A stand in favour of divorce does not make you liberal, Jeffrey

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is stirring a hornet’s nest by opposing Turkey’s EU bid, and the support he is gaining says a lot of the way Europe was sold to the Maltese.

JPO has struck a chord with a number of Maltese who think of Europe as an exclusive club of Christian white men.
JPO has struck a chord with a number of Maltese who think of Europe as an exclusive club of Christian white men.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando claims Turkey is not culturally "European", and therefore it cannot ever be part of the EU.

This is quite a patronising remark considering that most Turks define themselves as Europeans. Just imagine the reaction of the Maltese if a Turkish MP was to question the European identity of the Maltese.

JPO's contention is not that Turkey does not fulfil the conditions of EU membership due to concerns on, for example, its treatment of the Kurdish minority; but that Turkey belongs to another cultural universe and therefore cannot be part of Europe.

JPO is surely not alone, neither in Malta nor in Europe where his views are identical to those of French President Nicolas Sarkozy. His views reflect a widely shared but still dangerous conception that identities are cast in stone.

Turkey's EU membership bid represented a unique and crucial phase in Turkey's evolution from secular dictatorship to civilian democracy.

In Turkey, EU democrats, liberals, some business circles, minorities, Kurds of Turkey, and most Turkish people, support membership,

"Unfortunately, some small part of the Turkish army, some mafia groups who were very good at killing people, some newspapers and media groups, and various fanatics and ultranationalists were resisting and plotting and doing things to block Turkey's entry to Europe," writes Turkish writer and noble prize laureate Orhan Pamuk.

Ironically Turkey's greatest progress on Kurdish cultural rights and human rights was registered under the mildly Islamist Justice and Development Party which is very similar in outlook to Malta's Nationalist Party. 

By shutting the door on Turkey, Europeans like JPO (and Merkel and Sarkozy) are pushing Turks the other way and this is evidenced by a more belligerent Turkish policy in Kurdish enclaves in Iraq.  

Turkey itself is also becoming more assertive in its Middle Eastern policy. But this Middle Eastern vocation may well strengthen rather than weaken Turkey's case for EU membership. Turkey serves as a rare example of political pluralism in the Muslim world.

But this could be an advantage if Turkey becomes a member of the EU as it would facilitate dialogue and bust once and for all the idea that Europe is the reincarnation of the crusading armies of the 12th century.

Turkey's bid to join the EU says more on the way Europeans conceives their identity than about Turkish identity. Over the past decade Europe has moved away from an idea of Europe based on values like democracy and human rights to an obsession with borders and an increased fear of the others.

As Pamuk observes, Europe is also deciding about its identity through the question of whether to take Turkey in or not. "If Europe is a Christian club based on nationalism and Christianity, then Turkey has no place in Europe. But if Europe is based on liberté, egalité, fraternité, then Turkey has a place in Europe".

That is why I decided not to ignore JPO's rant despite an earlier temptation to do so. 

For while judging from comments on social networks it has opened a can of worms, it could provide an opportunity for all three political parties to speak on the way they conceive European identity.

The PN has mostly sold the EU as a land of milk and honey where all that mattered was the "mitt miljun" rather than the values and social model which makes Europe unique.

On the other hand the PL had only reluctantly accepted membership and judging from it immigration policy, it still is inclined to perceive the EU as a club where member states get what they want by stamping their feet.

By discussing Turkey's membership bid, both parties have the opportunity of telling us what kind of Europe they aspire to.

Not surprisingly JPO has struck a chord with a number of Maltese who either think of Europe as an exclusive club of Christian white men, or who still regard all other nations and peoples as threat.

I was not surprised by JPO's posturing to retrograde elements in Maltese society.  He is a reminder that a stand in favour of divorce or gay rights does not make you a political liberal. In fact it turns out that JPO is far more conservative than Tonio Borg in his views on what constitutes European identity. He was also far more conservative than Lawrence Gonzi when in 2009 he suggested that Malta should send immigrants back to Libya.

I surely feel uncomfortable debating the European credentials of other people, when I fully now that identities are in constant flux. But the discussion on Turkey is at least making us think about what makes us Europeans.

