Dun Victor Grech will get State-organised funeral
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the nominations for the PN deputy leadership election and on the libel filed by Lou Bondi.
Sur Balzan, jekk jghogbok meta taghmel dawn il-bloggs ipprova pprepara ftit biex tevita r-repitazzjonijiet li taghmel. Uzajt iktar minn nofs il-blogg biex tghid haga wahda: li 'l-PN ikkopja lill-PL. Veru dan. X'tippretendi mill-Politici Maltin? Issa l-PN qed jahseb li mhabba t-tkaxkira li qalghu, l-ahjar li jaghmlu hu li jikkupjawhom!! Ta'Gozni kienet ilha gejja u li gara kien haqqu hu ul-Partit tieghu. Ghalkemm ghadu kmieni wisq biex wiehed jikkonkludi xi haga, l-PL u Muscat ma tantx bdew fis-sod. J'Alla li jissudaw sew ghal-gid ta'Malta. Jekk le, Malta x'sa taghmel? tistenna 5 snin biex terga ttella lin-Nazzjonalisti??
Micheal Bonanno •
@Bully. What do you expect? First off, the PN candidates who were asked to take part in Government Boards refused. JPF and Kurt Gouder. As for political appointees, what do you expect in sensitive places, your political rivals? Remember what happened to Dr. Alfred Sant? He left everyone in place, and those being thankful threw spanners in the works, and acted as spies for the opposition.
You might also remember (I'm sure you'll remember) the w&e price hikes of 1997? Well, Dr. Sant acted on their advice, and look what happened to him? Yes, I agree with what the government is doing.
Mr. Balzan, From the onset I say I for one am not happy with what I am seeing, so far only political appointments of the worst kind, 2political family appointments2. Now that I said that I feel your video is another champion of freedom of the press whereby I agree that the so called Jornalizmu fuq Kollox was not but a farce if it was not a crying shame. It was sickening to watch. However I guess there are better words that you could have used that are more of to opinion that of: BROWN NOISER.