Why the YES will prevail

Conservative as they may seem,  Maltese voters have always shown a marked tendency to dismiss quirky views and vote for common sense solutions. This is why am convinced the yes campaign will prevail on May 28.

Turn the clock back to 2003. Those opposing Malta’s entry in to the European Union were making every effort possible to stir fears of all sorts ranging from a  billboard on the Naxxar Labour party club scaring good Catholics of gay marriages and abortion to vox pops with unemployed layabouts in Sicily expressing their desire to seek jobs in Malta.

While the official Labour Party tried to present “rational” economic or political arguments against membership, it was constantly outdone by the extremism of the loony no groups which mushroomed around it.

One major reason why the yes won was that no-arguments sounded quirky, extreme and out of synch with the modern world. Even the threat of Scandinavian girls taking Maltese men was once floated during a no gathering.

The no camp even had a reputation for twisting and distorting reports to produce half-baked truths. All they lacked were establishment figures like the commissioner for children to give legitimacy to the claims.  Maltese socialists took pride in their isolationism from mainstream social democratic parties, all of which favoured European integration. And like the Nationalists of today, they poured scorn on the independent media and civil society for being biased against them.

While some voted against the EU simply because their party was against others mainly younger people did choose to put common sense before partisan affiliation. And some elderly people did put aside their prejudices, hobbies and loyalties  to open up new horizons for  their grand children.

The EU membership referendum was not the only case where the Maltese voter defied scare mongering.  In their electoral choices (at least when they were free to express themselves without fear), the Maltese tended to reward common sense; choosing Mintoff’s vitality and zest in 1971 but rejecting old Labour’s authoritarian streak in 1981, 1987 and 1992 - only to reward Sant’s cleansing of the  Labour party in 1996. The same electorate was quick to put Malta back on track to Europe in 1998, ratify the referendum result in 2003 and thank AD for its commitment in the yes campaign a year later in Malta's first MEP elections .

Now let's return to 2011.

Those opposing the introduction of divorce are making every possible effort to stir fear with billboards warning of impending “darkness” if divorce is approved; and the Bishop of Gozo basically inviting pro-divorce Catholics to leave the church - a notion which is so out of synch with post-Vatican II Catholicism.

Neither does the eloquence-  typical of the traditional upper middle class- of some of the no speakers prevent them from expressing quirky views, like Anna Vella’s contention that with divorce marriage will last until women reach a size 10.

The latest quirky view is the notion that just like development permits are submitted to an environmental impact assessment, individual civil rights like divorce should be submitted to some sort of social assessment. I won’t be surprised if one fine day someone will wake up to propose social assessments on, say disseminating obscene literature. I wonder which case officer and which authority will determine the outcome of these assessments. And do we really need a study to show that the whole world is wrong while Malta and the Philippines are right? Why not conduct an impact study on whether the world goes around the sun?

What makes me cringe is the equation between the complexity of human relationships and choices, to the definite physical impact of static buildings, roads or power stations. As if any study can justify denying a battered wife from seeking a new life with someone who truly loves her.

Moreover the official no movement is constantly outdone by even quirkier views expressed by the groups which have mushroomed around it, which give the whole campaign a bizarre twist. Anyone passing through Tower Road is instantly reminded that Malta is not a normal country and that the religiosity of some is akin to fundamentalism.

The same applies to the Gozo bishop's declaration that those not following the Church’s teachings on divorce should not receive the sacraments. While the church has every right not to accept divorce and to campaign against its introduction, voting yes is different from actually divorcing one’s spouse. Most yes voters intend to honour their lifelong marital commitments while giving other people, many of whom are already “living in sin”, a second chance to marry.

Considering that the alternative to divorce proposed by the present government is institutionalised and forced cohabitation, the whole argument that voting for divorce is a sin should also apply to the Nationalist government’s intention to legislate on cohabitation. This goes a long way in showing that what irks the Church most is the word sheer word “divorce” and the prospect of Malta becoming like the rest of the world.  All they are defending is a symbolic exceptionalism which makes Malta abnormally special.

The Church’s latest offensive may well reflect a realisation on its part that a silent majority favours the introduction of divorce and that only fear will dent the inevitable outcome. Surveys by three independent media organisations (The Times, MaltaToday and Xarabank) showed a 56%-58% majority favouring responsible divorce before the referendum campaign started. Now right in the middle of the campaign two surveys conducted by two different media organisations (It-Torca and MaltaToday) show the yes and the no head to head.  This was not due to any significant gains by the no camp, but due to the increase in the number of undecided.

