Give migrants' children citizenship

Our President George Abela should take the cue from Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to address the plight of children born to foreign migrants.

Malta like Italy still does not grant automatic citizenship to the children of immigrants and foreign residents who legally live here and contribute to the wealth of the nation.

In our country there is a growing category of people who study in our schools, who can speak our language and who grow up in Malta but who are constantly reminded that they are not Maltese. They may grow to live their entire life in Malta without ever having the right to vote and to enjoy the full benefits of EU membership bestowed upon to Maltese citizens.

Even their right to a free university education is not automatic as they have to make a plea in front of an exemptions board, which is generally granted but is not automatic. Even work permits have to be renewed from time to time. Even travelling abroad can be a nightmare for these people.

Basically people in this situation are granted rights on a case by case basis.

Some of these are the sons and daughters of immigrants fleeing wars or human rights violations. Others are the sons and daughters of foreign workers who have legally stayed by having their work permits renewed from time to time to contribute to our economy.

The only way to become citizens is through "naturalisation" which is also granted on a case by case basis.

Our politicians prefer ignoring their legitimate plight instead of angering the redneck constituency which holds politicians hostage.

Across the Sicilian channel, the fall of the Berlusconi government which was held hostage by the populist and xenophobic Lega Nord, has cleared the way for a law which would probably find support across the ideological spectrum.

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano could not have been more clear on this issue. "I hope that Parliament can address the issue of citizenship for children born to foreign immigrants in Italy," Italian President Giorgio Napolitano said. "Denying it," he added, "is a true folly, an absurdity. The children themselves have this wish."

The President's proposal has gained support across the ideological spectrum from Pier Ferdinando Casini, the leader of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union  to Niki Vendola, the left wing politician who is the president of the Puglia region.

Ignazio Marino, senator of the centre left Democratic Party, has presented a proposal signed by 113 senators that modifies a law established in 1992 and grants Italian citizenship to any child born in Italy regardless of the parents' citizenship.

Introducing a similar law in Malta would be a real step towards social inclusion. It sends the message that we want to build an outward looking, dynamic and inclusive society.

It also recognises the contribution of migrants to the sustainability of our pension system and economic development.

It is positive that in the past years Maltese society has become  more inclusive towards minorities like gays and separated couples. But unfortunately the liberal/progressive agenda within the PL is very limited when it comes issues affecting people of a different ethnicity. The PN has also failed in applying Christian democratic values based on the dignity of the person, in addressing this fundamental issue. 

No backbencher from the current duopoly has emerged or is likely to emerge to propose a private members bill on such an issue. 

In view of this stalemate, will our President George Abela, who has a positive track record on immigration issues having spoken against long period of detention for asylum seekers in the past, act as a moral leader on this issue?  I sincerely hope so.

