Sour grapes

The Labour Party’s electricity and water tariff proposal was greeted with incredible silliness by the Nationalist party.

The report went like this: 'Labour did not substantiate its plans to reduce energy bills,' the PN said in reaction to Labour's announcement of its plans to reduce energy bills by 25% and water bills by 5% by 2014.

'The PN challenged Labour to back its plans by producing all documents - including those prepared by Labour - which it received from its consultants and the dates and details of meetings held with private contractors.

'Inviting Labour to reveal with which companies it held discussions, the PN also challenged the PL to reveal 'details of the negotiations referred to by Dr Muscat who said were not a done deal'.

The Nationalist party also asked whether 'companies or persons who met with Labour donated money to the party or any of its candidates'.

Now, that kind of knee-jerk reaction leads one to believe that this is all a case of sour grapes. 

I mean if I were the Labour Party, I would ask the PN to list down all the companies that have donated to the PN over the past 25 years and their link to tenders and contracts.

I'm sure that they would be less than accommodating.

And more specifically, I would ask them to reveal what Zaren Vassallo - whose company dominated the Delimara extension works that ran into millions - has donated to the PN. And of course, all the other donations.

The PN should get over the fact that Labour has received more donations than they have, and instead concentrate on the task at hand.

And perhaps I would go on to ask if the idea to block any new technologies was led by those who had a vested interest to retain the status quo.

The energy policy proposed by the PL is not bad.

And the very fact that they are trying to come up with something realisable is positive.

Everyone will embrace lower tariffs because at the end of the day, it's all about the bottom line: be it business or family.

Days before the launch of the proposal for a gas-fired power station, the PN was talking of oil and the price of oil. There were also attempts to give the impression that the PL proposal was based on the Sargas proposal, which concerned the use of coal or biopaste.

It is not abundantly clear that the proposal is one based on what a number of Maltese entrepreneurs have been telling government: the use of gas, by bringing in gas through a terminal.

That proposal was refused over and over again.

And there is no doubt in my mind that the reason for this was probably based on the objection of top management at Enemalta who do not believe in gas, and secondly because of pressure from vested interest in government who wanted to favour one from another.

The Labour party could have easily lied through its teeth and said that the reduction in tariffs would happen in 2014 and 2015 for businesses.

But instead, it presented a calendar for the introduction of a gas-fired power station which looks credible and realistic, more so when the foreign consultants are the same consultants used by government in the Delimara power station.

The PN was ambitious in ridiculing this proposal.

It would be better if it could come up with a blueprint itself, and start thinking positive.




I do not usually defend PBS, but you have to agree that PBS are correct in withdrawing Ruth Amaira and Reno Bugeja from the broadcasting debates.

The BA wanted Reno and Ruth to be timekeepers, and not to ask questions.

PBS wanted the journalists to ask questions.

So they decided to withdraw their journalists.

So they got it right this once... it's just a shame that otherwise, PBS has a bad reputation as a harbinger of the untruth game.

