The Trojan budget

On Wednesday Tonio Fenech will not be simply presenting his party’s economic and fiscal manifesto: he’ll set the agenda of a future Labour government.

Labour seems to have already endorsed Fenech’s trickledown philosophy and committed to retain the positive aspects of the budget.
Labour seems to have already endorsed Fenech’s trickledown philosophy and committed to retain the positive aspects of the budget.

With Franco Debono set to vote against the budget, Tonio Fenech's budget is more likely to serve as the party's fiscal manifesto for the next election. 

Freed of the constraints of having to implement it before the election and with his party trailing in the polls, Debono's vote will give Fenech a free hand to present an electoral budget, which can only be implemented if his party wins the next election. This in itself raises the question: how credible is a budget that is dictated entirely by electoral consideration?

The few indications given so far suggest that the budget will include tax cuts for parents as well as higher-income earners, a measure which may well galvanise the upper-middle class vote but which could be socially regressive and fiscally irresponsible. For one may well ask: why reduce the top rate of tax instead of increasing the tax-free ceiling?

And more: how will we make up for lost revenue from income tax in the absence of other revenue streams? What impact will it have on the revenue needed to sustain expenditure on public services like health and education?

Surely this approach tallies with the PN's traditional philosophy which has been relatively successful in economic terms but which has failed to address growing social inequalities.  It will put more money in the pockets of the people who spend most and thus make help turn the wheel.

But in a further twist, without even knowing the costs involved, Labour seems to have already endorsed Fenech's trickledown philosophy and committed to retain the positive aspects of the budget.  "If a Labour government is elected we are committed to retain the positive framework of the budget," Labour leader Joseph Muscat said on Sunday.

Surely Muscat is once again putting strategy before policy. For what better way to counter a pre-electoral budget than by endorsing it?

So instead of presenting his own alternative fiscal vision for the next five years, Labour will endorse whatever is positive and vote-catching in the next budget.

In this way it is making sure that the next election will not be about competing fiscal visions, as were all contests in the US and Europe in the past five years, but a contest based on billboard humour.

Moreover, a future Labour government will not only have to finance its own promise to cut electricity bills for all and sundry but will have to shoulder the burden of implementing this government's tax cuts.

Even if Labour's mysterious alternative energy plans are realistic and doable, these will take time to implement. Labour is already committed to use more expensive diesel instead of HFO before converting the power station to gas. Therefore in its first budget Labour will not only have to find money to subsidise energy bills beyond the present subsidies while still enacting the present government's tax cuts.

In the absence of any radical U-turn after the election, Labour seems to be paving the way to bankruptcy.

