We The people want more people like you and franco debono within both political partys . this country should be run by people that can diliever not because they have friends .In other countrys it is called meritocracy.
Good day
Anette B Cassar•
Saviour, Dan hu il-veru Gurnalizmu fuq kollox. Jien se nibqa' nappoggja lilL-Gurnali tieghek.
sir till this moment and also by tradition you have been true to your calling as a real independent journalist. against all odds you have survived and slowly growing. frankly speaking i have stopped reading the other papers (including the supposedly respected times of malta and its sister)as the really independent journalism (including tv ) is a farce.this, sir, keeps infantile politics breathing.The three pillars of serious politics are, love of democracy,law, and language. These have to be balanced in such a way so that people increase in maturity as a nation.presently all three are faulty and you, being in the last pillar can be the light at the end of the tunnel if you manage to keep to your word.
Saviour, Was the prime minister behind the 'web of evil' when he was lambasted (and -in my opinion- rightly so) after he voted against the divorce bill? These attacks were mostly carried out by the person you never mentions by her name. What was that you said about being 'ala l boboon'?