Dear Joseph - an open letter to Opposition leader Joseph Muscat

My open letter to Labour leader Joseph Muscat...

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat

There are widespread rumours that there will be an early election on 9 June. I am not too certain about the rumours.

The odds at present are in your favour, but anything could happen and I would not be too surprised if things end up blown in the opposite direction.

The power of incumbency is not to be taken lightly, most especially when so much is at stake. Twenty-five years in government means a lot to the same group of people who have had it so good.

To start with, you have a tall order.

How you are going to cut government spending if you refuse to cut on employees?

Smaller government must be one of your aims. 

Smaller government will mean more efficient departments with a smaller staff, it would mean fewer ministries and ministers, a smaller parliament and less local councils and a smaller number of elected councillors.

Make parliament a full time job, not a pastime.

Transfer government services to Gozo, allowing more people to dream of continuing their career at home.

Reform the police force and make them a modern force and not one that is mediocre and reinvent the army to make it a small efficient force in time of peace - make it useful and full of purpose.

Both political parties talk of better education and health and most important of all it should be free. But should it? Should we think of contributing more through a more reasonable national insurance contribution?

University stipends should be abolished and replaced by a soft loan system payable over a reasonable period. And University should work hand in hand with business visionaries, not only academics.

On pension reform, address the conundrum by involving private enterprise in setting up private pensions and of course pension funds. 

If you want better efficiency at Mater Dei, it will mean more beds and more medical staff but this comes only if you have more funds at your disposal. And you do not.

Cut unnecessary private contractors, save money and allow private clinics to take some of the burden of our national health service under an agreed tariff structure.

But you have to restructure and introduce private insurance contribution to make up for national insurance deficits.

Better governance may come by cutting unnecessary expenses and doing away with certain 'ingrained' expenses.

For example can you cut on the number of boards and agencies?

Do we need a board and a chairman for every agency?

What about merging some of the agencies and doing away with others?

Remove dinosaurs such as the Broadcasting Authority and replace it with an executive ombudsman for broadcasting. 

That will save you money and do away with those mediocre debates.

And do we need to have so many embassies abroad when most of them offer little or no return? 

Do we need to believe we are bigger when we are really just a small island state?

You will think that privatisation is a means to an end. It is not.

Or should we rethink the whole process?

And should we not ask why an activity cannot be carried out by the public sector before delegating to the private sector?

But why not think of taking back the Malta International Airport and Posta Ltd. Or even the lotteries for that matter.

Why cannot we run them efficiently? Is it too much to ask government entities to be efficient and managerial-oriented?

Why cannot we trust Maltese running our own entities?

Does Bank of Valletta run less efficiently because it has no foreign CEO?

Or should we have the MIA model, a company with Maltese employees but one foreign CEO?

I would think not. Why cannot MIA be Maltese again? It is after all owned by a Viennese company with strong links to a political party.

It could not be worse.

Why cannot we make money out of these entities too, just in the same way Bank of Valletta makes money?

Can we keep politics out of these entities?

Of course we can.

Only if you apply meritocracy as a yardstick.

Why not turn them into public companies?

And get Air Malta back on track by using people at the top who have reasonable salaries but not ridiculous ones, understand the needs of the local industry and do not have a habit of calling 'our' airline - crap.

Indeed, we ran Malta postal services in a more efficient manner before it was privatised. 

And the banks? It is now abundantly clear that some banks have lost in interest in Malta. HSBC is a case in point. They have lost interest in Malta and treat banking in Malta as a profit exercise, full stop.

Then do what others did abroad. If you want money to regenerate the underprivileged, education and health and depressed areas come out with a windfall tax. Yes, a windfall tax that will give you some spending money.

You need money, so try to tax those activities or objects which are considered a luxury.

You do not need to reinvent the wheel, just look at what other countries are doing.

If you want purchasing power change the income tax regime once again.

People should pay tax according to their purchasing trends.

The less you spend the less you pay.

And make it worthwhile for those who pay their taxes in full and forget about giving amnesties to those who have always defrauded the State.

Public transport - which is an abysmal failure - should be tackled head on. It will require that you confront those business entities that are renowned to be at great pains in bullying government. It will require thinking out of the box.

It will require smaller buses and it will require that you subsidise public transport in a big way to encourage more people to use buses.

But you will need to take back public transport from the private company that runs it. Why subsidise private companies when they cannot get their act together?

Road infrastructure can only come about if you have the money to solve road maintenance and I cannot think of anything more logical than taxing those who purchase cars.

Yet it will also require that road construction and maintenance is subcontracted to those who fully appreciate what goes into making roads.

You say you have a vision for a new Malta.

Well, you will have to start by erasing the face of patronage and meritocracy in Malta.

Start with the judiciary. Make the judiciary a profession, not a politically-determined career. And give the judiciary the executive powers to investigate.

Take PBS and cleanse it from all its political appointees and anchored hosts and put professionals and individuals who have the audience at heart, not the politicians and their agendas.

In those agencies where transparency and accountability is a prerequisite, set the rules.

Rules that cannot be overturned by politically-appointed boards.

Abroad, town and country planning is not determined by boards but by clear guidelines.

You will be under immense pressure from the speculator and construction industry.

Make it very clear that you will fight bureaucracy but you will not oversee the rape of our countryside and our heritage.

Once you have traded our country to this lobby you are at their beck and call.

Like trading to so many other lobbies, such as the hunters.

Uphold the importance of creating quality environments, of better service and commitment to the community and its environs.

Bring back traditional fishing and stand up to the ludicrous demands of the EU.  Do not be more Catholic than the Pope, but do not go against the grain. Do not state, for example, that hunting and trapping in Malta can be reintroduced as it was before.

You will face a deluge of unfair demands by several of your constituents. You will have to sift through all of them to determine which are justified or not.

Learn to say NO. And no should mean NO.

You will need to inculcate the idea that tax evasion is not up for discussion, that professionals such as lawyers and doctors are not privileged.

And that everyone should pay their taxes. 

Make people know how their taxes are spent.

Transparency is more than a must.

Some brave decisions need to be taken as regards tourism. How can accommodation in Malta be cheaper but still offer quality? How can we offer coupons to visiting tourists to capture the lower-end market. And how can we encourage higher-end boutique hotels?

