Stop messing about

Debono is simply playing a game but does not have the balls to vote against his Prime Minister.

The reason he has not been involved at cabinet level is because he is probably not trusted. Take a look at the people selected by the Prime Minister in his Cabinet, and you will see that he is surrounded by yes men.
The reason he has not been involved at cabinet level is because he is probably not trusted. Take a look at the people selected by the Prime Minister in his Cabinet, and you will see that he is surrounded by yes men.

That you pamper a news source is understandable, but becoming a pawn in the hands of your source is another matter.

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono has just done this to all the media. He is an amazing manipulator. He thinks that he can say what he likes, when he likes, act when he likes and have the media play to his tune when he wants to. He can decide when to answer his phone calls, when and how stories are to be placed and positioned. He expects us to write his own stories, but not have them sourced.

Better still: he expects us to interpret his mind and not take him up on all the vows he made; namely, that he would bring the government down by voting against it, a vow he made when he was not appointed minister and when he saw Jason Azzopardi and Chris Said being appointed ministers.

He said this in very clear terms when Gonzi decided to foolishly make a cabinet reshuffle when he did not need to, and when he was advised that this would create ripples.

Franco Debono expected he would be made minister. There is no doubt in my mind about this, and because he was not appointed minister he started firing all sorts of accusations at his own prime minister.

There are so many faults with this administration that anything that is said probably sounds right: even when it comes from someone with ulterior motives. And Franco Debono is definitely not a symbol of altruism.

So when Debono highlighted some of the intrinsic deficiencies of this government, it was interpreted in the very beginning as some kind of hand-on-heart approach to a greater understanding of an open and transparent democracy - a radical and rebellious call from the underdog in a deficient democracy.

But let's face it. When Debono did stand and militate in the Nationalist Party, he was fully aware of the state of play when it came to party politics. He was fully aware of the grit and the dirt that makes politics what it is.

He talks of big business financing the PN as if Zaren Vassallo and all the others were only born yesterday. Maltese politics is run on a system of favours and nepotistic traditions that has slowly eroded and corrupted any form of transparency and meritocracy in the system. But Franco Debono has done more than to simply remind us of the serious problem in the system. It has been proven to us that he has every intention of wasting our time and allowing the whole country to be held to ransom because two men simply refuse to take a firm decision.

Debono is simply playing a game but does not have the balls to vote against his Prime Minister. He would not have made such a scene if he did not belong to a party with a one-seat majority.  And the Prime Minister - like any other politician - refuses to give up his government just because of an errant backbencher.

If Debono thinks he has any esteem from the general public, he should perhaps engage someone to carry out a survey on his status. Then he may confirm his worst fears: that is he is no longer taken seriously and is simply treated as someone who is politically 'toast'.

Not only that, he also fails to answer direct questions. And when he fails to answer we simply look on as if he can be tolerated for avoiding an answer. When they do ask questions, he answers in gobbledegook and more importantly, he simply evades any intelligible question and refers to what he said some time in the past.

In reality he should be taken for what he is - a bloody waste of time. He states in private that he has "sacrificed a lot". Perhaps he should work with the press to learn what sacrifice is all about.

More importantly, he should stop talking in generic terms and start mentioning people, not only whispering in the ears of certain journalists or over meals with certain editors about his pet-hates.

My bone of contention is very simple. Debono could have easily exercised his rebellious thoughts by taking the issue to a democratic venue and doing what he said he would do.

Debono thinks that his actions are not his responsibility and are the responsibility of the Prime Minister. In other words, he can kick the ball into someone else's court as if responsibility was a football game. That of course is something which he would like to think of as the norm. But in all fairness, he cannot promise in the first instance that he will vote against and then surprise us with an abstention.

That uncertainty has led to a sudden shock in the Maltese business world and in a market which was already depressed.  Franco Debono argues that democracy is more important than the economy but that does not justify that he can fuck around with his vote and leave everyone guessing. He talks of being loyal to Gonzi, but no one takes him seriously. Loyalty to Gonzi is something people like Edgar Galea Curmi can attest to. Loyalty is about saying yes to everything and defending your boss no matter what.

Now don't get me wrong. I would agree that many of the arguments that Debono has raised are credible but they have been raised before he even considered joining the PN. In 1989, the Greens had presented a blueprint for the future. They were taken with a pinch of salt and ridiculed.  Local councils, divorce, party financing, electoral reform and accountability were all party issues on the Greens' agenda which at the time were derided by the political parties led by Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Eddie Fenech Adami.

