Dear Dom: beyond the hero-villain dichotomy

Pierre Ellul was courageous to take on a national icon but he did not go much beyond the clichéd view that the hero became a villain.

Dear Dom is too long to simply provide a taste of the Mintoffian era and too short for the many questions it poses on the issues it raises.
Dear Dom is too long to simply provide a taste of the Mintoffian era and too short for the many questions it poses on the issues it raises.

Dear Dom depicts Mintoff as a dual personality, a statesman with a sense of brinkmanship and vision whose rule was tainted by authoritarian and despotic traits. Ellul is fair in presenting these two sides of Mintoff, for example showing him at his best squeezing money from the British in his dealings with Lord Carrington, while giving voice to victims of Mintoff's rule.

But Pierre Ellul was overtly ambitious in attempting to pass a historical judgement on Mintoff's legacy in a letter, which anchors the documentary. The end result of this was that viewers were given just a glimpse into a multitude of complex issues and events, juxtaposed into a simplistic narrative that Mintoff first fought for change and then against it.

People unfamiliar with such episodes as the Catholic interdiction, the National Bank's nationalisation, the doctors' strike, and import substitution, were probably carried away with their own preconceptions and prejudices rather than open themselves to new interpretations: the fleeting references to Karen Grech and Raymond Caruana are a clear example of the film's superficial treatment of some of the topics raised; the doctors' strike is not grounded in the perennial context of our medical establishment and its domination by private practitioners.

In some ways, Dear Dom is too long to simply provide a taste of the Mintoffian era and too short for the many questions it poses on the issues it raises.

I enjoyed watching the film for its gems of historical memories, but by the end of it I felt exhausted and drained, having little time to digest and process the commentaries and the powerful images shown.

That said, I profoundly disagree with those who expect any documentary on a controversial figure like Mintoff to be neutral, objective and balanced. These people seem to forget that we are simply viewing an artistic production based on the author's subjective experiences. Tariq Ali's and Christopher Hitchens's documentary on Mother Teresa (Hell's Angel) are examples of a genre which is unforgiving towards popular idols. In comparison Dear Dom is quite timid.

Neither should the documentary be treated as an academic work where everything must be referenced or sourced.

By writing his own letter to Mintoff, Ellul was intellectually honest as he did not hide behind the mask of objectivity.

Moreover, mainly thanks to Lino Spiteri's commentary, the film was grounded in a historical context, which veered from a black vs. white narrative. Spiteri excelled in his analysis of Mintoffian economics, which although seriously flawed was grounded in a context and a vision of full employment. It also frustrated the growing aspirations of an emancipated working class.

What I find flawed in Ellul's narrative is that it takes the easy way out, that of depicting Mintoff as some sort of dual personality, a hero turned villain. I tend to see these attributes as two sides of the same coin, the result of structural and ideological factors, rather than of personal character traits.

In this sense Mintoff's war against the colonial and clerical establishment generated affinities with an anti-colonial ideology, which invariably degenerated in the cronyism and thuggery which characterised "socialism" in many former colonies. 

Mintoff's aversion to checks and balances must be seen in the light of the politics that prioritised nation-building over legal niceties, and the perception that the legal institutions served the interests of the dominant elites.

Such a structural reading does not absolve Mintoff of the very personal pain he inflicted on those who disagreed with him. Neither should it rob him of the respect of those who felt emancipated by the social reforms he enacted.

What stands out mostly about Mintoff is that he was definitely a secularist and a social reformer; but definitely not a liberal democrat. No wonder in his later years he felt the need to advise fellow anti-colonialist turned despot, Robert Mugabe.

This is why I find the negative reaction to the film from part of the Maltese left-wing inexplicable. The very suggestion by his daughter (and prospective Labour candidate) Yana Mintoff that the family is seeking legal advice on a documentary is reminiscent of the worse aspect of the Mintoff legacy, a profound intolerance to criticism. 

In reality one of the weaknesses of the film is that it fits the Mintoffian paradigm.  Even in his excesses, Mintoff is still depicted as fighting the establishment (doctors and bankers) when reality was far more complex than that.

Under his rule, military discipline was also imposed on various categories of workers, the Faculty of Arts was closed down, intellectuals of all hues were shunned in the name of a crude workerism, the trade union movement tamed through a fusion of union and party, and while some businesses like BICAL were broken down arbitrarily, other businessmen and speculators were busy building theirs. This is hardly the stuff which invites left-wing veneration. In fact Mintoff's veneration raises deep existential questions on the DNA of the Maltese left.