We can invest in upgrading our heritage and environment to bring more people over to Malta? But it will need entrusting more local organisations to help you in this.

Transform Malta into a mecca for entertainment for the younger tourist. Lift the barriers for those who find too much red tape when they land in Malta and Gozo.

And can we reverse the cost of eating out in Malta which is ludicrously priced by providing incentives in reducing energy bills and rentals for outlets.

Open investment possibilities in Malta by offering unbeatable concessions that will attract all kinds of investment, and by making Malta Enterprise open to offering a service, not dissuading private investment.

To make us more competitive we need to invest in the right energy sources and not the Quixotic ideas and costly concepts such as wind energy, which have little return.

Energy concepts which may be daring but that will lead to dramatic decreases in tariff structures and look to a demanding energy consumption, leading to a lower costs base for businesses and consumers.

On the 'Constitutional' level, open up a debate with a deadline on electoral reform and start seriously thinking of party lists, where political parties choose their candidates.

And kill the party financing transparency problem.

Consider lowering the threshold for the electoral quota to allow for the opening of new political faces.

Make a clear distinction between Church and State in the Constitution and reconsider the role of the President in so far that he may have some limited executive powers rather than simply symbolic ones.

More than ever we need to be more European, to be standard bearers of standards. On the international be firm, but do not try and be an overbearing replica of Dom Mintoff. Stand for modernity. Embrace diversity, gender equality and discard those vestiges of xenophobia and migrant bashing so pervasive in your party.

First of all, from our acceptance of a diverse and tolerant society, to one that cares for its environment by acknowledging the future and doing away with the past. To a society which will be led by politicians who take decisions, who can face their peers and inform them that times have changed. 

If change happens just for the sake of change, then we would have missed out on the possibility to transform this country into a Mediterranean paradise.

I could go on, but I have run out of space.


