Game over

I am sick and tired of talking about Lawrence Gonzi. My articles have become predictable, because nothing changes and every week or day marks another sad day for the PM.

There is not much to say, other than that he has failed miserably. He took this country to a referendum, lost it, and after all this ‘bull’ about majority talks, he is abstaining, or allowing his members to vote against.

And the longer we go on believing he has it, the longer this country will continue trying to extend the expiry date of this government and all the other things that need to be dramatically changed or deleted.

Yesterday, Dr Gonzi expressed very serious concern, after the Church carried out its appalling and scandalous campaign. 

He said this after Monsignor Anton Gouder’s banal statement, which picked on those who did not vote. How bloody arrogant! Will they (the Church) ever learn?

But excuse me please, since when is a Prime Minister – an elected member in the House – responsible for the Church? This Prime Minister is running a secular State, not the Vatican. 

Has he not read the message in those 53% who voted Yes, and the 28% who chose not to vote?

Instead of trying to move on, he continues to persist in defending the mediocrity of an institution that has got it wrong. Wrong in all those societies that attempted to introduce divorce.

The reason that the PM has got to where he has is thanks to a multitude of reasons.

The first reason is that he is surrounded by Yes men, who tell him what he wants to hear, not what he should be told.

The second consideration is that Gonzi does not really understand the Nationalist party – his roots are in the Catholic Action Movement, not the PN. He was nowhere to be seen before 1987 and he does not understand that diversity was one of the PN’s greatest strengths.

Here is someone who cannot feel what it means not to forget those who made the lives of the Opposition into a living hell. The photo of him embracing the Gozitan Monsignor Anton Gauci is a case in point. The same Monsignor who for years poured bile over the PN Opposition before 1987 in newspapers that heeled heavily to the Mintoff government.

The third reason is that he so obsessed with staying in power that he does not see the longer term.

And finally, the fourth reason is that he is surrounded in his cabinet by the most unimpressive group of men and women… the likes of Dolores Cristina and Tonio Borg, who are either very conservative or else – like the PM – only interested in their constituency.

Dr Gonzi could be advised by his group of unelected advisors to go for an early election. He faces two immediate hurdles. The first is the divorce issue, where his party members could very well abstain and not vote in favour – further diminishing their status with the electorate.

The second is a motion on the honoraria, which could very well see some of his government members voting with Labour on this motion.

The pressure on the Prime Minister is too difficult to imagine. In the counting hall last Sunday, some members of Elcom – the electoral monitoring body of the PN – were openly questioning whether Gonzi was the right man for the job.

In private, many backbenchers express disdain for a Prime Minister who doesn’t have the backbone to make clear decisions.

So if the people around Gonzi honestly decide to suggest the idea of an early election to Gonzi, someone should really tell them to have their heads checked.

Having an election now means that Dr Gonzi will face a landslide defeat – I am sure of this. In two years, his chances of winning are as good as my chance of giving Richard Cachia Caruana the kiss of life.

Anyway it goes, he is in a lose-lose situation. The big question is: who could replace Dr Gonzi? Austin Gatt, as we all know, is out of the game. He has said that he does not want to stand. Really and truly, what everyone is saying is that we do not really want him. And even so, he would be unfit to even hold the crown. He is abrasive, impulsive and insensitive to the problems facing the underclass and the middle class. His present job is training his rottweilers – Claudio Grech and Manuel Delia – in their bid to get elected.

I hope the Nationalist electorate will see the shadow of Austin Gatt when they think of considering Grech and Delia.  In other words, I very much hope they will boycott these candidates and vote for better ones – ones who talk and think straight, unlike their mentor.

The other contenders are Mario de Marco, or even Chris Said. But none of these junior ministers will be willing to show their interest at this stage. John Dalli, of course, is far away; lost in his Brussels job… and even so, would stand no chance, since he does not have a base.

But before the real contender comes forward – as in all things in politics – the Maltese Premier needs a Brutus. Or, for those who remember the Margaret Thatcher days, a Michael Heseltine. Someone who will drag him down after being stripped and humiliated by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

That person will not be crowned as Leader, but will be remembered as the man who catalysed change. And the PN is in dire need of change before being made irrelevant. If this does not happen, then there is little doubt in my mind that Gonzi will go for the election with his GonziPN label. It will be like General Custer, who descended with his troops to be defeated and then massacred. (Custer, as will all know, was a silly General who thought he could outflank the enemy.)

