Man of principle, indeed…

One small silver lining to the otherwise ghastly mushroom-cloud of hypocrisy rising over Brussel. Henceforth, the Nationalist media machine can never, ever, EVER play that abortion card again

Call me deluded, but I half expected Tonio Borg to flash a sudden fin of self-respect, and refuse to indulge MEPs in their demands for further assurances that he would "actively support women's rights."

Truth be told, not even I was cynical enough to seriously believe that Borg's entire anti-abortion crusade was all along just a façade to play along to the tune of all those band clubs he chirped about last Tuesday.

Like many others I actually thought that at least part of him really did believe in that Constitutional amendment initiative of his... that he really was motivated by a genuine interest in the plight of the unborn child.

Now, of course, it is simply impossible to look back on that episode and not immediately see right through it. Tonio Borg cannot claim to be motivated by a desire to protect the unborn... not when he simultaneously declares that he will actively support policies that fund and provide abortion services in literally dozens of countries around the world... including countries where the procedure is illegal.

Right: now onto the programmes that Borg will be administering as from tomorrow. This is a quote from a recent PQ submitted by an ECR (conservative) MEP: "The two major beneficiaries of the EU funds allocated to sexual and reproductive health are the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International (MSI). For example, MSI received at least €3.5 million for its new projects in 2007 and more than €9 million for the years 2005 and 2009, as it states in its reports to the Commission.

"MSI and the IPPF acknowledge in their reports that they are administering 'menstrual regulation' at many of their locations. These include projects funded by the EU in countries such as Kenya, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

"'Menstrual regulation' is a process in which a manual vacuum aspirator is used to empty a uterus in which an embryo has probably already implanted. In fact, the purpose of the process is to circumvent the law and offer abortion in countries where abortion is illegal."

Nor are the above two programmes the only ones to benefit from EU funding. Borg himself should know better than most that the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals - to which the EU is committed to achieving by 2015 (i.e., during Borg's tenure of office) - include a commitment to maximise "access to sexuality education, family planning services and safe abortion..."

Borg should know this because he (and the party machinery that does his bidding) has mercilessly lashed at Opposition MEPs for supporting those goals (and their related WHO policy documents, which routinely come up for votes in the European parliament) complete with the above abortion reference.

Yet when Tonio Borg becomes Commissioner for Health it will be his duty (along with the rest of the Commission) to turn those same goals into reality... in just over two years' time.

Incidentally this fact alone might explain why MEPs who feel strongly about women's health rights were sceptical about a man who - until last week, anyway - had committed himself to a fiercely anti-abortion policy in all circumstances, with no exceptions of any kind whatsoever.

Well, I suppose they no longer have to worry about it too much. Tonio Borg has just publicly signed away all his former pro-life credentials: committing himself to do in Europe what he has always been simply incapable of doing throughout his local political career: i.e., keep his private opinions/beliefs and public commitments separate.

From this perspective one cannot but appreciate the consistency with which the real pro-lifers have behaved... including former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami, who took a subtle dig at his former deputy yesterday.

Eddie, we were told, would not have provided any such written assurances at all. He would have informed the MEPs precisely where to get off... and quite frankly I would have admired him for it, though I might not agree with his motives.

And Tonio Borg had every excuse to adopt a similar line, too. He had the support and sympathy even of those politicians whom he himself had lambasted in the past over their presumed 'abortion' connections: AD's Arnold Cassola, for instance, who said that the MEPs' demands were excessive, and that he himself would have had problems with the bit about women's rights.

Even Labour's George Vella extended a hand to support the beleaguered Tonio Borg: generously forgetting all the times the same Borg had attacked his own party for its support of the same goals that he himself shall now be responsible for attaining.

And yet, the same man who so recently insisted that Cassola should resign as secretary of the European Greens because of that party's pro-abortion stance, had no problem whatsoever committing himself in writing to provide safe abortions to women in dozens of countries worldwide.

Amazing, how short-lived Borg's principles would turn out to be, when placed under the international spotlight for only a couple of days.

There is, however, one small silver lining to the otherwise ghastly mushroom-cloud of hypocrisy that now rises over Brussels. Henceforth, the Nationalist media machine can never, ever, EVER play that abortion card again. Not while their very own pro-life champion is busy funding abortions in Kenya, Bangladesh, Indonesia.

Though having said that, you never know, do you? The pit of their hypocrisy may really be bottomless after all...

