Gozo Bridge: Reaching the limits of absurdity

What better way was there for Muscat to commemorate his first 100 days than to announce a feasibility study on a bridge obliterating the Maltese landscape permanently to pander to the construction lobby?

It is now crystal clear that the new government's only way out of its economic quandary is to kick-start the economy by embarking on a major construction project.

After floating ideas about land reclamation and a yacht marina in Gozo,

Joseph Muscat has come up with the most perverse of ideas; a bridge passing through the Gozo channel thus disfiguring one of the most characteristic and pristine landscapes of the three islands of the Maltese archipelago.

Muscat says the bridge will bypass Comino which is a protected Natura 2000 site, but how on earth can he avoid the impact of such a high landscape value which is part of the Maltese collective memory? 

Have the Chinese consultants invented a way to render the bridge invisible?

Apart from environmental considerations this project underlies a complete the lack of transparency with the Chinese design and construction company being chosen in the absence of a public tender while promising to invest €4 million in these studies, naturally without expecting anything in return.

Surely the previous government is partly to blame for setting this ball in motion, by commencing studies on the feasibility of an underground tunnel and hyping this magical solution to Gozo's double insularity problem through the election campaign.

The new government has gone a step forward by seeking a feasibility study conducted by a Chinese design and construction company on the development of a bridge. 

The only difference between a bridge and a tunnel, both of which would have a negative impact on the marine environment, is that a bridge would permanently disfigure the landscape of such a sensitive area. 

Muscat knows that Gozitan public opinion is favourable to this project.

Thus he is also seeking popular legitimacy through the bizarre idea of a referendum.  Yet if Malta really belongs to all, any referendum on this issue must be held on a nation wide basis. 

Moreover a decision of this magnitude must first be taken by the experts following both an economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of a project of such a magnitude. 

Ironically many tend to forget that the only reason Gozo benefits from EU funding is because of its double insularity problem. 

Surely one understands the daily hardships faced by people who have to commute between the two islands. But Gozo's identity as an island within an island state is also what makes it unique as a destination.  We also seem to forget that we live in the age of the World Wide Web, which makes physical distance irrelevant in most jobs.

But ultimately the silver lining of this decision is that it would create a rallying point for opposition to an economic model based on construction and more construction, a Gezi park moment for Malta and Gozo.  Hope that the current crop of environmentalists will wake up from the slumber.  My friend Julian Manduca must be rolling in the grave.  Lets' rock.