Someone should tell him that GonziPN is over.

@briffy Nahseb l-"silly things" int qed tghidhom ghax nahseb hawn hadd ma tinteressah l-istorja ta' hajtek. X'ghamilt int ma jinteressani xejn. Taf x'jinteressani? Dawk iz-zghazagh li qed jaghmlu kif ghidtilhom int "study and get degrees" imbaghad ma jsibux xoghol f'pajjizhom jew jithallsu bic-cicri!!! Ghax Alla jbierek kollox qed nippruvaw naghmlu bhal Ewropej........ minbarra l-pagi!!!! U jekk "our youngsters are spoilt" skond int, mur ghid lil dak li dahhal l-idea f'dal-pajjiz li MONEY NO PROBLEM. Dak l-istess bniedem li llum qed jitkellem hafna fuq il-KUXJENZA!!! And I don't "expect the Government to give them a house" nistenna li l-gvern jaghti opporunitajiet ta xoghol sew liz-zghzagh biex ikunu finanzjarjament sodi li jifilhu ghal loans. Taf x'm'ghidtilniex kemm kont thallas kera int ghax illum biex ikollok appartament ftit dicenti mill inqas trid thallas €300 fix-xahar jekk ma tridx tghix f'kerrejja li bil-pulit nghidulhom appartamenti. U dawn il-flats li ghidt li kienu "shared by 3 families and a bathroom and kitchen shared by 18 people ara min qassamhom forsi l-gvern ta qabel 1971 ( dak ma lhaqtux jien) imma l-gvern ta Mintoff zgur li le u nisfidak issibli appartament li qassam Mintoff dak iz-zmien li kien minn dat tip li qed issemmi. Rigward "Socialist Govt looks after you from the cradle to the grave but he OWNS you," tghidx iktar cucati ghax ma kien hemm l-ebda beneficcju li l-gvern ta' Mintoff tah lil laburisti biss. Il-kejk (kif kien ihobb jghid ) dejjem tqassam ghal kulhadd. Ara kemm ilu fil-gvern il-P.N. ma nistghux nghidu l-istess ghax hlief erbgha bazuzli tal-qalba ma gawdewx. Kif ghidtlek darb'ohra jien u int zgur m'ahniex nghixu fl-istess pajjiz jien nghix MALTA u int donnok qed tghix f'PARADISE. NAWGURALEK!!!!
Mr. Saviour one thing you should learn is RESPECT and tolerance. Your articles are full of hatred and criticism. I agree that Gonzi has failed but still he is our Prime Minister. Respect should be shown to even the least creature roaming the earth. Yet you show repect to nobody.... the prime minister, the church, the archbishop, etc. You are the such a shame for the name of Jornalism !
@ Sandy...If I were you I would stop saying silly things: let me tell you a couple of things which, hopefully, will change your outlook. I will try to be as simple as possible 1. In a democracy, the Exchequer ( il-kaxxa) is rich and the people are poor, or the other way round. Our national debt is just over the upper EU limit 70% of GDP (Gross domestic product - jigifieri il-dhul totali tal-pajjiz -. Italy's is 120%, Greece is >100%). Our national debt is practically all LOCAL, i.e. the money is owed to the locals, not to foreigners. 2.The national debt circa (bejn wiehed u iehor) Eur5 billion generates Eur250 million a year by way of dividends which goes in the locals' pockets viz.Eur600 per head of population. The Exchequer ploughs back Eur37 million by way of tax (15%) withheld at source. 3. The national debt is NEVER repaid in full but has to be kept in check - ours will shortly dip to below 70% as recommended by EU. 4. Our youngsters are spoilt, they want to have everything BEFORE they can afford it. I had my house built when I was 50, before that I used to live in a rented flat. Today's youngsters want a car when they turn 18, I had my first car when I was 25. I was a high ranking public officer, I inherited Lm2000 from my late father and I made a deposit of Lm200 on a VW beetle which at that time cost Lm720 - the equivalent of Lm7 200 (Eur17 000) today. My salary was Lm600. so the cost of the car was equivalent to 15 months earnings. I paid the rest in four years. 4, Why do you expect the government to provide them with a house? This is the outlook of a socialist, the government looks after you from the cradle to the grave, but he OWNS you.. In the USSR it used to be that way, government builds huge blocks of high rise flats; and if you are a party follower you are assigned a flat which you share with two other families, 6 people in 4 rooms with a common kitchen and a common bathroom on the landing which you share with 18 other people. In a democracy, people study and get degrees, become skilled earn good money and look after themselves. Hope I have been clear enough
