How ethical is ethical?

'Character assassination’ is how they described a news story which reported and confirmed how Joe Mizzi – the former Chairman of PBS – made a fool of himself at the Eurovision Song Contest.

If Joe Mizzi were not Joe Mizzi but perhaps a Jason Micallef (or, who knows, an Arnold Cassola), there is little doubt in my mind that we would have taken the person to the cleaners.

There are – and be sure to always remember this – two weights and two measures in Malta. In other times, it was North and South, black or white, tall or short, thin or fat.  In Malta, it is whether you are a diehard Nationalist or not.

The ethics commission of the IGM has issued a case of ‘grave censure’ against Julia Farrugia, the editor of Illum, for doing what all journalists should have done. Julia Farrugia did the right thing.

I am not surprised at the ethics commission’s ruling. I warned Julia, and she knows my views on the IGM and the ethics commission. I cannot accept that the IGM continues to be run by a bunch of press consultants and ministerial aides.

The question to ask is very simple. Was the footage showing Joe Mizzi falling to the ground as if he were very drunk justified or not?

Yes it was, because Joe Mizzi was on official duty representing Malta on one of our more illustrious missions abroad – the Eurovision Song Contest, a contest during which we repeatedly make fools of ourselves on stage… apart from backstage.

Mizzi, who was appointed to PBS together with party boy Anton Attard, is on the long list of political appointees who run State TV, and have done little or nothing to bring it in line with what is expected from a national broadcaster in a democratic country.

It is a pity that before having to resign, Mizzi managed to do exactly what many of his predecessors managed to do at PBS. Un bel niente.

To ensure that PBS is the station we always feared it to be, Natalino Fenech made sure that the ethics commission’s decision was presented to the public on the 8 o’clock news as the worst calamity since Jack the Ripper roamed the streets of London. It is rather expected.

Anyone who knows Fenech will not be surprised.  Here is a man who has such a chip on his shoulder that nobody can really understand him. Since I have known him from his days in the MOS (now Birdlife Malta) he has always been a spiteful man, and has always struck me as someone who bore resentment for others in the same profession.

Of course, the fact that Fenech can do whatever he likes says a lot about Anton Attard, the man who is the CEO. News has it that Mr Attard is none too happy with Natalino, but then again, I cannot see any changes in the news set up. Indeed, the closer we get to the election, the more I see PBS news resembling a propaganda station committed to presenting government and its representatives as future perfect and anyone else as past tense.

I am quite pleased that those in the ethics commission who sat down and deliberated did so without thinking back to the time when they played the part of editors.

I was most intrigued at Lawrence Grech, the former editor of the Sunday Times.  He stood on the ethics commission and kicked off by sowing reasonable doubt about the intentions behind the reportage. He was instrumental in talking about the motive behind the story.

He should have known better. When he was editor of The Sunday Times, he was the first one to carry so many juicy stories fed from Castille that ripped apart so many characters who were government targets. 

I could name a few, but I will leave him with only one name (and I think one will suffice for the moment): it was the story of Brigadier Calleja!

The insinuations in the Joe Mizzi case from the very start gave the impression that Julia Farrugia had purposely trailed Joe Mizzi and led him into a trap.

It was Joe Mizzi who put himself in that position.

And if anyone filmed him, it was only because Joe Mizzi collapsed in a public place in front of so many journalists and public personalities.

Well, those who know Joe Mizzi will tell you that Mr Mizzi cannot handle much drink, and some people who combine drink with stress come up with a devastating concoction.

The funniest bit of evidence given came when Mizzi recounted visiting Dr Frank Portelli days after the incident, and Dr Portelli surprisingly coming up with a medical opinion.

That left me incredulous. 

The Press Ethics Commission says questioning Mizzi over whether his public role was tenable formed basis of ‘character assassination’.

The Commission found there was no breach of privacy in the airing of footage that caught the former PBS chairman Joe Mizzi collapsing to the floor, at a Eurovision after-party in Dusseldorf.

But the same commission declared that there was unethical behaviour and character assassination, claiming that the story aimed at attacking Mizzi in his public role as PBS chairman by attacking his reputation and not investigating the case enough.

So bloody what? I say.

Are we saying that asking Joe Mizzi whether or not his position was still tenable given what happened… is wrong?

Unbelievable. And then, just yesterday Antonia Micallef – a PBS journalist, operating under Fenech’s instructions – asked Julia Farrugia whether she felt that her position as deputy Chairman of the IGM was still tenable.


And as if that weren’t bad enough – the one sided reportage of PBS goes on unabated because nobody has the balls to tell Fenech to put down the temperature.

