In coalition with Franco

Franco Debono is right on justice being separate from home affairs but linking this issue to the government’s future shows that he lacks a sense of proportion.

Greatness in politics comes with a sense of proportion. Threatening to deny the government of its majority on an issue, which verges on an academic debate, shows that Debono has no sense of proportion.
Greatness in politics comes with a sense of proportion. Threatening to deny the government of its majority on an issue, which verges on an academic debate, shows that Debono has no sense of proportion.

As other countries grapple with big questions on the economy and the future of Europe, in Malta a government backbencher is threatening to bring down the government if it does not proceed to separate the home affairs and justice ministries.

Franco Debono makes a lot of sound arguments on the legal system and I fully agree with many of the checks and balances he proposes, including the separation of ministries. It simply does not make sense to have policing and imprisoning people in the hands of the same ministry responsible for ensuring them a fair trial.

But greatness in politics comes with a sense of proportion. Threatening to deny the government of its majority on an issue, which verges on an academic debate, shows that Debono has no sense of proportion.

Probably his antics in the Arriva debate reflected popular sentiment on the public transport reform and the lack of accountability for its shortcomings. 

Debono is not a yes-man, like many MPs, and he deserves credit for that. Yet moving from one controversy to another in a one-man show is not even conducive to a healthy debate on the issues he champions.

That in itself says a lot on the GonziPN strategy whose most perverse result was the toppling of Louis Galea, the mastermind of the social democratisation of the PN in the 1970s and the election of Franco Debono.

Instead of a big debate between ideological currents which led to the great changes in the party in the 1970s and 1980s, discussion in the PN has degenerated into squabbles between a paranoid leadership and a couple of backbenchers.

The Debono episode does expose one thing: that Gonzi's government is essentially a coalition between the PM and single MPs. This is a reality which has debunked the idea that the two-party system necessarily results in stability. 

In fact Debono is behaving worse than formal junior partners in coalitions between different parties in other European countries.

Faced by David Cameron's earth-shattering decision to isolate Britain from Europe, deputy PM Nick Clegg, the leader of Britain's traditionally most Europhile party, expressed his reservations but did not threaten to bring down the government. He knows that to be trusted next time, his party cannot go in history as a coalition wrecker.

And that brings us to the question of the week: will an election be held next March?

If that happens Gonzi will have completely abdicated from his responsibilities in a very difficult international climate.

The government's credibility hinges on the budgetary commitment of securing a 2.3% growth rate, which would enable the government to keep its deficit down. Any election before the government passes that test would smack of failure or opportunism.