@briffy Prosit!!! Mela tista tghid li l-gvern tieghek l-ewwel li hu stupidu u rresponsabbli ghax mela pajjiz bid-dejn u l-P.N. dahhal il-kultura ta money no problem u kien hemm xi hadd li kien qal li d-dejn ihallsuh uliedna. Ara fi zmien Mintoff "Ahleb Guz" konna nisimghu fil-budget mhux TAXXI, TAXXI W AKTAR TAXXI!!! Skond int iz-zghazagh li jridu jizzewwgu m'ghandhomx dritt ikollhom dar? Forsi jithajjar il-gvern u jibnilhom kerrejja ha jkompli jitfana lura LOL
@ briffy well and good li wasalt bil hila tighek ax studjajt. iringrazzja lil mintoff li ghamel edukazzjoni bxejn obligatorja al kullhadd ax dik kontu kontrija, fuq largument bazwi tighek ta kemm hawn flus investit fli stocks, int qed tahseb li dawn il flus investiti mil magoranza tal poplu? ghax najdlek li qed tghix fholma jekk qed tahseb hekk, jew tahseb li kullhadd ghandu karozza? mela ma tafx kemm hawn kuntraturi tal qalba li huma biljunarji, dawk zgur andom min fejn jinvestu. tahseb li kullhadd jafordja karozza? insejt kemm hawn nies li jaqlawa tajjeb taht dal gvern ax huma min ta gewa jew jihdu xi kuntrat lhawn u lhemm li ghalijom money no problem? u jistaw jaffordjaw u jixtru kemm irridu karozzi. kemm sejjer tajjeb il pajjiz. mhux li jkollok A/C u ma tixalux ax tibza mil kont ta dawl. izda kemm jibqalom flus fil butt flahhar ta xghar il familji maltin.
Very simple. The easiest action in life is to take a step back and criticize whats taking place around you. But in all honesty, look deeper. Before one can judge, one has to have a clear and better solution to any issue. The issue of divorce should have never gone to a referendum but neither major party had the balls to do this. The PN put it to referendum and the PL shouted their stance in favour of. Gonzi would have come out with flying colours had he not taken sides. End of the day, it is every persons fundamental right to divorce but remember that when a vow is taken in marriage, the words 'till death us do part' must now be changed to 'until divorce us do part'. Only fair if you consider yourself a person of integrity. This blog just keeps harping on about Gonzi. At least, we all can see the changes that have changed the face of our country over the years. The PL have no agenda, no policy, no direction and only criticize. As an opposition, they are weak so how anyone can imagine them being a strong government beats me. Remember Alfred Sant in 1996? Under 2 years in government and a total turmoil. He was a complete flop. He nearly destroyed our country's fiscal system and our deficit (il hofra) was getting larger and larger. Get rid of Gonzi, go for it but be responsible for your actions which speak louder than words. My opinion is simple - give me a better alternative and we will vote for it. Otherwise, I'm staying put. In the meantime and on a separate note, we can have another referendum to decide whether we want to keep all these immigrants on our islands. For those that voted ‘Yes’ in the EU referendum, did you not know that you voted to live with immigrants? Thats my biggest worry about a facing 'game over'!!
@ Sandy...minn ha loans u ma ilahhahqx maghhom huwa stupidu u irresponsabli. Jekk tiehu loan to keep up with the Joneses u ma tkunx kapaci thallas lura tkun veru idjota, basta jkollok id-dar mghammra b'kollox, basta jkollok karozza mbaghad m'ghandekx biex thallasha u biex tixtri l-fuel. Fid- dinja hawn min ghandu ras u juzha u hawn min m'ghandux jew ma jusahix.
