[WATCH] Footage emerges of men running across apron at Malta International Airport
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about the Church sex abuse victims and their call for a financial compensation.
A mistake that a scientist should avoid at all cost is mixing the abstract with the matter.
Religion is built on faith.
Science is built on proven scientific facts.
Name calling is built on arrogance.
and whilst you are at it I am Shreck, you can check you balls, since you dont have the spine to write under your real name, you sock puppet - for all I know, you could be Savior Balzan himself or Lou Bondi's grandma.
Further evidence in support of my previous argument:
Mendel - father of modern genetics - was a priest
Linnaeus - father of modern systematics - was a devout Christian - in fact, the binomial nomenclature we still use today is in Latin and his inner circle of friends were known as the apostles
Those very wise guys who say that there are no contradictions and conflicts between religion and science should go have their academic achievements inspected by an independent faculty body.
Saviour, I have tried to be as dignified as possible in my first comment but you still seek to foment discord by your abrasive and vitriolic comments as the urge seems to be stronger than you. 'defend the indefensible'? Your pitting the Church vs Science reeks of an outdated and hacnkneyed stereotypes and of a perennial siege mentality. The Church has long recognised the flaws it has committed over the years, with Galileo being a case in point, and has long stated that the Bible is not there to teach science.
'has time on his hands'- Saviour are you implicitly implying here that all those who post regular comments to Maltatoday articles are wasting their time? I might have some time on my hands and you know why - because, despite the various overtures ever since the MEP election but especially these past few weeks from the PN to contest the general election, I have stolidly refused so as to have more time quality time with my 2 kids.
My credentials as a biologist are there for all to see Saviour - I regularly update my CV and post it online - As a contemporary Catholic, I refute all notions of creationism and I have thought myself for 6 years at A Level biological evolution. I see no dissonance between between a practicing Catholic and being a scientist - only knaves do. For instance, the head of the Church Environmental Commission in Malta - Prof. Victor Axiak - also served as the Head of the Department of Biology at the University of Malta for the past 20 odd years.
I see no dissonance between being a practicing Catholic and an environmentalist - only those intent in sensational Church-bashing do. After all, Saviour, everyone has an agenda, including Maltaoday - I will not stoop low by saying that it is an anti-PN agenda but will simply say that your agenda, like that of other media portals, is to sell. And giving due credit to the Church where it is due simply wont cut or wash Saviour. Even if MaltaToday were to concede the Church and clergy's valid work in Malta, I wonder who of its editorial team, mainly composed of atheistic and antic-clerical journalists, would take it upon himself/herself to write the piece - Saviour, you wonder where the bias is - probably you are overlooking the multitude of Raphael's pieces regularly lampooning the spoofing the Church published in your paper, with no chance of redress.
Saviour, you claim that the secrecy behind the Church's funding of the no to divorce campaign was wrong - has the yes campaign been very upfront about its sources of funding, especially about the funds it presumably received from the PL?
And by the way, Saviour, it was not Darwin who first described the theory of evolution - it is nowadays recognised within the biological community (and even by himself in letters he wrote) that he was wrongly credited for it- better update your biological knowledge Saviour!
Dear Mikola I lived most of my life abroad in democratic countries. The focus of the news papaers are on the government and not on the opposition. The opposition duties are to ensure that what the government is doing is the doing it in the right way. For example name me one contract in this country which stared with an X ammount . What was the end result? I can understand your motive, no matter what you want an independet news papaer to support the present government like most of the newspaper in Malta and called themsilves independent or you might be one of the fews who is "Mejjet fis sakra jew deghed timira ghal xi flixkun Chablis." Please note that your party is in government and not the PL.
I cannot quite understand how Deidun continues to defend the indefensible. What was unfair in the reportage on the Church? And there is nothing wrong in the Church funding campaigns. The only problem that it was kept a secret until after the campaign. I would have expected Deidun to be slightly more 'historically' conscious of the Catholic Church. As a biologist more so, biologists have long been crucified by the Church for revealing scientific truths or developing scientific solutions. From Lamarck to Darwin to Crick. IVF, stem cell research are but a few modern examples of where the Church retains a conservative approach. Deidun has simply too much time on his hands, otherwise he would simply be doing what he is best at: natural history with apologies to Charles Darwin.
Of course that the Church in Malta and worldwide does a lot of good. Nobody ever doubted that. Otherwise how could it possible maintain its relevance in the global scenario. But, I'm sorry to say, that a lot of what it does (and have been doing throughout its very long existence) in centred on financial and power gains. And this is a scientific fact, not an opinion.
Quite ironic how you accuse Lou Bondi of being the Prime Minister's spokesperson. While I agree with you, I also believe that you and your newspaper have become an extension of the Labour Media. Although most of the things you accuse the government on are true, we see very few attacks on the Labour Party these days in your paper. You're being very biased and it's becoming more and more obvious. Continue the attacks on the government were deserved but start balancing your attacks equally.
whilst its good that such scandals are given due prominence and justice be done with victims (the Church's stance in this case being shameful to say the least), Maltatoday's continuous railing against the Church is a gross imbalance since it never actually mentions anything of the good work being done by the Church in our country - I concede that the vast majority of Maltatoday's staff is atheistic or anti-clerical at best, but PLEASE PLEASE dont offend the feelings of practicing Catholics and the great majority of clergy who are going a great job by ensuing with this long and relentless crusade against the Church - pls lets go for some more balance and objectivity in reporting on the Church.
If the Church objects to the introduction to divorce, what's wrong with it funding the no campaign?????
The Roman Catholic Church should have stopped long time ago living by the motto of 'Do as I say and not as I do'.
You cannot preach one thing whilst turning a blind eye or two when your members do the opposite of your teachings.
Salv, vera niehu pjacir nara dawn il-videoblog, meta tkun ser tghamel wiehed mhux biased ghidilna!!!!
PS Inti ma tajtx palata lil ta' favur id-divorzju hadd ma jaf x' kien il-kumpenss tal-inqas il-knisja kienet onesta u qalet kemm harget, imma dawk ta' favur dak sigriet u qatt ma qallu minfejn gew il-flus.
Good one Saviour I agree with you 100%. There is another case brewing in Australia where mentally disabled children under the care of a catholic school St. Ann were being sexually abused by the church bus driver, not only that but this monster use to invite other pedophiles to abuse the same children in the school workshop.