Citizenship should be given only to children where one of the parents is Maltese. Citizenship is much more than the right to live and work in a country. It assumes that the loyalty of a person having a Maltese citizenship is towards Malta and no other foreign country !
NO Malta should be only for maltese people look how much the crime has risen specialy with black people it should be like Dubia you can live there as long as you wish three stikes you get sent back were you come from belive me i live in Australia and in the last 10 years it changed you can't say merry xmas any more can't sing xmass song i can go and on Please Malta be carefull
As a maltese citizen, I request a referendum on this type of issue. I think it's only fair. No one has a right to decide these type of issues except the citizens of a nation.
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Jessica Chetcuti
@bottomlinesmart.........I believe that Singaporean nationality law is very similar to Maltese law, in as much as one parent must be a Singapore citizen. A Child born who does not have at least one Singaporean parent does not qualify for citizenship.
Having been to Malta recently on a trip that can be considered as non-touristy, I saw Malta with full objectivity. I must admit, what I saw, experienced and learnt from my hosts have been tremendously enlightening. Malta is indeed the gem on the Med. The issue about granting the revered Maltese citizenship rights to migrants can be very tricky. I would like to use Singapore as an example because the similarity of its land size to Malta.I have lived and worked in Singapore for 13 years, so I can share what I learnt whilst living. Singapore manages its citizenship issues through the functions of many agencies but more so by the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). These 2 government agencies, evaluate periodically movements in, out and within the work force of the country. Through their findings, necessary recommendations are made to the policy makers who then decide to carefully undertake the required steps. With the limited land space, it is fundamentally important to keep a close watch of the kind of people given the rights to live in Malta to protect the Maltese. Therefore, I think the policy makers need to address this issue fully aware of the implications not only today but in the future. Pragmatism could be the answer.
Naqbel miegħek mija fil-mija edyjoyce. ** Jekk min mar il-Canada jaħseb li se jiddettalna x'nagħmlu f'Malta se jarralu u l-President m'għandux jindaħal f'dawn l-affarijiet. ** Malta tagħna ċ-ċittadini Maltin biss u ta' ebda immigrant illegali jew uliedhom. ** Ara l-Isvizzera lanqas għal dawk tat-tielet ġenerazzjoni ma tawhom ċittadinanza minkejja li huma, il-ġenituri tagħhom u nanniethom twieldu u għexu l-Isvizzera, aħaseb u ara kemm nagħtu ċittadinanza Maltija lill-immigranti illegali u lit-fal tagħhom. ** Ħallina sur Zammit u jekk ma jkollokx x'tagħmel oqgħod ara l-problemi li għandkom il-Canada bejn l-inħawi Ingliżi u Franċiżi. **
You are totally wrong CJohn Zammit. ** Persons not born to Maltese parents cannot be considered as Maltese citizens. ** The illegal immigrants must be expelled come what may. ** We are the most overpopulated country without any resources so the few resources that we have must be reserved to real Maltese citizens not illegal immigrants.
I have already told you. Stop judging Malta on Canada’s terms. Canada is an enormous country, rich in resources, with rich nations as neighbours and where people are actually open minded in terms of votes. Malta is a small overpopulated island, located close to cauldron of troubles (Africa) with no natural resources and a weak democracy (both parties have X amount of loyal voters and those who for one reason or another is not loyal to a specific party, ends up deciding who is going to govern the nation )
Dear Mr Zammit if you knew an outa of how Malta's democracy works you'll notice that your argument is flawed. We've got two parties which practically garnish the majority of votes. The elections are decided by few thousands of votes. That is why lobbies (ex the hunters lobby) is feared because those few thousands votes, can decide who’ll govern Malta in the next 5 yrs. If illegal immigrants or their own children can get organized and are armed with votes then they can practically rule Malta. And pls do get down from your high horse once in a while. This ‘I am different because bassejt barra min Malta attitude’ is getting a bit lame.
@edjoyce ========= Mr. Privitera, your argument is fallacious. First, if a couple are in Malta on holidays, it is most likely that they (i) arrived by regular methods, such as commercial aircraft, or cruise ships, and therefore, they are reasonably well-off financially; (ii) a Malta holiday isn't exactly cheap - more proof of the couple's financial means; (iii) they will be leaving after their short-stay. If, during this relatively short stay, their baby is born, then that baby is Malta-born and ought to be considered Maltese. Of course, that baby will be leaving with them ... but should that child ever want to return to Malta, it would have the right to do so. What's wrong with that? ========== As to your fear that they will be able to decide who will govern, that too is absurd. All citizens have the right to vote, but not every citizen exercises that right. What makes you think that (a) all (coloured) Maltese will vote?; (b) that their numbers are such a large portion of the population that they will carry the day?; (c) that they will vote en bloc? My friend, you are a victim of Maltese stubborness, better known as "irrationality", so prevalent in the Islands. Try using Math and Logic next time you view this as a "problem". (It isn't. Work it out.)
Sur c.John Zammit, Mela ghalik, jekk koppja tkun f'pajjizna ghal-btala u b'kumbinazzjoni l-mara twelled qabel iz-zmien f'pajjizna, dik it-tarbija ghandha tinghata c-cittadinanz Maltija mil-ewwel ! Iddahhaqniex! LI barranin - gejjin minn liema pajjiz gejjin - f'certi cirkostanzi jinghataw id-dritt li jibqghu jghixu u jahdmu f'pajjizna, ma nara xejn hazin sakemm l-ammont taghhom ma jikbirx tant li jsir problema enormi ghall-pajjizna. Izda li tghatihom ic-cittadinanza, bid-drittijiet kollha inkluz id-dritt li jiddeciedu min imexxi lil pajjizna, allura dak LE ! Eddy Privitera
