[WATCH] Footage emerges of men running across apron at Malta International Airport
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan speaks about Malta's public transport service, and how Government is not willing to shoulder the responsibility for the dysfunctional network it has brought about through lack of planning, sensitivity, and foresight.
Isabelle Borg •
Salv, accountability does not exist in the Gonzipn dictionary.
I strongly disagree with Saviour Balzan !!!!
It seems his brain is befuddled with cobwebby notions that he, as a Maltese citizen, should be treated fairly.
Has it not yet penetrated his brain that Ministers, and authorities, have a divine right to treat him like swine ? And that we Maltese deserve it as long as every five years we hurry saqajna ma sormna to vote for someone who will treat us even more like swine ?
That is why I do not overworry a bit about this state of affairs. I have accepted my role of swine in life. And I have learned to laugh when someone calls me fidil or naggha (mitlufa or not). Why, I have evn accepted being called a brigand by a Gozitan so and so !
So, Mr Balzan, accept your fate in life ! Even the less equal animals in Animal Farm were better off than us !
What confounds is that the govt. chose a foriegn operator. From what I hear this operator does not excell in effiency. I know that we are cwiec to run an airline but are we also so cwiec we arn't capable of organising public trasport on an island of 316 sqkm. But what makes me want to jump in the path of an Arriva bus is that arriva were here well before the buzullotti started. I am sure they were aware of the size of our roads. SO WHY THE HELL DID THEY INTRODUCE SUCH BEHEMOTHS ON OUR ROAD?. These cannot be classified with the term cuc but ebete or tuba with be more fitting. All this in the middle of a blistering summer with tourists in a quandry whether to cures as or laugh their hads off. Really they should not complain they are assisting daily to a farce free of charge.
and let's not forget to mention that the Minister for Transport gave away 52 million euros before the change-over even started to "get rid of" the old bus drivers.... 52 MILLION EUROS and we had not started yet. UNBELIEVABLE. and then these results. U LEEEEEE!!!! ha mmur ninqela naqa fuq il bus stop jien. Thanks Ministru. Issa nivvota lil shabek.
well said Mr.Saviour balzan.
I have been using the P.T. for many years.
Common Salv. Fair is fair. Why should Gonzi bother about such trivial things like the Transport system when he is out there saving the economy of Europe by "agreeing" to Greece's bail out! He is much bigger than what you expect - so he leaves such mundane things like MEPA, Transport, roads, Air Malta, building of City Gate (only 80 million euro), Smart City and other projects in the hands of his very capable Ministry. Why shouldn't he do so? Look at the results - Malta has nothing to worry about. Why should he bother with such detail as what Austin Gatt and other Ministers do or don't do! He went and joined his big mates in europe and approved a bail out. He wouldn't know what it all means if his life depended on it! Perhaps he even asked his Finance Minister for advice: the one that is not worried about Italy's finances! Wow! Malta! And what's the Opposition doing in all this? They can't even land a hit that hurts the Government.And so is the case with the Malta Media - another reflection of Maltese malaise all round. Most of it agrees with the side that feeds it and some, just revert to just complaining about the things every one knows about rather than do some real stories about detail of economy etc etc The Maltese after all got the Government they deserve. These inept politicians from both sides come from the Maltese population - they are some of the best brains Malta can offer. I am yet to be convinced the rhetoric of the PL (from its opposition vantage point) can be the salvation of Malta or even some meaningful changes. If that happens it'll be a miracle!
Zack Depasquale •
Naqbel perfettament ma Saviour Balzan f'dan il Videoblog, ghaliex bic-car li ix-xoghlijiet tat-toroq li nammetti iridu jsiru, sfortunatament isiru bla pjan u kulhadd imwahhal fit-traffiku f'din is-shana.
Inzied mal-kumment ta'Saviour Balzan fuq il-wardens li dawn min suppost biex jedukaw il-poplu saru mezz iehor ta gbir ta taxxa. Insemmi kaz fejn karozza iparkjata f'nofs triq Garibaldi. bla number plates ghamlet gimgha u nofs sakemm xihadd indenja ruhu jqum mir-raqda u jnehhieha umbghad tara wardens mistohbija biex jaghti ic-citazzjonijiet ghax hekk imqabbda jaghmlu u biex nitfghu l-melh fuq il-ferita hadd ma jaf x qed jigri mil-multi mhallsa, dan kif iraportat gazetti ta kull nhar ta Hadd.
Fuq l-Arriva nhalli il-publiku li juzgha it-trasport pubbliku biex jaghddi il-gudizzju tieghu fuq is-servizz imma umbghad bhalha wiehed li nuzgha l-karozza tieghi ma jistax ikun nibqghu noqghodu ghal kollox fejn tidhol l-Arriva li ghax gabu karozzi li m'humiex tajbin ghal Malta is-soluzzjoni qieghda tkun inehhu il-ftit parking li fadal. Bhal dak li mar jixtri glekk u tal hanut tah glekk zewg sizes izghar u flok bidel il-glekk ipprova jaghmel id-dieta. L-inkompetenza tal-Arriva qieghed ibghati in-Nazzjon Malti kollu.
The country and its citizens are getting more and more frustrated and in my opinion it is partly to blame on all these tragiic accidents lately.Everybody seems so irritated and ready to blaspheme at one another especially in this heat and road armageddon.I suggest Joseph Muscat to start tackling this issue from now and in my opinion he must start from the wardens as I think apart from the irrational fines (taxes) they are issuing they are helping in killing the economy.Wardens must be a police branch not a private buisness making someone very rich.I asked JM because I know for sure that the PN does not give a damn so my only hope to see some change in this country is in 2 years time. Joseph please start addressing this issue from now and I bet that all of us who work on the road will support you.
I agree with Saviour Balzan videoblog regarding the whole mess that the PUBLIC TRANSPORT is passing though. The result to all is that more people are using their own private transport to travel for their needs. All this is creating irreparable enviormental damage which affects the maltese population. I wish to know WHAT is being done to solve this mess with immediate effect. Thanks Maurice Cini