Fl-1999 il Gvern Nazjonalista, b'hafna pompa kien habbar li l-Gas Pipe lejn Malta kien ser ikun ir-rigal tal Millenju ghal poplu Malti. Illum 14 il sena wara huwa legittimu li nistaqsi ghal inqas li inkuna nafu f'liema seklu ser ninawgurawh?
Why Mr Editor you have to be anti-government all the time, both you and all your reporters and correspondents? Hemm xi haga tintenn x'imkien, mhux hekk?
@fenea, thank you for your good wishes. I see you have corrected your previous politicised position, and have seen reason. I hope what you mean by GonziPN "good", would not translate into cancer due to HFO use, bankruptcy due to becoming net contributors to EU and consequently having the Maltese nation heavily taxed to repay the National Debt, or needing Mater Dei services and being told to come back after I die.
@betterfuture......i did not comment that i do not expect the PL and malta not to benefit from the malta-sicily interconnector and the gas pipeline. i only said that part of the decrease in electricity bills will be effected as part of this project as konrad mizzi stated. furthermore i wish you ad multos annos so that you can benefit from the good done by another pn government. lol
prosit tonio il pjan tal pl diga sar duhhan. u falla qabel ma beda.
It would only be honest and fair if the GonziPN came out with its own proposals to reduce the tarrifs or is this not in the party interests`
Hemm xi haga tinten fl-ghazla tal-kuntratt ghal dan il-heavy fuel oil? Ta min isaqsi lil Tonio Fenech, ghandna dritt inkunu nafu min hadu l-kuntratt, b'kemm flus, min hu l-agent? Jew dawn il-kuntrattita GonziPN sigrieti waqt li tal-Labour BISS ghandhom ikunu in the open? Qed insaqsi biss! Forsi ta TVHemm ma jehillux ilsienu u isaqsi lil Tonio xi darba!!!
fenea, the "interconnector" project has been around these past 6 years, not these past 2 years, and the PN has slept on it, like all else. It is still awaiting approval from both Malta and Italy. It will be a good investment by Malta and the EU, and yes it will enable the procurement of lower cost nuclear, gas and all other sorts. So do you expect the PL and Malta not to benefit from this? How stupid and naive! <<>> Just like your reasoning with the gas pipeline (as against a regasification terminal), which would take at least another 7 years to be operable (as per Mario Demarco and other PN spokespersons). This is like saying, I will not diet now (and hopefully not die by that time), as there will be available a miracle(?)cure in seven years time. Bravi tassew!
Well said Saviour. PN is in panic state and they do not know they are doing or saying.
Sour Grapes- Why is it so impossible for mr.Tonio Fenech, for the new energy implemetation in such a short time?If we elimininate red tape at our Goverment departments and especially from MEPA,the party who is proposing this will surely do it. Most of maltese people visited Eurepean Countries and you can see capital projects performed in short term.If we pretend to be a European country lets imitate their ways and means so that we succeed. If you talk just about road networks in European countries compaired with our country, this would be the best example.On the other hand it is not impossibe to build a Power Station in relatively short time.We have to change first our sick mentality how to perform projects.Private sector works opposite the Goverment methods.
But instead, it presented a calendar for the introduction of a gas-fired power station which looks credible and realistic, more so when the foreign consultants are the same consultants used by government in the Delimara power station.The PN was ambitious in ridiculing this proposal.It would be better if it could come up with a blueprint itself, and start thinking positive......SAVIOUR ON THURSDAY THE PN WILL INFORM AND EXPLAIN TO YOU AND EVERYBODY WHY THE PLANT OF THE PL IS NOT CREDIBLE AND REALISTIC.
Now that Reno and Ruth have been withdrawn. Can I propose Peppi, Norman or Lou?
Sour grapes? E' come!! These snake oil salesmen have been caught with their pants down! <<>> I do not agree that the nation should have been deprived of the services of these publicly financed journalists. These are known to be moderate. This action, I would translate as simply spokes in the wheels. I agree that journalists are there to ask questions! True most times! But journalists should learn to shut up and listen too. Debaters should be afforded full calmness to be able to put their points across. Why should every debate be lowered to the standards of Xarabank's chicken coop style? Listeners want to hear points debated in peace, not over the awful din of some "journalists".
Emmanuel Mallia
Have you heard the RTK news bulletins recently ? You can tell who is the head of the news section. Refined, propoganda techniques, very similar to PBS !!
Joseph Sant
Saviour - your assessment of the PBS/BA saga is simplistic at best and unfair at worst. I'm sure the BA would love to have participating chairpersons and I know that it has suggested this over the years but ALL political parties involved were adamant against it. Furthermore, according to the BA's statement there had been agreement not only with the parties but also with the PBS Chief Executive about the chairpersons weeks ago. To withdraw from this agreement less than 24 hours before the first recording was irresponsible and could only have one aim in mind - that of embarrassing the BA. It is rather surprising that Mr Joe Pirotta, head of PBS editorial board is only now objecting to chairpersons being only timekeepers when this is exactly what they were when he was BA chairman for two consecutive terms.
David Bongailas
Bottom line is that under a Labour government people will be paying less for their utility bills and we'll be using cleaner sources of energy. Let's face it for the first time ever it is Labour and not the PN who iss setting the poltical agenda so if I'd be a PN politician/strategist I'd be panicking as well.
Saviour nammira hafna il mod kif tikteb.Inti titkellem vera onest u j alla jkollna gurnalisti bhalek.Kellu bzonn lou bondi jithajjar naqa minnek.Emmini meta tad dar ikunu qed jisimawh jien litteralment nitlaq il barra jew ninqafel x imkien fejn ma nismax lehnu.