No one, not even CEO Anton Attard. But then, what should we expect from Mr Attard?

And what better way to do that, than to guarantee that PBS retains its role as a gatekeeper?

The opinion featured in MaltaToday newspaper edition on Wednesday, 24 August

It is unacceptable that in this day and age, in this democratic Malta, irresponsible people should live feeling unashamed of their irresponsible way of life knowing that if they are blue eyed they will be defended by the likes of Antoine Vella the ex M.O.S. official. Just imagine if the CEO of the BBC was exposed in such a situation who would even dare to come to his rescue.
S'issa ghadni ma smajt lil hadd jghid li l-filmat ma kienx awtentiku. Kull ma smajt hu qabda newwieha jattakaw lil gurnalista li dehrila li filmat bhal dan ma ghandhux jinheba. Ara meta xi hadd qal li Alfred Sant siker u habat u kisser xi tlett karozzi u wara instab li kienet GIDBA SFACCATA hadd ma hareg jippriedka l-etika. Hadd ma talab apologiji. Kullhadd bela ilsienu.
briffy do not be so sure that lack of interest in education is self inflicted. Some people are never given the same opportunities and chances as their counterparts coming from different social strata. There are a number of political factors which play an important part here. Having different level playing field rules for different people is the order of the day. Mr Antoine Vella, persisting in sin is diabolic.
It is unacceptable that in this day and age, in this democratic Malta, innocent people should live in fear of having their character murdered by the likes of Julia Farrugia.
Watchdog...The reason for the social divide in a democratic country like ours offering equal opportunities and free education for all is the lack of interest shown by a number of pupils who prefer to fool around and disturb the class instead of paying attention, failing to do their homework. So they lack behind and fail their GCEs miserably. Without qualifications or skills they will not find a job or at best land themselves a job which gives them a minimum wage. And they are doomed for life. Their peers, who did their bit, do their Os and their As, go to university and become doctors, lawyers, architects, accountants, they find good jobs earning three or four times the minimum wage, buy their house, marry, have a car for themselves and one for their wife. This is the whole story. And the have nots can only blame themselves for leading a miserable life. The administration has given the same opportunities, but they were foolish enough not to grasp the opportunities that came their way. They are paying for their own sins.
To our dear friends from the GonziPN's tribe who are calling their adversaries nasty names, it is best that we remind them that their party and its faithful fold are no bunch of virgins, saints, do-gooders, experts and professionals. They have their fair share of black sheep as well. Admittedly, they are very good at obscuring their rivals whilst trying to portray themselves as god's gift to the Maltese Nation. Their strong propaganda machine, together with their encumbency expertise enables them to give themselves a false and deceitful image. On the other hand, those who pertain to 'the other side' and do not make part of the GonziPN clan are portrayed as morons and stupids. Shame on an administration who has been in office for the best part of these last twenty five years to note that the number of these 'children of a lesser god' seems to be constantly on the increase and the social divide is once again what it was in the 60s. Once again their is a marked distinction between the haves (minority) and the have nots (majority). This is the real reason why I believe this country of ours really needs a change in government.
Antoine Vella says, "This ugly incident is not going to go away. When we're close to the elections, perhaps, we'll be hearing more about it. When the time is ripe." Proof, is any proof was needed, that these people don't give a hoot about Mizzi or his character - all they are interested in us scoring political points.
@ mikegold 117... What you are saying is correct.The mazzun websajt is simply pathetic, it is more or less on the same level as maltastar, kulhadd, illim and torca.Obviously these are meant to cater for the readership they target - when addressing characters of a certain level of education one has to generate and regurgitate trash, wit and its lowes form - sarcasm - and finesse and sophistication are lost on morons. There is nothing strange. As for malta today, it has changed tack. If one takes a look at the its archives, one can se3e the difference between the articles of yesteryear and today's articles. Saying that maltatoday is biased towards Labour is putting it mildly. What is urprising is not the way things are portrayed today but the way they were in the past. Salvu's roots are labour. There was at ime when he seems to have seen the light as he was bitterly let down by Mintoff's way of doing things. But now that Mintoff has disappeared from the scene it seems that Saviour has gone back to the fold blissfully unaware of the cells of the old guard still lingering in the Labour camp, those dinosaurs of the Mintoff's days that Alfred Sant marginalised in the 1990s. It seems howver that Salvu has become colour blind or has put on blinkers.
