Saviour Balzan's videblog

Saviour Balzan: the reasons to vote yes for divorce.

Saviour Balzan, fl-opinjoni tieghi, kien l-aktar gurnalist li ma qaghdx idur mal-lewza. Ma bezax jghid car fehmtu dwar il-"krucjata" moqzieza li ghamlet il-Kurja u specjalment l-Isqof t'Ghawdex biex iwerwru lil fidili. Jekk jirbah il-LE, dan ma jkunx gara ghax il-poplu ma jaqbilx li tidhol ligi serja tad-divorzju, izda ghax ghad hawn eluf kbar ta' nies li facli twerwirhom meta ssemmilhom l-infern, li "Alla jobghod id-divorzju", li l" adonna bkiet ghax qed nahsbu li ndahhlu d-divorzju " u hafna atti oxxeni bhal dawn ! Cert li Savious u hafna ohrajn m'ahniex se nhallu din il-kwistjoni tmut fuq ommha jekk il-vot IVA ghalissa ma jirbahx. Pero t-tigrija sal-barkun. U jekk , kif appella Savious, il-laburisti li ghaddew mill-martirju tas-snin Sittin, johorgu jivvutaw IVA, hemm cans tajjeb li l-IVA TIRBAH. "YES" WE CAN !!! Eddy Privitera
Proset tassew Saviour..... I really admired you one TV yesterday!!! A YES vote is a vote for freedom and reason, a vote for fairness, solidarity and individual rights, a vote against oppression and a vote against democracy of hypocrisy. Change doesn't come by itself. It will never knock your door one fine morning. Those who believe in Change should be the Change...and Change we will have.
Prosit tassew Saviour! Esprimejt dak li hafna u hafna bhali qed inhossu fil kuxjenza u hsieb taghna. Fuq kollox jekk skond tal LE, id-divorzju u tant hazin u ser jaghmel hsara lil familji Maltin u Ghawdxin ghalfejn din il biza u it-twerwir kollhu meta skond huma (u naqblu sa certu punt ) il familja Maltija ghadha maquda u b'sahhita!! Il-ligi tat divorzju jekk tigi ser tkun hemm ghal min tassew ikollhu bzonna u mhux ser tkun ligi ta bilfors ghal kullhadd. Min ma jaqbilx ghandhu kull dritt ma jaghmilx uzu mid divorzju pero mhux jimponi u jidetta lil haddiehor it-twemmin tieghu.Id-Divorzju huwa Dritt Civili u ejja ma nkunux EGOISTI. Jien u il familja tieghi ser nivuttaw IVA nhar is-sibt ghax nemnu li ghandhu jkun hemm cans iehor ghal min falla fiz-zwieg.
I'm voting YES because no one has the right to interfere in my life, and by no one I mean NO ONE and that includes the local church! . It is my business to live how I wish and how I want. I do not give a dam shit about others lives 100%, they choose it they lump it! . Next Saturday we show the church that they do not own us and that we are free!
Micheal Bonanno
@anti-divorce. Scare tactics won't get you anywhere. Only adverse actions.
@salgister, I am so impressed especially that she is declaring that she intends the break the law. I hope that Mr Saviour Balzan will be honest and report this incident to the Police. It is illegal to prevent anybody from voting
The argument that we have to accommodate the minority is a dangerous one. A minority are paedophiles. A minority might want abortion to be legalised etc. Would it be right to accommodate such minorities? Who decides?
Micheal Bonanno
@mike. Tanya has got you by the balls (figuratively speaking of course)! That's why you don't want to reply.
@tanya BC, I will not be quoating anything from the bible because it is crystal clear that divorce it is not permitted. If you want to vote yes just vote yes, maybe most of the people who are voting yes need the divorce law, so don't try to impress me with the bible.