This could well indicate that fear still pays off and the seeds of doubt have been sowed, especially among middle-aged and older voters who find solace in the Church’s (mostly sound and humane) teachings. Some will definitely not vote for divorce not because they believe that it will bring the breakdown of society but because they do not want to put their souls in danger of eternal damnation.

The moral terror imposed on good Christians who agree with the introduction of divorce for other people, may well be the cruelest act in this referendum.

But even among elderly Christian voters there are many who feel compassion for younger people whom they deem to deserve a second chance of happiness. Some have relatives who are forced to cohabit for years despite their desire to marry.  On referendum day they will probably think more about the problems of real human beings rather than about ideological abstractions or threats reminiscent of a very dark period in Maltese history. In many cases compassion will win over fear.

The fact that people are campaigning for divorce simply shows that marriage is still a cherished institution, which many cohabiting couples want to join. Forcing these people to cohabit instead of marrying defies the ‘common sense’ of a society, which values marriage and family.

Moreover, as proclaimed by a 1974 referendum poster in Italy - “chi crede nel  matrimonio non ha paura del divorzio” (those who believe in marriage have no reason to fear divorce) - the vast majority will continue living their marital vows with the intention of living together forever, irrespective of whether they get fatter or slimmer. No law will change this. For these people May 29 will be just another normal day, albeit in a more normal country.

