Trump sentenced in hush money case, given unconditional discharge on all 34 charges
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the hearing of the motion censuring Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana and politicians' attacks against the media
Micheal Bonanno •
Good comments Mr.Balzan. But as an aside "qarib" means someone who is either a cousin, aunt, etc. "Qrib" is the right word to use for "near".
Tajba din Saviour, Prim Ministru li lanqas jaf l-istorja tal-partit tieghu stess.Seta' CMB jew missieru Ugo gibdulu l-attenzjoni, mhux hallewh jitmejjel bin-nies. Veru kull ma jmur il-politika qed titlef il-kredibbilta'! Biex jitmera s-sewwa maghruf, imma issa moda ghaliex waqt li min-naha Malta mfissra li ghaddejja minn zmien tad-deheb, in-naha l-ohra tghid li dhalna f'ricessjoni. Ahna nhallu l-individwi infushom u buthom jitkellmu.