We are all entitled to dream.
it is quite obvious that many Mr.Debono should start experiencing the problems that we gozitans face up.
Any concrete land tunnel between the islands would ruin Gozo's charm for ever. It might be of some use to Gozitans working in Malta, but not much else. However, they will eventually regret it. What I believe is needed is to keep the romanticism of the ferries alive (in fact improve on it by demolishing that huge pastassata of terminal at Mgarr), coupled with some high speed seacraft to Valletta and Sliema.
@ Thorny , so our Bridge will cost us around $150 million Euro! There’s no need to make a study , that has been done in 1970 for the then Gozo Causeway. which was rubbished by Mintoff together with the Craig Hospital, the water distillation plant at Hondoq ,the Regional road Bridge in Imsida and the Zebbug /Siggiewi bridge. What MALTA needs is a tunnel. Enough said.
Can I make a suggestion, if its not already mentioned here !!.. A bridge will ruin any heritage and coastal desires left between Malta and Gozo.. What is needed is a three lane tunnel which is more approachable these days !! I am sure if they charge the Gozitans the same price as they do to the Maltese and the Foreigners then it will be paid off in ten years instead of 100 years... JUST A SUGGESTION.
Can I make a suggestion, if its not already mentioned here !!.. A bridge will ruin any heritage and coastal desires left between Malta and Gozo.. What is needed is a three lane tunnel which is more approachable these days !! I am sure if they charge the Gozitans the same price as they do to the Maltese and the Foreigners then it will be paid off in ten years instead of 100 years... JUST A SUGGESTION.
Hallihom ha jghidu Guz, MEXXI. x cuc kien ir RED CHINA DOCK. L-isbah zmien ta dal-gzejjer qieghed maghna..IN OUR LIFETIME.
Bil bridge li ma jwassal ghal imkien jghoxa u jghoxxew dawk bhal dan James Debono! Diga franka 4 miljuni lill pajjiz , il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat! Ir-REPUTAZZJONI tieghu anki ic-Cina waslet f'anqas minn mitt jum! Eat your hearts out!
IL-MUNTANJA giet ghand Mawmettu ! Qabel x'kellmna mill-Partit tieghek james Debono mhux ESPETTATIVA QABEL KULL ELEZZJONI????? Fejn hemm il-vera RIEDA , hemmit-tama ! Jekk bridge mibni mic-Cinizi twil 26 mil jigi jiswa $1.54 billion , kemm jista jigi jiswa bridge bejn Malta u Ghawdex ? http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/world_longest_bridge_S3yZrQWzDeLUly0jtrvnzI?photo_num=1
The link is very much needed. People who are not aware of the problems of us Gozitans will now jump out of wonderland and start feeding us with Lilliputian views. This is 2013 and that are some of the most beautiful bridges in natural places around the world.
At this point in time, with no feasibility study available, comments are bound to be rather premature. One has to wait and see. However I am sure James that you are aware that there are bridges and then there are bridges. Some are feats of engineering and tourist attractions in and of themselves.
Sammy Cutajar
I think that your article has reached the limits of absurdity if not more!
James try and live in gozo for a few months traveling every day just to work, leaving home at 4 am and getting back at 8:30 you would not be in favour of a bridge but of a 6 lane double bridge!!!
Mr James Debono, you think that you are 'Mr Know All' expert in all subjects. Just wait for the results and then speak please.
The bridge would in itself be beautiful , but it would be the biggest eyesore in Malta.
Il-Ħobza ta kulljum tal-Għawdxin hija ta priorita fuq kull ħaġa oħra inkluz l-ambjent, ma jistax ikun li f-ġieħ l-ambjent nitilfu l-oportunitajiet ta investimenti f-Għawdex, ejjew niftakru li Għawdex sar ĊIMITERJU jew tista isejjaħlu dar tal Anzjani u xejn aktar u dan huwa inaċettabli!!
Jekk ma taghmel xejn jaghjjruk u jekk tibda taghmel xi haga kullhadd jilaghba ta l-espert u jibda jeqred. Il-kontijiet ta x'ser jaghmel dan il gvern isiru hames snin ohra. Il-poplu tah MANDAT CAR biex jiggverna u TA TBEZZBIZA nobis lil gvern precedenti.
Apart from environmental considerations this project underlies a complete the lack of transparency with the Chinese design and construction company being chosen in the absence of a public tender while promising to invest €4 million in these studies, naturally without expecting anything in return. please James give some substantial evidence to this half baked insinuation.
Since when a feasibility test for construction is as good as a project already done?
