Evolution of the body-snatchers

Zwieg bla Divorzju will become a 'family coalition' to further entrench religion into the public sphere. And it's already happening.

There’s a fissure in Maltese society that is happening as we speak, and there is no symbolic panacea like EU membership to heal it. Not even divorce can ‘solve it’ – which is why people who don’t agree with divorce are realising that this referendum campaign has exposed the clash between civil rights and the religious intolerance that is repeating itself again.

The 1969 Good Friday peace brokered between Dom Mintoff and Archbishop Michael Gonzi put an end to the Catholic Church’s violence against Labourites ‘condemned’ by mortal sin – like Guze Ellul Mercer, a former deputy Prime Minister of Malta who was buried in the unconsecrated mizbla after having been excommunicated by Archbishop Gonzi.

Mintoff may have tempered some of the Church’s assumed powers when he introduced civil annulments (the limited form of divorce that already exists in Malta). But his government was not interested in civil liberties as much as building Malta’s industrial base, full employment and self-sufficiency. Its mixed results are debatable. By the 1980s, Mintoff’s workerism was perverted into state-mandated, partisan thuggery.

The Nationalists came to power in 1987 with a promise of liberty – liberty from Mintoffian autarky and thuggery, and liberty to spend one’s money freely. But in 2011, the Gonzi dynasty (sublimely illustrated by Tanti Burlò here) is perverting that liberty with state-mandated, partisan thought-control.

I won’t go into the appropriation of God by the Attorney General in his appeal against the courts’ liberation of Alex Vella Gera from obscenity charges. But censorship is one form of thought-control and this government is doing nothing to bring the obscenity laws into the 21st century.

What we are witnessing now is the emergence of a socially conservative lobby, latching on to a socially conservative government, to conserve the power that the Catholic Church has devolved to it.

It is not the unfashionable and kitsch Opus Dei, although one of its adherents, former MP Dr Michael Axiak, laid a foundation for what we are about to witness. It will be called a ‘coalition for the family’, and its roots are already planted, and are diametrically opposed to the European civil society many of us are aspiring to.

It started in bits and pieces. Axiak is the chairman of the Bioethics Consultative Committee, which falls under the OPM. The committee was the first to discuss the future framework for an IVF law, but it fundamentally opposed embryo freezing; Axiak himself had said he didn’t want to see IVF offered free of charge by the State to unmarried couples “because the government would be destroying the institution of marriage. We have to conserve the family.”

Then in 2010, a new parliamentary committee was created to forge the IVF law, led by MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia. In his submissions, Axiak reiterated that IVF should only be for married couples, and that no embryo freezing or sperm donation should be allowed. Sonia Camilleri, the former Commissioner of Children who had already given her views to Axiak's 2005 hearings, was of the same opinion.

Jean-Pierre Farrugia's committee instead heeded the word of science and called for embryo freezing to reduce mortality caused to the woman by hormone stimulating therapy. Sensible science had triumphed over ideology.

And yet, out of the woodwork crawled pro-lifers Gift Of Life, entering into a row with Farrugia over his declaration that he would kick-start fiscal incentives for couples to adopt frozen embryos, using the money from the salary raise for MPs.

Because abortion happens to be a non-issue, GOL’s Paul Vincenti is now pushing the line that there is a link between divorce and abortion, an old chestnut that has been liberally used by Nationalist MPs like Edwin Vassallo in the parliamentary debate on the divorce referendum.

And why? Because Vincenti, who was once championed by deputy prime minister Tonio Borg by proposing the Constitutional entrenchment of abortion, still bears the scars of being publicly scorned by former Opposition leader Alfred Sant’s death-knell to his entrenchment campaign.

Let’s be clear about the socially conservative agenda, because it is suddenly verging on the control and repression of the human body and mind. Kate Gonzi tells women on Mother’s Day of her dislike of premarital sex – because as sexual beings women may be devalued but as wives they are hallowed; the Camilleris are not supporters of IVF for women who cannot bear children, and Andre renounces divorce as a ‘solution’ for physically abused woman (why wouldn’t the wanton destruction of the female body be good reason enough for her to severe the marital bond?); and Anna Vella, the head of the Cana movement, sees divorce as a ‘contagion’ that spreads from the mind to the body (a size 10… I shudder to think that the frontiers of sexual desire should stop at a size 10).