I will be voting YES but for argument's sake here are some relevant points: According to the Old Testament when Abraham and Sara remained barren, Sara complained 'Jehovah hath restrained me from bearing (Genesis 16:2). In her impatience she told Abraham to marry her maid, Hagar. Having more than one wife was acceptable in that culture. The Church says that the Bible writers were witnesses to the life of Christ, and faithfully recorded what they heard and saw. Correction: Most of the New Testament writers never met or saw Jesus in their lives. They lived many years after Jesus left the Earth. They wouldn't have known Jesus of Nazareth if they walked into him on the street. But..The Bible writers were great believers and great historians. They took the stories which had been passed down to them and to their friends by others - elders - from elder to elder , until finally a written record was made. AND not everything of the Bible authors was included in the final document. Already 'chruches' had sprung up around the teachings of Jesus - and, as happens whenever and wherever people gather in groups around a powerful idea, there were certain individuals within these churches, or enclaves, who determined what parts of the Jesus Story were going to be told - and how. This process of selecting and editing continued throughout the gathering, writing, and publishing of the gospels - and the Bible. For several centuries after the original scriptures were committed to writing, a High Council of the Church determined yet one more time which doctrines and truths were to be included in the then-official Bible - and which would be 'unhealthy' or 'premature' to reveal to the masses. And there have been other holy scriptures as well - each placed in writing in moments of inspiration by otherwise ordinary men. I have also downloaded the 'Sancta Missa' which is the Rites of the Priesthood. Becoming a priest is to take a sacrament like marriage. I have also learnt that a nun is a 'state' not a sacrament as not the same values are attributed to her. When a priest takes his vows he promises to value those vows forever and be faithful to those vows forever. A nun postulates herself in front of the bishop, takes her vows and becomes the 'bride of Jesus, wears a ring with a cross on it and says she will be 'married to Jesus' forever. BUT, if any of these decide that they cannot be faithful to their vows anymore, they can leave and start new lives, live with partners of the opposite or same sex, have children and move on... Whatever one does be it murder, adultery, thievery, rape, abuse etc etc. you are forgiven - but get married and realise that you have made a mistake and there is NO forgiveness..... You can get separated or have your marriage annulled - no problem - a lot of people do anyway. What I personally find very offenisve is having a marriage annulled - especially when there are children. Annulment means that technically that marriage never took place - that makes a whole mockery of the beautiful children born within that marriage. At least divorce says that the marriage was there but not a rebuttal of the marriage itself and the children born within that marriage.... What kind of God do we believe in? We are told by those who misinterpret the words of the scriptures: God give us 'free will to choose' but you have to fear the judgement of the Lord - YET what kind of choice is free when to choose one thing over the other brings condemnation? How is 'free will' free when it is not your will, but someone else's, which must be done: Those who teach this make a hypocrite of God. These behaviours are the behaviours historically demanded of their subjects by monarchs – usually ego-maniacal, insecure, tyrannical monarchs at that. If we choose to believe in a God who somehow has such hurt feelings if He doesn’t get what He wants that He punishes us – then we truly are the Children of a Lesser God In my opinion Divorce should have been a vote in parliament - it has now gone to the streets. This is a civil right not a question of morals or what God wants - where is the morality in having old people who do not know whether it is monday or thursday or what year we are being taken out to vote? I am speaking from experience as I have two parents in their 90's that are at St Vincent de Paule and I will be making sure that they will not vote next saturday. But, if my sister or I are not there they will be taken to vote and are being told to vote 'NO'. Is this morality? Personally, I could have got a divorce or an annulment years ago - haven't probably becuase of laziness - Does this give me the right to stop somebody from getting married again? Having Divorce does not mean one has to make use of it - I give money to all the causes there are mostly Hospice, Putinu, Dar il Providenza etc - you hope to God you will not need them - that doesn't mean we don't have them.
@silvio insomma l-estremisti fuq iz-zewg nahat issibhom, ma tarax dan Salvu min jaf kemm hareg overtime, lanqas artiklu wiehed favur tal-LE, possibli kollox hazin u ejja,dan sa ftit ilu lil jpo ma kienx jahmel jarah pingut ezempju ghal ftit issa ma jghidx li ghandu jkun ta' ezempju
Prosit Salv.
issa ahjar , qed nghidhu li gej l-estrem Islamiku. L-Apokalissi ghall Malta jekk nivvoaw IVA. mela wiehed bassar terremot ghal Malta jekk ikun id-divorzju( li jista jigri anytime ghax ahna fi dinja bhal haddiehor qedghdin) Anzi mhux bhal l-iehor li 21/22 may kellha tkun l-ahhar tad-dinja. u kollox kompla kif kien. imsomma min huwa estremista , jibda jiffissa , jghid u jimmagina hafna hmerijiet. U il-hajja tkompli .