Taf x'naf nghid li tghidu x'tghidu l=istorja ma jista jhassarha hadd u bid-difetti kollha li kellu Mintoff kien mexxej li bil-fatti mexa fuq dak li ried Kristu billi haseb fil-proxxmu tieghu. Bizzejjed insemmu is-servizzi socjali li ta lil batut u lil marid, plts b'xejn, djar bi ftit flus, etc. B'hekk tghinhom il-familji mhux bit-tpatpit u bil-weghdi vojti. U warajh halla PAJJIZ SINJUR mhux PAJJIZ MIDJUN.
@Briffy Ma tarax il-familji ndannati u mjissrin bil-kontijiet u pizijiet li bellghalhom dal-gvern? Ma tarax l-gharajjes indannati ghax ma jlahhqux mal-loans fuq id-djar? Nahseb il-karozzi li qed issemmi kollha cash inxtraw!!!! Ghax ma taghmilx survey u tistaqsi lin-nies li qed tghid li ghandu l-miljuni kemm qed jghix komdu? Forsi qed nitkellmu fuq zewg pajjizi differenti ghalhekk m'ahniex niftehmu, jien fuq Malta qed nitkellem mhux fuq il-genna ta l-art.
@Salgister jitkejjel bil-livell tad-demokrazija, f'Malta qatt ma kien hawn daqshekk demokrazija; billi tara l-GDP per capita - Malta $22 000, il-qghad fil -pajjiz Malta 5% - l-aktar baxx li qatt kien u wiehed mill-aktar baxxi fl-EU, l-inflation rate Malta 2.8% - wiehed mill-aktar baxxi fl-EU; is-savings tan-nies - Eur10 biljun fil-Banek; Eur5 biljuni f'Governement stocks (dak lic-cwic jghiduli dejn), Eur37 000 per capita; average wage Eur15 000; min wage Eur8 000, quality of life: poplu b'sahhtu u liebes tajjeb li jipposedi karrozza/ per capita; djar spazjuzi (5 kmamar) maghmrin bi fridge, freezer, washing machine, micro wave, dishwasher, A/C, tapiti, vacuum cleaner, PC, 2 TVs, heater. U kwiet u serhan tal-mohh, paci mbejn minn ihaddem u l-unions, la hawn strikes, qrati hielsa, pulizija li taqdi dmirha. Dak il-progress li rat Malta mill-1987 l-hawn. x'differenza mill-1970s u 1980s meta Malta kienet taht dittatorjat, la ilma bizejjed, qtugh ta dawl, inkwiet kullimkien, incertezza, mibeghda bejn il-klassi li holoq Mintoff.
Micheal Bonanno
@briffy. Jekk tkejjel il-progress b'kemm hawn karozzi, a/c ecc. vera miskin! Kejjel il-progress b'kemm qieghed jifdallu flus fil-but il-poplu Malti. U mhux qieghed nitkellem ghal klassi ta' fuq, imma ghal klassi l-medja u ta' taht!!!
@ Sandy...Ma tafx li l-Maltin ghandhom Eur10 biljun fil-banek? Ma tafx li ghandhom Eur5 biljun f'government stocks li c-cwic isejhulu dejn (national debt)? Ma tafx li hawn karozza ghal kull adult Malti; ma tafx li hawn izjed minn 2 TVs f'kull residenza; ma tafx li nofs il-Maltin isifru kull sena; ma tafx li l-hwienet ghandhom l A/Cs, u li anke fil-council houses ghandhom l-A/Cs; ma tarax il-BMWs, Audis, Jaguars, Alfas, Lexus, Range Rovers etc - fejn qatt rajnihom f'Malta qabel? Ma tarax in-nies kollha lebsin puliti, ma tarax il-kafejiet mimlijin bin-nies?
@Interista..Jien brainwashed? Jien npapiha tajjeb? Jien nghix komdu ghax studjajt, lili hadt ma tani xejn. Li akkwistajt kien b'hilti u mhux ghax xi hadd tani xi haga. Din il-haga qatt ma fehmha il-Labour li dejjem emmen li jaghti ftit cejca lil nies li qatt ma riedu jistudjaw jew isiru skilled u dan kellu jhallas ghalih kull min ghamel sagrificji biex jimxi 'l quddiem bhala ma ghamel Peron fl-Argentina lil shirtless biex imbaghad dawn jiggieldu ghalih fit-toroq. L-istess haga ghamel Labour f'Malta. Zera l-class hatred and dahhal l-mibeghda bejn dawk li hadmu u dawk li qatt ma riedu jaghmlu xejn. Kien Alfred Sant li naddaf il-partit mill-vjolenza u warrab fil-genb lil dawk li tant ghamlu hsara lil-partit ghax qatt ma setghu jaghmlu xejn ghax kienu jibzghu minn Mintoff. Hareg bl-idea li jnehhi l-VAT li razznet hafna li riedu jkomplu jfottu fit-taxxa u dawn belugha. Meta l-VAT nbidlek f'CET dawn irrabjaw ghax fl-ahhar dawn l-imzazen ndunaw li Sant dahaq bihom. Lino Spiteri rrizenja min ministru tal-finanzi, Mintoff qatt ma ried joqghod