank already or the rescue operation would prove inadequate. When everything Mintoff did is annihilated then they will rest. Remenber the Ghasghafar tac-Comp. That is how much they respect Air Malta and people really are gullible enough to think that these people have an iota of motivation to save Air Malta. Sure, and pigs can fly.