If Malta votes divorce, some fear the winner will be radical Islam By Benjamin Mann Denver, Colo., May 21, 2011 / 11:17 am (CNA/EWTN News).- European and American experts say changing Malta's divorce ban would show weakness to radical Muslims, who could capitalize on the island's drift toward secularism to push for Islamic laws. “Forced secularism is a gift to the radical Muslims,” said Stephen Schwartz, a U.S. author and researcher on the Islamic world. “They have the perspective that confusion and secularization is good among the Christians.” “Everybody has reason to be worried about radical Islam, and this is an issue of radical Islam,” said Schwartz, founder of the Washington-based Center for Islamic Pluralism. “My opinion is: Malta should not change its divorce laws.” Malta is the only European country that does not allow divorce. But this could change, depending on the outcome of a May 28 referendum in this tiny Mediterranean island nation of 408,000 people. Voters will decide the fate of proposed legislation that would permit divorce. If the referendum passes by popular vote, the legislation would then go before parliament for its approval. Divorce supporters say Malta should “modernize” its marriage laws. Opponents warn that liberalized divorce would lead to the breakdown of marriage and the family in Malta, where 98 percent of the population is Catholic. They point to the poor state of marriage and the family throughout Europe as an indication of the likely consequences. But Schwartz says de-Christianizing Malta's laws could have even more troubling effects – by giving Islamic extremists a foothold to agitate for the practice of Islamic law. “The moderate would say, 'Let Malta be Malta – don't change the divorce law,'” he stated. On the other hand, “a radical would see as much confusion as possible among the non-Muslims as good for the Muslims.” Schwartz, who belongs to the moderate Hanafi school of Islam, believes that preachers from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia may be planning to spread radical Islam in Malta — under the guise of helping Libyan and Tunisian refugees. “If you had an influx of poor refugees from Tunisia and Libya (into Malta), the Pakistanis would be in there – swooping down like hawks,using ‘aid money’ as a pretext,” he warned. Approximately 3000 refugees from Muslim North African counties have recently arrived on the island and received international protection, since political unrest began in the region earlier this year.Another 6000 Muslims were living in the country before the revolutions of the so-called “Arab Springtime.” “Radical preaching of Islam is going to be a serious problem in Malta,” Schwartz stressed. “The refugee population will be vulnerable to radical preachers.” Schwartz is not worried about the majority of Maltese Muslims, and he stressed that most European clerics are not dangerous radicals. Malta’s Ahmadiyya Muslim Association has not participated in the divorce campaign, and its members are taught to obey the law of their country. But for a well-funded and organized Muslim minority, Malta's move toward secularism would appear in a different light. “‘Oh, now that they've left Christianity, they're fair game for us’ – that's not the moderate position, but that is the radical position,”Schwartz explained. Schwartz’s concerns are echoed by a leading European expert on culture and religion. “The idea that Muslims in Malta may benefit from the divorce law is not among the main topics on the agenda,” said Massimo Introvigne, founder of the Center for Studies on New Religions in Turin, Italy. “Nonetheless, some portions of the Muslim community are quite quick in taking advantage of legal innovations which have nothing to do with Islam.” Introvigne said radical Muslims have already taken advantage of liberalizing trends in other European countries to push for a recognition of Sharia law. He pointed to a case several years ago in the European Court of Human Rights. Muslim organizations petitioned the court to recognize polygamy in the United Kingdom, arguing that laws against the practice violated their religious liberty. At the time, the U.K. had not yet introduced its same-sex “civil partnerships,” and the Muslim organizations lost their case. However, same-sex partnerships have since been legalized in the U.K., so the Muslims are once more pursuing their claim. As Introvigne summarizes it, their argument is based precisely on the breakdown of traditional definitions of marriage: “That time, we lost the case because it was said that in the U.K. there is traditionally only one form of marriage. But now that there are two, with the inclusion of same-sex marriage, why not three?” A similar situation could follow for Malta, if it chooses to permit divorce, Introvigne said. “Some Muslim organizations may eventually take advantage of this for recognizing the practice of ‘repudiating’ women, which prevails under Islamic law.” The practices involves automatic divorce, by a husband's decree. “I'm personally very much against the referendum on divorce in Malta, and I feel very strongly in favor of those who resist it,” Introvigne said. “I see the merit of