@FD Sur Briffy jien bil penzjoni ukoll grazzi ghal Perit Mintoff ghax fi zmienkom kontu kontra li Mintoff ghamel il penzjoni tiftakar ?, kontu fl-opposizzjoni u intom bdejtu tghidu li ix xjuh imorru il kazin u jixobuhom inbid, u ivvutajtu kontra taghha insejt, mela issa qieghed infakrek.
@Tubernum...jien ili bil-pensjoni 'l fuq minn ghaxar snin
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Int min qallek li Reno Calleja hiereg ghall-elezzjoni? Qieghed tara kif wahdek qieghed tispinnja? Jekk ma tafx Reno Calleja rtira mix-xena politika mit-2003 jekk m'hinix sejjer zball. Qeghdin temmnu l-qlajja taghkom stess!
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Int min qallek li Reno Calleja hiereg ghall-elezzjoni? Qieghed tara kif wahdek qieghed tispinnja? Jekk ma tafx Reno Calleja rtira mix-xena politika mit-2003 jekk m'hinix sejjer zball. Qeghdin temmnu l-qlajja taghkom stess!
@FD Sur FD Gaddafi fl-istorja imsemmi li lahhar kap ta pajjiz li ghanqu kien siehbek Gonzi u issa qed tghid li c-caqnu qed itina il flus wara li intom kissirtuh u hattulu il flus kolla, ara vera giddieb nazzjonalist faxxist int, anki il bandiera hija tal faxxisti, jien gej min familja nazzjonalista imma meta rajt lil Mintoff ghamel daqs daK Gid u halla daqs dak flus u berbaqtuhom intom, u issa min taht €5000million,Sant kien bniedem gentlom u ma fittix il poter bhalkom. Ghid lil siehbek ta hdejk Wistin biex igieghel lil Gonzi jghamel elezjoni, ha naraw.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Int min qallek li Reno Calleja hiereg ghall-elezzjoni? Qieghed tara kif wahdek qieghed tispinnja? Jekk ma tafx Reno Calleja rtira mix-xena politika mit-2003 jekk m'hinix sejjer zball. Qeghdin temmnu l-qlajja taghkom stess!
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Int min qallek li Reno Calleja hiereg ghall-elezzjoni? Qieghed kif wahdek qieghed tispinnja? Jekk ma tafx Reno Calleja rtira mix-xena politika mit-2003 jekk m'hinix sejjer zball. Qeghdin temmnu l-qlajja taghkom stess!
Issa tal-hames distrett se jivvutaw lil-Ex Ministru reo callejja li skont salgister mhuwiex irmixk!
Ma kontx naf li gaddaffi u c-caqnu haddiema!
@FD Aktar informazjoni u il-verita li inti li qed tghid hierga mil magna tal PN, jigifieri stamperija. Alla hares ma jirrangawx it-toroq magguri biex jidhru u anki triq ghal Smart City ipprvdejtu infaqtu erba miljuni min fuq dahar il poplu Malti u x'se jiehu il Poplu xejn ihallas it-taxxi. Siehbek Wistin li bhalissa jidderegik xinti tghid (gideb)Issa qal li jobs fi Smart City mhux imweda izjed. U ha nghidlek qeghdin tibnu dawn it toroq magguri biex ittuhom lil xi panpalun min taghkom halli jtikom il gabra ta kull sena li taghmlu, biex tara xserq. Naqtaw dak is erq biss Malta tiffranka mijjiet ta MIljuni , u min qieghed igawdi minnom il PN. Kunu traparenti u ghidulna meta tigbru min fejn gejjien. Ara il-laburisti min ghand il haddiema jigbru il ftit.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Tkomplix tghid cucati jahasra. Min qallek li Sant mormi? Tant hu mormi, li fil-Parlament hallewh jitkellem dwar l-Euro u dam kemm irid. Dwar il-living wage, jekk ma tafx anke l-Ingilterra qieghda tigi studjata dik. Dwar is-Sargas ghad irridu nisimghu izjed il-quddiem, imma mid-dehra smajt biss li qalu shabek tal-PN. Ara l-ambjentalisti u Professuri bhal AE Mallia, mid-dehra ma smajthomx jitkellmu. U l-ahhar wahda ta' l-irmixk. Ghall-informazzjoni tieghek dak li int qieghed tghidlu "irmixk", dawk telqu mill-PL minhabba appunt Sant, ghax literalment ried li l-passat tal-PL jintesa u ghax ma qablux mal-policies tieghu, specjalment fejn tidhol il-politika. Alfred Sant ried idawwar il-pozizzjoni tal-PL minn xellugi ghal centru lemini, li filfatt li kieku ma tilefx l-elezzjoni tan-1998 kien se jirnexxielu. U please, for your own sake, qabel titkellem, ivverifika l-affarijiet. Ghax qieghed ninnutak, li kull ma tghid dejjem ikun imsejjes fuq l-ghidut, u ghidut jew inkella spin min-naha tal-PN, li generalment ikun bla bazi.
Tubernum jien inkun madwar Malta kollha, inkluz il-Qawra. It-toroq tal-Qawra bilfors ikunu vojta mit-turisti bhal daz-zmien, ma nafux li bhalissa mhux zmienhom? Ghat-toroq sekondarji mur iz-Zurrieq , hal-Luqa l-Imqabba u hal-Kikrkop u tara it-toroq isiru godda u mill-qiegh , mhux laqgha qatran biz-zrar u ejja ha mmorru. Bhalissa nistgha nghidlek li jtik ferh ta' genn issuq ghax ittawwal trieqtek bil-kbir. Milux qsamt Malta minn naha t'isfel biex nitla s'Ghawdex , mhux se nghidlek kemm daghjtlu f'qalbi lil-Gonzi. Imma jitlestew it-toroq u wara jigi xi gustuz u jghid li tajba imma damu z-zejjed ! It-toroq li bhalissa qed jinbnew mill-gdid u bis-servizzi taghhom imtejba jew imkabbra: Tal-Marfa, ta Xatt l-Ghassara l-Marsa , Triq Garibaldi , Triq tal-Ajruport hal-Luqa (waqqghu anke xi bini biex wessghu it-triq),Triq li taghti ghar-Rabat Ghawdex mix-Xewkija, u triq minn hal-safi ghal Hal Kirkop.meta qed insemmu dawn it-toroq trid tiftakarli it-toroq tad-devjazzjoni jinksew bit-tarmak ukoll! Gol-irhula il-kunsilli huma responsabbli ghal-manutenzjoni tat-toroq filwaqt li l-gvern hu responsabbli ghat toroq ill-godda. Bis-sahha tal-arroganti ministru tat-trasport li ghandna saret triq li kienet ilha imwiegheda is-snin liz-Zrieraq u Franco Posi li suppost huwa is-suggett ta din id-diskussjoni mar jipposa ghar-rittratt meta tlestiet! ..... jmurx jghidilhom li t-triq saret ghax insista ghaliha hu ukoll !..... li-il-kunsilliera Nazzjonalisti taz-Zurrieq hadmu iktar minn Franco biex issir it-Triq. L-aqwa li jkollna ritratt ghal-kampanja elettorali bit-triq maghmula minn Austin li riedu jirrizenja ghax deficjenti! Billhaqq illum m’hinix xoghol ! Nittama li int l-anqas!
Tubernum jien inkun madwar Malta kollha, inkluz il-Qawra. It-toroq tal-Qawra bilfors ikunu vojta mit-turisti bhal daz-zmien, ma nafux li bhalissa mhux zmienhom? Ghat-toroq sekondarji mur iz-Zurrieq , hal-Luqa l-Imqabba u hal-Kikrkop u tara it-toroq isiru godda u mill-qiegh , mhux laqgha qatran biz-zrar u ejja ha mmorru. Bhalissa nistgha nghidlek li jtik ferh ta' genn issuq ghax ittawwal trieqtek bil-kbir. Milux qsamt Malta minn naha t'isfel biex nitla s'Ghawdex , mhux se nghidlek kemm daghjtlu f'qalbi lil-Gonzi. Imma jitlestew it-toroq u wara jigi xi gustuz u jghid li tajba imma damu z-zejjed ! It-toroq li bhalissa qed jinbnew mill-gdid u bis-servizzi taghhom imtejba jew imkabbra: Tal-Marfa, ta Xatt l-Ghassara l-Marsa , Triq Garibaldi , Triq tal-Ajruport hal-Luqa (waqqghu anke xi bini biex wessghu it-triq),Triq li taghti ghar-Rabat Ghawdex mix-Xewkija, u triq minn hal-safi ghal Hal Kirkop.meta qed insemmu dawn it-toroq trid tiftakarli it-toroq tad-devjazzjoni jinksew bit-tarmak ukoll! Gol-irhula il-kunsilli huma responsabbli ghal-manutenzjoni tat-toroq filwaqt li l-gvern hu responsabbli ghat toroq ill-godda. Bis-sahha tal-arroganti ministru tat-trasport li ghandna saret triq li kienet ilha imwiegheda is-snin liz-Zrieraq u Franco Posi li suppost huwa is-suggett ta din id-diskussjoni mar jipposa ghar-rittratt meta tlestiet! ..... jmurx jghidilhom li t-triq saret ghax insista ghaliha hu ukoll !..... li-il-kunsilliera Nazzjonalisti taz-Zurrieq hadmu iktar minn Franco biex issir it-Triq. L-aqwa li jkollna ritratt ghal-kampanja elettorali bit-triq maghmula minn Austin li riedu jirrizenja ghax deficjenti! Billhaqq illum m’hinix xoghol ! Nittama li int l-anqas!
