Do you know the terms of reference of the Committee appointed by the PN to analyse the electoral defeat? If not, how can you jump to the conclusion that nothing will come out of it or that it will only contain the views of the appointed persons. For all you know they could have been given a very wide consultative brief, meaning that the report will be far more than just their views. Substance is more important than form, and perhaps the Committee is only an agent for the relaying of that substance.
Secondly, your comments in Simon Busuttil are way off the mark. His CV clearly shows that he is no-one's stooge. The truth is that the Party urgently needs to rediscover its European Popular roots and it need to re-engage with civil society. Simon has the ideal qualities and CV to achieve those objectives...certainly far more than any outgoing cabinet member, since they presided over the most unpopular and disconnected government in a generation.
Once upon a time there was a nationalist party...........
Ghal min ghandu naqra sens f'mohhu qed jara li John Dalli seta' rega' gie framed-up. Qabel nghagglu ghal leader gdid fil-pn, mhux ahjar nistennew li tohrog l-innocenza ta' Dalli, jekk hemm, ghax daqs kemm jista' jkun validu hu, ma hemm hadd. Jew jista' jkun ta' theddida ghal klikka tal-hazen