Times change.  And many reforms have taken place because politicians find that the lobby is far too great to handle. But then again, Debono's qualms are not about reform. In between all his rhetoric, it is obvious that the man is hurt for being forgotten and not involved. The reason he has not been involved at cabinet level is because he is probably not trusted. Take a look at the people selected by the Prime Minister in his Cabinet, and you will see that he is surrounded by yes men. Men and women he can trust when he turns the other way or when he makes blunders. All of them have one thing in common: their virtue is loyalty, not competence.

If Debono came to realise that this is not the way of doing politics in Malta and the world over he should have either quietly retired or else exited with a big bang. What he has done today is set fire to a fuse, only to leave the bomb undetonated. There are no excuses for all this. And in the circumstances, I would rather he decide what to do once and for all - he cannot play Humpty Dumpty forever.

@antoin vella, you are so mistaken, the longer gonzi stays the tighter the noose around his neck. Results come to him that patiently waits.
@ Vince Desira mhux ahjar titghallem tikteb sew qabel taqbad tharbex. Zbalji ortografici huma normali, imma sentenzi bla sens juru liema edukazzjoni hadt taht PN/Gonzipn.
Micheal Bonanno
@Vincente Destra. Naqra l-kummenti tieghek nithassrek! Mhux ta' b'xejn il-pajjiz hu kif inhu llum.
kieku kieku Franco Debono jrid li dan il-gvern itemm il-mandat tieghu malajr. izda x'inhuma l-alternattivi? Le ghal Malta nord koreana socjalista. Le ghal Malta trid tkun taf itkisser bil-libjan biex tidhol l-universita`. Le ghal Malta tal-hippies komunisti. Viva il- Lemin. Il-Liberta` l-ewwel u qabel kollox. O Malta tsghna ehlisna mill-ktajjen socjalisti.
kieku kieku Franco Debono jrid li dan il-gvern itemm il-mandat tieghu malajr. izda x'inhuma l-alternattivi? Le ghal Malta nord koreana socjalista. Le ghal Malta trid tkun taf itkisser bil-libjan biex tidhol l-universita`. Le ghal Malta tal-hippies komunisti. Viva il- Lemin. Il-Liberta` l-ewwel u qabel kollox. O Malta tsghna ehlisna mill-ktajjen socjalisti.
In a sense it is the fault of the whole press and the various TV station discussion programmes all of whom are giving Franco Debono an inordinate undeserved amount of exposure he does not merit politically. I would suggest that he be ignored until he decides whether to stick loyally with his party or show the courage of his alleged convictions to vote with the PL and thus bring down the current government. There are more interesting backbenchers in parliament to be promoted as well as more important national issues which merit dissemination, discussion and should hold our political attention. This paper should set an example to all the media by heneforth ignoring the antics of FD unless he carries out some significant action which is truly noteworthy and politically significant .
skuzani sur editur. mela ghax ma naqbilx maghkom il kummenti tieghi ma jidrux. kulhadd jippriedka id demokrazija. u ahjar tibdew tippratikawa intom l-ewwel. grazzi hafna. u daqshekk segwejt is site.
As always Saviour you have hit the nail squarely on its head. Hon Franco Debono is a reformer but to be so you need to have Mintoff.s guts and the diplomacy of Aldo Moro. and unfortunately I thought that he had them but ......... Only one option is left for him TOPPLE THE GOVERNMENT, or fade away into nothingness
Fats Domino has a song called 'messing about': Franco Debono should listen to it and learn that if he does not act he will end up as a quaquaraqua!
Prosit Saviour, ma stajtx kont aktar preciz fuq dal-bniedem, sfortunatament kelli nahli ftit hin minn tieghi fuq dal-bniedem, peress li ijli li hrigtu mill-vocabularju tieghi izda ma stajtx ma niktibx biex nifrahlek ghal dan l-artiklu. Jien kont nispiccah hekk 'he cannot play Humty Dumpty (on a swing) forever. Veru bniedem minfuh wahda sew u jahseb li d-dinja ddur mieghu. Sew kien qal 'ahfrilom ax ma 'jafx' x'inhu jghamel' u kellu ragun il-Prim Ministru li jhallih barra minn kollox u issa jinjorah ukoll ghax ma jiswiex karlin.
jien ma nistax nifhem ghala il laburisti inkluz saviour iridu lil franco jagixxi kif jaqbel lilhom. nehhu min raskom li xi darba franco se jivvota kontra il gvern. franco nazzjonalist aktar min gonzi. franco mexxa il quddiem l-agenda tieghu bil pulit u wasal fejn ried hu.
franco debono ha jibqa mfakkar bhal l-iktar politikant bluff u paroli biss ta dan il-pajjiz ghax ahjar qabad u ma qal xejn ghax kien jaqta figura hafna ahjar u rispetabbli milli qata.
Antoine Vella Methinks that Dr Debono has been crueller to the Nexxinilists than he has been to ,who you persist in calling , the Mintoffians. You see, dear boy, Debono has exposed the dirty underworld of the holier- than -though PN in Govt. - the party with the sensitive conscience (!) - calling them no less than 'a web of evil'. Tsk Tsk. As for the 'Mintoffians', they were only reacting to circumstances, nothing more and nothing less. Methinks that it was the carpet of your party that was yanked from under its feet with all the dirt and mould that was exposed. Tsk Tsk indeed.