Another flaw of Dear Dom is that with the exception of the Nationalist dockyard worker, its interviewees give the perspective of the privileged classes. It does not make them wrong or Mintoff right... the National Bank shareholders were probably right. But the film is lacking in offering the perspective of other voices.

There is only a fleeting reference to the impact the welfare state had on the lives of the masses. But there is also little reference to the cheap labour conditions in the new factories he built.

Neither is there any reference to the crony capitalism (based on collusion with corrupt ministers like Lorry Sant), which characterised those years.

Equally absent is any reference to popular culture, music, and everyday life, which could have given the documentary a different sort of context from the more clinical analysis, offered by Lino Spiteri.

The narrative does not penetrate deeply in what was happening in the social fabric, something which I have so far only found in the literary works of Immanuel Mifsud, particularly in l-Istejjer Strambi ta' Sara Sue Sammut.

Pierre Ellul should be congratulated for stepping on dangerous territory shunned by artists and academics alike. But I have to say that I left the cinema more dazed than enlightened.

Antoine don't hold your breath waiting for our great saviour to die, for us he will always be remembered and esteemed, as long as there is Malta there will always be Mintoff. Now go and have your infested brain checked.
Don't be silly Fedup. When Mintoff dies there will be celebrations all over Europe and the US.
When eventually Mintoff leaves us the Maltese will see who is regarded in high esteem by foreign governments; Mintoff will be in the obituary section of : The Economist, Le Monde, The London Times, Washington Post etc; Nationalists 'leaders' nowhere to be found, except in the local Times, where they will be eulogized as if they left a legacy which will be with us for ever: indeed the mountain of 'debt'!
Mhux sewwa li jinkitbu kummenti fuq persuni li ma ghadhomx maghna. Qed nirreferi ghal ex ministru Lorry Sant li xi hadd sejjahlu korrott. Jekk jaf xi haga ghandhu jwassala mal awtoritajiet konpetenti. Li naf jien huwa li l-gvern Nazzjonalista, wara li ghamel festa shiha bil pulizija kontra Lorry Sant u sahansitra mexxa proceduri kriminali kontrih, halla l-preskrizzjoni tal-kawza taghddi, il-kawza waqghet u Lorry Sant qatt ma inghata cans li jikklerja ismu. Dak u l-mod kif tahdem id-demokrazija kristjana tal-PN.
Billi jien Laburist u ghext iz-zminijiet ta' Mintoff, mhux se noqghod nargumenta dwar dak li kiteb James Debono. Opinjoni tieghu u ghandu dritt, bilancjata jew le. Li hassejt oggezzjonabbli huwa r-ritratt mal-blog. Kien hemm tant x'igibu minn Mintoff fuq ic-cintorin ikkoncejnartu. Biex speci turuna li hu hamallu mill-Kottonera biex ma nghidx minn Bastjun ta' Bormla. Ahna kburin bl-intelligenza ta' Mintoff u ngharrfu l-gid kbir li ghamel lil pajjizna, specjalment ghall-gid tal-haddiem. Tahsbu li l-Avukat tar-Rahal kien is-salvatur ta' Malta, meta sab kollox mifrux fuq mejda, kaxxa mimlija miljuni u kull ma hadem kien biss li ma jimxix mal-Kostituzzjoni u johloq ribelljoni dwar il-maggoranza. Ma ddejjaqx juza mezzi illecti, bhalma ddejjaqx jigdeb kontra Alfred Sant lejliet l-elezzjoni tal-2003 u wkoll darbtejn jinstab hati tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem. U fuq kollox l-irjus shan kienu biss fuq in-naha Laburista, dawk l-angli tal-paci li waddbu l-balavostri fuq il-Laburisti mill-Kazin Nazzjonalista ta' Haz-Zebbug, kienu fantazmi jew Nazzjonalisti hodor. U l-film ta' Pierre Ellul kellu ghalfejn jigi ffinanzjat minn flus il-poplu meta huwa tant kontroversjali..dan ghax riesaq l-elezzjoni generali. Hemm mohhkom donnu l-istorja ta' Malta kienet biss bejn l-1977 sal-1987, sakemm Eddie sar Prim Ministru.