Sur Antoine Vella; Jien LABURIST U MALTI. Lil Mintoff, meta zbalja ma bzajtx nikkritkah fil-publiku, bhal meta taghkhom rebha elettorali fuq platt tal-fidda - u dak in-nhar INT u l-PN qaghdtu gharkubtejkhom quddiemu !. Izda lil Mintoff nirringrazzjah ghal HAFNA AKTAR GID LI GHAMEL inkluz lilek u l-familja tieghek bil-hafna ligijiet socjali li dahhal f'pajjizna ! INT mhux l-interess ta' pajjizna ghandek f'qalbek izda l-interess tal-PN. Issa jekk min ifittex l-interess ta' MALTA L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX, ghalik huwa "xenofobu", mela jien nirringrazzja l-Alla li jien " xenofobu" !!! Eddy Privitera
Muscatd has a valid point. Under the current circumstances (we cannot control illegal immigration coming to our shores) it would be madness. Such rule would make us a magnet to illegal immigration since having a child in Malta will making it nearly impossible for the person to get deported. / Considering that so many expats think that illegal immigration is a resource, Im sure that we'll be able to sort a deal with Europe, Canada and co to allow immigrants to go to these countries. That should be our aim since Malta is too small to integrate so many people with similar skills (unskilled labor) and many immigrants dont want to stay here in the first place.
@Jamrie === The irony is that Malta is one of the countries which accept dual-citizenship (thank heavens for that, if I may add, because my Canada-born children are Maltese citizens too). In light of this, it is incongruous that some Malta-born children are considered "aliens". There should be no earthly reasons why they have to be deprived of their birthright. Time to change that ... and the President can, and should, lead the way.
Jessica Chetcuti
In our country there is a growing category of people who study in our schools, who can speak our language and who grow up in Malta but who are constantly reminded that they are not Maltese. They may grow to live their entire life in Malta without ever having the right to vote and to enjoy the full benefits of EU membership bestowed upon to Maltese citizens. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mr Debono, I believe the above is incorrect. Unless I’m mistaken when children who are not Maltese nationals reach the age of 18 they can apply for citizenship, providing they have lived here continuously during the last five years before applying. Thereby enabling them to enjoy the full benefits of EU membership (whatever that is)
Jessica Chetcuti
Mr John Zammit, you are perfectly correct, unfortunately not all countries accept dual nationality. ..
@Jamrie ===== There is one flaw in your argument: If the child is given citizenship at birth, and is moved away from Malta with the parents, that child would still retain the right of return when the age of majority is reached.   It is no different than me, an emigrant to Canada, who can return to Malta at any time I choose ... because I was born a Maltese citizen, and still retain that citizenship (along with being Canadian).
Jessica Chetcuti
Mr A Vella, I think that you’re letting your political judgement overshadow common sense here. I find it rather strange that you’re accusing Mr Privitera of being xenophobic for stating something that is already laid down in the constitution. My interpretation of the law is that any child born in this country automatically takes the nationality of the father, as happens in most EU countries. If the parents then decide to apply for Maltese nationality after having completed the interim period of residing here for (I believe) five years, then their child or children will automatically be given that same right. However, if as you suggest the child is given Maltese citizenship at birth, then that could lead to many problems particularly if the parents were to return to their country of origin. Considering that the intentions of most illegal immigrants is to leave this country as soon as they are able then I would think that it stands to reason that their children would remain the same nationality as the parents.
Privitera, spoken like a true Mintoffjan, and I mean it. Your xenophobic ranting is the true face of Labour, hiding under a pseudo-progressive mask. Thank you for reminding us.
@edjoyce ... children born in Malta ought to be citizens from the moment of birth. Why penalize them for the 'sins' of their parents? This is one aspect of the Constitution that needs to be changed, along with that abominal Article 2. Speaking of the Constitution, it empowers the President of the Republic with all executive powers. In short, while in office, the President can do pretty much anything he wants, including bestowing or revoking citizneship. In this case, I would want him to exercise that power and restore human dignity to quite a few Maltese-born non-citizens. If he were to do that, you would never even know it, because it won't make a dent in the fabric of Maltese society.
Ma naqbel xejn ma li kuteb james Debono. Cittadinanza Maltija ghandha TINGHATA BISS lit-tfal ta' cittadini Maltin u mhux ta' barranin. Ghax cittadinanza ma tinvolvix biss id-dritt li toqghod u tahdem f'pajjizna. Izda tinvolvi wkoll Il-LEJALTA LEJN MALTA U L-KOSTITUZzjoni ta' pajjizna. LI jfisser li persuna cittadina Maltija , f'kaz ta' necessita, trid tkun lesta taghati hajjitha, xi haga li m'ghandniex nippretendu minn barranin li semplicement ikunu twieldu hawn, forsi wkoll b'kumbinazzjoni ! Jekk hemm bzonn tittiehed decizzjoni, din ghandha ssir b'REFERENDUM u mhux biss b'xi klawsola fi programm elettorali. Il-Presidenty Abela m'ghandux jindahal u ghandu jhalli lill-poplu jiddeciedi.
