MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the current political situation within the Nationalist Party, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Franco Debono
Saviour Balzan 9 January 2012, 12:00am
Franco Debono has left the PM with little space to move.
@Konfuxu ara vera l-ispjar milli jkollu jtik, b'min trid tigverna b'Tonio Fenech jew dak li bela il fridge, b'austin Gatt , b'min semmjtlek tlett min nies li ghamlu lakbar minestri fl-istorja ta Malta , wiehed ma jridx cuc Malti u barra hekk issa il kummissjoni ewropeha tefatlu ma wicccu il budget lura u qaltlu il kalkoli tieghek ma jaqblux, l-iehor ta L-Arriva u Smart city, u l-iehotr li kisser is-sajjieda u barra il weghda ta siehbek Gonzinm li qal kif jitla fit 2008 inizzzel it taxxa min 35% ghal 25%
The conceit you people is unbelievable. For months, if not years labour has been talking about a financial crisis. GonziPN and the Times have in the meantime been singing this government’s praises and lamenting Labour’s attitude of doom and gloom. So much so, that Gonzi had the gall to give himself and his cronies in the cabinet a pay hike of €650 a week, reduced to €500 on the insistence of certain backbenchers and Labour.
Since Franco Debono has had the temerity to cry out that the king is in the nude, the tune has changed. Now we are in a full blown crises and for this year Gonzi is withdrawing the €500 raise and a new word has been found stability. Brussels, in the meantime has ordered Gonzi to cut the budget by €40,000,000. These cuts based on wrong estimates of deficit reduction for 2010. Only God knows what Brussles will find in those of 2011.
Now you have the brazenness to call for John Dalli to come and clean someone else’s mess. John Dalli whom you refused as Leader, slandered, whose character you tried to assassinate. Now you want him to take over at the helm of the sinking ship. Have you no shame. Face it man, it is the end of the road. Forget all the bla bla bla, The polls are beckoning.. After all, why are you so afraid of an election. I mean GonziPN stirred Malta in a fantastic way that a greater majority will return him as PM. Or will they?
Ma naqbel xejn li ghandna mmorru ghal elezzjoni bikrija specjalment meta diga wissewna li din is-sena ser tkun sena turbolenti mhabba l- krizijiet finanzjarji fl-Ewropa u d-dina in-generali u elezzjoni issa thallina skoperti aktar milli ahna. Is-soluzjoni temporanja ghanda tkun li il-PN jirriforma u jbiddel il-kap u jgib lura lill-John Dalli ghax hu biss ghandu l-kredenzjali li jghamel dan u jkun jista' jwassal biex jisfida lill PL fl-elezzjoni li gejja (isir xi jsir xorta f'dawn ic-cirkostanzi l-PL jirbah zgur) Ghax anke fil-kamp tal-PL ghad hemm kandidati li huma ministri prospettivi li mhumiex kapaci l-anqas jindirizzaw kumitat tal-banda u jerga jkollna gvern xempju bhal dak li ghandna issa.......impass veru jista' jwassal biex Malta tikkollassa!!
ghax franco debono ma riedg joqot ta puppet on a string qed jaqla insulti minn sezzjoni ta nies li jaraw interess taghhom biss.jien nghid dan pajjizz nisrani jew tal malmalji?