Paris 2024: I can understand the hurt, but is drag visibility the real problem?
James Debono
Detractors of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony should be asking; would they have expressed the same outrage if the tableau did not feature drag queens?
Let there be light
Michael Falzon
From the Auditor General’s report on Enemalta, it results that the company has, for quite a number of years, consistently not managed to invest in the maintenance and...
Potentiality and personhood: personal views | Isabel Stabile

Once abortion becomes legal in Malta, and yes, that will happen, we will look...

Once abortion becomes legal in Malta, and yes, that will...

On the right to family and civil unions for LGBTIQ+ persons | Christopher Vella

The Church can celebrate our fidelity, commitment and fruitfulness as much as it celebrates these qualities for heterosexual unions. If only the Church were to...

The Church can celebrate our fidelity, commitment and...

Budget 2021: More of the same... hoping COVID-19 will vanish into thin air
Michael Falzon

The decrease in the approval rate of the current administration must have influenced government’s thinking. Many interpreted the decision to extend the...

The decrease in the approval rate of the current...

Robert Abela is always right, and his critics are always wrong. Any questions?
Raphael Vassallo

Each and every single time Robert Abela is in any way criticised – be it over his (utterly disastrous) handling of the COVID-19 crisis; or his stance on...

Each and every single time Robert Abela is in any way...

As long as we treat politics like a cult, there is no hope
Josanne Cassar

The inability of many voters to set aside their deep-held beliefs and emotions...

The inability of many voters to set aside their deep-held...

Where’s our green deal on Malta’s shrinking countryside?
Saviour Balzan

Even well before 1964, the Maltese rural footprint has been misshapen and...

Even well before 1964, the Maltese rural footprint has been...

We need to talk about abortion | Noah Fabri

In the hands of politicians the debate becomes another political football that...

In the hands of politicians the debate becomes another...

A new European Bauhaus | Ursula von der Leyen

People should be able to feel, see and experience the European Green Deal

People should be able to feel, see and experience the...

Lying about others can only damage the United States’ own credibility | Zhaofeng Wang

The United States is the sole superpower in the world, yet it seems that lying about others has become its major diplomacy tool. How unfortunate

The United States is the sole superpower in the world, yet...

Can Labour come clean?
Michael Falzon

These are all signs that Robert Abela is working on a new image of Labour, before he decides to hold the next general election

These are all signs that Robert Abela is working on a new...

Nice garden. Let’s demolish it, and build a petrol station instead...
Raphael Vassallo

No, no, make no mistake. As Boromir would no doubt have put it: 'not with 10,000 legal arguments can you possibly justify a criminal injustice of this...

No, no, make no mistake. As Boromir would no doubt have put...

Reforming the book industry during the hardest-ever economic crisis in history
Mark Camilleri

I sincerely hope the government comes to term with the necessity of taking the matter at hand with the serious approach it deserves

I sincerely hope the government comes to term with the...

State schools should not be the Cinderella of education
Josanne Cassar

When it comes to financial resources, state schools should not be the...

When it comes to financial resources, state schools should...

Out of control, under control
Saviour Balzan

Every society needs to be confronted with rules, ours is not

Every society needs to be confronted with rules, ours is not

‘Fratelli Tutti’: a guide to the new encyclical | Charles Scicluna

He uses the term ‘political charity’ and when he talks about the politics we need he says: “Here I would once more observe that politics must...

He uses the term ‘political charity’ and when...

Put your environmental outrage where your vote is
Raphael Vassallo

Fact of the matter is that the hunters’ lobby has so far proven to be...

Fact of the matter is that the hunters’ lobby has so...

Conscientiously objecting to conscientious objection | Timothy Paris

There is nothing conscientious about imposing one’s own values on...

There is nothing conscientious about imposing one’s...

Mutual respect between sovereign nations | Gwendolyn S. Green
Gwendolyn Green

The two sides agreed that Maltese officers and soldiers will continue to attend...

The two sides agreed that Maltese officers and soldiers...