@RC- whilst 'accusing' me of posing as a Christian Democrat (such a monicker is actually an honour for me), can you enlighten me as to what you are posing as? By not even deigning to sign under your own name, you are simply posing as a sock puppet, conveniently throwing mud at people with no fear of repercussion - your use of pejorative terms like 'tpatpat' simply confirms that MaltaToday blog has descended down to the levels of tasteyourownmedicine and maltastar - well done to the webmaster of maltatoday for allowing such splenetic anonymous attacks - so much for tolerance RC - when individuals diasgree with you, you resort to expletives of all kind - seems like the Christmas spirit came early this winter!
Why should we Jamie?
If illegal migrants children are given citizenship the following will happen: 1) any person who is about to be removed to their own country will plead that they have a right to family life and their family is maltese. Moves to deport will be blocked 2)Each immigrant will have a baby within 9 months of the decision being taken to block any moves to return the illegal migrants to their point of origin. This will further burden the taxpayer as it will be the taxpayer who will pay to take care of the children not the immigrants.
@Jamrie ... I tried that too. It is even more frustrating, because I write in paragraphs only to see it all bundled up in one long block (with no carriage returns). It's maddening that the webmaster won't take a moment to tweak the system. It must be the Malta sun ... as long as it shines, who cares, eh!
Jessica Chetcuti
@C John Zammit, To avoid the annoyance of losing your message, why don’t you write your article in Microsoft Office Word, and then carry out a copy and paste exercise. This will save you pulling your hair out in frustration.
@Maltabiss --- I was about to post my reply to you when the stupid page refreshed, wiping out my message ... and I have had to sign in again. Please, if you are in Malta, phone the publisher to tell him what a dumb system this is. I have already done that via e-mail, but to no avail. I read before I write, and the "refresh" rate is set, by the webmaster, at 15 minutes. And it refreshes the page in whole, not just the adverts. Dumb system. Please phone them; maybe they'll get the message. And add that posts without paragraphs are a pain in the eye. Poor programming.
ps CJohn Zammit ** If you really believe that there are only 2000 illegal immigrants in Malta then you are either naive or want to take the people for a ride. ** Your reference to Canada is absolute nonsense as Canada is a vast country not a tiny overpopulated spec in the central Mediterranean.** If you think that the majority of MAltese citizens want them here why don't you call for a referendum? ** Or are you afraid of the result?
CJohn Zammit you can call me racist as much as you like because it does not make the slightest impression on me. ** Yes, I want the illegal immigrants out of Malta. ** Malta is MY country and my family's country and not the illegal immigrants country. ** I did not pay taxes all my life for my country's social services to find that they are being squandered on the illegal immigrants and endangering their collapse leaving me and my family and future generations without what I and many others have worked for just because you and some other bleeding hearts want to keep the illegal immigrants in Malta. ** If you want to help them take them back to their own countries and go help them there. ** Their presence here will only lead to future violence and trouble as has happened in other countries. ** As the sayings go, "There's none so blind as those who will not see" and "There's none so deaf as those who will not hear".
Considering that we don’t have any control on the influx of illegal immigration than our aim should be to limit the incentives for these guys to come/remain in Malta to the bare minimum. On the other hand we should make sure that immigrants would have access to mainland Europe where they will have all the opportunities to build a life of their own. Giving citizenship to immigrants is not a step towards that direction. I know that’s a quite cinical way to think and honestly I feel sorry for them. Unfortunately that is what the Dublin 2 treaty had forced us to do
What we are doing Antoine Vella is welcoming illegals and their malta born children at the expense of our future children. Malta is way too small to have this kind of influx. WE are one of the most populated islands in the world and we simple cannot afford to have all these additional people, whether illegals from AFrica or Europe to live a free life in Malta. THis is not what we Mlata. ve f eope afn oeof f
The choice is not between accepting or not accepting immigrants; it is between integration and social conflict.
Whether we grant them citizenship or not, they will continue to live with us. They will grow up, marry, have children and bring up their families like the rest of us. In other words they will become an integral part of society, except for their skin colour and legal status. Trying to marginalise them, treating them as second-class citizens - or literally, as non-citizens - would be the best way to feed resentment and foster social divisions which would then be impossible to eradicate.
We have to remember that we’re not talking of immigrants but of people who were born here and will remain here all their lives. They will continue to live in our country for many reasons, most of which are beyond our control and, eventually, they will come to consider Malta as their home.
@ John Zammit I can assure you that its becoming difficult to go and work to Canada legally. I have mates who would want to do that and they cannot. Returning on illegal immigration, if it is truly a resource then why so many European countries are hiding behind the Dublin 2 treaty to keep illegal immigrants away from their shores? Such trend can be seen in many other countries including Australia. Are they all racists and intolerant? Or could it be the case that.... One must make a clear distinction between legal immigrants (people with the skills and attitude to settle down and who are actually acting as a benefit to the country) and the illegal immigrants
