Not just hot air...
Beyond the hot air generated by the current media circus, there is one issue whose outcome will generate polluted air, albeit this time of a much more real nature.
I am referring to the impending MEPA decision on whether to rubber stamp the government's decision to use Heavy Fuel Oil at the new power station in Delimara.
The government has already chosen that our new power station should operate on Heavy Fuel Oil rather than on diesel. Enemalta has already build the chimneys of the power station despite the fact that their height has still to be determined by MEPA. A desulphurisation plant is already in place despite strong doubts on whether this plant would be necessary for diesel fired power station. The issue is also over shadowed by a controversial tendering process which included a change in law right in the middle of the process which made the use of HFO possible in the first place.
But a final decision on this crucial matter has to be taken by the MEPA board when it meets to determine an Integrated Pollution Prevention Control permit.
The facts on the MEPA board's table are the following:
1. HFO will produce something like 27 tonnes of hazardous waste everyday.
These have to be transported along our roads to ensure timely export of this waste. Diesel does not create such waste. This waste has to be transported in specialised containers. One should not be an alarmist, We should acknowledge that we are not talking of the kind of toxic waste which causes deformities. But Enemalta's track record on transparency ranging from the burning of mercaptan to the black dust issue do not bode well for any kind of experiments. Even if this waste can be disposed safely, we will be taking an extra risk.
2. Although studies show that HFO is a cheaper fuel to import, the greater efficiency of the Delimara plant over the present Marsa power station means that a gas-oil operated plant at Delimara will be less costly than the present on at Marsa.
This has been confirmed by Enemalta. Since the new power station will initially replace the one in Marsa, there will be no increase in electricity bills over the present levels. As from 2014 the price of electricity will largely depend on the price of energy bought from the Malta-Sicily interconnector. This prompts the question; when the government was warning of a massive rise in electricity bills if diesel is used, was it thinking of tangible increases in bills currently paid by consumers or about future savings for Enemalta? Finance Minister Tonio Fenech now says that the latter is the case. But this eliminates on big concern; that people will end up paying more for energy than at present, if diesel is used.
3. Studies show that HFO entails higher particulate matter emissions than diesel.
A report by experts commissioned by 3 local councils shows contends that emission levels in southern localities are already higher than EU standards. Can MEPA possibly take a decision which will worsen the situation?
I trust that MEPA's Environment Protection Directorate led by Petra Bianchi who as a former NGO President surely has the environment at heart, will not be party to any rubber-stamping excercise and will address all these three issues in its recommendations to the MEPA board. Even if they end up endorsing the HFO option, we should be given solid guarantees that there wlll be no increase in emissions and risks.
I also trust that the MEPA board will not be bound by political decisions and Enemalta's fait accompli. If the EPD and the MEPA board stand to be counted their acts will certify the success of the much talked about MEPA reform. It will show that our environmental watchdogs can rise above political considerations. If the right decision is taken by MEPA, Lawrence Gonzi will get the credit for instituting a MEPA reform which works. Still he is still in time to commit an honourable u-turn like the one on the Xaghra l-Hamra golf course. Lets hope for the best.