@Fd nixtieqek tigi sal Qawra ha tara il hmieg li hemm, fejn hemm it turisti, bhalissa kollox kwazi maghluq, ghax il business San Pawl il bahar mar minghajr San Pawl il bahar vera, Roads arterji ma jezistux ghaldan il gvern hlief major Roads biex minghalih juri li qed jghamel it-toroq, roundabouts sbieh vera imma imbghad xi miet kollu hmieg, basta jaqta is sigarelli, b'xi progett suppost jiswa miljun u jigi jiswa id-doppju, dak il hela , dak punt li meta jittiehed tender jibqa l-istess ammont mhux jirdoppja, dak serq sfaccat. Jien gejt sa hal luqa iva taf xrajt dak id-dildo f'round about, xi gmiel hux, it turist jidhaq bih meta jarah, kulhadd barrani li jghaddi min hemm jarah u mhux japprezza imma jidhaq u jghid dan pajjiz tad dahq.
TOROQ TAL-BIZA kemm huma sbieh , ejja sa Hal-Luqa ha tara xi gmiel ta triq qed TINBENA mill-qiegh ,mill-ajruport sal-Marsa! Rigward is-sangisugi dawk kemm jinbidlu jew jizdiedu jekk jitla l-labour, taghllimniha l-istorja.
salgister, nerga nghidlek , fejn hu tieghu intihulu l-Mintoff , per ezempju il-minimum wage kien kuncett tajjeb HAFNA u baqa tajjeb, imma ghidli il-living wage minn fejn hareg biha Joseph!!!. Imma gara li gara wara is-76 . Alfred sant kines kinsa tajba il-partit ma Gorg Abela umbghad gie dan Joseph Inhobbkom u gabar l-irmixk kollu li rema Sant! Il-kwistjoni tas-Sargas uriet x’immaturita ghandu il-mexxej tal-Partit Laburista! Kellu post nadif kif idahhall dak il-mostri kollha!
Micheal Bonanno
@tabernum. Jien niftakarhom sew dawk iz-zmienijiet. Imma jien inkompli mieghu biex nurieh li l-laburisti kapaci jiggieldu lura l-qerq li jaqilghu. Jien bhalma forsi rajt dejjem argumentajt mieghu b'sens ta' fiducja u bla tghajjir. Ma regax irrisponda lura. Ghandi hafna izjed xi nghidlu jekk irid.
@salgister qed titkellem ma FD u targumenta ma magna tal PN,min go l-istamperija tal Pn, jahasra tinhanaq ma hmar. Imissu ghadda is sixties dan, ghandi 32 cousins L-Awstralja jien kolla telqu fis sittinijiet ghax Laburisti. L-anqas laburist wiehed mal gvern, it-tpatijja li bghata missieri bi tlett Liri paga bis sibt u l-Hadd xoghol bla leave u sick leave , Allahares ma kienx Mintoff li gab il welfare fuq saqajh ghidlu lil FD, kulhadd kien jikri il postijiet minghand is-sinjuri u Mintoff ta Artijiet u plots bix xejn u il fqir sar ghandu dar tieghu, hallih lil dak jindannat.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Zbaljat bl-ikrah hawn. Joseph Muscat irrijabilitizza l-laburisti kollha bil-leaders l-antiki b'kollox. Issa billi jidhru fir-ritratti flimkien u jkollhom lanzita daqshiex ghal xulxin x'jiswa? George Abela li kieku ma lahaqx President kellu diga postu fil-Partit, u fl-oghla pozizzjoni hdejn kap ta' Partit. Lino Spiteri m'ghadux attiv fil-politika, hlief li jikteb u jikkummenta, imma xorta ghadu fejn ikun hemm bzonn jghin. Alfred Sant xorta jghin u jikkontribwixxi fil-Partit, u ma jfixkel lill-hadd. Forsi taghkom qeghdin tipprovaw tghadduh fil-PL? Ghax jekk thares harsa madwar il-PN issib li kulhadd lest bl-istallett ghal dahar haddiehor. U l-kontinwita' Joseph Muscat ser ikompliha u wriha bil-fatti. Halliha li tal-PN, qeghdin tghajruh li rega gabar l-elementi tal-Old Labour fi hdanu. Taghmel x'taghmel taqlaghha dejjem, xi tghid habib? Semmili kazi fejn dejjem ipprovaw iwaqqghu wiehed lill-iehor. Alfred Sant l-izball li ghamel, hu li pprova jwelled il-Partit Laburista mill-gdid, u b'hekk semmieh New Labour. Ipprova jaqta' minn mal-passat, imma dak qatt ma tista' taghmlu. Bilfors trid thares lejn il-passat biex titghallem, u Joseph Muscat hekk qieghed jaghmel. Filfatt qieghed juza membri laburisti antiki biex jitghallem mill-esperjenza taghhom, u l-izbalji li saru ma jergghux isiru. Naturalment, imbaghad tal-PN johorgu jghajjtu tal-PL ma jinbidlux. Lil min ser nemmen, lilek jew lill PN? Problema hux? Imma li fatti kif tafhom m'humiex veritieri, anzi far from it!
salgister, il-problema fil-partit Laburista hi li ma hemmx kontinwazzjoni , dak li ghamel wiehed jipprova jnessieh l-iehor u lil Mintoff min jghid li kien Salvatur u min imur fl-estrem l-eihor u jghid li kien traditur ! Lino u Gorg Abela ma jidhrux li huma fil-good books tieghek! kif qatt ma tista tara tlett mexxejja laburisti flimkien imqar ghal ritratt , kullhadd kellu xi jghid ma xi hadd! Ma jfiequx ghax il-haga komuni bejniethom dejjem kienet kif se jwaqqghu wiehed lil iehor u mhux kif se jibnu! L-inkwiet tan-Nazzjonalisti hu dan Franco li qed jaghmel ix-xenati fuq ix-xejn !
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Il-ktieb ta' Lino Spiteri ma qrajtux, jew ghallinqas qrajt siltiet minnu biex inkun ezatt. Li ma jghidx Lino Spiteri hu li kemm il-darba ggieldu hu u Mintoff. Mintoff kellu pjan, u Lino Spiteri kien konservattiv. Dan ma jghidux Lino. Li kien ghall Lino Spiteri, kissirna bit-taxxi, mhux kien jaghmel il-mini-budgets biex iqassam il-flus lin-nies. Mintoff dik qatt ma riedha. Issa, Mintoff wara 1976, sab ghadma iebsa ma wiccu. Iva, inghazel EFA bhala leader tal-PN, u jekk tiftakar sew, bdew hafna azzjonijiet industrijali biex jidistabilizzaw il-pajjiz. Dan qalu EFA stess waqt konferenza generali. B'hekk il-Gvern jaqa', bhal ma ghamel lill-Alfred Sant fin-1996. U dak iz-zmien kellu jghinu lil fattur Mintoff. EFA beda kampanja, li ghaliha Mintoff ma kienx kapaci jirribatti, u hemm beda jizbalja. U dik il-kampanja tal-PN swietlu kollox. Spicca biex patta bil-qares ghal gid li ghamel. U dan ghadu jinhass sal-lum. Tal-PN qeghdin jaghmlu minn kollox biex dawk iz-zmienijiet ma jintesewx. Li ma jghidux tal-PN hu, li they had the finger in the pie all the time!