It always amazes me that the first to attack the person and not the argument are usually the liberal, 'tolerant' and pro immigrant camp.
hi Mr Vella. historically you are right. as we all form part of a past that evolved graudually. but a line has to be drawn somehwhere. I am not saying that they should be looked at and treated as outcasts. but technically, they are illegal here. we cannot compare them with the turks or itailians in germany where they were invited to go there as guest workers and ended having german citizenship. or the maltese in australia where again they were officially there as immigrants. these"immigrants" are fleeing from their country and thanks to some illegal organisation they are arriving within our shores (and for all it takes to other european countries) and setting up home here, eventually bringing over other relatives in the process. once we start acknowledging their status. the influx will treble and the illegal carriers will sprout even more. I acknowldge the fact that in our islands we look at the blacks with a diffident eye. but one should treat this issue seperately (it has to do more with our colonial mentality and blue eyes admiration or adoration) but one has to be careful here. needs some furhter observations and anthropolgical approach, prior given any official status to all illegal immigrants.
@Mr. John Azzopardi -- Count me among the 'stupid', because I cannot understand why a Malta-born person must have parents who are citizens in order for Malta to recognize that person as Maltese. To my simplistic mind, it's absurd. Perhaps you can educate me and the rest of the 'stupid' crowd.
How could some people be so stupid. No we are not all children of immigrants. Today Malta has an identity - Maltese. WE have came a long way and to mix us with the illegal immigrants, it shows how stupid some of the readers below are. I want a referendum on this to decide on this issue. We the maltese people should have the right to decide on these type of issues, not some illegal immigrant who is not a maltese citizen and does not pay taxes. If we do away with citizen's rights, what are we. Simply nothing.
Mf, we are ALL children - descendents - of immigrants. How do we know whose ancestors were "illegal"?
Mf, we are ALL children - descendents - of immigrants. How do we know whose ancestors were "illegal"?
sorry mr vella I do not agree with you here, your reasoning doesnt hold ground. children of ´immigrants' remain immigrants. they are illegal on our soil and thus their status remains so. no matter what generation they come up to.
It seems that I have to spell it out again because not everybody understood what I wrote in an earlier comment. Migrants are people who are born in one country and then move to another. People who were not born in Malta and, by chance or design, come to live here, are immigrants. People who are born here and grow up in Malta are, by definition not immigrants.
@Onthelookout -- Can you spare a few line to teach us how to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration?
Gilbert Bartolo
Alan Deidun poses as some enlightened 'nationalist'/christian democrat, but still manages to spot stupidities... actually children born in Malta learn Maltese really well, it is their only mother tongue in fact... imbasta tpatpat, inghaqadt mal-kocc cwiec li tkellmu hawn taht mid-dehra!
Gilbert Bartolo
Alan Deidun poses as some enlightened 'nationalist'/christian democrat, but still manages to spot stupidities... actually children born in Malta learn Maltese really well, it is their only mother tongue in fact... imbasta tpatpat, inghaqadt mal-kocc cwiec li tkellmu hawn taht mid-dehra!
Gilbert Bartolo
Louise Vella, you really and truly are a paranoid and sad person. Get a life and get real. Your hate and stupid comments are incredible. Well most posts here show that we are a country of sub-literate ignoramuses.
For all the full brights contributing in favour of illegal immigration which is a very hot and sensitive issue for us Maltese, please learn how to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration. If left unchecked, who can quantify the extent of damage (impact) that this phenomenon will leave on our country? If they do not mind taking the risk, the majority of the maltese do.
@maltabiss, Louise Vella, and the other racists spouting their venom on this blog ... your problem is a serious lack of basic Math skills. There are about 2000 migrants in Malta. That number, among 400,000 native Maltese, represents One-half of One percent (of the population). Statistically, it is insignificant. Now, as a percentage of the EU population, it is as if it does not exist. You owe the Maltese taxpayers a refund on your education, because you have not learned anything.
@CE -- If you want to see what Multiculturalism is really like, spend some time in Canada -- built by immigrants and lives in perfect harmony. Sure, we have problems like anywhere else on this planet, but all cultures co-exist without impinging on the rest. As for the economics aspect, you are echoing the Canada of the early 1950s when immigrants from Europe started arriving in large numbers. "Send them; they are taking our jobs" was the cry. Good thing that there was strong political leadership at that time, or I will not be writing this from the comfort of my Canadian home. Not only did we (immigrants) not take their jobs, we created jobs. And so will the current migrants if given a sporting chance.
Why don't we do something better, Mr Debono? Why don't we, legitimate Maltese citizens pack up and leave our homeland and seek refuge somewhere and in the process make space for the illegal immigrants to come over, occupy our country as if it were their own, run it as they please and do as they like? Imsieken hux?
@Antoine Vella Spot on! (If only the likes of Maltabiss could take the time to read, this world would be in a much better shape.)
Children of foreigners are not Maltese children and do not and should not qualify for Maltese citizenship. ** In Switzerland even third generation children of illegal immigrants are not granted citizenship. ** Maltese citizenship should only remain for Maltese citizens born of Maltese parents and their spouses.