Jien naqbel ma mr.Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, fuq din ta' turkija, ma nafx kif hawn nies li qisu xejn mhu xejn, dawn in-nies ta dinja gharbija jien, ibezzawni. DIN GHALIJA GHANDU JISSEJAH referendum FUQ DIN,u l-parlament jirrispetta r-rizultat mhux kif gara fi-divorzju kien hemm min mar kontra rieda tal'poplu. Mr.James Debono ghax ma tmurx tghix it-tukirja u tiz-zewweg hemm imbaghd ejja ghidlina naqra l-esperjenza tieghek hemm.
Alex Grech
being in favour of divorce doesn't makes u a liberal just as much being against turkey in european makes one a conservative...it is just common sense! but as a good liberal james...you seems to don't have any!
@progress. Your willingness to consider opinions different from yours is the true spirit of such exchanges. Still feel however that you, like JPO, may be underestimating the enterprising spirit of the turks. Turkey is enjoying a boom in tourism so they must be doing something right. Over here, tourists and locals alike are constantly stumbling over cranes & construction works outside our hotels,( have u been to marfa/cirkewwa lately ) so we are really not that much better. Turkey's standards are improving by leaps and bounds and in fact their government is almost dictatorial in imposing these measures so eventually they will get there and may shortly surpass the hygienic standards in certain southern european countries, and, if we do not come out of our lethargy, even ours. Indeed they still have a long way to go but where there is will there's always a way. Once we, as priviledged europeans, overcome the 'culture' cliches, will have a hard time finding valid reasons to keep Turkey out of the EU.
@not amused your comments on this blog where commendable and I must say, thanks for all you knowledge related to all keen readers. Thanks
@not amused The EU must try to make Turkey go in line with EU regulations before joining and believe me it will never happen. Their sanitory facilities outside Hotels is something to be desired. Believe me you would not want to eat in a restaurant or getting a snack and going to an excursion where you have to use a loo. Do not forget Hotels get their food from local fields that have irrigation coming from drainge water like Tunis. Turkey has a long way to be in line.
@not amused The EU must try to make Turkey go in line with EU regulations before joining and believe me it will never happen. Their sanitory facilities outside Hotels is something to be desired. Believe me you would not want to eat in a restaurant or getting a snack and going to an excursion where you have to use a loo. Do not forget Hotels get their food from local fields that have irrigation coming from drainge water like Tunis. Turkey has a long way to be in line.
@progress. I'd like you to consider something else. Tourism is Malta's largest money spinner and yet Turkey outside the EU, will continue to subsidize it's tourism industry and is proving to be a major player amongst the mediterranean destinations offering a value for money which we can only dream about. EU or not, Turkey is increasingly becoming a very attractive production site for european firms thus bypassing the stringent EU industry and environmental norms. Something on the lines of a Switzerland on the medit/black sea. Sound familiar?
@not amused I agree with your comment, good comment, in fact must admit you got it right to the core, but as I referred before I'd rather see Turkey not joining the EU cause after all lets face it as you concluded regarding Turkey there is a lot more at stake and that phrase is an important factor to Europe and that would affect Malta indeed.
@progress. I thought it was pretty obvious that both our political parties would qualify more as moderate left parties focusing more on social rather than economically driven policies. Admittedly the PL has come a long way from being extreme left and has clearly moved on with the times but is still a long way from being called far right. But then not even the PN can aspire to practice right wing politics and frankly your exchanges with RC clearly show that the Maltese are a long way from embracing that kind of liberal way of thinking and prefer to hold on to their past political roots. The fact that the anti -EU opinion is not only omnipresent but widespread on the islands, makes one wonder whether Turkey, rather than Malta, ought to deserve membership to the EU, at least when considering the overwhelming Turkish popular will for the EU. Let’s face it, our principle reason for the joining the EU was purely economical while for Turkey there is a lot more at stake
@RC ma nistax nieqaf nidhaq imma meta rajt rittratt ta GonziPn siehbek qbad nibki ghax fhiex gabna €4500 miljun dejn, kull assi li kellna bihejtuhom bir-racanc, fuq dak imissek titkellem int. Jien niftahar li jien laburist Demokratiku, ara fis-sixties lil laburisti emigrajtuhom kolla imma fi-seventies u eighties intom kolla bqajtu hawn u gawdejtu u hattu l-Gvern u ara fhiex gibtuna u int mid-dehra tal qalba tgawdi min fuq dari b'xi job li ma jisthoqlokx, dak imissek titkellem int mela ghax it-Tukijja trida tidhol fl-EU, ahna Maltin u l-ewwel Malta u qabel kollox mela tilaghba ta demokratiku u minfuq tghajjar lili li jien lemin estrem. Le ghal Malta kif nara jien ma jaqblilniex li t-Turkijja tidhol fl-EU, le ghax kif gara diga invassjoni ta nies min naha tal-Lvant ifittxu xoghol prekarju u l-Maltin jispiccaw pagi baxxi , int Ok ghax hobzok mahbuz.
