Why I am contesting for AD
AD candidate Pascal Aloisio writes: While we understand that not everything can be preserved, we’ve reached a tipping point
I’m 22 years old from Santa Venera and will be contesting the coming general election on the Alternattiva Demokratika - the Green Party ticket on the fifth and eight district.
My story with AD started five years ago, when I decided to join an activity of ADŻ, the youth section of AD.
There are several reasons why I decided to be part of this party. What comes to mind is that when they hear the word ‘green’, it is something related to the environment. Indeed AD is the only party in Malta that has always given our environment the priority it requires. Unfortunately, over many years vast tracts of our countryside have been urbanised. A notorious example is the expansion of the development zones in 2006. The destruction started then continued unabated. Of particular concern is development inside our valleys, with its significant impacts on ecology, as well as its impact on humans, such as flooding. The impacts of years of planning ineptitude will continue being felt for generations to come.
Another issue we are facing is illegal dumping. This does not only include littering but also the dumping of construction waste. A good example is Wied Inċita in H’Attard, with its mountains of dumped construction material. Authorities, under the ‘watch’ of both Nationalist and Labour Parties closed both eyes to the destruction of the valley.
When we talk of the environment we do not only mean the natural environment, but also the urban environment. AD has been working for years to implement an ecologically sound policies in urban areas. Our Malta Zero Carbon 2050 policy includes proposals such as new buildings generating all their energy needs, all private cars electric in 20 years’ time, bicycle highways along all major roads (what we in Malta call ‘bypasses’), and the removal of obstacles to the take up of pedelecs (electric bicycles). An interesting concept is that of ‘green roofs’, which help make urban areas and buildings more ‘liveable’.
Moreover, the urban environment also includes old buildings, some of which are worth preserving due to their historic and cultural importance. Over the past 30 years Malta saw a massive change in urban landscapes. Traditional houses and unique structures suffered demolition for the construction of flats and hotels. While we understand that not everything can be preserved, we’ve reached a tipping point where our limited remaining aesthetically pleasing structures must be saved at all costs.
Art and culture are also important aspects for us. AD has always been in favour of encouraging cultural and artistic events. Concerts, carnival and our traditional village feasts play a crucial role and we encourage as many people to join such events since they promote artistic talents and also help keeping society stronger together. Events such as Medieval Mdina, Valletta Green Festival, Festa Frawli showcase different aspects of Maltese life.
Another aspect is that of transport. Each year traffic is getting worse. This does not only lead to economic and social impacts but also to health impacts. Ranging from annoyance and stress through noise levels to more serious health issues, such as asthma and cancer, traffic constitutes a serious threat to our wellbeing. Therefore AD has been proposing the use of more environmentally modes of transport, such as electric vehicles, bicycles, as explained previously, and the improvement of our public transport system.
There are many reasons why you should vote Alternattiva Demokratika. I decided to not only be a citizen who casts his vote every few years during an election, but I joined this party because I believe in strong principles and values. AD is a party that takes into consideration all aspects we need for a good quality of life, from the economy, to society, culture and the environment: the 4 pillars of sustainability. AD has always worked for a better Malta, a Malta of dialogue and the exchange of ideas rather than petty partisan bickering which leads to nowhere. This election, vote to pass on the message that you want a change from the old PLPN system.
Vote for consistency. Vote Green, Vote Clean.