ghal li jghidlu Sant u meta dan ghajru traditur ddecida li jnizzlu mill-gvern u b'hekk il-Labour tilef l-elezzjoni tal-1998. Sal-qabar tl-mara kissrulu l-Mintoff ghax tellifhom il-gvern wara biss 22 xahar, u Fenech Adami baght rinfors tal-pulizija biex jghassulu l-Villa Olives f'Hal Tarxien. Imma hafna mill-karattri li tefa' fil-genb Sant regghu tfaxxaw taht Muscat u sahansitra qabbad wiehed minn dawn biex jaghmillu l-manifest u ddikjara li l-ahjar zmien tal-Labour kien fl-1970s u 1980s. Muscat jrid iservu l-Alla u x-xitan biex jintoghgob mal-Mintoffjani u mal-moderni. L-ambizzjoni tieghu qal li jsir PM qabal ma jaghlaq l-40 bhal GBO u Mintoff. He sits on the fence biex min ghalih ma jwegga lil-hadd. Jippoza ta' progressiv u fl-istess hin jipprova joghgob lil min ghadu jammira l-Mintoff. Ma joffri xejn u fl-istess joffri kollox, x'opportunizmu. Jaf li ma jistax jtejjeb il-kwalita tal-hajja li Malta ghandha bhal-issa u li qatt ma kellha qabel. Tigix issemili il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma jew il-fuel. Int taf daqs kull min ghandu mohh li c-cirkostanzi fid-dinja tal-lum ma jippermettux li dawn jorhsu. L-Oppozizjoni titkaza bil-prezzijiet tal-lum imma taf li dawn ma jistghux jorhsu, imma tipprova tpingi stampa li dan huwa tort tal-PN, u naturalment l-imzazen jibilghuha. Il-Labour dejjem tkellem ghal-imzazen ghax jaf li hafna mis-segwaci tieghu huma mzazen - nies bi ftit skola, insulari, u jew m'ghandhomx mohh biex jahsbu jew ma' jafux juzawh. And Labour preys on these minds. L-elezzjonijiet jintrebhu jew jintilfu mill-floating voter li jahseb u janalizza.
@ briffy tider li int tpappija sew min dan il-gvern kemm int brainwashed, semejtlekk lista ta affarijiet ta gid li ghamel mintoff. u il PN Sab dawk laffarijiet lesti il PN kull ma kellu xjghamel li jimprovja l-affarijiet li beda Mintoff. ax li ma kienx al mintoff illum kieku int qass xtilbes ma ghandek ax il PN dak iz-zmien kien kontra dawk l-affarijiet kolla li semejtlek iktar qabel. mhux qed nghid li ma sar xejn hazin fi zmien mintoff. izda intom ghamiltu affarijiet, ta u ghamiltu vjolenza, u uzajtu il knisja u adkom tuzawa sal lum, pero ovjament adtkom imqabdin ma 25 sena ilu. ghax il partit laburista tal lum ma tistaw taqbdu mighu fxejn. mhux bhal PN. hlief kuntrati dubjuzi u kazzijiet ta korruzjoni dejjem jikbru ma semmux. briffy qed turri kemm diga bdejtu thossu it-telfa. ghadkom imdendlin mal passat. u ma tharsux lejn il futur. irbahtu b 1.000 vot flahhar elezzjoni u bhalissa qedin f'minoranza il PN Tighek. ma fadlilkom xejn hlief li sejhu elezzjoni bikrija. 35,000 vot iktar ftal mep's tal eu. u 14,000 aktar fi refferendum li il PN ikampanja alieh kontra biex ma jghaddix u hadem min taht b'mod mahmug u viljakk. issa hu pacenzja ax it is game over.
The NO-VOTE for the Divorce referendum was a classic PN run campaign. No substance, peddling prejudice, hatred and SCAREMONGERING. Using antiquated religious terminology this time around back-fired; everyone saw right through it. Here's hoping that the electorate will see right through PN's message when election comes around. P.S. For the record. Labour carries a big part of the responsibility for the current state of affairs. If they DID NOT SCREW UP SO BADLY toward the end of their regime and if they had offered a VIABLE ALTERNATIVE for all these years, PN would not have abused its position to the extent that it has. If there is ONE THING that this country can do to save democracy and earn the gratitude of future generations is to LIMIT THE TERM IN OFFICE FOR A PRIME MINISTER TO TWO TERMS. And do the same to the party leadership even if in opposition. Until you do this - any politician in this country who says he is serving his country is a barrel of elephant droppings.