So when this family coalition will take form, which sort of family will it uphold? Will it uphold the interests of non-Catholic families? The interests of unmarried or single parents? The interests of infertile couples who want to create a family? The interests of same-sex couples who are already raising children in Malta?

My gut-feeling is that the family coalition will be none of this. When Joanne Cassar was refused the right to marry her male partner after having undergone gender reassignment therapy, the courts had partly relied on Dr Michael Axiak’s affidavit that “after gender reassignment therapy, a person will have remained of the same sex as before the operation.”

But it was only thanks to the European Court of Human Rights ruling in Goodwin vs UK that Malta’s Constitutional Court had to recognise Joanne Cassar’s right to marry her male partner. The good doctor may be a scientist. But we are lovers of the pursuit of happiness.

How wrong were those who believed that the PN harboured a liberal heartland, which is why we latched on to the hope of European Union membership in 2003. Now it seems our European aspirations are being subsumed by the prejudices of the mighty that run the country.

The problem is that even their own agenda is confused by the electoral swell they are trying to manoeuvre right now. How does Lawrence Gonzi respond to the cultural divide unfolding before him? He promises to regularise cohabition (I agree of course, but why at the expense of divorce?). I wonder what the family coalition will say about this new legal dimension of institutionalised premarital sex, bigamous spouses and IVF treatment for unmarried couples...