Aharbu l-ahwa. Jien xih zmagat, injurant, nazzjonalist fanatku. Aharbu minni ghax bhal salgister ikollkom taghmlu. UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER.
Siehbi sal-gister ara ma jfettilekx tinjorah lil habib taghna giovanni demartino ghax ma jkollnix b'min naghaddu siegha zmien siehbi
With such a long list, 25 years of governance by Joseph Muscat will not suffice! But I do agree that PN acted simply as predators during the last 25 years; they did not create wealth they simply spent our earnings, sold the family silver to the foreigners and left us a mountain of debt that is even worse than Monroy's cataclysmic bankruptcy of the fourteen century! Vera 'il-kaz ta ghalihom u ghal uliedhom'; and they wan't let go: their greed is infinite!
Prosit Salgiter. Illum ghamilt bicca ta ragel. UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. Ma kellikx triq ohra. U jekk trid taghmel pjacir lilek u lill-partit tieghek, lili jaqbillek tinjorani. Ma ggibx wahda zewg mieghi. Il-passat taghkom IKEXKEX. FREEBIE mhux se nghidlek injorant ghax m'intix! Mariod niktbu: jghidli, minghalih, fih.
Jahasra hbieb lis-sur Demartino kellmuh meta jkollkom aptit tghaddu siegha zmien skorruta tidhqu bhal ma nghamillu jien u lili jwegibni billi jejdli li ma nafx nikteb (minalih) ara kemm hu bniedem li vera fieh siegha dahq skorrutta bhal siehbu GONZIKARETTAPN
I completely disagree with the following three points (quoted from the letter): "1. Both political parties talk of better education and health and most important of all it should be free. But should it? Should we think of contributing more through a more reasonable national insurance contribution? 2. University stipends should be abolished and replaced by a soft loan system payable over a reasonable period. And University should work hand in hand with business visionaries, not only academics. 3. Road infrastructure can only come about if you have the money to solve road maintenance and I cannot think of anything more logical than taxing those who purchase cars." If your idea of running the country effectively is to further increase taxes and costs for the citizens, then you are painfully misguided. 1. Yes, education and health should be free. The PN has managed to keep it free for all this time. Why would the PL not be capable of doing the same? Why increase the burden on families by forcing them to pay more NIC? Isn't 10% already bad enough? 2. The university has 10,000 students. Do some calculating and you'll see how stipends are only a drop in the ocean compared to the other expenses. What one student earns in a year, a worker earns in a few months, and a professional earns in less than a month. Abolishing stipends would do next to nothing to help the economy. 3. Taxing those who purchase cars?! Aren't we taxed enough already? Malta has some of the highest purchase prices for cars in the EU. There's 18% VAT on the cost price of new cars, and it works out similar to register used cars. Then there's €150-€250 a year to pay in road license. What you need isn't the "money to solve road maintenance", but to lay off useless roadworks employees that get a salary but don't do their jobs, and instead hire dedicated workers who work efficiently. How many times do we see 6 government workers fixing a simple pothole, where 2 are doing the actual work and the other 4 are sleeping, having a break or just staring? I only chose the worst three points in the letter, but I think most of the points mentioned are wrong. And I'm surprised how biased the commenters are. They criticise PN simply for being PN. Why not give concrete facts to back up your anti-PN statements? Same goes for people making anti-PL statements (though there don't seem to be any here).
Salgister has signed his unconditional surrender. He had no option Naqbel perfettament li jkun veru cuc min jidhol f'dibattitu mieghi. Ara INT xi gralek ghax ghamilt hekk. Happy Easter.
@ freebie. Nispera li ma tihux ghalik jekk nghidlek injurant u gidra hux hekk? Jekk ma tridx tkun balalu ghid lill-qarrejja biex JIEN gibt xi dizastru ecc. Kemm hu difficli biex tfiehem lill-injurant!
Micheal Bonanno
@Demartino. Ghamilli pjacir iddahhalnix f'dibattiti mieghek. Your mind works only one-way! Jien ippruvajt nikjarifika ismek ghax kienu qeghdin ihalltuh ma' Demartino tal-Kunsill tal-Mosta. Issa jekk hux peppi, cikku jew pawlu I don't care. Dan biex ma jahlux bzieq (mhux misthoqq) fuqek. Cwiec min jidhol dibattitu kostruttiv mieghek. L-ghamad politiku li ghandek verges on fanaticism!
X'basla dahlu fiha! Salgister specjalment. Ghadkom ma sibtux xi fidil li jiddeffes f'lokkom?
Jghamel x-jghamel il pl sur demartino,dejjem ahjar milli ghaffigt int habib, ghax dizaztru ghamilt min rahal u shabek mill pajjiz. Min jghix go kamra tal hgieg ma jistax jitfa gebel sur deamrtino u tghalima din!!!
Saviour, you have done your arithmatics? It is a long list and sometimes with conflicting results. There are some valid points but I think there is also need to fine tune the measures. One has also to put the measures in a priority order as a government can only implement five measures per year with the bureaucracy of this small petty nation.