Most prpperly said in plain words for every one to understand. Thank you Savior.
Dear Mr. Balzan, this is quite an interesting article which is based on unrealistic high expectations but excluding day to day realities. You have spared no word to demonize a politician, which highlighted many problems with party politics but drew short from simultaneously putting his own head on the block and deliver the coup de grace to this PN government. This would, not only, have cut Dr. Debono's ruined political life span even shorter but killed off the possibility to bring about any of his proposed reform changes before the next election. Undoubtedly, many, including yourself, are feeling a bit cheated that the much awaited climax did not materialize and the reaction to pour scorn on Dr. Debono is understandable. His attacks on the PN hierarchy have, however, put a lot of pressure on the PM who will need to thread carefully all the way to the next election and will be forced to act on Dr Debono’s many valid points. This is already an achievement and far more what the other PN back benchers, all put together, have achieved in the history of this administration legislature. Let’s be honest, martyrdom is something out of the bible and heroics are usually part of hollywood's fantasy factory so it is absolutely silly to expect to find a Captain America in the midst of our house of representatives.
Very very good article. Franco Debono could have been put down in histsory as the one who had the guts to stand up for what he believes in. What he beleives in , we do to. Yet he did not have what it takes, that something extra and special which certian people have - for really defending their principles by doing what needed to be done. Instead, he has resulted to be a bull**ter and instead he will occupy a place in history of being a big headed prick in search of fame and attention. He has unstabeled the country both economically and politically- single handedly. For what? For 5 minutes of fame? Now he will be shunned and despised by the Labourites adnd even more shunned and despised by his own party, who in the circumstances is the bigger loser. He will be used by Gonzi and the web of evil to win time for the PN trionvirate -Gatt, RCC and Saliba- to arm themselves for the nest elections, and then Franco debono will be thrown out like a filthy dishcloth. This Franco is no idiot. How he cannot see this coming is belwildering indeed. In fact it is already happening as we write this. He has lost credibilty competely; that is exacatly what the PN clique wanted. Unless, ofcourse, he is a masochist and enjoys being treated like a turncoat - by both the PN and the PL. He can only redeem himself by standing by what he said and vote the clique of evil out. Otherwise we can only conclude that either he 1) has been bought, 2) promised some jiucy well paid position, here or abroad, or 3) the man is simply attention crazy. Only time will tell, but IT WILL tell.
Jien meta bdiet din il farsa ta Franco debono kont ghad li FRANCO DEBONO PECLUQ KIEN< PECLUQ GHADU U PECLUQ JIPQA, u nerga insostni dak li ghad. Ma nafx ghal fejn il media ghada it tieh din limportanza li franco debono, ghax very bniedem bla principju.
Stefan Mifsud
I have to disagree with some of the points raised. Yes. He should make a decision and soon. Yes. He should not leave the whole country under this tension. And yes. Once he has thrown down the gauntlet he should follow on. But and it is a big BUT. There was no person who had the balls to bring up what Franco Debono did in such a forceful way which will hopefully see these changes come about. If only this man achieves a comprehensive party financing bill before he goes then we should all be very very grateful to this man.
Stefan Mifsud
I have to disagree with some of the points raised. Yes. He should make a decision and soon. Yes. He should not leave the whole country under this tension. And yes. Once he has thrown down the gauntlet he should follow on. But and it is a big BUT. There was no person who had the balls to bring up what Franco Debono did in such a forceful way which will hopefully see these changes come about. If only this man achieves a comprehensive party financing bill before he goes then we should all be very very grateful to this man.
Debono has been very cruel to Mintoffians. He gave them hope for early elections, caused them to finish "The Balcony" in a hurry and made Joseph Muscat, practically a Prime Minister. THEN he yanked it all away and left them gaping in disappointment. Tsk, tsk.
Good article Saviour. I guess it all boils down to a person's interest and guts. In Malta many people have a big mouth but when it comes to the crunch they die out ...Like I said Sav, "Guts and Balls" is cheap...Actions speak louder than words!!
Zack Depasquale
One of the best articles written about this sorry saga. Prosit Saviour
The debono has finally proved that he has no balls at all, simply another time waster full of his own hot air. To be sure, he WILL play Humpty Dumpty for as long as this unwanted government clings to power.