The bright side

It’s high time our generation stood up to be counted.

When historians leaf through the reams of articles and editorials written in the run up to Malta’s 2011 divorce debate they will, perhaps, conclude that something wasn’t quite right with the country in that key period of its political history. That for all its apparent calm and tranquillity, there existed an underlying, ill-defined tension in that society.

Tucked away between printed religious sermons masquerading as newspaper editorials, the researchers will come across some exquisite examples of hyperbole, several over-the-top descriptions and, generally, a cloud of negativity. The label ‘hypocrisy’ will feature prominently, as will the words ‘insulting to’ (followed by a host of nouns: ‘men’, ‘women’, ‘children’, ‘gays’ – indeed practically everyone appears to have been insulted at some point in the past few weeks), ‘disgusting’, ‘wretched’, ‘shameful’, ‘fiasco’, ‘ridiculous’, ‘dirty tricks’, ‘sabotage’, ‘Taliban’, ‘intolerant’, ‘deceitful’ and so on and so forth. 

The sharper historians studying the post-referendum period might make out, however, that for all the bluster, impressive words and striking language, there wasn’t any real action ‘on the ground’, as a CNN reporter might put it. Perhaps someone will call it a tsunami of words or a modern tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

This will certainly be the case if the momentum gathered in some quarters on the back of the divorce debate simply dissipates into thin air once the referendum comes and goes. This might well be what actually happens, for we are a rather pragmatic people, preferring to forge our own individual niche rather than get caught up in something which takes time and energy with no guarantee of ultimate success or profit. But we should be aware that if things do simply unravel without any real follow-up, irrespective of the outcome of the referendum, it will be back to business as usual.

But the eternal optimist in me tells me that with the right ingredients and if the right people remain focused, something truly politically innovative can come out of the energy, anger and – finally this is the key factor – heightened awareness that the divorce debate brought out.

Awareness that Malta isn’t a secular state simply because we wish it was; that we might pretend that we don’t care much about politics until it comes back to bite us; that the people who govern speak in your name and define your country’s identity. Awareness that several thousand people in this country don’t actually feel represented by the highest institutions in this land because those institutions are based on an exclusionary premise (however benign that exclusion might be).  

Awareness, finally, that politics matters and that ideology is still alive and kicking in some parts of the globe, including our small corner of it, and that the people we put in power determine what sort of society we live in, what sort of discourse becomes predominant and what sort of institutions and networks are endowed with all sorts of privileges.

My colleague Mark-Anthony Falzon has summed it up extremely well in point five of his wonderfully clear Yes manifesto which goes way beyond the limited scope of the divorce issue itself. “A belief that a fair and forward-looking society,” Mark-Anthony writes, “should be based on laws and structures that seek as far as possible to include rather than exclude.”

Mark-Anthony’s crystal-clear manifesto, so refreshing after the mealy-mouthed reactions of some of our more well-known intellectuals, also convinces me of another factor which has become increasingly clear over time. The energy and impetus required to bring about the next important steps in this country’s development, beyond the strict confines of the divorce issue, can only emerge if an altogether new breed of Maltese citizen puts its mind to the task. It’s high time our generation stood up to be counted.