Prosit Sur Salv, ghandu hafna x’jixtarrghawn Joseph Muscat, naqbel mieghek f’hafna punti biss irid jifhem li ghall kull oggett hemm il-bidu tieghu, bhall kull tigrija, karriera, bdil ta’ kumitati, kinsilliera, deputati, etc etc etc u dejjem hemm bzonn ta’ bidu tajjeb kif isir fit tlielaq biss u nerga biss minn jizbalja t-tluq jigi eliminat mill ewwel (hemm hafna x’tifhem f’din) biss ilqatt il-musmar fuq rasu bil-frazi ‘Do we need to believe we are bigger when we are really just a small island state?’ Mela mhux kulhad jaf li Malta hi zghira (Hekk kienu jghajdu Malta zghira u fjoe del-mondo) u kullhad jaf lill xulxin. Hemm bzonn ta’ Management sod bhal ma hemm f’kumpaniji serji fejn l-affarijiet isiru sew u b’efficjenza u bl-inqas rizorsi umani. Gvern zghir jew Gvern imdaqqas ma jghamel ebda effett jekk ma jkollux il-haddiema motivati mhux mohhom biex jiskartaw u jdabbru xi kommixin minn ghawn jew minn hemm. L-izball li Gonzi PN ghamel hu li qasam l-amministrazzjoni f’hafna partijiet u b’kull parti thalliet ghar-rieha u ttellu itan madwara u ara minn jidhlilom go l-ghalqa. Illum hadd ma jrid jahdem go Ministeru jekk mal paga ma jkollux kommixin ara dawk li qed ippapuwa jorqdu fl-ufficini jonqosom, anke morda jidhlu ghax-xol biex hadd ma jidhlilom fl-ghalqa u johdilom postom. L-ikbar problema le ser ikollu Joseph Muscat hi, kif ser jibdel dawk is-sangisugi u lill minn ser ipoggi minflok ghax ftit ghad fadal haddiema li ghandom il-guts u li lesti jidhlu ghal dan ix-xol li ser ikun mil-aktar iebes, difficli u problematiku. Nibza li jekk Joseph m’ghandux dik il- bakketta magika li twasslu biex jindirizza dawn ir-riformi jista’ jigrilu bhal ma gralu Alfred Sant….. Qisek ghandek bastiment li ijlu mgherreq 20 sena u trid itelllaw u jibda jahdem minnufieh. Hekk inqisom il-korporazzjonijiet, l-entittajiet governattivi, etc etc etc………..Sadid, Sadid u Sadid
GonziPN haj jiprova jghamel tajjeb ghan nuqqasijiet li ghamel ma tul-hajtu fil-pulitka,ha jaghmel tajjeb hekk,sens komun.Jekk JMuscat jaraf jirkeb is -sence komun ta Gonzi maj kollux diffukulta biex jirbahlu l-elezjoni li gejja.
GonziPN haj jiprova jghamel tajjeb ghan nuqqasijiet li ghamel ma tul-hajtu fil-pulitka,ha jaghmel tajjeb hekk,sens komun.Jekk JMuscat jaraf jirkeb is -sence komun ta Gonzi maj kollux diffukulta biex jirbahlu l-elezjoni li gejja.
Kif belghuha l-bicca gobon tinten. Taqblu jew ma taqblux li cittadini Maltin jitkeccew minn pajjizhom minghajr ebda process fil-qorti? Iva jew le. Judge Giovanni Bonello's Histories of Malta Vol 2, p 243 "The furtive plans for Malta' integration with Italy, which Mr. Mintoff fell back on when negotiations for independence were in full swing, had been reveaqled before.........Another irony is that when these top secret negotiations bet Mintoff and his Italian interlocuters........They (labour) derived great pleasure and political mileage too, in branding the Nats as pro Italian traitors....and here was the leader of the anti Italian movement formally (but secretely)negotiating integratio0n with Italy, a measure which the mainstream of the traditional pro Italian party had never dreamt of." Bizzejjed? SALGISTER kiteb "habib is-Sur Giov DeMartino mhux Kenneth DeMartino lex sindku Imissek ma hawwadx. Malli tmur barra kulhadd jafu lil Mintoff. U ZGGURRRRRRRRR Anki lil Gaddafi, lil Stalin, lil Hitler, lil Mussolini, lil Amin etc...Komplu, l-ahwa, komplu.
Tghid se jhalluni nittewweb bhas-soltu? Jaqblilhom.
Zack Depasquale
Jissemew hafna is-snin tmenin hawnhekk u qishom dawn is-snin kienu xi snin li Malta kienet kif inhi ghaddeja bhalissa is-Sirja. Imma ejja halli naraw x kienu dawn is-snin, vera kien hemm xi kazi ta’vjolenza politika, imma dawn gew minfuha min-nies ghal interess personali taghhom. Nghatu l-impressjoni li is-snin ta Gvern Laburista kienu zminijiet mimlijin vjolenza meta mhux il-kaz. Fis-snin tmenin meta suppost konna qieghdin nghixu stat ta’gwerra il-haddiem inghata bicca art b’xejn u illum joqghod go dar ta’kwart ta’miljun euro jew iktar, Alla jbierek dan kulhadd jinsa isemmiegh, anke sfortunatament il-Partit Laburista. Jien insemmi is-snin sittin , fejn Laburisti gew mixhuta fil-mizbla jew kien ikun dnub mejjet li tivvota Laburista. Issa xi bravu li min ghalih ihawwadna bic-cucati li jikteb hawn, jghid li dan ghamlithu il-knisja, imma min kien taht l-umbrella tal-knisja dak in-nhar mhux il-Partit Nazzjonalista illum GonziPN? Mella ejja ma nibqghux inhawwdu l-imhuh u dak li hu abjad nghidulu abjad. Nfakkar biss li ghad ta’nies fil-korp tal-Pulizija li kienu mixlija b’hafna vjolenza fit-tmeninijiet flok tkeccew jew gew investigati wara l-bidla fil-gvern fl-1987 inghataw promozzjoni. Nfakkar ukoll jekk iridu nsemmu it-tmeninijiet l-eluf ta’transfers vendikativi, pruvati mill-qrati Maltin, li nghataw that dak li ried jaghmilna ilkoll ahwa Maltin.Xorta jibqa l-fatt li Saviour kiteb din l-ittra lill-DR Joseph Muscat ghaliex jaf li Dr Joseph Muscat jista jkun is-salvazzjoni ta'Malta wara 25 sena ta tgerfiex Nazzjonalista
Micheal Bonanno
@Demartion. Iva, kien l-ex-sindku tal-Mosta qabel il-legislatura li ghaddiet. Fejn hawwadt jien? Tipprovax taqbad mat-tiben biex ma tghereqx sur Demartino. Minn fejn ivvintajtha li Mintoff ried l-integration ma' l-Italja? Din minn fejn ivvintajtha? Jaqaw tal-PN se tghaddieh lil PL? Iddahhakniex trid. Veru tghawwgu l-istorja kif taqbel lilkom. Halla pajjiz imfarrak ghax kissirtuh intom. Imzeblah mad-dinja? Mur barra u semmi l-Malta, ara jekk isemmux lil MIntoff. Dwar l-ghatx ghal poter, are Gonzi kif qieghed jagixxi llum u tkun taf min ghandu kilba ghal poter. Tiflahx tivvinta. Nahseb jien l-istudenti kollha ghorrief hargu minn taht idejk, jekk kull ma tikteb hawn hu xempju tat-taghlim li ghallimt!
