Prime Minister ignores ministers' ethics scandal during budget estimates debate
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
How Joseph Cuschieri expressed disappointment at Malta's ratification of a second bailout loan for the Greek government, without having demanded that they ratify Protocol 36 for the extra allocation of seats for MEPs.
and where did you read this?
Why is Greece blocking the new seats?
How is Greece creating obstacles?
@ Ray
Yes, I have a very good idea what would happen to the Eurozone if Greece goes bankrupt. That why it should stop being selfish and blocking other Member States' rights.
Try to imagine, if possible, the you are neither a Greek nor a Maltese Citizen - not even an EU citizen. Greece, a country on the verge of bankruptcy, is creating obstacles to its bailout and making other member states resentful through its petty and selfish opposition to giving them their right under the treaty. Who is right?
Fellus ta Gahan. Have you got the slightest idea what happens to Malta (and most countries) if Greece goes bankrupt? Even China was willing to bailout Greece because it would have affected their country severely too. Trying to use blackmail was the most amateurish and stupid thing Cuschieri could do. And the PL (as most people with a small grasp of how economies work) knows this.
Fuq din ma għandux raġun Saviour Balzan - waqa' fin-nassa tal-PN.
Malta hija vopa li tgħix f'baħar mimli klieb il-baħar. Ma tista' taffordja li tarmi l-ebda arma li tgħina żżom posta fil-wiċċ.
Dak is-siġġu huwa tagħna bi dritt skont it-trattat. Xi pajjiżi, fosthom il-Greċja, qed iċaħħduna minnu għax hekk jaqblilhom. Irridu nkunu very bla bajd (skużi l-espressjoni) biex nitilfu opportunità bħal din biex niksbu dak li hu tagħna bi dritt.
Wisq nibża li Saviour u min jirraġuna bħalu qed jgħidu hekk għax Cuschieri mhux xi grankè bħala MEP (u hawn naqbel magħom). Kieku kien xi ħadd ieħor aktarx jitkellmu mod ieħor.
@ Fehmawvuci
Were you, by any chance, referring to Edwin Vassallo or Mario Galea?
Mr Cuschieri was elected by the people, why shouldn't he claim what is rightfully his? If it was a nationalist that got elected am sure Gonzi and co. would have done everything to see their man get his seat, but they cant accept that the people rejected them and gave labour 4 seats. Good on you Mr Cuschieri am proud of you.
As long as the Maltese people keep electing incompetence, DEMOCRACY in Malta cannot be rightfully sustained.
It is sad that between THEOCRACY RULE and CONSERVATIVE POLITICS on the edge of FASCISM that has enslaved this island for the last 25 years,
this country cannot find the mentality to discard 65% of its political incompetence in parliament.
A move on to the 21st.century can only be accomplished by encouraging new liberal and progressive parliamentarians that can try to unshackle the chains of nepotism and bureaucratic interference that is ingrained in our present system of electing and appointing banality.
We should all learn from the Greek experience how conservatism and right wing policies destroyed the country's financial system and hope that along the way. somewhere on this blessed island a new political leader can emerge to lead Malta with some motivation of accountability.
If our people cannot understand what is happening around us and in the EU, then we are staring at a bleak future with the same arrogant and corrupt system that is slowly but surely aiding in the bankruptcy of the family.
In due time, lowering the living standards of the citizens, with higher costs and stiffer taxes.
In these troubled times, the EU horizon is etched with costly burdens on the tax payers for ENERGY, HEALTH & INFRASTRUCTURE and Malta unfortunately has not yet figured out how many more borrowed billions of Euros this will take to sustain and upgrade it's present course.
Has anyone stopped to think why this administration's circle of benefactors have started circling their wagons around these 3 most costly governemnt budgets?
In the meantime Malta seems oblivious of how a relevant opposition must act in all this turmoil.
Someone who talks without thinking for the sake of generating confusion or try to appease support from all those that have a chip on their shoulder without any alternative policies cannot truly expect to form the next government.
A moderate and progressive party must first and foremost surround itself with relevance and competent people that must first prove themselves to be holding office for civil improvement rather than self indulgence.
If the party structures are full of incompetence and irrelevant idiocy, how can the electorate trust these same morons with the administration of their country?
Salv stajt ghidt kelmtejn jekk taqbilx li l-EU tnejku bil PN meta tawghhom is sitt siggu li ma jistax jintuza u litteralment ma jiswa xejn.
@ J.galea
Kien hemm hafna dittaturi li kienu jirragunaw bhalek u spiccaw belghu kliemhom.
PN is there to remain. PN was, is, and will remain the winning party. Next election the PN will win, like it or not.