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Il-ktieb ta' Lino Spiteri ma qrajtux, jew ghallinqas qrajt siltiet minnu biex inkun ezatt. Li ma jghidx Lino Spiteri hu li kemm il-darba ggieldu hu u Mintoff. Mintoff kellu pjan, u Lino Spiteri kien konservattiv. Dan ma jghidux Lino. Li kien ghall Lino Spiteri, kissirna bit-taxxi, mhux kien jaghmel il-mini-budgets biex iqassam il-flus lin-nies. Mintoff dik qatt ma riedha. Issa, Mintoff wara 1976, sab ghadma iebsa ma wiccu. Iva, inghazel EFA bhala leader tal-PN, u jekk tiftakar sew, bdew hafna azzjonijiet industrijali biex jidistabilizzaw il-pajjiz. Dan qalu EFA stess waqt konferenza generali. B'hekk il-Gvern jaqa', bhal ma ghamel lill-Alfred Sant fin-1996. U dak iz-zmien kellu jghinu lil fattur Mintoff. EFA beda kampanja, li ghaliha Mintoff ma kienx kapaci jirribatti, u hemm beda jizbalja. U dik il-kampanja tal-PN swietlu kollox. Spicca biex patta bil-qares ghal gid li ghamel. U dan ghadu jinhass sal-lum. Tal-PN qeghdin jaghmlu minn kollox biex dawk iz-zmienijiet ma jintesewx. Li ma jghidux tal-PN hu, li they had the finger in the pie all the time!
Fejn tellifha lil Malta Lm35 miljun? Staqsi lil Lino Spiteri jew aqra il-ktieb tieghu. L-ewwel legislatura tal-71 Mintoff ghamel hafna affarijiet tajba , kien gab il-paga indaqs lin-nisa , gab il-Brand (Playmobil) , gab tan-niccalijiet , kesa (mhux ghamel) hafna toroq bit-tarmac gew suret in-nies.Li hu tieghu naghtihulu . Wara s-sitta w'sebghin, jiddispjacini , morna lura. Kont wiehed li nammirah u lest biex nivvutalu kif ghalaqt it-tmintax, imma l-istil tat-tmexxija tieghu ma' baqax jghogobni u kien jaghmel kollox tal-qamel .Nigu fuq dan il-vavu li qala dan kollu, Franco, dan qatt ma' kien xejn fid-distrett tieghu , il-metodi tieghu huma li jekk ma' nilghabx infotti, u mohhu biex jelimina l-avversrji tieghu mil-partit tieghu. L-atteggjament isteriku tieghu hu minhabba li kif smajt se jerga johrog fuq id-distrett tieghu Hermann Schiavone , ghax kien minghalih eliminat mit-tellieqa.Dan ta' l-ahhar kien eliminat b'ittra tipo ta ' MC kontra Lino fit-tellieqa ghat-tmexxija tal-partit Laburista. Issa li rega dahal fix-xena politika u ghandu following qawwi qed jigi attakkat min Franco billi allega li qal xi haga lil Edgar Galea Curmi fuq li Franco kien l-originatur tal-ittra malafamanti. Li hu zgur hu li fil-hames distrett ma baqa hadd li jista jimpika lil Franco hlief Ninu u Hermann Schiavone. Post ghal-zewg siggijiet hemm u Franco mhux milqugh.Li kieku inkun Karl Stagno Navarra insaqsi 'i Franco Debono l-ghala ma' jaghmilx kawza lil Hermann Schiavone, minflok nota jew x'ghamel ma xi spettur. Dan li jghid kemm hu bravu , u li jehles il-kriminali b'punti tal-ligi li hadd qatt ma jkun holom bihom, jekk ghandu fuq xiex itellghu itellghu zgur il-madoffi.U nnaddfu l-arja minn kull dubju , darba ghal-dejjem, filwaqt li jkollna naqra entertainment b'xejn. Jekk Franco ma jikklerjax ismu nibdew nemmnu li probbabbilment veru kien hu l-awtur ta' l-ittra.Mottiv kien hemm.
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella, as thankfully your darling PM Gonzi.
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella, as thankfully your darling PM Gonzi.
This article is about Franco Debono and the future of the government. Mintoffians are obsessed with Mintoff but he's out ofr the picture, thankfully.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Fejn tellifha lil Malta Lm35 miljun? Come on. Daqs kemm gab Mintoff flus bejn 1971 - 1977, il-PN lanqas johlom ma kien bihom. Tant gab flus hu ghamel trattati Mintoff, li l-ahhar protokoll spicca meta dhalna fl-EU. Taf li bis-sahha ta' dan il-protokoll konna qeghdin niehdu xi Lm12 miljun fis-sena mill-inqas, barra ghajnuna ohra? Semmejtli l-fabbriki bhal l-Ispinning and Weaving. Come on, din fejn blajtha? Informazzjoni zbaljata ohra dwar ix-shipbuilding. Meta Mintoff waqqaf ix-Shipbuilding kien hawn boom fil-bini tat-tankers. Izda l-krizi taz-zejt gabet ordni differenti ohra fin-navigazzjoni. Taf li kien ghamel xi zmien maghluq il-kanal ta' Suez nassumi. Taf kemm gab taqlib il-kanal meta kien maghluq, sa ghaddejna minn zewg ricessjonijiet minhabba fih. Li gara hu, li malli bdejna x-Shipbuilding hawn Malta, fil-Mediterran infethu shipbuildings ohra il-Grecja u Sqallija. Mintoff vera ghamel l-izbalji, mela le, min ma jaghmelx. Imma l-izbalji li qeghdin jaghmlu tal-PN bhalissa huwa wiehed inkredibbli. Kemm fl-istrategija u kemm politikament, specjalment lokali. Qeghdin inhallu lil Brussels imexxina flok inzommu r-riedni f'idejna. U fuq il-fabbriki tac-Cinizi? Li kieku tal-PN ma fethux gwerra fuqhom, kien isiru vijabbli u jghatu ghajnuna l-ekonomija, imma tal-PN, li tant ghajjarhom ta' wicc wiehed, u bil-babaw komunista Ciniz, barra l-boycotts sottili biex ma jinxtrawx prodotti Cinizi, fallew fi ftit zmien. Tinkwetax siehbi, jekk Mintoff ghamel xi haga, dejjem kien hemm tal-PN bis-sabutaggi minn taht. U dan tista tarah f'kull progett li sar fi zmien il-Labour. Taf x'naf, li kieku tal-PN ma sabux dak li halla Mintoff, kieku mhux Euro 4.5 billion ghandna dejn, imma nahseb qeghdin fl-istess kategorija tal-Grecja, Italja, Portugall u l-Irlanda!
@FD You mean if the PN loses the next election than the 26 year old spring will turn into winter again? Your idea of a political Renaissance during the last couple of decades is purely a legend in the eyes of 50% of political die-hards in Malta. The other 50% believe that the golden era was actually between 1971 - 1981. Added together these periods make up half of century of political mediocrity in Malta.
@FD Int hlief tigdeb ma tafx. Mintoff halla intraprizi li intom bihhejtuhom €980miljun , Mid med bir rabas ,HSBC gabuhom fsentejn li hargu, dik korruzjoni sfaccata, x'ma halliex Mintoff Malta u riservi tad deheb, ma seraqx hallihom hemm, intom €5000miljun dejn u barra li hemm li ma jidrux, l-anqas il power station ta Delimara ma hallastu li ma kontux korrotti, int l-ewwel wiehed f'xi job tal hbieb tal hbieb u taf x'jien nghid. Hlief gideb ma smajtx minnek ilkom 25sena fil Gvern, Smart city 5600jobs u il ministri €500 weeekly raise u perhaps int si mobile u xi car min fuq dahar il poplu Malti tixxala, b'xi job ivvintat bhal ma hawn minnom, korporazjonijiet mimlijien bil blur eyed boys and girls, l-anqas Laburist wiehed, FD ghalaq halqek u jahasra titkelliemx ghax hlief gigeb ma smajtx. Int qieghed titkellem mil magna tal PN u ifhimni.