I am not a Roman Catholic. I am not Roman either. I had a civil marriage, and i am happily married. The Roman Catholic church does not recognize my marriage and rightly so. In this divorce issue, I cannot understand how the Roman Catholic Church decided to have the right to interfere in my marriage when it does not recognize it? This is unacceptable and the Roman Catholic Church should instantly withdraw their actions and apologize for interfering in the religious believes, practices and traditions of others by trying to impose Roman Catholic practices onto the country's law. To top it all up; Priests and nuns (which do not marry) are being flown in from abroad to vote, probably by government sponsored flights. What a cheek!! I would like to remind the NO voters that sex in the Roman Catholic marriage is not a creative act of pleasure but strictly an act to procreate. Frankly who does not have 13 children by the age of fifty, is evidently not abiding to the Roman Catholic marriage laws. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". I do not want to discuss my suspicion that the marriage laws of the Roman Catholics were introduced as a desperate measure (bi-law) by Rome to handle promiscuousness and have offspring for it's army. It did not save Rome and it will neither save marriages. If couples agree to the Roman Catholic rule let them be free and get married. If I have other believes I have a right too. So decedents of Rome, keep off my turf. The definition of marriage is: The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife usually entailing legal obligations of each person to the other. "Render onto Caesar what is Caesar's"
The broader our understanding of life and the universe in which we live, the LOUDER we can hear our CONSCIENCE. . The narrower and tighter our awareness of life and the universe in which we live, the more likely we are to seek ADVICE about moral matters from external authorities. . The hollow voice of the external authority acts as an artificial life support for those people without a conscience.
Kemm kienu koroh is 60s
Mela skond " Piccinino" it-tama tieghu hi li bil-biza li qed ixerrdu tal-LE flimkien mal-Knisja, aktar hemm cans li l-LE jirbah. Mela "Piccinino" stess ammetta li tal-LE m'ghandhomx argumenti konvincenti, u jridu joqghodu fuq il-biza biex jirnexxu ! Dan ghandu jikkonvinci lil dawk li ghadhom indecizi biex jivvutaw IVA halli juru li huma mhux bezziegha kif qed jahsbuhom tal-LE u l-Kurja MAFIA Maltija !
Mela skond " Piccinino" it-tama tieghu hi li bil-biza li qed ixerrdu tal-LE flimkien mal-Knisja, aktar hemm cans li l-LE jirbah. Mela "Piccinino" stess ammetta li tal-LE m'ghandhomx argumenti konvincenti, u jridu joqghodu fuq il-biza biex jirnexxu ! Dan ghandu jikkonvinci lil dawk li ghadhom indecizi biex jivvutaw IVA halli juru li huma mhux bezziegha kif qed jahsbuhom tal-LE u l-Kurja MAFIA Maltija !
"the threat of Scandinavian girls taking Maltese men"? What about the threat of Scandinavian boys taking Maltese boys ... and Scandanavian girls taking Maltese girls?! I think the Yes vote will prevail. Why? Because family loyalty is more impiotant than Church loyalty. Iamgine one separated daughter who wants to remarry. Her parents, her siblings and some of her relatives will probably vote Yes. What is good about this referendum, however, is that a 'no' result will still mean defeat for the Catholic Church. It simply can't win.
Joseph Galea
@ James Debono Now that Catholic fundamentalism is rearing its ugly head, with the revival of threats of excommunication, sin and hell, I think the Maltese people should start assessing their civil rights. One of the worst aspects of the religious-political battle of the 60s was the burial of certain persons in unconsecrated ground in the Addolorata cemetery. Perhaps one should ask: Was this legal? But perhaps it would be better to ask: Can this happen again? I think it is important for all Maltese citizens to start finding out the answer to such questions as: Who owns the Addolorata cemetery? Who runs it? Is the cemetery still divided into consecrated and unconsecrated parts? Who decides where people are buried? If the family grave is in the ‘consecrated’ part, will a person who is excommunicated by the Church or is a well-known atheist or a divorcee or an outspoken gay or a convert to another religion be allowed to be buried there? And what if the family grave is in a graveyard adjacent a church? Who owns that grave – the family who paid for it or the Church? It would be interesting if you would write a piece of investigative journalism on this issue
Brilliant piece James. You couldn't have said it better. @ Zaren Kartezju: go live in a Catholic version of Iran, alternatively a lunatic asylum is just fine.
duncan abela
James Minn fommok ghal Alla as we say in Maltese. However I have my doubts whether the YES vote will prevail in this referendum. Still the genie is out of the divorce bottle and whatever happens this time round it cannot be restoppered and I am certain that divorce legislation will be on our statue books within the next 5 years.
Naw el perfettament ma Dominic Chircop. Inzid biss li anke Nazzjonalisti Liberalism bhali ghandhom hi vitas IVA.