lil 'mikegold117: Jekk il PL kien kontra li ndahhlu l-euro , issa qed naraw x'qed jigrilhom certi pajjizi li ma kienux lesti jdahhlu munita '" one size fits all "bhal ma hi l-euro. Jekk taqra The daily Telegraph tal-lum, 21 ta' mejju, tibqa mbellah bid-dizastru li hemm jistenna lil poplu Grieg, dak Irlandiz, dak Portugiz etc..etc.. u kif jidher li dawk il-miljuni kollha li qed nohorgu ghal- Grecja etc.. nistghu nghidulhom ADDIO ! Imbaghad tinduna min kien ghaqli u min kien lest jibla kollox imbasta narmu l-lira Maltija !!
duncan abela
The truth is that rationally thinking people do not want to live in a gilded cage however materially comfortable it might me where individual liberty and the joie de vivre has disappeared. Freedom and happiness is all about doing your own thing , learning your own lessons in life and being able to change direction when clearly mistaken decisions have been taken such as in irretrievable mairriage breakdown. Just ask unhappy people in gilded cages such as some former members of the royal family or pampered youth of Bahrain or Saudi Arabia with no personal freedom about their aspirations to be just free. Breakdown of our idealised Church marriages is happening because our traditional values and idealised family is often nothing more than a perverted dysfunctionali model based not on enduring love but on transitory dreams of a glamorous wedding event, a comfortable fully equipped house with a 10000 euro kitchen, twice yearly holiday etc. Our catholic marriages are often nothing more than a thinly iced veneer for a stark reality beneath which is much more chronically sick than other european social relationship models based on tolerating a variety of different and sometimes serial relationships between partners who untie the knot civilly when love has disappeared and the relationship can no longer work. On a funny note one can see much more love and family bonds in the dysfunctional family of Sharon and Ozzy Osborne than in many of our PM perceived superior Maltese Catholic family units.
@aleo2, but what is the pl proposing? Since the current leader was against that we join the EU, was against the Euro. I am not saying that the pn should be there for ever but with whom we are going to be more liberal with the very old gurus/mullahs that the pl has who used to control our lives. Do you know that with all the liberal thinking the pl has, it didn't take an official position on divorce. Being more liberal means accepting same sex marriage, euthanasia, abortion? maybe why not even we can make drugs legal because these are the issues that we have less than other EU countries and while we are there we take out the president and we do like the british/spanish and will introduce a monarch. Do you think that Spain and Uk are less liberal because they have a King and a queen?On a more humoristic side I hope that the GWU will apply for the divorce from the pl because the GWU under the pl governments was always like a wife being threatened/harrased by her dominant pl husband. Divorce will not make us more europeans, most of those in the pl including joseph were against that we join the eu so how come they changed their mind? the Answer is because they need your Vote
duncan abela
A very good article which gives clear examples of how deficient we are when it comes to individual rights and liberties and how much more needs to be done politically so that we can truly claim that we live in a secular liberal state where we are free to follow a live and let live attitude. I and many others are now of the opinion that certain liberal values and social aspirations can never be attained given the current cabinet mindset unless there is a transition of power to the PL . I am not one of those who faults the economic and business achievements of the PN but unfortunately there is a clear and glaring deficit when it comes to certain widely accepted European secular and social values without which no country can be said to be truly democratic and emancipated. It is essential that we elect those who believe in and have the courage to integrate such European values as an essential part of our balanced and holistic national development.
@ Matthew Vella, Dalwaqt jibdu jikkowtaw lillek mathew flok l-evangelista ghax ghandek erba supporters. Ghal darba ohra ha nghatik ideja ara x'tahseb fuq dan l-artiklu http://archive.maltatoday.com.mt/2008/05/21/n2.html). Mhux ta' min jghid erba kellmiet fuqu, forsi l-artiklu tista issemih l-oqbra imbajda. Insomma niccajtaw ftit ghalkemm dan l-artiklu, tara kif min xitan issir beatu ghax daqqa nghidu "Labour insists Pullicino Orlando is not fit to represent the people in parliament.” u ftit wara nghamlu allejanza mieghu
Please note that I meant a theocratic curtain is descending on Malta
Matthew, for the second time running you were spot on. A theocratic curtain is defending on Malta and you mentioned a few good examples of this religious mosaic. I agree that a yes vote will not cure this illness. However it will be a good kick in the teeth to those who wish to send us back to the infamous days of religious dominance not only of the 1960 but even earlier. I cannot gauge how many people really comprehend what is happening to our country but at least many are starting to sit up and take notice of this wave of religious fanaticism now based at Pieta.
Good article...but it was about bloody time that you woke up from the horrible conservative fanatism the PN was hiding!!!!
Abdullah alhrbi
