Diary of a volunteer: On the front line of war
Christina Lejman
Maltese mother-of-two Christina Lejman works with local humanitarian voluntary organisation MOAS. In June, their HQ team travelled to Ukraine to visit their projects on the front...
From harmless decoys to deadly toys
Alexiei Dingli
 From harmless decoys to deadly toys, the art of deception continues to shape the outcomes of conflicts worldwide
Where social justice is lacking
Michael Falzon

This story, however, has raised an interesting ethics issue. Do humans have a right to endanger animal lives by using them to do dangerous work?

This story, however, has raised an interesting ethics...

Sorry may not be ‘the hardest word’… but it’s a good start
Raphael Vassallo

And while you could always interpret that as a subtle reminder that the Caruana...

And while you could always interpret that as a subtle...

An early election is the answer to this calamity
Saviour Balzan

Before the 2017 elections, nobody had the slightest notion that there had been...

Before the 2017 elections, nobody had the slightest notion...

Where do we go from here?
Josanne Cassar

If PM Robert Abela wants to roll up his sleeves and get going on these inquiry recommendations, he has his work cut out for him

If PM Robert Abela wants to roll up his sleeves and get...

Reforming the public broadcaster | Carmelo Abela

This commitment is aimed at developing better journalistic, sports, cultural...

This commitment is aimed at developing better journalistic,...

Urgent: an updated sexual health policy | Nathalie Psaila

It is time for Malta to have a robust sexual health framework and protect its...

It is time for Malta to have a robust sexual health...

Are algorithms going to choose our party leaders, too?
Raphael Vassallo

Let’s just hope those algorithms do a slightly better job of selecting...

Let’s just hope those algorithms do a slightly better...

Everything we know about drug addiction is wrong
Cyrus Engerer

The only manner of tackling addiction as based on best practice, research and...

The only manner of tackling addiction as based on best...

‘Save us, Bernard! You’re our only hope…!’
Raphael Vassallo

I suppose Bernard Grech could always resort to a Jedi ‘mind-trick’,...

I suppose Bernard Grech could always resort to a Jedi...

The tourism mess
Michael Falzon

In practical terms, this means that the members of Abela’s Cabinet have the leeway to push contradictory policies

In practical terms, this means that the members of...

Staff shortages in the time of corona
Josanne Cassar

For economic growth to flourish it also has to be sustainable in terms of human resources, and right now that does not seem to be the case

For economic growth to flourish it also has to be...

Vaccinated? Then it is time to lift the lid
Saviour Balzan

If Malta has surpassed the herd immunity benchmark, and imposed obligatory...

If Malta has surpassed the herd immunity benchmark, and...

COVID in the UK: cases among double-vaccinated – it’s not because vaccines aren’t working
The Conversation

There are several factors at play that explain why such a high proportion of cases are in the fully vaccinated | Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, University of...

There are several factors at play that explain why such a...

Memory foam, insulin monitors, freeze-dried food... it all came from space
Owen Bonnici

The government is committed to stand behind our researchers and academics and will keep investing in their talents

The government is committed to stand behind our researchers...

Kevin Cutajar’s Facebook post? It’s Malta’s entire racism issue, in a nutshell
Raphael Vassallo

Let’s look on the bright side. Now, at least one Opposition MP has spoken out about the need for a thorough rethink of our country’s entire...

Let’s look on the bright side. Now, at least one...

Will Robert be his own man or continue in Joseph’s footsteps?
Arnold Cassola

Knowing that Germany, together with the US and the UK, insisted on our...

Knowing that Germany, together with the US and the UK,...

Why Malta desperately needs family planning clinics
Isabel Stabile

Our government must ensure access to contraception which is freely available....

Our government must ensure access to contraception which is...

Bernard’s call | Peter Agius
Peter Agius

I think more of us should keep an eye on Bernard Grech’s call for a country which can dare for more than the better evil. 

I think more of us should keep an eye on...