Wading in the water

As Anglu Farrugia literally waded in the water, Simon Busuttil could not resist playing the populist card and stoke the fears of Labour increasing water bills, pushing Joseph Muscat to cut losses by making another one of his unsustainable promises.

Anglu Farrugia
Anglu Farrugia

It all started with Alternattiva Demokratika's deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo raising one of the few meaningful issues in the Xarabank clash between deputy leaders, which left a poor Anglu Farrugia on the receiving end of Simon Busuttil's arsenal of sound bites.

In his allocated eight minutes of time in the 2 hour debate, Cacopardo questioned Labour's commitment to lower water and electricity bills, pointing out the EU has already rapped Malta for its water pricing system, which fails to give a price to ground water extraction.

Anglu Farrugia reacted to Cacopardo by telling viewers that Labour's commitment was limited to the electricity component of utility bills, and not to the water component. The savvy Simon Busuttil could not resist playing the populist card: asking, "Is labour going to decrease electricity bills only to increase water bills?" 

In so doing, instead of addressing the concerns raised by Cacopardo on the sustainability of current rates of ground water extraction, he simply pressed on to score yet another goal in his knock-out performance.

After the break, Farrugia, probably prompted by the spin doctors at Mile Ened, had to recant, saying that the decrease in electricity prices would result in a decrease of water prices since half of Malta's water production came from electricity-powered reverse osmosis plants.

The next day Labour leader Joseph Muscat promised that under Labour, water prices would go down too.

In reality, Muscat is ignoring that the other half of Malta's water supply comes from boreholes at a cost, which is a fraction of reverse osmosis.

He also ignored the fact that the Commission has already rapped Malta for not giving a price to ground water.

If such a price is set up, both private extractors and the Water Services Corporation will have to start to pay for it. This was confirmed by the Commission itself in reply to questions by MaltaToday.

Therefore, irrespective of any decrease in the electricity component, the price of water will probably have to go up irrespective of who is elected to power in the next election. 

Added to this is that the investment in water treatment plants is not yet factored in the present pricing structure, something which is also made obligatory by the EU's water framework directive. 

Neither are consumers being billed for disposing run-off water in the sewage network, causing floods in the process.

Moreover, considering the wasteful practices of many Maltese, sending the message that water prices should go down is politically inappropriate. 

The reality is that most households are already paying a discounted price due to the widespread use of roof storage tanks which require the use of an "indirect plumbing system" - which results in less revenue for the Water Services Corporation due to under-registration of water.

Decreasing water bills at the present moment simply defies the need to emphasise water conservation at household level. Muscat is once again resorting to populism instead of lambasting government for its complete neglect of water issues characterised by a laissez-faire regime.

For despite the issue of a water policy and repeated commitments, ground water exploitation by bowsers, producers of mineral water, batching plants, car washes and farmers extract water at no cost at all.

While in the case of agriculture there is an argument to introduce tariffs gradually and substitute ground water extraction with the re-use of treated sewage (which needs an added investment in extra polishing which has to be ultimately factored in water pricing), the procrastination on imposing tariffs on other sectors remains one of the greatest scandals in our country.

Still unfortunately in the clash of sound bites, water is not a sexy electoral issue. For all our talk on the "common good" ignores the most precious resource of all, the water which lies beneath us. 