those who are afraid that recognizing divorce in Malta may open the way for Islamic divorce.” Introvigne said that Europe has followed a pattern of first legalizing divorce, then abortion, then same-sex marriage. Eventually, countries have no grounds to object when radical Muslims push for the practice of Sharia law as a form of legal “diversity.” That idea has already met with approval in some places in the U.K. and Australia. Although he stressed that not all Muslim immigrants to Europe are extremists, many do desire “the possibility for Muslims to live according to Sharia.” Introvigne pointed out that one of the founders of modern radical Islam, Muslim Brotherhood founder Sayyid Qutb, had developed his vision of a global return to Islam's seventh-century roots by observing Western culture's loss of Christian morality. “Qutb became a radical leader by being sent as an exchange student to the United States in the 1950s,” Introvigne said. He saw the state of Western culture as “evidence for Muslims, that they should move as far away as possible from ‘corrupted’ European civilization, and embrace Islamic radicalism.” Divorce supporters who call for a more modern and “European” Malta should consider how contemporary European culture serves to radicalize Muslim immigrants, Introvigne said. “Qutb already saw this ‘decadence’ in the America of the 1950s,” he pointed out. “It's much easier for radical Muslims to see this in the Europe of the 2010s.” Anjem Choudary, an admirer of Osama Bin Laden who led the“Islam4UK” organization before it was banned, is among those Muslims who believes strict Islamic law is the answer to Europe's problems. But Choudary, now Chief Judge at the “Sharia Court of the UK,” told CNA that he was not interested in half-measures such as the introduction of divorce. From his perspective, any government that fails to incorporate the whole of the Qur'an as the only law of the land is illegitimate. “Even if, for example, (British Prime Minister) David Cameron decided tomorrow to cut the hands off of thieves, it would still not be Islamic law,” Choudary stated. “Because he wouldn't be doing it in response to the divine text.” “We have no obedience to man-made law in the first place,”said Choudary, expressing a position that is gaining strength on Islam's radical fringe. “It all needs to be removed, and replaced by the Sharia.”
Prosit ta' dan il-videoblog. Straight to the point.
Meta nharsu lura naraw dawn il-forzi tad-dlam dejjem jippruvaw iwerwru lic-cittadini bil-babaw. Iz-zghazagh zgur ma jiftakrux dawk iz-zminijiet meta l-knisja Maltija kienet kontra kollox. Insemmi biss xi whud: kontra d-dhul tad-drenagg f'Malta, il-liberta' tal-espressjoni tal-istampa, it-taxxi, ghax ma ridetx li l-knisja tigi ntaxxata, kontra l-iskola obbligatorja, kontra l-vot ghal kulhadd, kontra l-vot tan-nisa, kontra l-uzu tal-Lingwa Maltija,kontra r-riformi socjali fosthom il-pensjonijiet, kontra l-indipendenza ta' Malta, kontra l-ugwaljanza quddiem il-ligi, kontra l-edukazzjoni b'xejn. Insomma dejjem kontra dak li kien se jsir biex il-poplu jintrefa mill-mizerja. U mal-knisja kien hemm il-pampaluni tal-PN. Min jista' jinsa lill-Mons Panzavecchia jghid lill-genituri biex lill-uliedhom ahjar jibaghtuhom jigbru z-zibel milli jibaghtuhom jitghallmu l-iskola, ghax bl-iskola jitilfu ruhhom. Meta kienu ser jinaghtaw il-pensjoni lix-xjuh kienu jghidu li dawn se jsiru sakranazzi ghax il-pensjoni ser jonfquha fl-imbit u jilghabuhom. Kienu jghidulna li bil-helsien se nsiru komunisti.Kienu jghidulna li l-mara ma tridux il-Vot ghax postha hu fil-kcina u biex iggib u tiehu hsieb it-tfal. Jigifieri dawn dejjem riedu lill-poplu mjassar fl-injoranza. Imma llum in-nisa lahqu livelli daqs u oghla mill-irgiel. Harsu lejn in-numru ta' gradwati li johorgu mil-universita'.DAwn qed jinsulentaw lin-nisa. Qed jahsbuhom li ghadhom twapet tal-irgiel. ISTHU. Dan il-biza fuq il-mantenimenti huwa kollu falsita' ghax illum l-gharajjes kollha jahdmu, nisa u rgiel. Kollha ghadhom il-pagi taghhom u hadd ma jiddependi minn hadd. Divorzju diga hawn f'Malta, jghidu x'jghidu l-ipokriti specjalment dawk li ghajruna briganti, msieken, lpup, tradituri. Min jaf min hu traditur, jew brigant jew lupu. Mhux ahjar iharsu harsa madwarhom u jaraw fejn qeghdin l-ilpup. U l-annullament x'inhu jekk mhux divorzju?. Anzi hu aghar ghax it-tfal fl-annullament qishom ma jezistux, u min jiehu l-kustodja taghhom irid jara kif ser imantnihom, forsi billi jiftah kawza civili. U jhobbu jsemmu li Dak li ghaqqad Alla ma jhollux il-Bniedem. Mela dawn jahsbu li huma xi haga aqwa mill-Bniedem?. Dawn qed jahsbu li lahqu flok Alla ?. Ghax huma jannullaw, ihassru zwieg li sar quddiemhom stess bil-barka taghhom u fil-prezenza t'Alla. U ma ninsewx li l-Knisja taghti kunsens li jizzewgu "TFAL" ta' sittax. Hawn ma tkunx qed tonqos il-knisja ?. Jien ser nivvota IVA u bilqalb , biex neqirdu darb'ghal-dejjem l-ipokresija ta' dan il-pajjiz li ghadu jghix fil-medju evu u taht l-inkwizizzjoni ekklezjastika. Ejjew nghinu lil min ghandu bzonn jerga' jibda jghix hajtu u nnehhu darb ghal dejjem lill-inkwizituri li l-uniku skop u ALLA taghhom huma l-poter temporali u l-FLUS !!. Tistghu tkunu iktar ipokriti ?.