I will vote NO because: 1. I am against separation between Church and State. 2. Canon Law should be superior to State and EU Law. 3. the local Catholic Church has a divine right to dictate to Government. 4. I believe that our Bishop Marju is infallible and he is right even when he is wrong. 5. I believe that my conscience should be formed only by what the local Catholic Church deems right. 6. I believe in herd instinct and that I should not think for myself. 7. I believe that I am not a free agent but a marionette for the local Catholic Church to toy with. Kyrie eleison friends, we need it badly!
I am not as sure as you are that the referendum will result in Yes victory. If it does it will be a great day for those unfortunate couples and a great day for Malta's democratic credentials. However even up to last Sunday some elements of the clergy in Gozo were telling the faithful (to be polite) that they must go and vote (no obviously) because otherwise they would have voted yes. It may seem like desperate measures but it will obviously give the No an upstart. Also one must factor in the clergy vote. One the other hand about 6 people out of 10 (normal people across the political spectrum) seem to be favorably inclined towards voting yes. Whether this will be sufficient to tip the balance is anybody's guess. However one thing is for certain, a no victory will bring nothing but resentment against the crusading church that no apology will ever justify or suffice. It will be the case of winning the battle but losing the war.....the same will happen to the church 's lapdog the PN.
Dak li qal l-isqof t'Ghawdex imur kontra t-taghlim nisrani. Ma tistax tghajjar nies li ma jaqblux mieghek bhala briganti jew ilpup lebsin ta' naghag. Mela x'messu jghajjarhom lil dawk il-qassisin shabu li abbuzaw mit-tfal? Dan kollu jikkonsisti bhala prattici korrotti u ghalhekk ghandu jigi mharrek bhal ma kienu gew imharrkin dawk iz-zwieten snin ilu. Imma f'dan il-pajjiz hemm nies u nies. Immorru nivvutaw IVA halli naghtu lezzjoni ta' demokrazija lil dawk li ma jafux xi tfisser din il-Kelma. Fl-istess hin naghtu taghlima lil gvern biex ma jibqax jirfes fuqna. Vot IVA zgur li jkun stallett f'dahar il-gvern.
What a nice read. Let's hope you're right
Nixtieq nagħmel appell lill-votanti Laburisti biex jivvutaw IVA. Ftakru kemmm ġew imżebilħa missierijietkom fis-snin sittin, mill-istess forzi tad-dlam rappreżentati mill-Isqfijiet u minn Lawrence Gonzi. Ftakru kemm kienet għal qalbkom dak iż-żmien is-sejħa biex issir distinzjoni bejn knisja u stat. Tiċħdux dan kollu b'vot LE. Ftakru fil-corrupt practices li qed tagħmel il-Kuja bħalissa, bil-għajnuna tal-partit nazzjonalista. Ivvutaw IVA u għamlu pjaċir lin-nazzjonalisti liberali, li ninsabu mdejjqin naraw lil partit tagħna jittieħed mill-Opus Dei. Membri ta' din l-għaqda qed jiġu appuntati f'bosta karigi mill-Prim Ministru preżenti. Ivvutaw IVA biex inwaqqfu dan il-pjan infami ta' wħud mil-kbarat nazzjonalisti. Nibqgħu attenti fil-ġejjieni biex is-Savonaroli tas-seklu wieħedugħoxrin, kemm dawk fi ħdan il-partit tagħna kif ukoll fil-partit laburista, naċċertaw li niskartawhom fl-elezzjoni li jmiss. L-interess tal poplu, pople malti ħieles, jiġi l-ewwl u qabel kollox. Tħallux li nergħu nibdew inkantaw, bħl żmien il-Beatles fis-sittinijiet - WE ALL LIVE TAĦT IL-GVERN TAL-QASSISIN, GVERN TAL-QASSISIN, GVERN TAL-QASSISIN !
In the Euro referendum I voted no and do not regret it one single bit. Europe is a pipe dream. What has it achieved to gits like me? It is only the fat Maltese cats in Brussels who are on the gravey train that Europe is positive. We needed help with imigrants some members took a dozen each big deal superb solidarity. The education department goofed up some accounts pertaining to students studying abroad (which is very good). Who pays for this, students because many lost the chance of a lifetime. With regard to divorce, I really wish that you are right and the yes vote will win. Unfortunately it will not happen the holy alliance between Church and PN has lost its complacancy and regained its vigour and its unbeatable. I wish I was wrong, but I'm not.
Joseph Sant
You are so right in pointng out that rather than the No camp gaining anything it is the group of "undecided" that has grown. Hence the secong malicious offensive of the church group - now it is not only voting Yes that is a sin but also not voting at all! If this isn't corrupt practice I don't what is!
To the Nos – so according to you it is fine if a couple separates, obtains a civil or church annulment, co-habit, basically do everything else so long as it is not divorce. ‘Everything else’ is fine, fine, fine, will not break the family, or hurt the children, or cause hardships to the discarded spouse financially or emotionally, and all the rest. There is simply no basis to the arguments that divorce causes these hardships: in truth they are caused by the actual breakdown of the marriage even before separation takes place. In a linear time frame, the divorce comes last, certainly after the break-down and years of separation. So to attribute to divorce any breaking down of families is simply incorrect.
James, you can't compare the EU and the divorce referdum and assume that the 'Yes' will win just because it is correct. You are forgeting that the YES to EU had the support of the establishment: Gov+buisness+unions (excluding GWU)+ other NGOs and even then the NO campaign did - considering everything - well. The 'No to divorce' has the establishment on its side: Gov+church+Finance industry and strong lobby groups So you can't just assume the Yes will win or compare it to the EU referendum