@ falzonsilvio: Int minghalik trid iddahhak, bil-'person dressed in white and black and carrying a bucket'? Jekk trid tinsulenta, ibda bil-mera. Jew issa qedin nuru kemm nafu, kemm ahna cool, qisna f'daqqa wahda stenbahna?!
il-fanatici religjuzi jew politici hekk jghamlhu vera - jicelebraw, fl-estrem. jekk jirba Iva - niehu pjacir , go fiha u nghid "sa fl-ahhar il-maggoranza qedghda tiftah ghajnejja". Jekk jirbah tal-LE, nghid"mela ghad iridu jaghddu snin sakemm Malta tigi pajjiz sekulari"
Mike jiena onestament,l-ewwel nett, jiena dak ghaliha ma hemm xejn minnu jekk fhimt x`ghidt jiena(superstizzjonijiet) mela ma hemmx ghalfejn inkompli fuqha dik. Jekk xi darba jkolli naghzel religjon ma nazghilx roman catholic zgur. 2. Mike naf li jduru bieb bieb- l-istess , ma naghtiex mike jien. Kont teserat ma partit PN, pero ma komplejtx ware snin li kont. Sakemm Malta ma tigiex stat u religjon ghalih, qatt aktar ma nivvota, u jekk nivvota , nivvota partit iehor, Meta jiena ivvutajt ghal Malta Iva fl-unjoni ewropea ma ivvutajtx biex nidhrtu li qeghdin hemm biss- izda biex iklollna drittijiet bhalhom , u dritt ta l-ghazla. ghalhekk qedgha l-ghazla Mike , sabiex wiehed jaghzel dak li hu tajjeb ghalih jew le. Int ghandhu jkollok id-dritt li tghazel f'pajjiz sekulari. sakemm Malta ma tkunx pajjiz sekulari dan qatt ma jista jkun.
@ Silvio x'ghandu x' jaqsam mhux anke tal-partiti jigu jduru. jien sa ftit ilu gew xi darbtejn tal-pl u mhux biex ibierku imma biex jigbru l-flus u kif ghidtilhom li ma nghati lil hadd miz-zeg partit dlonk immarkaw xi haga fuq il-lista li kellhom, insomma lura lejn iz-zmien tal-glorja tal-pl. ara tghidx li mhux vera dan wkoll. Jien ma nghidx bhalek ghax smajt li tal-pl certi li l-iva ser jirbah u qed illestu biex jiccelebraw, possibli li ma smajtx?
@ l-ahrax or il-mazzun iddecidi x'ser tifirma mhux ahjar thidilna li int l-editur tal-websajt tat-tajn
Yes, The referendum I think 90% is going to be won by the NO vote. Still I and all many others wil vote YES, nationalist or PL or alternattiva demokratika, or other thousnads that do not vote to any party, remember heer are thousands who don't vote in the general election, cause they lost all hope of having a good political party, that will run this micro state. The reason that the chances of the NO vote will win this referendum is , "That the church has terrorized so many vulnerable people, spiriual terrorism."! I was sitting in my terrace, when i saw a person walking my way , was a person dressed in a white and black holding a bucket in his hands, he knew that i saw him coming, so he knew i did not care about him at all. so he stopped at my gate, asked me if i ant to bless? I just looked at him , saw that i even don't know his face, so I was polite at least, just made a sign NO with my head, and he just went." Bless the house? I cannot belive people still belive in these things, thye just collect money, anyways all believe with what they want. so I can only speak of my self. I said this before before at least 10 more years will pass, and i don't hold back to what i say, the earth will wipe out clean all those superstitious people, who have their brain manipulated, than this country will NEVER be a real secular state. That is why the europeans in general , ignore us here , even if they don't say it openly, Malta unfortunatley is the least and will be the least important country in the EU, thye just use us, when they need us, that is the truth, and all know this, they help us yes, so when they need us they use us. Malta have always been used since ancient times. Now in different ways. This country needs a change , so maybe we will step forward like all eu member states, not showing that we are living like mediaval times, all is left is to have an inquisitor again, or we have ???
Well stated. Time to stop being deluded with the lies we are force fed in this country. The country we think we live in and the country we actually live in are totally different. Our lives and this country were always OURS and we need to get them back from the scumbag foul-mouthed blow-it-out-your ass political class that has been gorging itself on our taxes and cheating us of our decency and opportunities. The same class that preaches morality and yet has turned this country into an international whore-house as long as they line up their pockets.
Well said! I really hope there can be a rising group of people who can help liberate this country from its medieval shackles! If there can be a positive future for Malta, this is the only way forward, it's therefore time to act!
Totally agree! I see the begining of a true secular, humanistic and progressive movement in Malta that transcends party politics and insipid religious superstition. For more info see: