[WATCH] Footage emerges of men running across apron at Malta International Airport
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
The PN general council, the respect for truth, and understanding the Prime Minister's mathematical democracy.
Saviour you conveniently ignore or skip the fact that Papandreou came to power after promising to ease the pain on the Greek workers. Instead he made it worse.
sAVIOUR, this financial crisis story is taken from THE TELEGRAPH and I think the Maltese people would be well advised to take all pre-cautions with regards what this government is hiding from them and why they have decided to keep stuffing their faces while the party lasts.
Even the funds that has been borrowed as Malta's share to contribute towards Greece debts would all be lost.
Pimco warns Greece will default
Pimco, the world's biggest bond fund, shrugged off last night's vote of confidence in the Greek government warning that it expects Greece and other European economies to default on their debts to resolve their problems.
"For the next three years, we're going to see different economies work out different problems. For European economies, especially Greece, it would be through default," Mohamed El-Erian, chief executive of Pimco, said in Taipei on Wednesday in a video conference.
His comments came as the Greek government won a crucial vote of confidence late on Tuesday as it seeks further financial aid from the European Union and the IMF to avoid the eurozone's first sovereign debt default.
Mr El-Erian did not identify the other economies he referred to. He has said Europe risks wasting money for nothing by pumping billions of dollars into the ailing economy.
"Nothing has been done to enhance growth," he said. "No single (Greek) indicator has shown strength. They are afraid a restructuring would hurt European banks."
However, he doubted a Greek default could trigger another global financial crisis: "Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Spain would have to be involved. But Greece is too small in terms of economic impact."
Conveniently Pierre Portelli forgets to mention that in Greece the economic crisis was brought about by a prominent member of the EPP. His name was Konstantinos Alexandrou Karamanlis, he was a former Prime Minister of Greece and former president of the right-conservative New Democracy party. He served as Prime Minister for two consecutive terms, winning the 7 March 2004 parliamentary elections and the 16 September 2007 parliamentary elections. However, he asked for mid-term general elections to be held on 4 October 2009. The main reason for the mid-term election was the narrow majority his party enjoyed in Parliament that could not guarantee a stable government needed to handle the economic crisis and its repercussions. Since then the Socialist government have tried to implement measures to address the 'mismanagement' of the conservative government. Thanks Pierre for giving me the opportunity to explain this point.
Luke Camilleri •
Very much enlightening and certainly an eyeopener!
Totally agree with savior - Dr. Gonzi, STUFF YOUR APOLOGIES!
Ma ghadhekkx idahhaq Dr. Gonzi, TBIKKI qieghed! Il_kaxxier tieghek Dr. Tonio Fenech dan il-biki beda' jisma', fuq il- performance tieghek u dawk ta' madwarek li hadu il €500 zidiet FIL-GIMGHA!
James Bramston (d. 1744) Art of Politics.
"I hope, said Colonel Titus, we shall not be wise as the frogs to whom Jupiter gave a stork for their king. To trust expedients with such a king on the throne would be just as wise as if there were a lion in the lobby, and we should vote to let him in and chain him, instead of fastening the door to keep him out."
Twenty years of right wing politics in Malta and the amazing truth is that the majority of the Maltese people seem extremely timid to the mental manipulation inflicted upon them through the media and the sown arrogance that has blanketed the politicians of this tiny island.
Malta is becoming weary about the aging statesmen whom democracy in the last twenty years has degraded into politicians.
If the purification of politics is an iridescent dream, in Malta it has turned into a nightmare.
A nation that stood bravely together against the Turkish Siege, Napolean,
Fascism in World War II and the British Empire have for the last decade sunk their heads in the sand and declared themselves useless in fighting this destructive capitalism which the EU code named globalisation and free trade.
The tyrants of such monopoly are now trying to defeat these destructive policies on the back of the working class.
How fit is it that Public Trusts have been lodged in the hands of incompetency before they are even asked to first prove themselves to be found fit for the business at hand that which they are to be entrusted with?
Both political parties have simply allowed these dinosaurs and hogs to roam the political fields and keeping the citizens and tax payers oblivious to the damage being done to this country.
Unless courage is found to remove these cabals from the nation's trough, two years from now, no one would be needed to bring the walls down.
They will simply crumble all by themselves, as GREECE and most probably other EU states will be negotiating to withdraw from the EU.
'Sorry' remains the hardest feeling, not word, for GonziPN.
Micheal Bonanno •
Prosit, Saviour. 6 minuti huma ftit wisq ghall-argumenti li ggib. Forsi ma narawx ghajn ghal ghajn, imma naqbel ma hafna li tghid u l-mod kif tesprimi ruhek. Keep it up. Mhux facli zzomm it-triq tan-nofs hawn Malta.