Charity telethon raises €1.5 million for Id-Dar tal-Providenza
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan on former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff's death and his legacy.
I absolutely agree with the above comment. Well said 'truthBtold'
Dom Mintoff was the best political leader that Malta could produce for the 50’s & the 60’s on an island that was enslaved by religious brain washing inflicted upon an illiterate and fearful population that was ravaged by World War II,.
He was a politician who talked the talk and walked the walk to ensure that Malta and the Maltese people were first and foremost in their own destiny and masters of their house.
He was the knight in shining armor that battled shameful religious interference in social affairs and engaged and debated colonial rule on behalf of the rights of the Maltese people.
He ended Malta’s pain as a military base and created a republic that was capable to stand on its own with an economy based on socialism that put an end to poverty, elevated the social rights of its working class and constructed national entities that were successful, profitable and contributed immensely to the nation’s coffers for a national health system and free education for everyone.
This nation owes Dom Mintoff its gratitude and respect for what he stood for because he was the true architect for a liberated Malta that led to whatever success this country achieved thereafter.