James Debono, you're writing like Arnold Cassola.
you have got to be joking!! *shakes head in disbelief*
The numerous ghettos spreading all across Europe mixed with mentalities and ideas which is external to what Europe is(sharia laws, burkas, female genital mutilations, honor killings etc) had proven otherwise. Multiculturalism has failed badly. Maybe there is a reason why so many North European countries are insisting on the Dublin 2 treaty which basically keep these 'resources' locked at the frontiers of the EU zone.
Again, CE expresses a widespread misconception. People who are born and raised in Malta are essentially Maltese, with or without citizenship. They belong to our culture and granting them citizenship rights does not amount to multi-culturalism. That's a myth. By not granting them citizenship we are basically disciminating against fellow Maltese.
If one wants to see real discrimination then he should focus on the Dublin 2 treaty which actually forces us to keep immigrants in Malta against their will. I wonder who was that fool who signed this treaty in the first place because it turned Malta into some sort of prison. Regarding integration problems it will happen sooner or later and whether we like it or not. Multiculturalism is a failed project at least in Europe and it had been proven time and time again in countries like England and France were the criminality rates has risen and riots had been frequent. We need to accept that certain cultures find it harder (if not nearly impossible) to integrate with others. In other countries these people has been asking to be judged with sharia laws etc. The worst thing we can do is arm them with a vote.
BTW Malta can become overpopulated and we witnessed that in the past when a highly influx of people ended up leaving the island to go to Canada, Australia, England etc. Probably the immigrants would want to do the same, the trouble is that thanks to some local amateur politician they are forced to stay here whether they like it or not. . And believe me Antoine, the majority of Maltese people do not want property to be sold to foreign people. Land in Malta is a rare resource and a responsible government should treated with care. Unfortunately we live in a country were the construction industry has the financial and influential clout to do whatever it wants. You can see that by yourself by walking across all Malta and noticing the numerous eyesores being build throughout the years all with the blessing of MEPA.
BTW Malta can become overpopulated and we witnessed that in the past when a highly influx of people ended up leaving the island to go to Canada, Australia, England etc. Probably the immigrants would want to do the same, the trouble is that thanks to some local amateur politician they are forced to stay here whether they like it or not. . And believe me Antoine, the majority of Maltese people do not want property to be sold to foreign people. Land in Malta is a rare resource and a responsible government should treated with care. Unfortunately we live in a country were the construction industry has the financial and influential clout to do whatever it wants. You can see that by yourself by walking across all Malta and noticing the numerous eyesores being build throughout the years all with the blessing of MEPA.
BTW Malta can become overpopulated and we witnessed that in the past when a highly influx of people ended up leaving the island to go to Canada, Australia, England etc. Probably the immigrants would want to do the same, the trouble is that thanks to some local amateur politician they are forced to stay here whether they like it or not. . And believe me Antoine, the majority of Maltese people do not want property to be sold to foreign people. Land in Malta is a rare resource and a responsible government should treated with care. Unfortunately we live in a country were the construction industry has the financial and influential clout to do whatever it wants. You can see that by yourself by walking across all Malta and noticing the numerous eyesores being build throughout the years all with the blessing of MEPA.
BTW Malta can become overpopulated and we witnessed that in the past when a highly influx of people ended up leaving the island to go to Canada, Australia, England etc. Probably the immigrants would want to do the same, the trouble is that thanks to some local amateur politician they are forced to stay here whether they like it or not. . And believe me Antoine, the majority of Maltese people do not want property to be sold to foreign people. Land in Malta is a rare resource and a responsible government should treated with care. Unfortunately we live in a country were the construction industry has the financial and influential clout to do whatever it wants. You can see that by yourself by walking across all Malta and noticing the numerous eyesores being build throughout the years all with the blessing of MEPA.
If one wants to see real discrimination then he should focus on the Dublin 2 treaty which actually forces us to keep immigrants in Malta against their will. I wonder who was that fool who signed this treaty in the first place because it turned Malta into some sort of prison. Regarding integration problems it will happen sooner or later and whether we like it or not. Multiculturalism is a failed project at least in Europe and it had been proven time and time again in countries like England and France were the criminality rates has risen and riots had been frequent. We need to accept that certain cultures find it harder (if not nearly impossible) to integrate with others. In other countries these people has been asking to be judged with sharia laws etc. The worst thing we can do is arm them with a vote.
If it were really a matter of space, we should have limits on the number of children each family can have, like they do in China. Why are we so eager to attract foreign buyers for our houses and villas if Malta is so overcrowded? No, it IS a matter of skin colour and, by not addressing the issue, we are sowing wind.