@Salgister: L O L
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Ser izommu kollu biex juri lill-poplu x'wiehed wahlilhom il-PN qabel jispicca mill-Gvern. Ghax mhux billi turi x-xinxilli, issa drajna li mbaghad bejn budget u iehor jibdew hergin id-daqqiet tal-frosta! Diga bdejna. Rega zdied id-deficit!!!
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Ser izommu kollu biex juri lill-poplu x'wiehed wahlilhom il-PN qabel jispicca mill-Gvern. Ghax mhux billi turi x-xinxilli, issa drajna li mbaghad bejn budget u iehor jibdew hergin id-daqqiet tal-frosta! Diga bdejna. Rega zdied id-deficit!!!
Budget irrelevanti min gvern irresponsabli. Budget li missu qatt ma sar. Jaf li wiehed min taghhom mhux ser jappogjah,jaf li tilef il maggoranza parlamentari, imma ghax imkahhal mal poter webbes rasu. L-ewwel missa saret elezzjoni MBAGHAD jitla min jitla jkun jista jaghmel budget li jkun cert li jista jwettqu hu. Imma ghal Gonzi PN l-ewwel il-partit imbaghad il pajjiz.
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Ser izommu kollu biex juri lill-poplu x'wiehed wahlilhom il-PN qabel jispicca mill-Gvern. Ghax mhux billi turi x-xinxilli, issa drajna li mbaghad bejn budget u iehor jibdew hergin id-daqqiet tal-frosta! Diga bdejna. Rega zdied id-deficit!!!
Most of the U-turns are now being practised by Gonzi PN. He cannot even make a simply calcualtion that minimium wage earners will be paying about Euro 60 in income tax which is more that the cost of living increase they will be receiving this year.
Mela ismagħha: "Labour to keep budget, warts and all. A Labour government will not take away anything from what has been given in Budget 2013, but will also retain price increases" I TOLD YOU SO. Tifhem fil-politika wkoll, Future.
I would have expected better from a "Profs". Just like the benefits of snake oil! Any measure might seemingly, at first glance, look positive, but after accounting for related matters would turn into a negative. Such as bankrupting the nation! Or has the learned "Profs" already given this bankruptcy as discounted?
NOTE: Muscat "will commit himself to maintain ALL positive budget measures."
Gonzi was never good at chess. Make believe? Yes of course! Fantasies, even more so! Otherwise, it was the hidden hand that managed all the good chess moves. Now, this time, he has been upped by Muscat, who never gave a blanket guarantee to adopt all "good" measures in this final, fantasy, PN's, electoral fiscal plan. For it would, for sure, include a whole catalogue worth of desired Xmas presents. Like confectionery, some measures might be too sweet for consumption, and used only to lure children into a state of quiet intoxication.If eaten by children these would only serve to rot their teeth. No. the PL has categorically stated that only fiscally beneficial ones, and those that dovetailed with Labour's own plans would be taken on board.
Joseph Muscat has said he would implement the positive measures in the Budget but he's being unbelievably naive if he thinks there will be any negative ones. Three months before the election, does anyone expect there to be anything but positive items? ALL measures will be of course positive and a Labour government will be obliged to implement them all, thus effectively carrying out the PN's agenda. Muscat tries his best to play political chess but has been checkmated by Gonzi.
Joseph Muscat has said he would implement the positive measures in the Budget but he's being unbelievably naive if he thinks there will be any negative ones. Three months before the election, does anyone expect there to be anything but positive items? ALL measures will be of course positive and a Labour government will be obliged to implement them all, thus effectively carrying out the PN's agenda. Muscat tries his best to play political chess but has been checkmated by Gonzi.
I thought this was a real independent newspaper, with independent journalists, however after been reading James' articles for sometime now, it looks like he is way too biased towards the government and his articles are in no way independent.
its not worth commenting on your conclusions James.
It is funny how you find so much to write about possibilities and totally avoid reality. How come you never write about the unprecedented €4.5 billion debt that our Govt. has amassed or how enemalta has a staggering €700 million of losses.This is what the citizens want to know Franco . The truth is our country has been raped and we tax payers are going to have to do good with our pockects !
James, you could have made a better effort at reaching a more realistic conclusion. Bankruptcy would be achieved if the PN are returned to power. Why? Because apart from their renowned fiscal indiscipline, which undoubtedly they would carry forward, they would have to implement their bogus, produced-to-kick-the-PL-in-the-groin, electoral budget. Can you imagine that?? Now with the PL in power, these guys have already stated that they will pick those pieces that make fiscal sense from this PN electoral budget. In addition, they have also stated that the economy suffers mostly from bureaucracy, inefficiency, graft and nepotism. All of these, Labour is committed to fight, if not eradicate, at least in the first 5 years!
Luke Camilleri
Dear Mr. Debono, The LP sets the agenda for the Labour Party and not Gonzi's CHOICE of a Minister from GonziPN's limited pool of talent! As to your conlusion about " Labour seeming to be paving the way to bankruptcy ".... what have the PN been doing these past 25 years spending all and selling off with NO RESPONSABILITY and just borrowing to pay off interest?????
Micheal Bonanno
James Debono, as usual, doing his utmost to put the PL in a bad light! What if the PN is re-elected, aren't we in the same boat? At least the PL will ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability, something which is missing in the present administration. I'm sorry I don't quite agree with your analysis. The PL promised that it will accept the best points of the budget, but not to the extent of bankrupting the country. Another thing. If the PL decreases the w&e tariffs, there won't be any need to lower the tax bands. As the PN is proposing the cuts, it looks like the upper classes who will gain, and not the lower classes. These are the real economic wheel turners, not the upper class!