i always find it amusing when people say they are liberal and secular and yet they vote for a christian democratic party. It is Game Over for Gonzi & Co. though he will keep dragging this pain in the neck for another 2 years. Wait for the scaremongering to start :)
Micheal Bonanno
@Briffy. Kemm tidher li int brainwashed. Ftit gid ghamel Mintoff!!! Il-gid li ghamel Mintoff (nehhi dak li diga kissirtu) ghadkom tibnu fuqu intom illum!
@ Interista...Mintoff ghamel xi ftit tajjeb meta ghamel l-minimum wage, imma mil-bqija d-deni li ghamel lil Malta kien xi haga tal-wahx. Jien m'inhix qed insemmi c-cikkulata u t-toothpaste, dik l'anqas haga. Jien qed nsemmi d-dittatorjat li introduca f'Malta. Konna gejna qisna l-Polonja fil-Mediterran, hbiebna kienu Gaddafi, Caucescu, Kim-il-Sung u taghhom il-Gieh ir-republika jekk ma tridx u l-honoris causa. Semmi it-tortura u l-qtil fid-depot tal-Pulizija, Kumissarju jmur il-habs ghal-ghoxrin sena, trattat sigriet mal-Korea ta' Fuq, arresti, frame-ups, Qorti kostituzjonali wieqfa ghal-tlett snin, bdil ta' Imhallfin, labour thugs jaghmlu li jridu, attakki fuq il-kazini tal PN fl-1971, 1976, 1981, jerrymandering, attak fuq id-dar ta' Fenech Adami, attack fuq il-Curia fejn id-depot, hruq tat-Times a Alla jbierak hadd ma jinqabad. Dak gid ghal-pajjiz! U kisser lil-partit laburista ghax bnih hu u kissru hu. Il-pajjiz illum ma jintarafx minn dak ta' hamsa u ghoxrin sena. Qatt ma kien hawn daqshekk gid, karozzi, TVs, mobile phones anke ghand it-tfal, PCs, A/Cs, kulhadd liebes tajjeb, nofs Malta ssiefer kull sena, restaurants mimlijin, il-qghad qatt ma kien baxx daqshekk.Freedom of expression, xi trid izjed. Il-genna fl-art?
Gonzi must ensure that no MPs votes against the divorce bill; and so must Joseph. Have just listened to MarieLouise Coleiro, and it makes me shudder to think that this lady stood for the PL leadership. The logic is very simple. All MPs had the freedom to vote according to their conscience in the referendum. There, they were voting as private citizens like all of us. In Parliament, they will be voting as the elected representatives of the people. The people have spoken, and they have no alternative but to implement the will of the people. Anything less will be a travesty of democracy. Anyone who respects himself will not forget who votes No now, or abstain, when they stand before the people in the next elections..
@briffy Veru zmien Mintoff ma kienx perfett ghax Alla biss perfett pero' kellu bzonn ghamiltu farka ta' gid milli ghamel hu. Tridu u ma tridux ikollkom tammettu li l-gid li baqa ( apparti dak kollu li kissirtu ) sar kollu fi zmienu. u hag'ohra almenu kien mexxej ta veru bis -sinsla u meta kellu jiehu decizjonijiet iebsin u jaghti drittijiet civili bhaz-zwieg civili ecc ma neffaqx 4 miljuni lil pajjiz imma mar b'wiccu minn quddiem, quddiem il-parlament tieghu ul-ligijiet ghaddew minn hemm mhux bhal P.M. tal-lum bla sinsla. Mela l-ewwel ma hadux decizjoni l-parlamentari u gew quddiemna biex niddeciedu ahna u issa gejjin bil-meraq biex jivvutaw favur dak li jrid il-poplu. Mur gib isiru fi zmien Mintoff dal-kummiedji!! L-anqas il-membri tal-gvern kollha f'daqqa m'ghandhom is-sinsla li kellu Mintoff!!!
Whose ever interest Gonzi is serving, its sure as hell not that of the electorate.The divorce issue was a reminder to politicians that they are there to serve us and to to dictate to us according to their whims and their own business interests. Th3 apology of the church is not sincere and i frankly would have preferred if they did not bother to apologize then try to deceive us again. The church in Malta has done untold damage to this country going back to the integration issue with Britain and the despicable actions in the 60's by Gonzi uncle for the benefit of the party now run by his nephew. The dark ages in Malta persisted until last week - the referendum showed once and for the fiction that we are all obedient christians and the church speaks on our behalf - i for one never consented that they speak on my behalf and now i know that i am in the majority. The sooner gonzi is out of office the better. If the PN want to keep him as their DEAR LEADER for the next 30 years - their loss. They can stay out of power for the next 30 years for all i care. Maybe in the meantime new political parties not associated with the demo-christians (what a parody of words! Nazies more like it) would gain strength.