Gilbert Bartolo
@Progress - ghadek kemm urejt li int ma fhimt u ma tifhem assolutament f'xejn. Wisq anqas taf tesprimi ruhek, la bil-malti u lanqas bl-ingliz. U sadnittant tiehu pozizzjonijiet tal-lemin estrem u lanqas biss tinduna. Hasra li f'demokrazija nies bhalek jistghu jivvutaw!
LOL @RC Socialist democrats as Pl is a far right party, you have just exposed your political fervent views, I bet all readers on this blog reading your comments just cannot stop laughing, LOl
Yes Camillu, I will remain against EU membership. And time is proving those who have been against EU membership for Malta ( not against the EU as such )were right ! Do you know that the IMF is also forecasting the demise of the euro ? But here in Malta this news doesn't get reported !
@RC Ha nkellmek bil Malti ghax ilek thawwad bl-ingliz l-anqas taf x'int tghid u trid taqbad ma xi hadd u sibt lili. Int qieghed tistahba wara il purtiera ghax issa ndunajt min int. Nazzjonalist fervent tal bandiera imdawra bl-iswed ta l-istess faxxisti ta addio Mussolini. Jien ghandi bzonn l-ezzjonijiet LOl, meta int tirreferi ghal Pl li huma lemini estremisti qed turi kemm int fjakk u ma taf xejn. Pl qatt u qatt ma jkunu faxxisti anzi demokratici socjalisti halli tkun taf naqra politika. Dahhaqt lil kulhadd meta qlajta min fuq l-istonku tieghek din il-hmerija.
But you, edyjoyce, sive privitera, have been, still are and would remain against the EU!
Gilbert Bartolo
@Progress...and by the way, commenting on an online newspaper's comments section is not called 'blogging'.
Gilbert Bartolo
@Progress - "progressive and moderate" ghal li jista' jkun? :) (PL actually together with Socialists in the EP - support Turkey's bid to join the EU, when the country fulfils all criteria... so you probably don't even know a thing about the issue, not even that your party supposrts EU accession for Turkey). That's the problem here,core PL supporters have very nationalistic and far-right attitudes. Here are some pointers on where and how to conduct very basic 'research', starting from reputable sources and no just one comment on a commetns board... yes, you do need lessons: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,808949,00.html http://www.turkishweekly.net/columnist/3262/turks-in-germany-integration-and-exclusion.html http://www.economist.com/node/10958534 etc. etc. etc.
@RC How about giving us some private lessons seeing you have so much knowledge of hotch potch, trying to insult a blogger's comment , I just gave a link of what most Germans think of the Turkish community. Can send you more links perhaps than you realize why Germany is opposing entry of Turkey in the EU.
Sorry James, you have got it all wrong ! Turkey's possible entyry into the EU is seen as a threat by much bigger countries than ours. Germany and France just to mention two of them. Anyone who considers himself as democratic should also then ask politicians to let the people who vote them into office to REPRESENT THEIR NEEDS AND ASPIRATIONS, to decide by means of a referendum. Imagine us, the tiniest EU member state, how much more we will feel the impact of Turkey's membership ! The only consolation is that this issue is still many years away.
Le hux: tissaportja il-Partit li ivvota kontra id-divorzju makes you a liberal! Tissaportja il-Partit li hu favur li jabdika is-setgha fuq id-divorzju, IVF, l-Istat, u mitt haga ohra jaghmlek liberali! Aktar minn hekk li tissaportja lil Partit li ilu hemm 25 sena jaghmlek super liberali! Jekk il-liberali ta dan it-tip huma konservattivi aktar mill-konservattivi inglizi, il-bambin jehlisna minn dawn il-pswedu 'liberali'; patented right wingers in Malta; 'academically' left of centere liberals barra minn fuq din il-gzira biex ma jaqghux ghan nejk!
Gilbert Bartolo
@Progress asks James Debono to 'do a research' (sic) and goes on to give a link to a Yahoo! Answers site were anyone can just scribble their answer to random questions. 'Progress' calls this 'a research'. Progress's idea of 'a research' is laughable. Probably needs some private lessons to make up for what he missed at school. As to the nickname 'Progress', what's so 'progressive' about his post? Must be missing something.
This would sum up your answer Mr.Debono, maybe before you write do a research:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080618180727AAma4x4
Dear Mr. Debono, I can hardly disagree with the above seeing that you have taken my views in verbatim from an earlier comment. I have no doubt that your blog will undoubtedly cause a fermented reaction about how our catholic roots will make us react to a muslim intruder. I must say, though, that your comparing Merkel to JPO is hardly valid. With Germany already harbouring a large ethnic turkish population in Germany, that particular country will be facing immeasurable pressures with the ascension of Turkey to the EU, hence Merkel's reluctance. Sarkozy's motives, on the other hand, are as racist as Mr. JPO.