PN goes LGBT?

The Nationalist Party's parliamentary proposal to include a clause in the Constitution to protect people against discrimination based on sexual orientation is most welcome.

So is its apology towards to Joanne Cassar and transgendered persons. Symbolically, the latter is a far cry from its confessionalism of the previous years.

It would be even better if this Saturday, at the Pride March, leaders of all 3 political parties pronounce themselves clearly and unequivically against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in all aspects of social policy. Basically, this would represent clear policy consistency for Arnold Cassola, it would represent a great leap forward for Simon Busuttil and it would represent the logical path for Joseph Muscat.

In my reading, an anti-discrimination position should mean that discrimination in all walks of life, including not only employment and education, but also other areas such as marriage and adoption, would be done away with.

This would also mean that political parties distance themselves from the patronizing evolutionist approach of the 'Today Public Policy Institute', which recently said that Malta 'is not ready' for same-sex marriage, as if Maltese people are some inferior 'species'. Luckily, such a statement only strengthened the resolve of the LGBT activists.

As I had the opportunity to say previously, recognition of same-sex marriages can lead to the strengthening and democratization of the concept of the family, through a process of social inclusion and recognition of different family forms. It is indeed ironic that in a day and age of increased separations and divorce, couples who wish to marry are denied this right solely because of their sexual orientation.

It is becoming clearer than ever that social policy does not simply fall from above (like some present from some 'super-saint Minister'), but is also subject to various factors, including the influence of activism and movements. In itself, this gives hope to those activists, green, blue, red, individuals, progressive organisations and extra-parliamentary forces, to articulate more progressive demands in the future.

@ Giorfindel. Sorry mate but you have your fact wrong. I am a Consultative Council member and confirm that there was never a June date. We had a deadline of up to end June to come forth with the Civil Union draft Law. First reading is scheduled for September 2013 and it will reach it's final vote come next December. This last date was been advanced as originally it was scheduled for spring 2014. Charles Bayliss
Emmanuel Mallia
Are there LGBT persons in the so called new leadrship and administration of PN ?
Certament KONVENJENZA u mhux KONVINZJONI! ;) Xi jghid L'Emeri. Eddie li ibnu ISSA hu fit tmexxija tal-Partit "gdid" Nazzjonalista..... jekk jista qatt ikun "GDID" b'kap diga skadut? PN goes LGBT ~ tinstemgha falza u bla sustanza kwazi vojta u MHUX KREDIBLI gejja mill PN! Ma hemmx "feeling"!
Why is my comment posted earlier today not being shown here? Is Maltatoday starting to censure our comments like the Times did a while back now?!?
Why is my comment posted earlier today not being shown here? Is Maltatoday starting to censure our comments like the Times did a while back now?!?
Why is my comment posted earlier today not being shown here? Is Maltatoday starting to censure our comments like the Times did a while back now?!?
Michael, The other day it was reported in a foreign news service that a Muslim man was caught having sex with a goat and the elderly decided that from now on this goat will be recognized as his spouse. In this, we have a lesson nothing comes for free, if a man want to mutilate himself to be called a woman, so be it, if two of the same sex want to have sex so be it. But sex is nature act to procreate nothing will replace the true meaning of sex. Anything else is the action of sick minds like those from morning to night who feel like ejaculating. If they want they still not procreate. Why all this fuss? What is the problem? What is against nature and the intelligence of the concept of reason to procreate, I say it can be done in private and is the sign of sick minds.
Unfortunatly this move comes a little - meaning a lot - too late to be credible. I wonder what Dr Demarco was doing to protect Joanne Cassar while she was being victimised for years on end.
Thank you Mr Briguglio, such articles underline what a loss for Maltese politics your departure is. It is indeed welcome if the PN has made an u-turn in their policy and now want to make discrimination unconstitutional ... Words however are cheap and it is action that counts most – let us not forget that PN had LGBT rights in their political manifesto before every election since 1998, but when they had the power they did nothing ... Lately I am also getting a bit worried about labour government's commitment. We first heard from the minister responsible that civil unions will be introduced in June, then that this will be in September and lately from the Prime Minister that Civil Unions will be introduced before the end of the year ... Sorry but this is starting to remind me too much of the GonziPN empty promises which delivered a big nothing in 15 years. ... Let us get serious. Numerous countries have already introduced civil unions or same sex marriage so we do not need to reinvent the wheel here. Also since all 3 political parties are such strong supporters of LGBT rights now such a law should breeze through parliament without a hitch - so where is the problem?!? Let us not forget that are people out there who are suffering and who need this recognition as soon as possible. There is no justification for delay. Words are cheap and actions speak louder than words!!!