Franco Debono: doing the unthinkable
Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s attempt to interpret the motion as a personal attack on him, clearly backfired.
Lawrence Gonzi cannot ignore the conclusions of this motion. They are serious and ignoring them would be unadulterated arrogance.
There are things you do and will never be forgotten for doing. When PN backbencher Franco Debono voted with the Labour Opposition he surprised everyone, including the opposition and those in the media.
He has proven that he does have those proverbial balls, after all.
Carm Mifsud Bonnici's speech did not help matters. His attempt to interpret the motion as a personal attack on him, clearly backfired. I have yet to hear someone trumpeting his own achievements and expressing pity for himself in the way Mifsud Bonnici did.
Had he not resigned he would have condemned himself to further 'attack' and 'ridicule'. It was not only a case of indifference to the House but an offence to our understanding of political responsibility in a parliamentary democracy.
Lawrence Gonzi as Prime Minister will have a very difficult time ahead of him.
If he chooses to ignore the conclusions of this motion he will suffer a further backlash. If he was not thinking of an early election, then surely this motion must set the whole thinking process in motion.
He cannot go on governing like this. His decision to plod on will only be translated as arrogance - something that does not garner votes.
It will also mean that Franco Debono will be justified in blowing his top. At least this time round, we are obliged to listen to what he has to say.