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Jury trial kicks off against man charged with attempted murder
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about the editorial against MaltaToday appearing in last Sunday’s issue of The Sunday Times and says MaltaToday will not be intimidated.
TOM and The Sunday TOM = PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA....full stop.
Abdullah alhrbi •
I hope Saviour Balzan gets the support of all those who are ready to challenge a status quo that is well past its sell by date. The Times of Malta seems very eager to rest on its dubious laurels with regards democracy and freedom of information. Actions speak louder than the words although one can't deny that the 'Lawrence Ghaddafi' gem of an editorial is difficult to ignore :)). There is barely a investigative bone left in the TOM stable lately. Could it be a touch of the politics of self delusion on the part of the Times? The ToM is fast transforming itself into an insult to the European spirit of democracy and freedom of information.
Keep it up Saviour. You are doing a good job. We all know that The Times etc are just an extension of PN.
Luke Camilleri •
Savior Balzan's questions to Steve Mallia should be answered! The people have the right to know who is behind the Times...
Luke Camilleri •
Savior Balzan's questions to Steve Mallia should be answered! The people have the right to know who is behind the Times...
Xi tbaqbiqa hadt Saviour! It's unfortunate that I couldn't really follow the essence of what appears to be your legitimate complaint as this was the first time I heard of all this too!It would be better to stick to facts rather than the maltese penchant for "abusive language" - whomever the Editor of the ST is, it's not his fault that you commented before him etc etc . It would be more informative to stick to what the issues are and, as you do fairly well most times,rebutt them. As you said though, a better blog next time!
Ehhe,, mela le, hu pacenzja erga isma l-blog, u imbghad jekk trid tkun taf aktar ixtri l-MaltaToday ta' nhar il-Ħadd. It-tajba tal-internet hi li kullhadd jista jippartecipa, anki dawk li ma jisimghux u dawk li ma jaqrawx. Jew ahjar dawk li ma jafux jisimghu u dawk li ma jafux jaqraw. Imbghad jekk ma tridx tisma dejjem tista taqra s-Sunday Times biss. Hadd ma jisforza lil hadd. Anzi kullhadd fil-liberta li jaghzel li jrid.