You really weren’t that naïve to think that a party that defines itself on the basis of race and religion could usher in a 'liberal' European dawn?? Joining Europe had nothing to do with civil liberties for the PN, as most of us who voted for Europe for that particular reason were quite aware. It couldn't have been the case where the PN wanted to culturally overhaul the system of patronage such a party thrives on, not when it claims that God is on its side. Nor could it have been an eagerness to instill the European practice of discipline, transparency and accountability for political decisions and against corruption. So what on earth were the other motivations apart from the glaringly obvious ‘economic’ ones?? It is truly a case where the PN was looking for an a la carte European membership. Seeing how throughout its hundred year + history it incessantly strove to maintain the reactionary status quo it should come as no surprise that 21st century Malta finds itself in such a cognitively dissonant state. My guess is that it should implode at some point. How can one claim to subscribe to two contradictory beliefs at the same time? What on earth motivated reactionary PN members and avid supporters of the Church to hysterically embrace Europe? Was it perhaps some sublimated irredentist aspiration that gave them some political and ethnic catharsis? It couldn’t have been a religious or moral motivation. I really can’t see how politicians like Dr.Tonio Borg or Dr.Eddie Fenech Adami or present PM Lawrence Gonzi can truthfully explain it otherwise. Not that Truth is a commodity easy to come by in the Maltese Political environment.
A bit of humour won't hurt anyone at these tense moments. Colours speak a lot in our lives. Have you seen the colours chosen for the ballot papers ?. Yes, YELLOW for the YES and RED for the NO. I say why these two colours ?. Was it done to confuse the voters ?. A trick by the powers that be ?. We have always been taught to believe that YELLOW represents and is the colour of the Vatican, of the Pope. In fact, last Sunday at Ta' Qali, we witnessed thousands, among them the Archbishop, waving the yellow flags. How nice !. Are we to take it that those who vote YES are voting for the Vatican or the Pope ?. In that case vote vote YES by all means !. RED has always been pictured as belonging to Communists and to fire in hell. How scaring !. So, are we to take it that voting on the Red square, the NO one, means that those voting on it are booking a passage to HELL !!.In that case beware voting NO !!. Meditate gente, meditate !. Let's take a break and SMILE awhile. We all need one.
Fantastic article. Very well written and strikes right at the heart of the social reform that is being so vehemently suppressed in Malta today.
Some excellent points raised in this article. The way religion is submerged, without hardly any questions or debate, into the public sphere is certainly something that shouldn't be taken lightly. The voice of the majority may not always be the correct mode of action.
Vera osservazzjonijiet tajba ta' x'hiex ghaddejja minnhom Malta bhalissa. Haga wahda hi zgur li l-affarijiet mhux ser jibqghu l-istess wara ir-referendum dwar id-divrorzju. Ir-riperkazzjonijiet huma ferm izjed fondi mir-referendum. Din izjed glieda dwar drittijiet fundamentali li s'issa hafna esponenti li jhossuhom li jridu imexxu u jiddieriegu l-pajjiz qisu b'xi tridt inkixfitilhom il-maskra. Inkixfet ukoll il-maskra tan-nipotizmu u kif jinghataw karigi importanti fil-pajjiz --- qishom xi aramata siekta u mistohbija biex mas-sinjal johorgu jiddefendu l-istituzzjonijiet egotici. Din id-darba anke hekk jirbhu il-battalja kontra id-divorzju xorta wahda biz-zmien il-gwerra jitilfuha. Illum kontra iz-zmenijiet sittin hawn baraxx ta' informatika u izjed importanti accessibli ghal-kulhadd, qed iggieghel lin-nies jomoghdu izjed dak li jinghadilhom. U fl-ahhar is-sewwa tal-liberta' fundamentsal tal-bniedem, dak li ma jigix imponut min hadd ghad jirbah.
What you call a 'socially conservative agenda' is just an agenda. What is wrong in this? There are people who may have a 'liberal' agenda. What is wrong with that then? Why are you confusing the Catholic Church with the divorce issue? The divorce issue is a social one as well. You keep insisting in mentioning religion. Is it because you dont have social arguments in favour of divorce? You state that 'we latched on to the hope of European Union membership in 2003.' Who are the 'we'? Who said that many 'liberal' people voted for EU membership? It could be that many 'liberal' people, especially Labourite ones voted against EU membership.
'Its mixed results are debatable. By the 1980s, Mintoff’s workerism was perverted into state-mandated, partisan thuggery' What do you mean mixed results are debatable. You seem an expert, teach me expert Just ask those who enjoyed affordable houses and the introduction of new jobs and the enhancement of the welfare state. Just ask those families who could afford to live decently on one paycheck. Did you live those times? please explain state-mandated partisan thuggery. Have you any proof of this? Do you know of anyone who was arrested? Do you know that police officers involved in torture and frame ups were dismissed from the force whilst others were promoted? Can you tell me why Karen Grech was blown apart? Do not try to be little Mintoff and try to balance all the good he did with the actions of fools. People like you want to destroy Mintoff achievements like the PN is trying to destroy what he build. Well you will not succeed because Mintoff is in the hearts of those who, thanks to him could enjoy a decent life. Take me for instance I have a daughter and son They went from Primary through to University and I did not have to pay one cent. Now they are both professionals enoying hefty paychecks and a high status in society. These are the offspring of the son of a British services employee. Whom do I have to thank? Mintoff or a bloody Johnny come lately who never knew Mintoff and because he was brainwashed against him, wants to pass judgement. Whether you like it or not you and others like you must accept the fact today's politicians compared to Mintoff are pygmies and please include Fenech Adami with the lot.
Excellent article, Matthew. Labour, Labour, where are you?