issa naraw nhar il-Hadd jekk almenu l-maggoranza tal-poplu malti hijiex libera jew Le. Libera fi sens li tghix hajjitha skond il-kuxjenza taghha, minghajr indhil politika/religjuza. "Jiena nemmen li kull cittadin Malti jaf u ghandhu dritt jghix hajtu bl-ahjar mod tajjeb ghalih". Il-moralita tal-bniedem qeghda fih innifsu
Saviour, ippermettili nkompli fejn hallejt int. Nofs seklu ilu kellna l-imposizzjoni tal-interdett u tad-dnub il-mejjet li, skond certi predikaturi, kien jintiret ghal seba generazzjonijiet ghal min jivvota Labour. F'din il-kampanja referendarja tad-divorzju l-Knisja tal-lum u l-klikek reazzjonarji ma ddejqu xejn jaghmlu uzu mill-istess ghodod spiritwali ta' dari u, bla misthija, jarrogaw ghalihom id-dritt divin ta' potavuci ta' Alla, Kristu u l-Madonna. Ghalkemm bil-fomm jistqarru l-kuntrarju, fil-prattika ghalihom Stat u Knisja jibqghu mwahhda flimkien tant li emaskulaw lill-Istat milli jillegisla dwar drittijiet civili u l-harsien tal-minoranzi, kif hekk, kieku kellna Parlamentari ta' sinsla,kien messu sar mill-ewwel bhal bqija tal-pajjizi civilizzati. Ma setax jonqos milli nosserva, imbaghad, illi f'din il-kampanja jew, ossija, krucjata l-istess forzi pingew xenarju apokalittiku tal-isfaxxar tal-familja u, f'kull okkazjoni, inqdew bit-tfal minn fuq il-pulpti, fl-iskejjel u fuq il-billboards biex iwasslu l-messagg reazzjonarju u incivili taghhom. F'dan ma hemm xejn gdid ghax l-istess tattici kienu intuzaw fl-Italja mill-Knisja, l-Partit Demokristjan u l-Partit Faxxista mmexxi mill-poggut Giorgio Almirante. Dan sew qabel, u b'aktar ferocja wara, l-introduzzjoni tad-divorzju f'dak il-pajjiz fl-1970. Intant, it-Taljani dakinhar immexxija mill-moviment tan-nisa, l-ghaqdiet tal-istudenti u l-Kattolici dissidenti gharfu johorgu mill-morsa. Hawn Malta ser jigri l-istess ? Niddubita ferm li ghadna ma jlahqniex dawk l-istess aspirazzjonijiet. Meta, forsi xi darba, l-poplu jintebah li l-Knisja u l-forzi oskurantisti ma jistghux, u ma ghandhomx, ikomplu jiddominawlu l-hajja civili u socjali tieghu "ab utero ad tumolo" (mill-guf sal-qabar) u jiddettawlu l-ghazliet tieghu, imbaghad,forsi, jinqatghu l-ktajjen. Sa' meta jasal dak iz-zmien il-minoranza mugugha tikkrepa u tittama, jekk ma tmutx bil-piena, zmenijiet ahjar.
Luke Camilleri
A Yes vote is a Yes to tollerance, a yes to the voice of minoirites , a YES to a RIGHT enjoyed world wide and to Maltese who can afford to avail themselves to an overseas divorce or get the local product if you have connections -the Blessed Annulment! It's all about having equal rights with the rest of the E.U. Community!