Mr Balzan hits the nail on the head at the end of his blog: the Maltese keep electing these politicians etc The politicians therefore most likely represent what Maltese society is like. They are a product of it. Lack of leadership by many Governments means that the status quo is maintained for "the benefit" of all.Useless comparing the situation with the UK for example! If you want to make it look reasonable compare it with Italy or many other med countries where some of the cultural norms adopted by the Maltese exist too.
Corruption in Malta has been legalaized by the post '87 PN governments. Therefore, no amount of wrong doing which reflects badly on the people at the top seems to warrant any type of RESIGNATION. It it weren't pathetic besides dangerous, the situation could be considered as farcical.
Your comments were very true. It seems it is a taboo to assume one's responsibilty. Still your comment that everybody is the same, did not do justice to Charles Mangion. As you well know, Mr.Mangion was Minister for Justice in the ill fated government of Alfred Sant. In his capacity as a minister he signed an early release form for a drug dealer. The matter was perceived as not at all politic of Charles Mangion. Contrary to the current trend, Charles Mangion handed in his resignation and PM Sant accepted.
Therefore when people speak of resignations, it would be historically and morally correct to mention this episode. Charles Mangion is the exception to the rule. His action demonstrates that, yes, we have principled politicians who do not shirk their responsibilty.
After all it is only fair to render credit were credit is due.
As you said Saviour if every minister in this present government had to resign for every fiasco they committed, there would be no government left.What a shameful state of affairs we have here in Malta.