Saviour Balzan's videoblog

MaltaToday's managing editor Saviour Balzan talks about construction magnate Zaren Vassallo's revelations on financing both the PN and the PL.

Mhux obvja li Lawrence Gonzi ma jridx li l-partiti jigu iffinnanzjati mill-Gvern? Hares lejn id-Dar Centali-state of the Art, hares lejn il-media Nazzjonalista; Radio Net, Webs, gazzetti, publikazzjonijiet kollha A1, u min fejn gejjin dawn il-gelgull ta flus? Mhux mid-donazzjoniiet tal-partitarji li jkun jixorbu ic-Cisk Lager u ibillu il-hobz fil-kunserva tghid? U hawn tara il-makkakerija ta GonziPN; 'mangia santi e cacca diavoli'! Dawn id-donazzjonijiet huma kollha, progetti mhux lesti, progetti li jqumu 4 darbiet aktar milli suppost, toroq bit-toqob u dejn galore! Ghalhekk fl-Ewropa-barra Sqallija- it-taxxi tarhom x'imkien, toroq , progetti, organizzazzjoni etc: hawn tara biss qtugh il-qalb u morra hazina! gahlhekk ma jriddux finnanzjamenti mill-istat!
Good videobllog Saviour! If you want to look at another good blog, take a look at: [email protected]
Interviewed by Super One Mr. Vassallo first said that Joseph Muscat was not informed. Further on he implied he gave financial aid to Labour local Committees and Labour Local Councils. If this is true than the Party should order these people to return every cent they recieved. Our Party must not be tainted by that kind of money. I imagined that Saviour would say something about Mr. Vassallo's claim that because he is a Nationalist he does not get that many contracts and it's difficult for him to win contracts. On a comment like that Mr. Balzan would make a video blog lasting hours. But he said nothing. It's the pussycat syndrome again.
Micheal Bonanno
Mr Vassallo wants us to believe him that he donates to both parties! How can we believe him, when we see that all the major projects are under his wing? How can we believe him when he himself said that his heart lies with the PN? And if he does donate, does he donate to each party in equal measure? Sorry Mr. Vassallo, I don't believe one word you've said!