The Commission gets its funds from the EU taxpayer. For Malta it means that the Government puts aside some €5 million each month from the VAT it gathers and sends it to Brussels. The Commission has been criticized by the European Dignity Watch for using taxpayers money to fund abortion worldwide. Those hypocritical Maltese posters who encouraged T Borg to sign his principles away not to lose his seat on the EU’s gravy train and who feign shock when they hear the word abortion, are in effect funding abortion through the VAT they pay when they go out and buy a packet of cigarettes. Will T Borg who tried to include anti abortion laws in the constitution now try to do the same in Brussels? Or will we continue to fund abortions for fear of being booted out of the EU’s gravy train if we do?
The Commission gets its funds from the EU taxpayer. For Malta it means that the Government puts aside some €5 million each month from the VAT it gathers and sends it to Brussels. The Commission has been criticized by the European Dignity Watch for using taxpayers money to fund abortion worldwide. Those hypocritical Maltese posters who encouraged T Borg to sign his principles away not to lose his seat on the EU’s gravy train and who feign shock when they hear the word abortion, are in effect funding abortion through the VAT they pay when they go out and buy a packet of cigarettes. Will T Borg who tried to include anti abortion laws in the constitution now try to do the same in Brussels? Or will we continue to fund abortions for fear of being booted out of the EU’s gravy train if we do?
Manuel55, you nailed it.
Manuel Mangani: no it is more a case that politicians who make a career out of their pro-life views, who try to shovel down a country;s throat, and then go on to renounce them in writing and become the Commissioner responsible for thousands of abortions worldwide,are by definition hypocrites. John Dalli was Catholic and pro-life - as was Romano Prodi. There was no objection to either
From now on any politician who sees Madonnas crying or holds 'catholic values' at heart, should be taken with a pinch of salt!
The logical extension of Raphael Vassallo's argument is that no Catholic and no pro-lifer can ever vecome Minister of Health in a country in which abortion is legal without being a hypocrite....
The pit of their hypocrisy is indeed bottomless, and that appears to be the entry needed on one's CV to qualify for the post of 'politician'. Just last month, a US politician ran into hot water over public comments that if a woman was raped and got pregnant, such was "God's will", and this was the opinion heretofore taken by Tonio Borg. Then again, our northern brethren have yet to discover that when a Maltese conservative says he will "fully support women's rights", he really means the 'right' to get married, stay home, raise babies, clean house and cook... not necesicarily what they have in mind.
At the very point that TB was nominated for EU commissioner a whole series of events were triggered which led inexorably to a moral showdown between our conservative catholic bigoted values and our future journey of convergence to European secular values. TB had really two very contrasting options. He could take the moral high ground and act as a sacrificial lamb and in Buttiglione style a worthy hero for the local bigots and our clerical establishment. TB performed brilliantly in applying his sharp intellect and rhetorical skills in a gruelling three hour hearing to steer his way with carefully crafted and logical answers to a whole series of trip wire and often unfair loaded questions. He succeeded to put up a brilliant performance almost too convincing for it raised suspicion that he had outsmarted his detractors through his powerful arguments and intellect . They therefore raised their final obstacle in forcing TB to sign a commitment to a European values charter. An unfair tactic never used before in the nomination of a commissioner. I saw nothing wrong in this written assurance as it simply put in writing what was already declared verbally although perhaps some might see a written statementis always a more enduring hard commitment. The local conservative league saw the danger in this charter for it would seriously undermine the red linebased on catholic beliefs they had placed on accepted human rights and morl values. Fortunately TB outsmarted them by signing before they could organize the opposition no surprise here in the reappearance of EFA and the dismay of our future auxiliary bishop. Personally I think that once MEPs approve his nomination there is a great collateral benefit to all those of us who want to see our country adopt more European values in gender, sexual and other human rights. For after this episode whatever legislation is enacted locally in future will have to give more attention to European values and at the individual level our citizens will demand more progressive liberal legislation and exercise these values and rights as soon as they leave this constrictive legal jurisdiction
Luke Camilleri
Man of principle, indeed… man of principles , MORE THAN ONE PRINCIPLE! Principles that change just like the colours of the Chamaleon depending on the habitat! Our very own species of Toniosaurus Chamaleontus Borg - the "Dinosaur" that changes colour when migrating..... colours and principles!
Now not even the PN apologists can play the 'holier than thou card'; vera men of straw u jinqdew bir-religjon ghal skop wiehed biss: l-poter u l-perkacci li igib mieghu! Tal-misthija!
I myself am glad that Tonio Borg has admitted that his 'conscience' should be put aside for the common good. Hopefully people back home will now start considering that this is the only way forward. Some, like EFA and the curia seem to think that MPs can neglect their constituents' will and well being to appease their own misguided sanctimoniousness. We should not forget that a very sizeable proportion of Maltese MPs couldn't let go of their 'conscience' and either abstained or voted against the introduction of divorce. Hopefully Borg's unholy conversion sends a few signals to current and would be legislators that their contracts in politics are with their constituents, not with their unresolved religious guilt.