Zoning change paves way for flats and offices on Qajjenza gas site
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan's videoblog on the John Dalli resignation.
Prosit Saviour! Keep it up.
Is-'circumstantial evidence' ta Dalli qed jaraw l-gatekeepers ta GonziPN-It-TOM, Independent u gurnalizmu gieb lejha: skandlu wara l-iehor u hard and raw evidence ta Ministri li inqabdu 'in flagrante', dan, ma jarawx! Double standards rule ok!
Good points for reflection you raise Saviour. Unfortunately reading through blog comments in newspapers it seems that most people do not understand the way trading influence corrupts our ethical and moral framework and undermines democracy.One has to say that we seem to accept it as a normal way of life especially where politicians and more so their inner circle are involved. The worst kind of trading in influence is the way many of our businessman in an obscure and obtuse way illegally fund our political parties to allow them to maintain their glass palaces and courtiers in a Faustian quid pro quo. Of course as Kessler would say there can only be circumstantial evidence on how this results in big public contracts ending up in the same hands or lining a few privileged pockets. As Michel Focault the great French philosopher says " Trading in influence is a prerogative of the ruling class and their political parties whose abuse of office allows them to play by their own rules to maintain their grip on power"
Saviour I think you are a ray of hope in local journalism...that is why I stopped buying the so called intelligent papers ie Times of Malta and the so-called Independent.Keep at it even if there is a change in Govt. I know it is though because people in power usually HATE TRUTH with a big T.
Ghogobtni Saviour.
Pero bhas-soltu int thobb issemmi l-fatti u ser insemmi xi fatti mis-saga ta dalli.
ir-rapport ghadu ma ippublikah hadd; lanqas il-gvern malti;
ir-rapporti kollha jghidu li ma thallsux flus fil-kaz dalli;
l-ufficju tal prim ministru ikkopera ma OLAF u jidher li ma ghamelx l-istess koperazzjoni mal kummissarju malti; naturalment jien nistaqsi ghaliex?
U l-akbar mistoqsija hi: ghaliex id-direttiva twaqqfet u ser izommuha fuq l-ixkaffa?!
Kompli ghalimna,Big thanks to the Malta Today,that brought this island rock to a better future.Some influential people still using their influence the wrong way.
Kompli ghalimna,Big thanks to the Malta Today,that brought this island rock to a better future.Some influential people still using their influence the wrong way.
Kompli ghalimna,Big thanks to the Malta Today,that brought this island rock to a better future.Some influential people still using their influence the wrong way.