@briffy int qed titkellem li il pn kien partit ta drittijiet? ahjar tiringrazzja lil alla li kien il partit laburista li lum tista tiehu beneficju socjali jekk tigi bzonnu, u tiringrazzja lalla li ghandek penzjoni, tiringrazzja lalla li nisa jistaw jivuttaw, tiringrazzja lalla li ghawn skola al kullhadd bxejn. ghax dawn kien kolla kontrijom il PN.tiringrazzja lalla li hawn l-air malta li intom kontu kontrija u ajartuwa ghasafar ta comb li ma jtirux, u issa xhaddna? Air Malta tahtkom Kissirtuwa u gibtuwa al kupteja u faraktuwa u fallejtuwa bil haddiema tal Air Malta tibatulom littri mandt il prim ministru li hobzom garrantit, qabel l-elezzjoni u issa qedin imdendlin ma jafux jekk hux se jitkeccew, laqwa li takwistaw il votti bil gideb u b-luzu tal knisja. u timanipulaw ix-xandir ta li-statt li nhallsu alieh il poplu kollu billi tghatu programi lil kugin ta ministru bix jghamel propoganda qarriqa u jinstab hati ta zbilanc fil konfront tal PL mil Broadcasting Authority, intom ghadkom isemmu zmien mintoff u zmien ic-cukulatta. il mintoff ahjar isemmu it tajjeb li ghamel al dan il pajjiz bhal dawk laffarijiet li semejtlek, mhux tajru il mintoff bi cukulatta u affarijiet banali, mintoff halla il kaxxa ta malta mimlija u intom farraktuwa f 20 sena li ilkom hemm fuq laqwa il 500 onoraria fil gimgha. ilkom 20 sena. u ma tghidux mia culpa, twahlu fil mlp li ilu 20 sena floppozizzjoni. meta fil PN ikun hemm xahadd li jitkellem onest u juri snienu u juri li mhux paljaz ta Gonzi, tohorgu all Out kontra tighu bhall ma qedin tghamlu il JPO. it-tajjir ta nazzjonalisti fil konfronti tighu u li ma jriduhx. ghalfejn? ax hemm min irrid imexxi u jidetta dak li jrid hu fil PN? biex jibqa fil poter u meta jsibu min jiqfilom jiehdu qatta. ahjar flokk referendum ghal dritt civilli li il poplu bmaggoranza qawwija fuq id-divorzju, ghamel referendum, int ghad fadalek fiduccja fdan il gvern jew tridu jirizenja ax skada? u kontu taraw li il poplu xebba bdan il gvern. ga batt 2 messagi qawijjin, wahda flelezzjoni tal MEP's 35.000 vott iktar al PL, u fi Refferendum Apparti li nies ivuttaw al dritt civili, waslu risposta cara lil gvern int skadejt.
All you say is correct Saviour. As a Nationalist voter all my life ( and proud to say I voted IVA in the referendum because I believe in a liberal, free and secular state), the PN needs a radical cjange of image if it wants to avoid the biggest hiding in Maltese political history. Change of leader would be one option or, failing that, Gonzi needs to replace some of the conservative faces around him with liberal ones . On another point Saviour, while I just enjoy reading your articles and Malta Today in particular as well as hearing you out on TV, permit me to say that you have of late (inadvertently) projected yourself to be an ally of PL....they just love to see you rant agaionst Gonzi. So perhaps a change of tune every now and then....or different targets.....
They say that the truth hurts!!! and some are showing this in their comments below. how is it that when people do not listen (or read in this case) they try to ridicule what is said and make some funny associations such as Maltatoday and Maltastar. Haven't they read what you write on the PL leader and I am sure what you will continue to write in the future. We might not totally agree with whatever you write but I respect you for writing what you feel and see around you