antoine vella it has nothing to do with black or white. its a matter of space. and once you open this sacred pandoras box theres no way of reversing it. I retort this is a joke
People who are born in Malta are, by definition not immigrants, much less illegal ones. Their parents might have been immigrants but why should they be discriminated for it? Malta has changed and will never be the same. We now have - and will always have - a small but growing minority of black Maltese and we had better start thinking how to avoid future racist troubles.
I don't know how people can comment here without having read, or at least understood, what James Debono has written. He is suggesting that children BORN AND RAISED IN MALTA be granted Maltese citizenship. These people are practically Maltese in everything except skin colour. Why should they be considered foreigners?
BTW if its true that the president has the constitutional right of taking such big decision then our constitution must be updated. No person in Malta should have the power to take such a big decision without the Maltese citizens majority consent.
BTW if its true that the president has the constitutional right of taking such big decision then our constitution must be updated. No person in Malta should have the power to take such a big decision without the Maltese citizens majority consent.
John Zammit, I apologize that my post appeared 4 times. It wasn't my doing. Malta is too small (size, finances and opportunities) to accept so many immigrants let alone giving them citizenship. We're already in a sad situation were we cannot even deport the trouble makers, quite contrary, if they damage the open centers, these must be repaired ASAP not to hurt their human rights. . Regarding Canada I can assure you that it has strict migration rules. However we (ie both migrants and locals) would be more then happy if the true north decide to take all our immigrants at one go. Everyone keeps on giving us lessons about humanity but strangely enough they all stop from taking these 'resources' away from us (apart from the usual token number of immigrants)
CJohn Zammit your logic makes sense only on paper. It is surely not that easy in the real world. We are all born citizens to our country of origin. That is the only basic rule of nature. Even in the animal kingdom, you do not take a polar bear from Antarctica and put it in the Sahara desert and expect it to live a 'normal' life. The human race is no different. We have all got our cultures, our teachings, our roots, our systems. The result of these 'unnatural' human movements and influxes will only burden the affected host countries with 'unaccounted for' headcounts and necessities. And, for such a small economy and society like Malta, the outcome could only be disastrous. A time bomb in the making.
I do hope that you meant this article as a joke right? Logistically we are overcrowded (that’s beside the fact that we already have values eroded) I will help them to get home and sort out their mess. Give them the chance for an education. (Against payment if not monetary, public services), but citizenships not with our limited resources. It doesn’t hold any water... though it did rain a lot this week. But please give us a break
@CE Your post appears four times ... I have a feeling that you are a victim of the webmaster's poor programming ... they must be of old Maltese stock: Stubborn as mules. I have already pointed out the flaws, but to no avail. In any case, you are wrong about Canada's ability to close its borders. We are way too big to be able to do that, not that we do not have racists who would love to be able to shut out any immigrant, legal or not. The solution is to let people live their lives as they see fit. If the President of Malta were to exercise his constitutional power and grant citizenship to the immigrants, guess what would happen? They'll become normal human beings just like you and me, and just like you and me, will exercise their right to free movement whether to seek pleasure or economic benefits. You can't stifle humanity's yearning for freedom. Restore their dignity; make them Citizens. It won't cost anyone a penny.
@John Zammit / The only difference is that while Canada can close its frontiers to immigrants, we cannot. We are obliged to give illegal immigrants, free health services and even pocket money. The only right locals have is the right to keep on paying without saying anything or else they risk of being branded as racists. If illegal immigrants decide to destroy public property then we have to live with since we 'cannot deport them'. Canada is a rich country but it can contol the influx of its immigrants. We cant / I wonder what the do gooders will ask from us now. Maybe we should start giving them our homes too? Consider how certain pro immigrant groups are attached to their 'retreat houses' I much doubt it.
@John Zammit / The only difference is that while Canada can close its frontiers to immigrants, we cannot. We are obliged to give illegal immigrants, free health services and even pocket money. The only right locals have is the right to keep on paying without saying anything or else they risk of being branded as racists. If illegal immigrants decide to destroy public property then we have to live with since we 'cannot deport them'. Canada is a rich country but it can contol the influx of its immigrants. We cant / I wonder what the do gooders will ask from us now. Maybe we should start giving them our homes too? Consider how certain pro immigrant groups are attached to their 'retreat houses' I much doubt it.
