Between fat cats and migrants

It is ironic that xenophobes who constantly grumble about illegal migrants or foreign workers are silent on facilitating a permanent residency scheme aimed at attracting foreign fat cats to live in Malta and make a few Maltese fat cats rich in the process.

Here we go again.  The newly elected government which in opposition used to pander to anti immigrant sentiments by blowing the irregular migration problem out of any proportion, has devised a global residency programme which makes it easier for rich foreigners to acquire residence and pay taxes in Malta

Probably the measure may inject a lease of life in the property sector, something which tallies with the present government short term approach which risks increasing our dependency on the property sector. It was such dependency which spelled ruin in Spain and Cyprus, the latter becoming a haven for Russian dirty money.  In this way by attracting some foreign fat cats to reside in Malta, a number of Maltese cats will get fatter.

No wonder developers like Sandro Chetcuti are heaping praise on the new government on One TV.  But it is extremely doubtful whether any such benefits will trickle down to the rest of Maltese society especially the most vulnerable.

It is even more disturbing that our brand of social democrats has adopted the trickle down ideology of the previous government with even greater zeal. 

At best the scheme might generate some extra revenue for government by having these people paying taxes in Malta and import some of the Russian money which used to go to Cyprus before its economy collapsed.  But ultimately it confirms my hunch that the new government's limited vision of growth is one which perpetuates our dependence on real estate.

But what strikes me is the ambivalence of those who perceive migrants who escape hunger or war as a threat to our sovereignty but are largely silent on turning our country in to a haven for people who essentially are motivated by speculative greed. 

It is also shocking how willing we are to dish foreign resident permits and so stingy in granting citizenship to foreign workers who have contributed to our economy for decades. Surely some may come with the argument that while ordinary migrants do not bring any wealth with them, the fat cats will splash their monies in our economy.  

In reality it is more probable that ordinary foreign workers including migrants have a greater multiplier impact than the mega rich who may buy property but are less likely to integrate themselves in the real economy through ordinary acts like buying from a grocer, buying drinks from a bar, buying tickets for theatre or concerts and eating in a restaurant.  

Ultimately, I believe that Malta's future is that of becoming a cosmopolitan hub.  But history is replete of two types of hubs; unequal societies attracting a foreign elite, including a shady criminal element, which helps  sustain a local elite and more equal societies where foreign workers and migrants are fully integrated, not as a reserve army of labour but as  people enjoying the same rights as us all.

I totally agree with all the comments made here by the three commentators below. May I say it is refreshing to hear such honest opinions and analysis but most importantly is the fact that their voices have been heard. Kudo Maltatoday. I cannot tell how many times comments I wrote precisely on these same lines on this subject never made it past the 'Moderator', i.e. censor, in both your rival English language online newspapers. Now one of them wants payment for the privilege of reading its propoganda! Keep it up Maltatoday - freedom of speech and the right of other opinions to be heard makes for a strong and true democracy.
Ghala dak li taghmel l-Amerika hu tajjeb( immigranti Messikani mibghuta lura) dak li taghmel l-Awstralja; il-Germanja, l-Ingilterra hu tajjeb-jibghatuk lura jekk bla passapost u hawn Malta-(l-ikbar pajjiz tad-dinja)- tista tidhol minghajr passaport, jaghtuk wiehed ta l_EU u terga tmur pajjizek fl-Afrika holiday u terga lura?? Issa ghandna ukoll Afrikani li dahlu illegalment go Spanja u jigi hawn bi dritt ghax xoghol! Refugjati politici ta vera ghandna l-obbligu li nghinuhom f'kollox lilhom u lil familja taghhom; immigranti ekonomici u illegali m'ghandhomx dritt jidhlu hawn bhal ma ghandux dritt jigi Peruvjan minghajr passaportu visa!
@avukat Foreign workers from both the EU and outside the EU are a reality. Asylum seekers are a minority of this segment of the Maltese labour force and a fragment of the legal workforce. It is true that immigrants act as a reserve army of labour for contractors who exploit cheap labour. Therefore the best way to avoid this is to ensure that these workers are employed legally and benefit from same rights as Maltese. Yes its true that as we are today, our policies on migration and foreign residence are geared to favour developers and contractors: cheap labour at one end and a supply of properties at the other end. We disagree on how to address this. As regards labour supply my recipe is full integration in labour market to avoid abuse. As regards residence, i would limit it to already developed and vacant properties and would be rigorous to ensure that we do go down Cyprus way. Most importantly is that we do not ruin our reputation. A point you miss is that immigration of labour has economic benefits if governed well.
It's actually not too difficult to understand. Most people interpret these two migrations in terms of how they will affect their own lives and those of their children. From that perspective, the arrival on the island of a few high net worth individuals who pay taxes and bring their capital with them is desirable. The arrival of a large number of irregular migrants who will compete with the local working class for jobs and lead to a major deterioration in the law and order situation over the short and medium term, and to a complicated political coexistence with a very assertive foreign politico-religious ideology in the longer term, is not so desirable. Maybe our unwillingness to sacrifice our own welfare to the loftier goals preferred by the author makes us less than angels, but qualifies us as mere mortals, which is just fine.
Sorry James. No integration of illegal immigrants. The Maltese people have a right to say who comes here and who doesn't. Other countries do not only rightly do so but even more. Those who want to integrate with illegal immigrants should pack their bags and go with them back to their own countries. I also do NOT agree with foreign settlers being allowed to buy property and reside in Malta because we are the smallest most populated country in Europe and nearly in the world and are suffocating with no space to relax. Our country is being sold to foreigners to fatten the pockets of property speculators and illegal immigrants are allowed to remain here to lower the wages and working conditions of Maltese workers for the benefit of contractors to fatten their pockets. WE NEED SPACE TO LIVE AND RELAX.
Malta should become a hub for the millions of Africans who want to settle here. The Foreign Affairs ministry should be closed ;passports thrown away, and in the meantime listen to European Ministers who preach to us platitudes but do the opposite of what they preach cause they want non of the illegal migrants they love so dearly! They love them so much that their multinational companies continue to exploit the Africans; gold, diamonds oil coal iron and what have you! If we do so we will live happily ever after and a place for us will be reserved in heaven!