'sick and tired of talking about Gonzi' and than writing a whole article again...
@kmag0003 Go back to reading il mument....I also subscribe to the above. What a change from a few years ago. I really cannot see the PN reconciling to it's liberal coalition even if it had a full 5 year term not just under 2 years. Unless the party carries out a purge of certain elements in a bid to return to a secular party, defeat is mega guaranteed. The problem is that it is Lawrence Gonzi who has to spearhead these changes and frankly I don't think he has either the guts or the clout to do it. In the meantime, Joseph Muscat continues flirting with liberals in an attempt establish the PL as a "natural home of liberals" as he refers to it. Judging by the daunting challenges facing Lawrence and Joseph, it seems like Joseph's is certainly the easier task.
Saviour just a few days ago you said that this clown is a leader who can lead. Take it is easy freespeech. You enjoyed it when Saviour dishes out to Labour but cry foul when you are on the end of it. Joseph Muscat has no alternatives. We have old candidates. You sound like an old vinyl disc. How can you have faith in this clown when he can't even get his mind up on what to vote on divorce. Anyway 25 years is enough you filled you bellies sufficiently and are set for like. The rape of Malta is reaching its end. Your Party has wrecked the social, moral and economic fabric of our island. Just one example: A corrupt minister talking about the sad Madonna. Ghalikom Alla ghad irid joholqu l-infern.
Salv qisek il-Malta Star. Tixtiq kieku ssir elezzjoni issa; imma jekk int stess qed tghid li din tkun tfisser telfa ghal-PN tahseb li Gonzi daqshekk cuc li jsejjah elezjoni issa? U jekk fl-2013, jitla' l-partit laburista, int x'ser tiggwadanja? Tista' tghidilna? Nahseb xi haga takkwista talli l-Malta Today saret qisa il-Malta Star u t-Torca rolled into one. Irringrazzja 'l Fenech Adami u l-Partit Nazzjonalista talli tista' thalli dawk il-kummenti moqzieza fuq il-website tieghek u ma tigiex arrestat. Kien ikollok dan ic-chance fi zmien Mintoff. Kieku ilek li sparrixejt. Ibza ghalih il-freedom of expression li akkwistajna wara 1987 taht il-gvernijiet nazzjonalisti, u ghozzu, imma thallix lil min ikazbru ghax jinheba taht non-de-plume
Saviour is being realistic. I an (was?) a Nationalist and I don't take away any of the above.
is this malta star?? oh no its malta today...e bdw its belongs to the same party
To freespeech. And you have the cheek to call yourself "freespeech"
Totally agree Saviour. I think JPO should finish the job he started. I'm sure the bile and hdura of those who surround him in the party has made him sick and I'm not so sure he'll be allowed to contest the next election if Gonzi is still there. So his options are limited and he should chose wisely. Log on:
So what about yourself my dear Saviour? Before I read your articles and thought you gave an unbiased opinion. Now the only thing thats missing is the new MLP logo on the front of MaltaToday. What a shame!!! And remember that the new PL leader is offering no alternative, no solutions, no vision and simply criticising and riding on your back with his old candidates that you scarred yourself in your previous write-ups. Goodbye to whom???
I fully agree with what Saviour has stated above. With regards to the words : Someone should tell him, rest assurred that the people will tell him loud and clear in the next General Election. It has long been said that some of the MPS have been against him for a very long time, some do not even calculate him. It is also true that he has a lot of yes men around. I also think that the majority of the PN are trying to persuade Simon Busuttil to take over. Who knows what the future holds in store.