Divorce is a civil right to all human beings worldwide. So far the church in Malta is doing its utmost to keep us as an exception to the rule. Everybody with a little common knowledge knows the REAL reason behind it. So much has been written & said now can't wait for May 29th!!!!!!!!! Divorce don't scare me (heared it somewhere before). I've been married for 36 yrs blessed with a kind, loving, & supportive family. Like all couples we've had our ups & down. Half these yrs we lived & raised a family in the states where you can get (a quicky divorce anytime/ anyday) but it nevered bothered either of us. Try to see through the gimmicks of who is trying to instill FEAR through their rethoric talks. May God help us all.
Jiena nemmen, li min ghandhu verament zwieg b'sahhtu u min il-quddiem ikollu zwieg b'sahtu, Imma verament ta! La jisseparaw u la xejn min dan. Izda mhux kulhadd jizzewweg b'intenzjonijiet tajbin. Probbabli xi hadd minnhom, jew it-tnejn kellhom xi stampa ta xi An they lived happily ever after, Iz-zwieg jekk ma jkunx hemm verament imhabba QATT ma hu ser jirnexxi, anke jekk jibqghu flimkien. Jekk ma jkunx hemm imhabba ma hemm xejn, povru vittma u tfal li jibqghu fi zwieg hazin. sabih/a hija /huwa dik ir-relazzjoni jew zwieg ta 2 li jinhabbu verament. Lil dawn xejn ma jifridom. l-imhabba , il-fedelta u l-lealta trid tkun mi tnjen lejn xulxin.
Interesting opinion except that the church doesn't want divorce because it basically has a leg upon a secular institution, civil marriage. Once divorce is legal it will lose that and the value both monetary and socially of the annulment as a gatekeeping force wielded by the church will fade away. No longer will they be able to regale annulment according to how noble your surname is, your connections or the amount of money you have. Their last hold on the secular state will crumble. Log on: mazzun.wordpress.com for more info on divorce, the church and its hypocrisy
falzonsilvio, dak is-sabiħ ta' pajjiż demokratiku li jkollok opinjonijiet differenti. Iżda minkejja li ma naqblux xi ħaġa sabiħa li niddiskutu. gd.
piccinino , l-opinjonijiet taghna huma differenti hafna :)
@ falzonsilvo Hija vaga li tgħid li d-divorzju mhux ser iwasal biex ikisser żwiġijiet. Is-sitwazzjoni f'pajjiżi fejn daħal id-divorzju turi mod differenti ta' kif qed tgħid int. Ilbieraħ stess il-Prim Imħallef ta' l-Ingilterra talab li l-gvern biex b'mod immedjat jagħmel miżuri biex isaħħaħ il-familja għax skont kliemu stess "id-divorzju ġab diżastru kbir fis-soċjeta".
The irony is that those "typical of the traditional upper middle class- of some of the no speakers" were crusading for the yes-vote in the 2003 referendum. so was their message quirked too then.
There is no common sense in favouring divorce. 1. If divorce becomes legal it will be a no-fault divorce. 2. If one of the couple wants to divorce the other has to accept even if s/he does not agree. 3. If a married Mum and Dad vote yes for divorce, what example would they be giving to their children? 4. The EU issue was different as it was obvious that economically the EU was the right choice. 5. Divorce will increase poverty (making divorce lawyers richer in the process...) and hence social services will be milked dry = more taxes. 6.Nobody is instilling fear. Both sides are just stating their views. 7. Is divorce a common sense solution when society should promote the family and not its disintegration? 8. People who are experiencing marital breakdowns have other options: seperation, cohabitation, civil annulment, Church annulment...
and about the referendum poster in Italy, I said it before and it's true. Who have a good marriage, does not fear a divorce law. it won't take divorce or seperation law to break the marriage, but lies and the no respect accompanied with adultery, those break marriages
Imma jidher ċar li ta' l-iva għad-divorzju qishom il-labour qabel l-aħħar elezzjoni. Ma jafux x'ser jaqbdu jgħidu għax ma għandhomx argumenti u spiċċaw iwaqqgħu għaċ-ċajt u jikkritikaw biss, kif sar fl-ewwel dibattu fuq il-pbs. Iġifieri trid tara kull perspettiva... U jekk tifhem fil-psikoloġija taf li meta wieħed ibeżża iżjed jikkonvinċi... għaliex taħseb li fuq il-pakketti tas-sigaretti qed ipoġġu ritratti ta' fwied imħassar eċċ... mhux għax ibeżża meta tarah.
James, I tought about that, when Salamone spoked about leaping in the dark. I said even when Malta was being asked to enter in EU, We were told that . Now the story I see it different, till now, james. The Eu for some was for personal gain, so they can travel or work abroad, more right etc.. James I am not sure, But for sure is that If the No wins, won't be like as it's stated 98% are catholics in Malta. Does not mean that all are FIDILI :) Also if one search globally, one wil find that the people belives more in god than in the church, and the church is always decline every year. That is a fact. Well if not now divorce will be for sure. This is just the beginning, of a new era in Malta. As I have said from the beginning with divorce or not, marital breakdowns will still be. Banning Umbrellas does not stop rain. banning divorce does not stop marital breakdowns.