Sur Giovanni Demartino, li ghas-sodisfazzjon tieghek nerga' niccara li ma kkontesta ebda elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali li saru dan l-ahhar fil-Mosta, jekk tahseb li se ggebbed dan il-blog sa l-elezzjoni generali li jmiss, isejjahha meta jsejjahha l-Kap tieghek Lawrence Gonzi, se jgharralek. Persunalment iddecidejt li nibda ninjorak, ghaliex int wisq ossessjonat bil-vjolenza tas-snin 80 u insejt il-vjolenza psikolgika, morali u vendikattiva li twettqet mill-Knisja Kattolika f'Malta (ergo l-Partit Nazzjonalista) fis-snin sittin. Nimmagina li int kont fost il-pampaluni f'din il-vjolenza. Caw Sur DeMartino, nawguralek, sahha u barka u jekk ikun hemm bidla tal-Gvern li tohodha bil-mod, ghaliex kbira li jkollok bidla wara 25 sena u ma thossikx li tkun tqammilt. Dwar Alfred Sant biss kellek kummenti pozittivi, dwar is-snin tad-deheb taht Duminiku Mintoff bejn l-1971-81, ma fahharx l-opri ta' servizzi socjali li dahhal fil-pajjiz? Jew il-hdura lejn Mintoff ghadha go fik sal-lum, meta t-tajjeb tieghu zgur li jeghleb il-hazin tieghu. Ma stahtx tghid li isem Mintoff zeblahhna mad-dinja, meta kien Mintoff li verament qieghed lil Malta fil-mappa internazzjonali.
Micheal Bonanno
@Demartion. Iva, kien l-ex-sindku tal-Mosta qabel il-legislatura li ghaddiet. Fejn hawwadt jien? Tipprovax taqbad mat-tiben biex ma tghereqx sur Demartino. Minn fejn ivvintajtha li Mintoff ried l-integration ma' l-Italja? Din minn fejn ivvintajtha? Jaqaw tal-PN se tghaddieh lil PL? Iddahhakniex trid. Veru tghawwgu l-istorja kif taqbel lilkom. Halla pajjiz imfarrak ghax kissirtuh intom. Imzeblah mad-dinja? Mur barra u semmi l-Malta, ara jekk isemmux lil MIntoff. Dwar l-ghatx ghal poter, are Gonzi kif qieghed jagixxi llum u tkun taf min ghandu kilba ghal poter. Tiflahx tivvinta. Nahseb jien l-istudenti kollha ghorrief hargu minn taht idejk, jekk kull ma tikteb hawn hu xempju tat-taghlim li ghallimt!
Micheal Bonanno
@Demartion. Iva, kien l-ex-sindku tal-Mosta qabel il-legislatura li ghaddiet. Fejn hawwadt jien? Tipprovax taqbad mat-tiben biex ma tghereqx sur Demartino. Minn fejn ivvintajtha li Mintoff ried l-integration ma' l-Italja? Din minn fejn ivvintajtha? Jaqaw tal-PN se tghaddieh lil PL? Iddahhakniex trid. Veru tghawwgu l-istorja kif taqbel lilkom. Halla pajjiz imfarrak ghax kissirtuh intom. Imzeblah mad-dinja? Mur barra u semmi l-Malta, ara jekk isemmux lil MIntoff. Dwar l-ghatx ghal poter, are Gonzi kif qieghed jagixxi llum u tkun taf min ghandu kilba ghal poter. Tiflahx tivvinta. Nahseb jien l-istudenti kollha ghorrief hargu minn taht idejk, jekk kull ma tikteb hawn hu xempju tat-taghlim li ghallimt!
Micheal Bonanno
@Demartion. Iva, kien l-ex-sindku tal-Mosta qabel il-legislatura li ghaddiet. Fejn hawwadt jien? Tipprovax taqbad mat-tiben biex ma tghereqx sur Demartino. Minn fejn ivvintajtha li Mintoff ried l-integration ma' l-Italja? Din minn fejn ivvintajtha? Jaqaw tal-PN se tghaddieh lil PL? Iddahhakniex trid. Veru tghawwgu l-istorja kif taqbel lilkom. Halla pajjiz imfarrak ghax kissirtuh intom. Imzeblah mad-dinja? Mur barra u semmi l-Malta, ara jekk isemmux lil MIntoff. Dwar l-ghatx ghal poter, are Gonzi kif qieghed jagixxi llum u tkun taf min ghandu kilba ghal poter. Tiflahx tivvinta. Nahseb jien l-istudenti kollha ghorrief hargu minn taht idejk, jekk kull ma tikteb hawn hu xempju tat-taghlim li ghallimt!
Il-ahwa kif gerfixthom kollha. Qed jitfixklu f'xulxin u shansitra jikkonfermaw dak li dejjem nghid jien: Il-passat tal-MLP ma jistax ikun moqziez u mahmug izjed milli hu. Fil-qosor. L-ewwel ghamlu lili ex sindku tal-Mosta, issa qabez Salgister u qallhom: Hmir, l-ex sindku tal-Mosta huwa Kenneth deMartino! Mitlufin ghal kollox. Imma what's in a name? Tista' tkun salvatur u traditur fl-isess hin. Isimghu di9n issa. Salgister qal " Issemmi t-80 ijiet imma meta l-labour fis-96-98 ma ssemmiehx ghax ma kienx hemm vjolena. GRAZZI. Mela f'sittin sena shah ma kienx hemm vjolenza ghal 20 xahar BISS. Dan mhux jien ktibtu. Imma jien kont l-ewwel wiehed u probabbli l-uniku wiehed li fis-96 jien fahhart lil Alfred Sant kemm fil-gazzetti bl-Ingliz kif ukoll meta indirizzajt il-Kunsill tal-PN fil-prezenza ta' tal-ex PM EFA, ex ministri u mijiet ta' partitarji. FAHHART PUBLIKAMENT li kien ikkontrolla lill-kriminali li kellu l-partit. Nerga nsaqsi: Taqblu li l-hakkiema Inglizi keccew Maltin minn pajjizna stess minghajr ebda process fil-qorti? TAQBLU JEW MA TAQBLUX. Li hu zgur, DOKUMENTAT, li kien Mintoff li wara li fallietlu l-integration kien ried integration ma l-ITALJA. Mintoff mhux il-PN. Mintoff halla warajh pajjiz imfarrak, pajjiz vjolenti, pajjiz imzeblah mad-dinja. Ghatx ghall-poter? Ahseb u ara min impjega 8000 haddiem lejliet lelezzjoni u min baqa' iggranfat kontra r-rieda tal-MAGGORANZA ASSOLUTA. Komplu iktbu.
Micheal Bonanno
Hbieb laburisti. Is-Sur Giovanni Demartino mhux Kenneth Demartino l-ex-Sindku tal-Mosta u lanqas is-CEO tas-Security Group. Thalltux wiehed m'iehor. Is-Sur Giovanni Demartino hu ex-teacher. Tant m'ghandux fuqhiex jikkritika l-Partit Laburista tal-lum, li mohhu biss biex isemmi parti mill-passat tal-Partit Laburista. Iva, nammettu, saru hafna zbalji fis-snin 80. Imma kemm ghamel zbalji l-PN kemm ilu fil-Gvern u qabel, dak ma jsemmiehx Demartino. Isa, Sur Demartino semmielna l-passat Glorjuz tal-PN! Semmielna meta l-PN ried jghaqqadna ma' l-Italja fi zmien Mussolini. Semmielna meta l-PN zamm ma' l-Inglizi fi zmien l-irvellijiet tal-1958 u waqt in-negozjati fin-1972. Ghalfejn l-Inglizi eziljaw l-kapijiet tal-PN lejn l-Uganda? X'kien qieghed jinhema min-naha tal-PN ta' dak iz-zmien? Fuq il-hmieg tal-PN, trid immorru lura fit-30's mhux nuru x'opportunizma u ghatx ghal poter li ghandu l-PN u ghadu sal-lum? Ghal-lum nieqaf hawn! U nerga ntenni mhux se niftah dibattiti mieghek. Mohhok dejjem naha wahda qieghed! Issemmi l-80's, imma meta l-Labour fin-1996-1998 ma ssemmiehx ghax m'hemmx x'tikkritika s-suggett favorit tieghek (il-vjolenza)!
Mela hemm xi partit laburista tal-bierah jew tal-lum? mhux b’kollox tghabba il-partit laburista gdid u rinovat?
