Politics is there to ‘heal’ unaddressed issues
PN candidate Errol Cutajar writes: Forza Nazzjonali is there to ensure that our country regains the reputation it has lost and ensure that the country really works for everyone

The end of the second week of this electoral campaign marked an important development – the ex-Labour Government Whip’s cross from Joseph Muscat’s Movement to the Force of National Unity.
This move’s significance is undoubtedly quite large, even compared to other cross-party moves in this and previous governments. Godfrey Farrugia, till two weeks ago, was the Government’s Whip, a position of great responsibility in the administration, order and discipline of a parliamentary group.
Godfrey Farrugia, being a principled and loyal politician, upheld his duties and responsibilities towards his party and leader – a great feat in one of the most politically turbulent times Malta and Gozo have ever faced. Godfrey Farrugia could not take the unprecedented hijack of the Labour Party and what it stands for by a clique of corrupt individuals, using the power entrusted to them by the public for their own personal gain, rather than the common good.
As was very clearly evident by two heart-felt statements (both when he resigned as whip and when he resigned from all the structures of the Labour party) and his entrance at Dar Centrali, this was a very emotional and tough decision for Godfrey to take. Godfrey was a long established beacon on sincerity and respect in the Labour party, but most of all still is and will be an empathic and charismatic politician with strong and decipherable values – those of social justice, social equality for all strata of society and respect towards each other.
Quoting his own parliamentary statements throughout the years, he sees politics in the same way as a doctor treats his patients, that is that politics is there to ‘heal’ unaddressed issues and problems in our communities. If the corrupt government and party he formed became the ‘disease’ which engulfed the country and our society, how could he do his work properly? As a government’s role is to ensure law, order, transparency, meritocracy, fairness and social equality, how could a government which used its energy to make questionable ‘deals’ with shady dictatorships and companies (whilst also creating companies in Panama for itself) do the role it was actually supposed to do?
As per a dictionary definition, a movement is supposed to encompass everyone, not just a select bunch of people bulldozing over everyone else, seeking their interests and using power to commit despicable acts of laundering and corruption which only they will profit from. Malta is not a washing machine or launderette. Malta is our home, our country and our identity.
There are too many sectors, jobs and livelihoods which stand to lose thanks to such egoistic and irresponsible behaviour. If we mention the financial services industry, which employs one of the most economically active and ambitious employment sectors in the country, we can mention other chained sectors which include, auditing, accounting, gaming, management, recruitment, real estate, property, all sectors dealing with property (such as furniture and furnishings), technology (which is used in the actual and associated industries), IT equipment, engineering specialised training and education providers, and so and so forth. The interests of a very tiny clique, could ruin the quality of life, if not the livelihood of so many individuals.
We also need to remember what the country has lacked in the past few years. Although, undoubtedly, corruption has statistically become the largest headache for the Maltese people, there were certain decisions which have sent the country on the wrong route. Having a ‘surplus’ means nothing if you stop investing in infrastructure which the country badly needs. Many plans such as the Gozo tunnel, improvements in the road network, alternative modes of public transport and transport management were locked up in a wardrobe. A lack of infrastructure is nothing but a noose round the neck of the country’s prosperity.
In 2013, Joseph Muscat was elected as a movement, which as a term, may sound enticing, but offers little structure and overall strength. A movement is enough to govern a country, a movement, moves to a direction, but once the goal is reached, all is subject to interpretation. Joseph Muscat did have a road map.
Stronger than a movement, at a moment of such crisis on our country, the country needs a force. A force, over and a above a ‘movement’ shows that the consensus for the common good is larger, the aims are stronger and more tangible, more determination and most importantly a more organised and meaty structure ensuring higher checks-and-balances, controls and equality.
Forza Nazzjonali is there to ensure that our country regains the reputation it has lost and ensure that the country really works for everyone. Besides the many policies the Nationalist Party has come up with since it has been in opposition, a first for our country, we must bear in mind why we have an election. It is a fact that the government collapsed under the weight of its own corruption. It was Joseph Muscat’s own decision, and his only, to call an early election almost a year prior to his term’s expiry date. The dire state of the Labour Government (not Party) could not be better explained than in Godfrey Farrugia’s intervention. The truth came straight from the horse’s mouth.
Godfrey Farrugia’s decision was the clearest demonstration that Joseph Muscat and his people must go. Forza Nazzjonali is the real movement which has the interest of our dear country at heart, filled with genuine people who have your interests and our country’s reputation and future at the foremost. Our country is calling each and every one of us to make the right decision. Every vote counts. Be part of the right choice.
Lawyer Errol Cutajar is contesting the second and third districts for the Nationalist Party