@Salgister: ma ridtx inhalltek ma haddiehor , ahfirli jekk hassejtek offiz.Nigu fuq Mintoff ghidt li meta Mintoff jaghmel xi haga kien jaf li se jiehu lura xi haga mhux xejn. L-ewwel haga tbissimt meta int ktibt li qisu se jiehu xi haga Mintoff flok Malta , imma dejjem riedu f'idejh il-mazz u ma nlumekx. Mintoff tellifna xi Lm35 milljun f'daqqa wahda meta kien spicca minn prim u mar il-House of the four winds jiddilja jew ahjar jilghab il-flus tal-pajjiz . Meta bena il-Malta Shipbuilding bnieh ghax kellu rasu iebsa ghax il-bini tal vapuri kien diga mhux vijabbli.Meta ghamel id-deal tat-timber carriers jew ahjar missile carriers tlifna l-miljuni fuq il-miljuni .Fil-qasir, ghax ghandi x'naghmel god dar,meta ghamel xi haga Mintoff DEJJEM zamm il-MONOPOLJU taghha biex forsi tirnexxi sa kemm ma kienx jigri meta holoq l-Ispinning and Weaving u harbat lil Phoenix Textiles bl-impozizzjonijiet tieghu biex jinxtara d-denim ta' kwalita inferjuri tac-Cinizi. ha mmur inkompli naghmel xi haga u l-festi t-tajba lil-kullhadd
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Jekk Mintoff lit-tarzna hafrilha d-dejn fis-70's biex ma tkomplix tghaffigna r-ricessjoni li kienet ghaddejja minn fuqna. Imma ibqa' zgur li meta Mintoff jaghmel xi haga kien jaf li se jiehu lura xi haga mhux xejn. Kif ghidtlek, it-tarzna kienet sors ta' dhul ta' foreign currency. Meta Mintoff ghajjarhom lil tat-tarzna li huma bla bocci, kien jaf x'inhu jghid. U zamm id-dixxiplina fuqhom. Dwar l-attitudini ta' haddiehor ma tirriflettix fuq l-attitudini ta' kulhaddd. Ghax jekk noqghodu sejrin hekk, la ghandna Gvern PN arroganti, mela tal-PN kollha arroganti.
No 1 : Jien jekk tara il-hin li ktibt tinduna li llum bil-leave ,No2 ma nahdimx mal-gvern imma dejjem hdimt mal-partikular , No3 Kwalifikat ghal xogholi u nordom lil min ikun mieghi fix-xoghol li ntella No4 naf li kiitbieti toqros u ghalekk xi wiehed bhalek jattakk lil messaggier minflok il-messagg. Dwar id-dejn tat-Tarzna , Mintoff kien hafer xi MITT MILJUN LIRA MALTIN fis-sebghinijiet , u ghamel il-kumitati tax-xoghol, u b’Sammy Meilaq Chairman . Sant telgha , u bla ma qal xejn lil hadd nehha it-tmexxija tal-haddiem mit-tarzna nhar San Pawl Qabel ma nhallik irrid infakkar lil min jaqra x’tip ta attitudni jkollu min biss se jikkritika lil Joseph meta jkun prim ministru!
@FD and Briffy intom qeghdin tiktbu dejjem kummenti u bhalissa f'xi ufficju min xi dipatiment tal gvern b'xi job zul min hemm b'xi paga li ma jisthoqilkomx ghax blue eyed boys, imma haddiehor miskin jahdem ghalikom biex intom komdi minghajr kwalifikazjonjiet ta xejn , xi job li suppost min hu kwalifikat ghandu jkollu il job taghkom , intom dejjem tiktbu u tigdbu , intom parti mil magna tal PN ghax dejjem nosservakom. Dak serq u korruzjoni bxi paga ghax habib ta GonziPN
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Min hafrilha d-dejn li kellha t-Tarzna? Taf x'naf meta Alfred Sant ried jirristruttura u jhaddem ir-rapport Appleby, xewwixtu l-haddiema tat-tarzna kontra l-Gvern. Sahansitra anke bghattulhom ittra li mhux talli mhux ser jitilfu l-job, talli se jizdiedilhom il-qliegh. Ezatt bhal ma ghamiltu lil ta' l-Air Malta! Kieku hallejtuh jahdem lil Alfred Sant , kien isolvi xi ftit mill-problemi li hallejtu intom warajkom, izda l-ghatx ghal-poter ghamikom. Biex issa qeghdin inhalsu kollox bl-gheruq u x-xniexel. Ibda mill-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma! Hallina siehbi trid, Alfred Sant ghamel zbalji, imma ghallinqas kien qabad it-triq biex jirranga s-sitwazzjoni ekonomika ta' pajjizna. Imma ma hallejtuhx ghax komplejtu tghinu lill-fattur Mintoff, u waqqajtu l-Gvern. Imma sewwa jghidu d-dnub ma jorqodx, u li xtaqtu lill-ghajrkom qieghed f'darkom issa.
U xi break even , inhafrilha d-dejn li kellha , hlas tad-dawl u tal-kera xejn , bolla Alla m’ghamilha u nghidu li gabet il-flus barranin lejn Malta! MMu b’kocc nies ta’ Danny cremona hadd ma’ jrid jaghmel xejn u halib tat-trab. U l-Maltacom li kellha monopolju biegh bicca minnha lil nies mhux mgharufa fuq il-London stock Exchange! Hallina sieheb, mur sib xi iblah ha toqghod tbellghalu r-ross bil-labbra!
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Jekk ma tafx id-Dockyard was breaking even in the late 70's. Just, but at least it was attracting foreign currency in Malta. About Maltacom, and MMU, they were sold at a good price, but at least they were making a profit, not loss, and still going strong, till Maltacom, aka GO was sold to Tecom with the free land at Qawra by the last administration, ie. PN government. They weren't sold for chicken peas as MidMed bank and other entities were sold. Jien m'hinix nilghab fuq id-diskors, imma ghallinqas m'hinix nghid nofs veritajiet bhalek.
Read again Salgister :“.....without hurting people too much”. AS kien qal hekk fuq il-Grecja . Tilghabx bid-diskors. Id-dockyard Kielitna minn zmien Bailey l’hawn ghamlet Billjun lira dejn mal Maltin. Ara l-Maltacomli biegh Sant jew l-mmu li biegh Debono Grech ma; tghid xejn.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Is that what you think, that people weren't hurt in the process? Then how come the number of people just above the poverty line is increasing? How come the National Debt continues to explode? Don't forget that the national debt is 86% the GDP. What Dr. Alfred Sant did in 1996, was a warning for us that it is too early for Malta to join the EU and Euro. Time has proved him right. With all the storm brewing on the horizon, and the Euro near extinction, and the EU on the brink of being divided, I think Dr. Sant was right. We were misled into believing that joining the EU would be a blessing for our people, but till now it has been otherwise! Let's hope (and things don't look that way) that things turn for the better for the all the europeans sake, not just ours! Meta Alfred Sant qal bazwar ftit l'hawn u ftit l'hemm, kien qieghed jirreferi ghar-regolamenti u ligijiet, mhux kif dawwartuha intom tal-PN. U bilhaqq id-dockyard mhux intom qridtuha? Mela nsejt il-management b'dawk il-pagi fenomenali u flok irsistew biex igibu x-xoghol ghamlu l-kontra? Jew dawk ma ssemmihomx? L'emorargija gibtuha ntom fid-dockyard, ghax kontu taf li qeghdin taghtu l-flus fix-xejn, u komplejtu taghtu sa l-ahhar. Bqajtu, bqajtu sakemm ma fallejtuha. Naturalment dak kien l-ghan taghkom mill-ewwel, biex tkunu tistghu ddawru l-poplu Malti kontra dik l-azjendi, u fl-istess hin kont qeghdin tghalfu lil tal-qalbaq hemm gew bil-gelgul tal-liri! Dwar l-inkwiet u ratings, dak mhux ghax il-gvern ghamel xi haga, imma ghax il-banek lokali huma konsrvattivi u ta' certu dixxiplina fit-tmexxija taghhom. Kieku ilhom li fallew.