@John Zammit / The only difference is that while Canada can close its frontiers to immigrants, we cannot. We are obliged to give illegal immigrants, free health services and even pocket money. The only right locals have is the right to keep on paying without saying anything or else they risk of being branded as racists. If illegal immigrants decide to destroy public property then we have to live with since we 'cannot deport them'. Canada is a rich country but it can contol the influx of its immigrants. We cant / I wonder what the do gooders will ask from us now. Maybe we should start giving them our homes too? Consider how certain pro immigrant groups are attached to their 'retreat houses' I much doubt it.
@John Zammit / The only difference is that while Canada can close its frontiers to immigrants, we cannot. We are obliged to give illegal immigrants, free health services and even pocket money. The only right locals have is the right to keep on paying without saying anything or else they risk of being branded as racists. If illegal immigrants decide to destroy public property then we have to live with since we 'cannot deport them'. Canada is a rich country but it can contol the influx of its immigrants. We cant / I wonder what the do gooders will ask from us now. Maybe we should start giving them our homes too? Consider how certain pro immigrant groups are attached to their 'retreat houses' I much doubt it.
@John Zammit / The only difference is that while Canada can close its frontiers to immigrants, we cannot. We are obliged to give illegal immigrants, free health services and even pocket money. The only right locals have is the right to keep on paying without saying anything or else they risk of being branded as racists. If illegal immigrants decide to destroy public property then we have to live with since we 'cannot deport them'. Canada is a rich country but it can contol the influx of its immigrants. We cant / I wonder what the do gooders will ask from us now. Maybe we should start giving them our homes too? Consider how certain pro immigrant groups are attached to their 'retreat houses' I much doubt it.
Sur Debono, alla hares kellhom il-politici Maltin jaghtu kas ta' dak li tikteb inti ghax kieku pajjiz gungla ghandna. Ghax ma nibdewx nitkellmu kif ser nippatrijaw lura li dawn il-hafna imsieken li kellhom jaharbu minn pajjizi li qabel kien hemm l-inkwiet imma issa s-sitwazzjoni marret ghall-ahjar? Wara kollox, il-kontinent Afrikan huwa hafna akbar minn Malta u jiflah jespandi fil-popolazzjoni u jizviluppa bil-kumdita' kollha.
@Dr. Deidun "Imagine the scenario - migrants simply confining themselves to their ghettoes, liaising only with their co-nationals in their native languages, and still calling themselves Maltese." . With due respect, ghettoising is 'forced' on newcomers ... I went through that experience with fellow Maltese migrants to Canada; all of us legal, nay, LEGAL immigrants. So did the Italians, Germans, Hungarians, Polish, Chinese, and the rest of the ethnic groups who 'fled' to Canada to seek a better -- economic -- life. . Please, they are all human beings worthy of respect, regardless of the incidence of birth. . James is right in calling the President to lead on this (non)issue. . In fact, the President has the constitutional power to grant anyone citizenship. The ones born in Malta should be considered Maltese citizens regardless of where their parents came from and under what circumstances. . I expect better from academics. . @Antoine Vella How can you compare the PL record (on immigration) when there has been no PL government faced with this issue? It's not nice to turn a human tragedy into a political game. .
I support the referendum plea and may the maltese themselves decide on such an issue of national interest. This is definitely not an issue to be decided by a handful of politicians. Such an issue carries more weight than, for example, the divorce issue. And the introduction or otherwise of divorce was, rightly so, decided by a referendum. Let the people decide.
So James, according to your line of reasoning, all it takes to be Maltese is to pay taxes and " contribute to the wealth of this nation' ? What about knowing a modicum about Maltese culture, as it being imposed upon migrants asking for citizenship in countries like Germany? Imagine the scenario - migrants simply confining themselves to their ghettoes, liaising only with their co-nationals in their native languages, and still calling themselves Maltese. We all point the accusing finger at the finger for presumably being racist but do some, not all, migrants actually wish to integrate and to get to grips with the culture of Malta?
That decision is not up to you mr debono. It should be placed in a referendum to all the maltese and gozitans to decide that kind of matter.
That decision is not up to you mr debono. It should be placed in a referendum to all the maltese and gozitans to decide that kind of matter.
James, nor does Australia. Malta is shockingly overpopulated. I wonder at times if Malta has a population policy at all? President Abela should stay out of politics. He is an appointed not an elected official. Parliament decides such matters and the President should keep his nose out of it. For the good of the country. Please let us not start talking about Christian democratic values as if these values were set in concrete. Christians have different approaches to such matters and we should stop looking at Christianity as if it were a monolith.
James, the fact is that, overall, Maltese are more racist than Italians. Yes, in Italy there is the Lega Nord but think of Joseph Muscat's "18 points" and his praising of a policy (Maroni's) which could lead to immigrants being left to drown. As for the PN, our record is better than the PL's but we now have Hewitt knocking on the door to become a candidate and I would be very disappointed if they let him. Fortunately, Norman Lowell has not yet seen fit to endorse the PN as he did, enthusiastically, the PL.
We have been hearing time and time that illegal immigrants are a great resource, skilled people who will enrich our society both economic wise and socially. Under such circumstances we don't need to give them citizenship since Europe will do their outmost to take them off our hands. I mean I can't think of one nation who would refuse the chance of taking resources of someone else hands for free wouldn't they?