It is really amazing at the number of people who try to shoot down all ideas without suggesting any alternatives. The above article for example simply criticizes without any constructive ideas. How about being a bit constructive instead of destructive for a change. Had other countries used this 'lets keeps things as they are mentality', most of the bridges and causeways around the world would not have been built. We visit and marvel at the engineering capability of the Romans when we see the artificial lagoons and three causeways leading seaward from Orbitello in Tuscany. I have never yet heard anybody stating that the view was changed or the area should have been left as an island and mainland. Come on. Give the government a chance and let them work!! If, once the project is fully proposed we do not like it than we talk at that stage.
James jiddispjacini nghidlek li l-artiklu tieghek ma jaghmel sens ta' xejn. Hu ghalhekk li pajjizna nibqghu 700 sena lura, ghax dejjem nokorbu u neqirdu li se nhassru l-ambjent etc. Ma rridx nghid li m'ghandniex noqghodu attenti, imma bejn il-bzonn u l-ambjent b'ghaqal nghazel il-bzonn. Ma tafx kemm l-Ghawdxin inbghatu biex naqsmu u nergghu ningabru lura. Nisthajlek qisek qatt ma sifirt, jekk tmur fil-pajjizi nordici fejn il-pajjizi huma maghmulin minn ghadd kbir ta' gzejjer, kollha mghaqudin bil-bridges u t-tunnels. Bizzejjed tara l-bridge bejn Denmark u Sweeden,Certu bridges huma attrazzjoni fihom infushom, u n-nies tohrog fuq id-deck tal-cruise liners biex tiehu r-ritratti. Allura ghaliex aħna le. Ejja nikbru ftit.
With due respect, James, this is the most irrational piece I've ever seen you write. You make unfounded assumptions on which to base your argument. A bridge can, and with modern designs, it does enhance the landscape. Just remember the adage which says that, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ... and no one knows better the meaning of that saying than architects and bridge-engineers. Just wait until the feasibility study is done, if it is ever done ... then comment.
Sorry James but I like to differ from your opinion. Malta has been sleeping for 25 years and needs some modern infrastructure not a theater without a roof or a parliament not big enough for our use. Let our new government work because sitting in front of a computer and complain will get us nowwhere. Besides, all expenses for this study are cared for and not paying millions of euros for studies which never materialized like it was not long ago or have you forgot.
Joseph Muscat has come up with the most perverse of ideas; a bridge passing through the Gozo channel thus disfiguring one of the most characteristic and pristine landscapes of the three islands of the Maltese archipelagoarchipelago’. Fiz-zminijiet tal-lum u specjalment meta l-vapuri tal-Gozo Channel jkollom jinbidlu Ghawdex ma jistax jibqa’ isolat, il-hinijiet tat-traggit bejn il-gzejjer u d-dewmin essagerat biex tasal minn u sa tas-Sliema jew il-Belt jew fis-South ta’ Malta ( Smart City etc) qed ihalli lill-Ghawdex jibqa’ lura u l-ekonomija ta’ Ghawdex ma tirpilja qatt bl-Ghawdxin jahdmu f’Malta hinijiet qosra biex illahhqu jingabru lura bil-konsegwenza li jridu jsibu xollijiet inferjuri biex jithallew jghamlu dan. Ovvju li minn ikollu xol tajjeb li hafna Ghawdxin huma mgharufin ghal-bzulija taghom iridu bil-fors isibu residenza secondarja gewwa Malta. Apparti hafna u hafna zvantaggi ohra ( U l-vantaggi x'inhuma ghal-Ghawdxin!!!!!). Dan dejjem affetwa lill-Ghawdxin in-generali u l-mohh Malti dejjem ihares lejn il-Gzira ta’ tlett Gholjiet bhala post fejn imur jistrieh u jhallas noll baxx ghax ghandu l-ID card fuq post ta’ villegiatura gewwa Ghawdex…nahseb li hafna jaqblu li fejn jidhol xoghol produttiv gewwa Ghawdex qatt ma rranka mhabba t-traggit u lis-spejjes ancillari u ghalhekk ix-xoghol gewwa Ghawdex hu limitat u meqjus bhala xoghol tat-tieni klassi u ghallhekk hu mportanti li z-zewg gzejjer jinghaqdu bhala pajjiz wiehed u kullhadd liberu li jaqsam meta u x’hin irid. U l-Gvern il-gdid qed jara li din hi t-triq li twassal biex kullhadd jhossu li hu Malti. U l-ahjar hu l-bridge bhall ma jezistu f’hafna pajjizi ohra madwar id-dinja u specjalment fl-Europa. Il-mentalita ftit egojistka trid tinbidel.
Local construction companies do not have the know-how to dig tunnels under the sea , so our Malta-Taghna-Lkoll Prime Minister found a way out to feed the monsters. Abour the referendum: Malta tal-Ghawdxin, or Taghna Lkoll is becoming a kind of double speak! Depends who’s paying!