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. Is that what you think, that people weren't hurt in the process? Then how come the number of people just above the poverty line is increasing? How come the National Debt continues to explode? Don't forget that the national debt is 86% the GDP. What Dr. Alfred Sant did in 1996, was a warning for us that it is too early for Malta to join the EU and Euro. Time has proved him right. With all the storm brewing on the horizon, and the Euro near extinction, and the EU on the brink of being divided, I think Dr. Sant was right. We were misled into believing that joining the EU would be a blessing for our people, but till now it has been otherwise! Let's hope (and things don't look that way) that things turn for the better for the all the europeans sake, not just ours! Meta Alfred Sant qal bazwar ftit l'hawn u ftit l'hemm, kien qieghed jirreferi ghar-regolamenti u ligijiet, mhux kif dawwartuha intom tal-PN. U bilhaqq id-dockyard mhux intom qridtuha? Mela nsejt il-management b'dawk il-pagi fenomenali u flok irsistew biex igibu x-xoghol ghamlu l-kontra? Jew dawk ma ssemmihomx? L'emorargija gibtuha ntom fid-dockyard, ghax kontu taf li qeghdin taghtu l-flus fix-xejn, u komplejtu taghtu sa l-ahhar. Bqajtu, bqajtu sakemm ma fallejtuha. Naturalment dak kien l-ghan taghkom mill-ewwel, biex tkunu tistghu ddawru l-poplu Malti kontra dik l-azjendi, u fl-istess hin kont qeghdin tghalfu lil tal-qalbaq hemm gew bil-gelgul tal-liri! Dwar l-inkwiet u ratings, dak mhux ghax il-gvern ghamel xi haga, imma ghax il-banek lokali huma konsrvattivi u ta' certu dixxiplina fit-tmexxija taghhom. Kieku ilhom li fallew.
salgister . cooking the books means exactly what Alfred Sant said about "tbazwar ftit 'l hawn u tbazwar ftit 'l hemm". If anything the one-off selling of the Dockyard was an act of stopping a hemorrhage of tax payers money ONCE AND FOR ALL. After the Irish , Greek and Spanish experiences no one can hide debts , our 'small' economy can be scrutinised in no time by European Auditors and the rating agencies. So stop deluding yourselves , call it what you like, luck or naivety if you want , but we have to say that after taking all considerations we can say that up to today we are not fairing badly. One small straw can break the proverbial camel's back , we will ALL get hurt, no matter who would be in government. As I wrote earlier , we have been lucky that we were groomed up for the Euro , and a little later trouble began to loom. Gonzi made a better change in the country's finances without hurting people too much. Cooked books can no longer be hidden.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. "Cooking the figures isnext to imposible." Ask the Greeks about cooking the books! And Ireland! Malta had her accounts cooks by selling one offs and thus showed that our accounts were in order. But they never were. In fact a year later, after joining the Euro, our deficit rose up to Euro 275 million from Euro 75 million!
FD...little do they realise that unless there are people with money who invest in businesses, there will not be any jobs. The so called 'downtrodden' class - which Labour call 'haddiema' are not leading a better life because they lack skills and have basic education. Education and retraining - like the government is offering - helps these people to imrove their skills and obtain better qualifications which enables them to improve their lot and lead a more comfortable life. This is the right thing to do, not the promise of a living wage which, besides being grossly unfair for people with skills and better education, encourages those who lack these qualifications to remain ignorant and stops them from contributing more to the economy of the country. The living wage encourages more people to be dependent on social services and turns them into parasites depending for their livlihood on the state and on the party in power.
Tubernum...skuzani taf, imma jekk qed tilmenta li qed thallas hafna taxxi, sinjal li taqla hafna. Min qieghed bil-minimum wage ma jhallasx income tax; u anki min jaqla' l-average wage - li issa telghet ghal-16 000 Euro kulma jhallas xi 7% tal-income tieghu. U ghalkemm il-VAT rate hija xorta ghal kulhadd BHALA PERCENTWAL, l-ammont assolut huwa differenti. Jekk jien nonfoq Eur10 000 fis-sena inhallas Eur1 800 VAT, imma jekk wiehed jonfoq Eur20 000 fis-sena jhallas Eur3 600; jigifiera ghalkemm ir-rata xortahi 18% l-ammont attwali huwa id-doppju. Mela minn jaqla' aktar, u jonfoq aktar ihallas izjed VAT. Din hija gusta.
briffy , tubernum cannot realise that Labour was always against people who owned something and not in favour of upgrading the so called ‘downtrodden’ classes. They still believe in the class struggle , expecting to bring down someone whom they envy.
Tubernum..that the economy is doing quite well is borne by the fact that the quality of life of the Maltese hs never been so good. Just lokk around you and you will see what I mean - number of cars on the road including lots of new ones and luxury ones, BMWs, Mercedes, Audis, Jags, Alphas. When did we ever see so many luxury cars on the island. People dress well, more than half of the Maltese go abroad for their holidays, and their number is always increasing, restaurants are so full that one has to make a booking to find a place, mobiles galore, big colour TVs, PCs, people's houses are spacious and complete with washing machines, dishwashers, carpets, A/Cs, heaters etc. Everybody would like to pay less taxes or none at all, but then how would one have free education, stipends for students, free health services, pensions, salaries for the public sector? Can't you see that you are either not being honest or saying a lot of silly things?
Tubernum , b’kitbietek qed tfakkar nies bhali fiex konna. James Debono gieli kiteb kontra l-gvern , ghax issa mhux iddoqqq id-diska li tixtieq qed tattakah >
Yet again you are wrong Tubernum. Malta is one of the least taxed in the EU. The highest rate of income tax is just 35%- in the 1970s and 1980s it was 65% and was reduced to 35% by the PN in 1989. The VAT rate in Malta is only 18%. Italy's VAT rate is 23% and the UK's is 22%. You had better tap some good sources to obtain some reliable information on which you can draw some realistic conclusions before rather than repeat some gibberish handed down by Super One
@Tubernum..You must know that parastatal bodies are lame ducks which are run by the state; they are not run on commercial lines and so are not efficient. One of the main problems of Greece is that it is still lumbered by parastatal entities. One of the good things that the PN did was to privatise these bodies which, like the drydocks, was a festering sore which cost the taxpayer millions. Thankd good ness we had a good policy; the fact that we our eceonomy is doing well proves that the policy of privatisation of the PN was indeed a good policy.