Sur Giovanni DeMartino nammetti hadt falsa stikka meta dahlet fil-kredu tal-Kunsilli Lokali. Mill-bqija ma ghandix ghax nisthi minnek ghaliex lanqas tippretendi minn ex ghalliem jghajjar lil min ma jkunx qed jaqbel mieghu 'injorant'. Hija sfortunta jekk l-istudenti tieghek kont tittimbrahom hekk meta kienu jiehdu zball anki jekk goff. Mill-bqija naccertak li jekk lilek persunali ma nafikx daqshekk, l-istorja tal-Partit Nazzjonalista tieghek nafha sewwa u ma nafx fejn taraw passat glorjuz. L-unika mossa tajba kienet li b'konvinzjoni hdimtu biex post Malta jkun fl-Unjoni Ewropea. Mill-bqija x'hemm li jaghmlilkom unur, il-mod kif dejjem irkitbu minn fuq il-Knisja biex taraw kif thaffnu l-poter? U l-mod kif kull meta nbidel il-Gvern Nazzjonalista l-kaxxa ta' Malta dejjem thalliet vojta. Persunalment u bl-irgulija kollha niskuza ruhi mieghek li tfixkilt fl-isem, ghalkemm nifhem li Kenneth hu parentela mieghek u taf kemm gawda mal-PN. Kemm gawdejt int, int biss tista' tghidu, jien ma nafx. Nispera li t-twemmin Demo-Kristjan tieghek ma jitkejjilx bil-mod li tghajjar lil haddiehor injorant ghaliex zlaqt fin-niexef. Bhala edukatur stajt ikkoregejtli l-impressjoni momentarja zbaljata li kelli b'mod iktar li jaghmel gieh lill-karriera tieghek. Grazzi salgister talli spejgajt il-qaghda taz-zewg Demartinijiet. L-arroganza u d-demm blu taghhom lin-Nazzjonalisti tixlihom.
Dear Saviour, you are an idealist addressing your utopia to a first degree opportunist . he will NEVER disagree with you on one single wish you wrote about. So the gullible will swallow dear Joseph’s bait , hook, line , sinker and rod.
quote: "Kulhadd jghid li jien dejjaqt lil kulhadd u jien wahdi ingenninkom" ... as soon as this empty bottle opens his mouth to say the usual stupidities the Laborites start oeeing in thier pants!!! Get a life Mr Demartino!
Micheal Bonanno
Hbieb laburisti. Is-Sur Giovanni Demartino mhux Kenneth Demartino l-ex-Sindku tal-Mosta u lanqas is-CEO tas-Security Group. Thalltux wiehed m'iehor. Is-Sur Giovanni Demartino hu ex-teacher. Tant m'ghandux fuqhiex jikkritika l-Partit Laburista tal-lum, li mohhu biss biex isemmi parti mill-passat tal-Partit Laburista. Iva, nammettu, saru hafna zbalji fis-snin 80. Imma kemm ghamel zbalji l-PN kemm ilu fil-Gvern u qabel, dak ma jsemmiehx Demartino. Isa, Sur Demartino semmielna l-passat Glorjuz tal-PN! Semmielna meta l-PN ried jghaqqadna ma' l-Italja fi zmien Mussolini. Semmielna meta l-PN zamm ma' l-Inglizi fi zmien l-irvellijiet tal-1958 u waqt in-negozjati fin-1972. Ghalfejn l-Inglizi eziljaw l-kapijiet tal-PN lejn l-Uganda? X'kien qieghed jinhema min-naha tal-PN ta' dak iz-zmien? Fuq il-hmieg tal-PN, trid immorru lura fit-30's mhux nuru x'opportunizma u ghatx ghal poter li ghandu l-PN u ghadu sal-lum? Ghal-lum nieqaf hawn! U nerga ntenni mhux se niftah dibattiti mieghek. Mohhok dejjem naha wahda qieghed! Issemmi l-80's, imma meta l-Labour fin-1996-1998 ma ssemmiehx ghax m'hemmx x'tikkritika s-suggett favorit tieghek (il-vjolenza)!
If you vote PN you are committing Hari Kiri...
Is-Sur Francis Cachia. Imma kemm haw min jiflah ikun injurant! Jekk jien anqas biss kont kandidat ghall-elezzjoni kif setghu jahtruni sindku!!!!!Kulhadd jghid li jien dejjaqt lil kulhadd u jien wahdi ingenninkom. Mahmug wisq il-passat tal-MLP.
@Bravu Demartino "Do not commit suicide. Vote PN" We do not even have the energy to commit suicide because 25 years under the PN rule have exasperated us! Obviously, the same cannot be said of those who are comfortable riding on the gravy train. These haven't had it so good. So much so that they now classify as the nouveau rich.
Jiena ghalhekk nirrispetta hafna lil Saviour Balzan ghaliex Salvu hu wiehed mill-ftit gurnalisti f'Malta (li nahseb tghoddom fuq idek il-wahda) li huwa gurnalist fil-veru sens tal-kelma. Il-bqija tal-gurnalisti (anki dawk li jghidu li huma freelance) huma just pro ta partit jew iehor. F'Malta hekk, jekk tikkritika lil PL jghidu li int nazzjonalist u jekk tikkritika l-PN jghidu ghax dak nazzjonalist ... hafna nies hekk jirragunaw, nies bhall dematino, s'hemm kapaci jwassal mohhom! Ma jafux ahjar!
@Maltatoday ... imma kif thallu lil nies bhall dan demartino jkompli jikkumneta? xi dwejjaq ta nies jaqq! x ossesjoni bil-politika, hlief jitghajjar fuq politika ma jafx, kull fejn jikteb qas ikollok ghalfejn taqra ghax tkun taf x ser jghid, favur il-pn u kontra l -pl ... maaa xi dwejjaq ta nies! Xi huma patetici!
F'dan il-pajjiz dejjem meghdijin nargumentaw u nahli l-hin fuq affarijiet zghar jew frivoli. Ir-raguni hi, li dawk li jissettjaw l-agenda tad-diskussjoni (Il-politici u l-media - media li 90% minna huja tal-politici - wahda mill-aghar ghedewwa tad-demokrazija) u s-setting tad-diskussjoni ma tkunx il-mistoqsijiet li staqsa Salvu Balzan f'dan l-artiklu, ghax dawn l argumenti ma jdoqqux ghall-politici. Jiena cert li hafna jekk mhux kollha - il-mistoqsijiet li staqsa Salvu mhux ser jigu mwiegba. La mill-PL w aqqas mill-PN (xtaqt kieku Salvu staqsijom liz-zewg mexxejja dawn mhux lil PL biss) Ma jigux imwiegba ghas-semplici raguni li dawn huma d-decizjonijiet li ghandu bzonn il-pajjiz pero biex jigu attwati jrid BILFORS johrog id-demm! L-isfortuna tafu x'inhi? Li dawn id-decizjonijiet nistghu biss nipprokrastinawhom, mhux nevitawhom u llum jew ghada jer ikollom jittiehdu bhalma kellom jittiehdu fil-Grecja mizuri hafna izjed ibsin minn hekk, umbaghad jista jipprotesta kemm irid il-poplu, ghax too late!
Saviour Francis Cachia Imma kemm tiflsh ntkun stupidu! Giezumaria. Jien kif ridtni nkun sindku jekk jien am ikkontestajt ebda elezzjoni. Balalu.
Saviour Francis Cachia Imma kemm tiflsh ntkun stupidu! Giezumaria. Jien kif ridtni nkun sindku jekk jien am ikkontestajt ebda elezzjoni. Balalu.
@Demartino - Commit suicide - Vote PN.