issa jason irnexxielu ukoll li jwarrab lil anglu min nofs. dritt ghal gol hajt.
min jaf kemm ha pjacir u ghorok idejh jason micallef.
@GYK.........what substance has anglu shown?
GYK, spot on and very well expressed.
Paul Sammut
James, James, you disappoint us. You can do much better. Why base your analyses on the oratory capabilities of the debaters and not on intent and substance? Words, however well pronounced are just cheap hot air. Electricity, gas and water reach far down in pockets. As I have said elsewhere, Dr Farrugia’s oratory leaves a lot to be desired. He is no Cicero by far. On the other hand Dr Busuttil is coming out as a punctured stepney that deflates the moment the pumping stops. One cannot not see much beef in any of them. With regards to AD, though having good ideas, they know that they cannot deliver and must be feeling as castrated as the Eunuch of Istanbul.
anglu farrugia il vici kap........bahh ghax qal biss li ghandhom pjan u progett. ezatt kiif kien jghid alfred sant sittax il sena ilu. imbad kullhadd jaf xi pjan kellu ta 33 taxxa gdida. bilhaqq anke il partit laburista.....bahh ghax issa qed jissejjah moviment popolari progressiv.
Apart from the usual stupid and hackneyed comments by characters who are ashamed to reveal their names, the ridiculous announcement by JM who shows how gullible he is to believe that if electricity charges go down, it follows that water rates automatically go down as well. One can reduce electricity rates to one's heart content, but it doesn't follow either the cost of energy production would be reduced and neither that water rates will go down. Even if one were to reduce electricity production costs - which is almost impossible - the fact remains that a substantial amount of water is being extracted from the aquifer and is not being charged. When the EU rules are applied in Malta, water extraction will have to be metered and the extractors will have to pay for that water which will be reflected in the cost of production which obviously will result in higher water tariffs. JM believes what he was told and again made another gaffe which seems to be the order of the day. It is better for JM to realise that he can't keep going the way he is if he still interested in marching to Castille come March
The issue of water tanks is non-existant. Most households have already paid for the water in their roof tanks because this water has already passed through the water meter. I feel that the issue of water has been neglected for ages now with the government not having the courage to close illegal water boreholes that were allowed to be drilled over a number of years. these belong mostly to rich villa owners and private companies stealing the water to sell it in supermarkets. Politicians only look at votes and this will lead to the ultimate downfall of this country - public and private debt, water for agriculture and a big crash for the construction industry - it is only a matter of time.
The issue of water tanks is non-existant. Most households have already paid for the water in their roof tanks because this water has already passed through the water meter. I feel that the issue of water has been neglected for ages now with the government not having the courage to close illegal water boreholes that were allowed to be drilled over a number of years. these belong mostly to rich villa owners and private companies stealing the water to sell it in supermarkets. Politicians only look at votes and this will lead to the ultimate downfall of this country - public and private debt, water for agriculture and a big crash for the construction industry - it is only a matter of time.
Luke Camilleri
No mention at all of the Friday debbate or non-debate? No mention at all in the whole of this article of DR. FRANCO DEBONO at Xarabank Studios on Friday? Why no menton at all of the BUSUTTILOTTI that went on last Friday when FRANCO got the Xarabank team , Simon Busuttil & all talking to themselves even after the show on the National - Peppi's- Station PBS with Natalino's henchwoman Ruth Amaira? No mention at all of Dr. Simon Busuttil and the stand he took SITTING DOWN , sweating it out through his make-up in WE?'s AQUARIUM at XARABANK studios? Who are you trying to kid Mr Debono or Dr Franco Debono is also IRRELEVANT and not worth mentioning in your GonziPN Blog?
you seem to be a bit confused james. If tap water is reduced then those households and industries who buy water from bowsers will stop doing so. The extraction of free water by farmers and these bowers is a totally different argument and do not fit into the PL promise.
Indeed James, Anglu Farrugia might not be a very sophisticated debater: so what?; vote in the same people we have had for the last 25 years? I've had enough of their arrogance,corruption and lack of accountability. I'll vote for change but definitely not for Simon: he represents 'more of the same': he was bred in the GonziPN's stables; journalist on 101 in the 90s, wrote the electoral manifesto of 2008,was afraid to open his mouth on the divorce issue, and only voted in favour because it concerned himself-he told us 2 years later! A man of courage and principle indeed!
James, would you kindly enquire of AD, their opinion on the figments of imagination projected in the GonziPN's 2013 fiscal proposals, in as much as these figments refer to projected annual income inserted therein, and projected increased public sector productivity levels? Perhaps AD would care to ask the PN, which comic magazine was used to draw up this electoral booty trap for any incoming Government. If there ever was needed proof that GonziPN are convinced they WILL NOT be re-elected, and therefore they have set off their first bomb to blow up Maltese finances under a new Government, than this fairy tale of conjured up figures just proves it.
Waqt id-dibattitu kellna zewg ammesjonijiet importanti mil vici kap tal PN, wahda li hu jaqbel u li ma jaghmilx apologiji dwar l-ittri anonimi li nbaghtu lil haddiema tac-civil, u l-ohra li sejjah hmerija decizjoni tal qorti fejn tat ragun li PL dwar corrupt practice fl-ahhar elezzjoni. Ibghqu certi li kieku dan kollu inghtqal f'pajjizi ohra fejn hemm gurnalizmu ta veru kien iqum fervur shih. U f'Malta? Silenzju li itarrax.