@Tubernum....jisraq il-poplu min ihalli kaxxa bil-flus. Qatt ma qalulek li..if the exchequer is 'rich' the people are poor' ghax il-flus jigu mit-taxxi li jhallas il-poplu u mhux mill-ajru. All developed nations have national debt, and people in those countries have a high standard of living, that's why they are called developed countries. The level of development of a country depends on the standard of living and the quality of life of its people not on how much money the country has in its kitty.
@FD Sur FD ifhem sew xghad jien , blue eyed boy , jew tipprova iddawwar kif trid int, ha nghidlek intom qrittu lis sea malta, air malta, tarzna fallejtuha, forporazjonijiet bhal MTa mimlijja managers aktar min haddiema b'miljun ewro fis sena ma jghamlu xejn u kola blue eyed nboys , hekk inhallsu ahna il kontijiet ghalikom imma sena u nofs ohra naeaq fejn marru dawn il flus , is serq li il blue eyed boys thallsu fgghal xejn u il konsulenti , u ibqa zgur jekk ineehhu il hala u il korruzzjoni ma jkollniex dawn it -taxxi kolu , jekk isir hekk biss nifrankaw hafna spejjjez , mela bhalek qieghed bil qeda tithallas biex tikteb hawn.
Alchemistm 1998 kien hemm l-alternattiva li kienet gabret kocc voti. Mintoff did not bring his government down ,Sant wanted to tie his Cottonera Project with a vote of confidence , Mintoff did not budge. The Malta Labour Party policies brought Labour down , because if Sant was doing the right thing he would have been re-elected. The only thing common with Franco Debono and Dom Mintoff is that both of them think that they are more important than Christmas.
Min irid iduq kif konna u kif nistghu inkunu fi zmien ta’ Partit Laburista fil-gvern ,kull ma jrid jaghmel jaqra x’kiteb Tubernum hawn taht.
Mr.Debono inti forcina ta GonePn ghax gone dalwaqt, hemm xi job lest ghaliek jaqaw imma sena u nofs fadallek terda il pappa ta ghax min qieghed ipappiha u jisraq lil |Poplu ma jibqax sena u nifs ohra .
Where were you in 1998 when Mintoff brought his own government down? Do you remember that the PL had obtained more than 8000 votes than the PN in the 1996 election and not just 1500 votes that the PN got in 2008?
Some, if not most, comments assert that Malta Today should confine itself solely to articles aimed at denigrating the PN. They say that there is no place in Malta Today for anything else. This proves, if any proof were needed that MT has become another Labour paper. Judging by the comments which appear every other day, there is no doubt that practically all people who comment are rabid Labourites whose only wish is to see Labour voted in. Their comments show their anger that Labour has been on the opposition benches since 1998.They can't wait for the day that this administration is toppled down in the same way as happened in 1998. So much for MT to say that it is an independent paper.
Cooking the figures isnext to imposible , that’s the last straw people like you can cling to. Gonzi was sort of lucky that he wanted to enter the eurozone and kept Finance ministry under him , he managed to get our deficit as desired by the EU after Italy and Greece were caught cooking the books , as soon as we were going to start doing like Germany and france who broke the rules , Lehman Bros collapsed and property market collapsed , than recession , than the greek debt crisis , Iceland , Spain , Ireland and Malta ....up to now , survived thanks the a steady hand of Gonzi , not cooked accounts. Stop dreaming , we are lucky that we had our house in order, (thanks to Gonzi) ready for inspection if you want.There’s no hidden dirt under the carpet in this miniscule nation of ours.
Micheal Bonanno
@FD. If you called the 22 month long stint of PL's government,then what should we call the 1987-1996 and 1998-2011 PN's? When Labour is elected to Government, it has always has to face the problems left by the PN administrations. And now history is repeating itself. We're passing through a repeat of pre-1971 Malta. Debt, deficit, poverty raising its head, corruption, nepotism, and what-not! Labour has, as historically proven, always face the music through the PN's fault. No wonder it is not a favoured party. The PN cooks the figures, and PL has to tighten the belt! But this time the PN's legacy is worse than in 1971. With a deficit running into millions and the National debt into billions, Malta is on the brink of a precipice. Only Labour and hard work can save our country!
This person was part of Malta’s European spring. He surely does not support Franco.
@not amused, Europe had its dictators Hitler,Greek Military Giunta, Tito . Enver Hoxa, Mussolini, and Franco. Our spring was a European Spring since 1987with a touch of a Socialist Labour winter which lasted for twenty two long stagnated months.
@Antione Vella 'Arab Spring' in 1987? That's PN propoganda at it's dismal best. One look at our electoral system and the succession of democratic dictatorships that our nation has gone thru since times immemorial has made us the laughing stock in the EU fold. Democracy is practiced and not preached. And if we have any accountability in our country than the minister of transport would have taken his hat a long time ago. To say nothing about a Prime Minister who stepped down to become the President of Malta. The latter was actually the inspiration of Putin's power doctorine. The scare mongering and the systematic character assassinations going on thru the supposedly unbiased local media would have made Goebbels proud. If this is freedom, than God help us.
In the fifth district there were many strange happenings which favored Franco Debono’s rise to stardom: Ninu Zammit’s payment for the land in front of his villa Schiavone’s temporary elimination from politics with an anonymous letter Louis Galea for president rumors. Helen D’amato’s health rumors. People say that he offered less charges than his colleagues as a lawyer.
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Quite right. As the old adage goes "From the Pan into the Fire!"
Malta has had its "Arab spring" in 1987 and during the years of hard bloody struggle leading up to our liberation on 11 May of that fateful year.