Re: Stipends ==== I have a suggestion for you to consider: those of you who benefitted from the stipends, and now gainfully employed, step forward and volunteer to repay your tuition, with interest of course, over a period of say, 10 years. Then, and only then, you will be credible. ===== As is often said, "talk is cheap".
good list. i don't think it's such a tall order actually. anyone with balls should be able to do it. after all, malta is screaming for some change. re the soft loan to students to go to university, i would say that there is no reason to go from one extreme (absolutely free university education for all, including the richest of Maltese and even rich foreign EU citizens, plus the stipend for all Maltese, even those that afford to go to uni in the UK!) to the other (your soft loan). I think the best way would be for all local students that attend high school in Malta to get a scholarship to go to uni for free. That's everyone except those that absolutely scape the bottom with grades. Those would be given a soft loan in case... And obviously we need to get means tested. Those less fortunate should be provided with as much support as possible, especially when they get good grades. And those that are very fortunate really don't need the 100 euro per month from the Government... no stipends for them. there are many ideas... so many!!! thanks for this article, makes many good points! refreshing to think that there are many out there that see the possibility to change Malta into a true Mediterranean paradise :)
@Giovanni DeMartino, kieku ridt inkun persunali fil-konfront tieghek kont insemmi xi dettalji kif certi pampaluni qed jerdghu sewwa mill-Gvern ta' Gonzi PN u int dan tifhmu sew. Li jimpressjoni hu l-fatt li l-Mostin shabek Nazzjonalisti minkejja d-disfatti li ghamlu l-Kunsilliera Laburista spiccaw lanqas lahqu difensur prim tal-PN bhalek bhala sindku. Donnhom indunaw min huma dawk in-nies li qed ipappuha u mhux ta' b'xejn la ghandhom zaqqhom mimlija ma jarawx madwarhom nies b'zaqqhom vojta. Tghid mhux se niehdu l-parir tieghek Sur Demartino u nergghu nafdaw lill-Gonzi PN, jista' mhux izur kcejjen, anki salotti jekk irid. Issa l-Gvern tal-PN huwa skadut u wasal iz-zmien ghal bidla.
Joseph Catania
"Do not commit suicide. Vote PN" - lol incredible
Skont is-Sur Saviour Cachia jien ma mpressjonajt lil hadd. Lilu mpressjonajtu zgur ghax kieku kien jinjorani bhalma normalment jaghmlu. Imma dan hu fejn jaf jekk jien impressjonajtx jew le? Jitlax jew le l-PN jew il-PL jien ma nafx. Li hu zgur li l-importanti mhux min jitla', imma jekk inkunux ahjar jew aghar. Jeina nahseb li jekk wara 25 sena fid-dezert jitla l -PL ikunu l-laburisti stess li jiddizappuntaw ruhhom bil-kbir. Ghax dan u la se jrahhas il-hajja, la se jrahhas id-daqwl u l-ilma u l-gass, la se jtihom lura l-flus li hallsu fuq il-karozza u anqas se jnehhi l-waiting list la fl-isptar u anqas il-qorti. Bhalma anqas se jnehhi l-istennija f'certi postijiet. Imbaghad jekk Joseph jaghmel il-mirakli ma nafx. Hemm l-injorant l-iehor jidher li ma jafx jikteb had it imma jaf x'inhuma s-suckers. Jidher li jaf kif taghmel biex tissakkja.
Zack Depasquale
Ghaziz saviour, qieghed niktiblek dan il-kumment mhux biex nirrispondi f’isem Dr Joseph Muscat, perswaz li zgur hu kapaci aktar minni biex jirrispondi ghal din-l-ittra tieghek, li nemmen li kienet wahda mill-kitbiet tieghek vera miktuba mill-qalb. Qieghed nikkumenta fuq din l-ittra bhalha cittadin, li ghalkemm ihallas taxxa bhal kullhadd, hu meqjuz cittadin tat-tieni klassi ghaliex m’huwiex sostenitur jew jaghmel parti mill-Partit ta’GonziPN li jinsab fil-gvern. Naqbel ma tista tghid dak kollu li ktibt. Gewwa dan il-pajjiz wasal iz-zmien li ma jibqax ikun hawn gvern li jharres biss l-interessi tas-sostenituri tieghu biss. Illum naghmlu parti mill-Unjoni Ewropeja, imma min dak kollu li gejna mweghdin biex nidhlu naghmlu parti mill-Unjoni Ewropeja, ghadna ma rajna xejn, hlief ghal ftit tal-klikka, li ghalihom jobs tajbin m’humiex problema, imma ghal haddiem komuni, xoghol prekarju biex jistannew min fuq dawn l-istess haddiema xi erbgha sangisugi biss u min fuq niftahru bil-holqien tax-xoghol. Irid pajjiz fejn il-gustizzja trid isir u tidher li qieghda isir, fejn mhux il min taf jew l-istat finanzjarju tieghek jghodd imma jekk ghandekx dritt ghal dak li inti qieghed titlob. Ma jistax ikun nibqghu nghixu gewwa pajjiz li ngibu managers min barra minn Malta ghaliex ma nsibux xi cuc Malti, umbghad wara li dawn l-istess nies ifallu qisu qatt ma gara xejn u jitilqu bil-kwiet kif gara perezempju fit-Tarzna, jew kif nemmen li sejjer isir fl-Air Malta. Kif ukoll xi Executives Maltin li l-unika kwalifika li ghandhom hi li huma laqgha tal-gvern ta'GonziPN, li minhabba decizjonijiet hziena li jkunu hadu il-poplu irid ihallas tal-inkompetenza grassa taghhom u dawn jibqu jilhqu f’pozzizjonijiet min agenzija ghal ohra qishom f’Malta jezistu biss l-istess 4 min-nies kapaci, il-bqija kullhadd bahnan Labursit u Nazzjonalist. Saviour kont tinkwetani kieku din-l-ittra ktibtha lill-Dr Gonzi, imma inti ktibtha li Dr Joseph Muscat ghaliex anke jekk forsi ma tghidiex bil-fomm, fil qiegh ta’qalbek thoss u temmen li Dr Gonzi flimkien mal-Partit tieghu ta’GonziPN skada u ma baqaghlu xejn x’joffri. Li dan il-kambjanet ghal pajjiz li min pajjiz mxekkel mill-ghanqbut ta’snin shah ta’tmexxija antikwata jsir pajjiz modern jista jaghmlu biss Dr Muscat flimkien mal-Partit Laburista biss u ta’dan ic-certifikat sabih li inti qieghed taghti lill-Partit Laburista jien nirringrazzjak.
Where were you Savior these last 25 years could nt you suggested these things to the PN you expect Joseph to do all these things now.Good suggestions but some are imposibile to impliment in Malta. Hope your paper after all these suggestions to Joseph on election day your head lines will be VOTE LABOUR TO IMPLIMENT MY SUGGESTIONS.TY