Mintoff's flaw is one and only: he should have indebted Malta with 6 billion of euros, and he would have government Malta for 25 years like the PN did! After all,the economists do say that deficits and debt of a nation are pure and simple uncollected taxes! U mela jibbilancja il-budgets u ihalli 400 miljun lira Maltin fil-posterity fund bhal ma ghamel Mintoff ghal gahan Malti!
Antoine Vella: Ghidilna int u l-familja tieghek hadtux il-beneficcji kollha li dahhal Mintoff f'pajjizna GHALL-POPLU KOLLU. U mhux bhal l-lum, igawdu BISS dawk li huma tal-qalba ta' GonziPN ! Dan qalu kemm il-darba Franco Debono sur Antoine ! Jew forsi dawk il-beneficcji kollha tqazizthom ghax " infestati" minn gvern laburista ??!! Lil James debono, nghidlu li hu nahseb li billkemm kien twieled meta Mintoff mhux biss kellu johodha mal-gerarkija tal-Knisja f'Malta qabel tela' fil-gvern fin-1971. Izda wara li tela' kellu l-gvern Ingliz, In-NATO, li Stati Uniti u l-imprendituri Maltin li kollha ghamlu li setghu biex joholqulhu problemi kbar. Dawn tal-ahhar specjalment, raw li b'dawk il-ligijiet socjali kollha, inkluzi l-minimum wage, il-gimgha xoghol ta' 40 siegha etc.. kienu se jnaqqsulhom mil-qliegh, jew sfruttament, taghhom ! Eddy privitera
You can write whatever you like because to me and thousands of Maltese Mintoff will always be the greatest. Eat your heart out Antoine.If you like to know how Gonzi treat us commoners read the story of Anthony Gauci on Il-Lum.
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Ghala qieghed tuza l-kelma "infesting" ghalina l-Laburisti? Dan hu l-ispirtu rikonciljattiv li mliekom bih EFA wara l-elezzjoni tan-1987? Possibli lilna l-laburista tarana bhal grieden, jew wirdien? Ghalija l-kelma "infest" hekk tfisser li ahna dawk il-kreaturi li l-bniedem iqishom "abhorrent". Jigifieri ahna ghalik dawn it-tip ta' kreaturi? Ghidli li tmur tqerr u titqarben kuljum ukoll, biex turini xi spirtu nisrani mimli bl-imhabba li Kristu dahhal fik l-ewwel wiehed. Imissek tisthi. Mhux ta' b'xejn il-mibgheda reggghet fegget f'pajjizna, b'nies bhalek iferrxu l-mibgheda, ghax bhalek hekk jaqbillek, ghax mid-dehra geddumek fix-xghir! Nerga' nghidlek imissek tisthi, int u min hu bhalek. U taf ghal min qieghed inghid! Isthi ghid li int nisrani! Ahna dejjem ikkritikajna, imma qatt ma wasalna biex naqghu fil-baxx bhalma qeghdin taqghu intom. Nerga' nghidlek. Imissek tisthi.
This analysis is too good to be true! There must be something wrong with it. Although I can't really find it. Congratulations on a very rare Maltese skill:that of non bias and attempt at even commentary that tries(and probably succeeds to a large extent) to delve deeper than the usual petty views of most Maltese.The only thing is: why pick only on Sant?
James, mark my words, you're going to get it by the usual half dozen Mintoffjani infesting this site. The usual lynching of whoever dares question their idol.
James, mark my words, you're going to get it by the usual half dozen Mintoffjani infesting this site. The usual lynching of whoever dares question their idol.
Sur Debono inti nahseb l-anqas kont tghix meta kien hawn Mintoff fil Gvern hux? Int ma tafx xejn hlief kriefex minghaliek li taf hafna Ingliz li l-bniedem anki intligenti ma jifhnux. Lil Mintoff imissna mhux inkomplu nigdbu fuqu , nzebilhuh, ghax Alla hares ma kienx hu li ghamel hafna u hafna gid, jien li gej min familja nazzjonalista wkoll skantani kemm ghamel intraprizi u bena turismu u fabbriki, u b'hekk imhabba fih sirt Laburist. Tibqaw biex tmaqdru lis-Salvatur ta dak iz-zmien. Min flus il-Poplu issa sirna nafu li dan il-film thallas min Gvern Nazzjonalista x'tahseb li Pierre Ellul ha jghamel il-verita, iddahqux izjed bin-nies il-gideb, int l-ewwel wiehed James titfa il-gebla u tahbi jdejk. Imssek tisthi.
To call Lorry Sant corrupt you must have proof,as far as am concern he was never found corrupt,if you know somthing that that he was found guilty of corruption we would like to know.You should respect people that passed away that cant answer you.Shame on you.