@Baghal Reading your contribution makes one realise what the real failings of the maltese politics really are. The majority of the Maltese are of Dr. Debono's opinion that the Minister responsible should be made accountable for the Arriva debacle while the Prime Minister himself endorsed Dr. Debono's counter proposals to the Justice Reform. And yet the mistrust about his 'no beating around the bush' attitude is sending shivers down peoples back. Dr Debono is no Mintoff and any parallels drawn are far fetched and only serve to create a surreal Gadawdu to scare the electorate. It is more convenient to believe that it is Dr Debono, and not bad governance, as the cause for this government's instability. We are so used to our own sort of dictatorial 'democracy' that we cannot even imagine that the Arab Spring might, one day, hit our shores.
@Baghal....You do not seem to get the actual point of Dr Debono's concerns. History can be kind or cruel to anyone depending exclusively on the agenda, hidden or otherwise, of whoever interprets it. But Dr Debono is not looking for fame or glory. All he is asking, I think, is for good governance and accountability. And under GONZIPN this (good governance and accountability) is extremely lacking.
Dr. Debono's behaviour reflects great immaturity. He should either resign or express his dissatisfaction in a more dignified manner which does not engender instability. Mintoff's antics in 1998 should disgust rather than inspire political stances by MPs who do not see eye to eye with the rest of their own party in government. The PN and their die-hard supporters (and Dr. Debono himself) may have rubbed their hands in glee when they were handed the reins of government on a silver plate, but history will not be kind to Mr Mintoff, who let his primadonna instincts get better of his political judgement. Nor will it be generous with Dr. Debono if his blinkered views and delicate feelings condition his behaviour at a juncture that the country requires political stability above anything else.
John Mifsud
'Yet moving from one controversy to another in a one-man show is not even conducive to a healthy debate on the issues he champions.' Yes, this can be true. Unfortunately, it precisely the only way Lawrence Gonzi and his coterie can be made to see some sense. The last thing they want is a 'healthy debate' about anything.
Stefan Mifsud
James, I will not add to the negative comments on this piece as others have done a very good job already. I will only comment on this: "The government's credibility hinges on the budgetary commitment of securing a 2.3% growth rate, which would enable the government to keep its deficit down. Any election before the government passes that test would smack of failure or opportunism." If you really believe that GonziPN can deliver on any of these two benchmarks then you are certainly living in Wonderland. Naturally "Kollox hu possibli". For example. Things that have been practiced in the past by this Government. Cooking the books. Off National Balance Sheet items. etc. So if your yardstick are those two objectives I am afraid you are being mislead by the spin and doctoring of the GonziPN machine.
James, in case you have not yet noticed, the government's credibility has been neutralized long ago and failure and opportunism have been this legislation's trade mark. I do see your point when you say that greatness in politics comes with a sense of proportion. But, what we are facing here is a frustrated MP which is finding all possible ways to convey the message to his PM that he is utterly unhappy with the way his government is doing politics and handling his country's affairs. For the Hon Debono, like the majority of the electorate, it seems that a fresh breath of air is urgently needed for the country to regain its possibilities towards prosperity and peace of mind.
James, reading the comments here and considering the editorial line (such as it is) of MaltaToday, I ask myself - and you - what you are doing here. Surely you deserve better,
Mark Fenech
James, you have forgotten one very important issue in your article, and that Franco Debono, should have already brought the government down by not approving the funds allocated to the Ministry of Justice. He did not force his issue on that score, because he was promised that the separation of the Ministry would be done this year, that is by next week. That is a very important issue. Why don't you write that like what Gonzi has done in the past by foregoing most of his promises, e.g. AirMalta, SeaMalta, GO, Drydocks, Buses, Hunters, and various others, he is trying to take Franco Debono was a ride, but not all people are the same and just keep quite.
Dear Saviour, why the hell one of your suppossedly 'independent' journalists is writing in a manner that reveals he is a GonziPN stooge? I thought I was reading Malta Today not the Times!!! ... That of J.D today was not a journalistic argument from an independent point of view but a clear sign of discontent and bitterness in the way F.D is dealing with the Gonzi government...the way he clearly supports!!!
Franco's sense of proportion is of no interest to the real citizens of this country, what is interesting is that we have someone really pushing for CHANGE. Our decades old political system is disgusting and ineffective and only people like Franco(and hopefully others will emerge from both sides)can really make a difference!
Franco's antics is bring to light the real agenda of others.
What's up James, you pissed because he has the balls to stand up for what he believes in regardless of the consequences. Your final question can be answered only by the PM or the powers that be ask them. For us the earlier the better. I hope that in future all our MP's have balls and ovaries not to be YES SIR people and stand up for what is right. So bravo Franco, be strong and stick to your guns!!!
I believe that rather than reflecting on the proportions on which the actions of Dr Debono should be measured on, one should be questioning why healthy & objective debates were always a rare commodity in our politics. I doubt it whether a person of Dr Debono's intelligence wud revert to a lone ranger crusade if any sort of dialogue was going on in the PN hierarchy. And I have no doubt that the same type of structure is to be found in the PL. After all one shouldn't forget that MPs like Wenzu Mintoff and today's PL deputy leader were actually outcasts of the PL, back in the good old bad days. If the greatness of a politician is measured by their moderate proportians our history books should be full of them and yet nothing can be further from the truth.
What a load of nonsense. Mr. Debono your role as apologist for GonziPN is achieving ever greater levels of inanity. Perhaps a job at the Times or The Independent would suit you better.