Chris Tanthi
The PEC seems to have made up its mind before it started proceedings....
This ugly incident is not going to go away. When we're close to the elections, perhaps, we'll be hearing more about it. When the time is ripe.
mikegold 117 you're in for a surprise this time buddy
@ Peter vella or il-mazzun or l-ahrax ghadkom ma xbajtux li sabiex tikwotaw min websajt tal-hmieg tibdlu in-nickname. Ir-realta li il-MT u Illum huma biased lejn il-pl xejn izjed u jghid li jrid Salvu ghax in-nies hlief ghal istess erba li jiktbu hawn jafu min ghandu agenda mohbija. Xejn ma nghidlek Salv kompli hekk ghax ma tistax tghin iktar lil pn iktar milli qed tghinu. Prosit ghax hekk certi li l-pl ma inbiddilx.
So Mr Antoine Vella expects an apology. Which is pretty amazing considering that he is a frequent and willing participant in a blog that sinks to levels of vilification and character assassination probably never reached before.
One wonders how much longer can the Maltese citizens tolerate to be taken for a bunch of witless idiots that could be manipulated by propaganda and disgraceful commissions appointed to camouflage the incompetence and undisciplined behaviour of this administration and their lapdogs with their snouts at the public trough. Not only was Julia Farrugia correct to report and post the video in question but Malta Today also has the journalistic duty to let the citizens of Malta how these incompetent morons are behaving while they are appointed by the state at the detriment of the tax payers money. WELL DONE JULIA....WELL DONE MALTA TODAY AND SHAME ON THE PRESS ETHICS COMMISSION FOR INTRUDING IN MATTERS WHERE THE MALTESE CITIZEN HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW.
You're so damned right Saviour, they'll just do anything to defend their own. Gonzi's nucleus of lackeys is based on omerta' with no sign ethics or accountability. If you want to know about the PN and ethics just read this piece:
Imbilli dan Mizzi hasluh fl-ghajn tal-Hasselin li dan l-ahhar qed tintuza ta' spiss, biddel xi haga minn dak li deher fil-video?
Luke Camilleri
The Nats haded by the Gonz just don't know the meaning of the word ETHIVS! They have their own version , two faced as usual that of when in Opposition and that of when in administration! The same goes for lies, promises, accoutability, transparency, responsability, conscience, arrogance, Christian Values..and most of all the TRUTH and economies of it.......and lest one forget QUALITIES , GOOD QUALITIES AND NOT SO GOOD QUALITIES! Shame on them and who support and sustain such 'non-ethical behavior!
@av She'll apologise when Eddy apologises to Dr Alfred Sant not a moment sooner.
How scandalous. Guilty apologist bloggers asking for the innocent party to apologise! Quo vadis GonziPN and poor Malta?
@Antoine Vella Apologise for what ? For a democracy of "two weights and two measures". Not to forget, what is being done to-day, can be re-opened in the coming future, so JUSTICE will be served to the bone. Not to worry Julia, the clock has started ticking and people knows who is right.
Mark Fenech
Julia - you have my support. You were just doing what all true journalists should be doing without fear or favour. When one sees the photograph of Mr. Mizzi, one can see the tag with his name and company on it, so it was a totally official function, where he was representing all the maltese. He was there through our taxes and therefore a journalist has a write to bring to our attention, what these people were doing on our behalf. We have a right for it as taxpayers and it is totally unfair that the Journalist Organisation came out with such a decision. What a pity. Where is democracy? Is this because he is a blue eyed boy? Had he been a laborite we would have showed him to the world. Two weights and two measures in this country. One for the blue eyed boys and a totally different one for us laborites. You see this even in government departments. A blue eyed officer, where you find hundreds to replace him, is given an extention after he becomes superannuated, but a very important medical professor is not given an extension because he is a laborite MP. What a disgrace?
So she's not going to apologise then.
We all know that the 'wicked' tentacles of the GonziPN machine are alive and well in the PBS region, Mr. Balzan never be surprised of anything [especially nowadays 18 months before the General Election]. The Party machine is alive and kicking for the election and the 'Grand Plan' of the PN is already unfolding. The machinations of the Nationalists are devious and insidious. Maltatoday is a main target and expect 'bombardments'. But stay put. You have enough 'ammunition'.
Great piece. Whatever the press ethics commission says, Mr.Mizzi was intoxicated (spiked drink or not). To witness a senior public official representing Malta in an unfitful state as the video showed, was appalling to say the least. So the message one gets from this reinstatement is "Go ahead, eat, drink and make a fool of yourself and your country - then state that your drink may have been spiked. That will surely get you off the hook and a deluge of sympathy from the blue eyed babes"