you now who always haded so good, demartino, suckers like you, others had fu.. all and paid taxes.
Dear Saviour if Dr.Joseph Muscat will manage to implement just 1% of what you have very cleverly suggested then I'd say that he would have done more in the first 5 years then the PN did 25 years.
Do not commit suicide. Vote PN
Do not commit suicide. Vote PN
Giovanni Demartino nghidlek li ma mpressjonajt lil hadd. Ir-realta' tal-lum jidher li l-maggoranza qed taghrafha. Issa jekk it-tliet slaten magi humiex se jixhtu seher fuq l-elettorat u dan jerga' jtella' Gvern Nazzjonalista halli l-poplu jibqa jgawdi (sic) ma nafx. Jien m'inhiex Houdini. Dwar kitbiet Saviour Balzan nghidlek mhux ahjar ftit suggerimenti biex il-pajjiz jitmexxa ahjar milli l-velenu li jinkiteb f'certi blogs mimlija velenu minn mercenarji Nazzjonalisti? Jekk int thossok komdu, good luck to you, Gonzi jaf li ghandu mohhu mistrieh bil-vot tieghek.
With reference to the President and your call "that he may have some limited executive powers rather than simply symbolic ones.", when has the Chapter VII of the Constitution been struck down? ======= CHAPTER VII ==== The Executive ==== Executive authority of Malta.====== 78. (1) The executive authority of Malta is vested in the President. ===== (2) The executive authority of Malta shall be exercised by the President, either directly or through officers subordinate to him, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. ========= You are not the only one to make this mistake. The President has all the Executive Powers. Too bad he does not use them. ======= Now, since this is a call for change, I have two simple requests of you: (i) fix this portal so that I may be able to read it without having to watch my watch to keep up with its automatic refreshing; (ii) fix the links, especially the one at the bottom of the page which shows how to contact you ... it leads to a non-existent webpage.
Micheal Bonanno
@Giov. Demartino. F'hiex qarasna lill-Laburista Saviour? Nahseb izjed sammar lill-PN ghax wera x'nuqqasijiet ser ihalli warajh GonZippin!!! Ahna li qeghdin inghidu hu li difficli tirranga l-hsara li saret matul dawn l-ahhar 25 sena f'hames snin! U ghall-informazzjoni tieghek il-kritika kostruttiva ta' Saviour Balzan hija most welcome mill-PL. Intom biss ma taccettawhiex. U fuq kollox billi m'hemmx garanzija li se jirbah il-PL, lanqas hemm garanzija li se jirbah GonZipper!
Luke Camilleri
Dear Saviour, Your comments are surely noted .... and you might just be the right canditate for one of Dr. Gonzi & Simon Busuttil's Kitchen visits! Get the kettle boiling they are on their way...... -------------------------- Qishom il-Kappilan u l-Abbati iduru id-djar bis-sassla u bl-ilma it-tajba li kollox OK issa li baqa' sena ghal elezzjoni , itolbu u taqilghu!
What you are saying make sence,modern politics,that the whole world are fighting for start from the USA.[we are 99%[.PL and PN is like a game of tennis, throwing the ball at each other,nothing more to offer.Old fashon mentality,do me a favour and I vote for u.
You are not far off, just make sure you go out and vote labour and get your family and friends to do likewise,because what is the use of preaching to Joseph and then waste your vote and don't help to achieve what you aspire for? I love your point about boards which are one of the main contributers of the yearly high deficit.
Kienu draw il-qasrrejja tal-Malta Today li din tkun laburista izjed mil-laburisti stess. Malli qarashom naqra mill-ewwel qomsu. Mux kulhadd jaf li ghal dawn l-ahhar 25 sena we have never had it so good? Mhux ghalhekk il-PN rebah elezzjoni wahda wara l-ohra? U ebda garanzija ghal li gejja. Min jaf?
Kienu draw il-qasrrejjas tal-Malta Today li din tkun laburista izjed mil-laburisti stess. Malli qarashom naqra mill-ewwel qomsu. Mux kulhadd jaf li ghal dawn l-ahhar 25 sena we have never had it so good? Mhux ghalhekk il-PN rebah elezzjoni wahda wara l-ohra? U ebda garanzija ghal li gejja. Min jaf?
Kienu draw il-qasrrejjas tal-Malta Today li din tkun laburista izjed mil-laburisti stess. Malli qarashom naqra mill-ewwel qomsu. Mux kulhadd jaf li ghal dawn l-ahhar 25 sena we have never had it so good? Mhux ghalhekk il-PN rebah elezzjoni wahda wara l-ohra? U ebda garanzija ghal li gejja. Min jaf?
Why don't you run for prime minister Saviour. Your ideas are a mix of communism, socialism and right wing. Open the Malta Saviour Pary and then stop whining.
Wow waw ohh ohh...slow down's a human being your addressing this list to an not Father Christmas. Must say that most of the points raised are valid and very good to have, but one cannot possibly change in 5 years what took 25 years of cooking. This article goes to prove that the PN's way of doing things have left it's fair share of damage on the country rather than improved things and the lives of all the Maltese and Gozitans, notwithstanding all the bravado claims by Gonzi and Co.
Saviour I endorse many of your suggestions, but I must admit it is a tall order for Joseph, once he becomes Prime Minister of Malta. Mainly when for the last 25 years we have been given the idea that we never had it so good and most of the Maltese and Gozitan society is living in heaven. Forget for one moment those 15.5% on the risk of poverty. But yes we do need a new foundation,because despite what Gonzi PN says, Malta and Gozo are in shambles in most of the sectors, both at administration level and governance. But do concide, that Joseph will be needed some time to fulfil this uphill struggle of valid suggestions you put forward.