Paris 2024: I can understand the hurt, but is drag visibility the real problem?
James Debono
Detractors of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony should be asking; would they have expressed the same outrage if the tableau did not feature drag queens?
Let there be light
Michael Falzon
From the Auditor General’s report on Enemalta, it results that the company has, for quite a number of years, consistently not managed to invest in the maintenance and...
Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly
Michael Falzon

Can this or a future government dissolve the contract with Electrogas –...

Can this or a future government dissolve the contract with...

One step forward, two steps back
Raphael Vassallo

More illegal hunting, more massacres of protected birds… and, I fear, more complacency from a general public lulled into believing that all those...

More illegal hunting, more massacres of protected...

100 ideas to inspire change and progress inside Labour
Lydia Abela

It is time our nation makes the next leap forward: improving our natural...

It is time our nation makes the next leap forward:...

Do we measure politicians by our own yardstick?
Josanne Cassar

The notion that taking a slice of the pie is completely unacceptable, not to...

The notion that taking a slice of the pie is completely...

Schools must open, the unions must back down
Saviour Balzan

The confusion of messages on the scale of precautions was first exacerbated by...

The confusion of messages on the scale of precautions was...

Problem solved? Not quite...
Raphael Vassallo

Keith Schembri’s arrest cannot be held up as any form of instant validation of the state of health of our country’s institutions. For that, the...

Keith Schembri’s arrest cannot be held up as any form...

Let’s make change happen | Ursula von der Leyen

We have the opportunity to do more than simply repairing our economy: we can...

We have the opportunity to do more than simply repairing...

Plastic bottle recycling: a significant culture change
Aaron Farrugia

On all levels, the introduction of this scheme stands as a testament to our...

On all levels, the introduction of this scheme stands as a...

'Never tell me the odds'...
Raphael Vassallo

Once again, it is not exactly an easy outcome to accurately predict – there are, after all, major ‘cost-benefit’ considerations either way...

Once again, it is not exactly an easy outcome to accurately...

No use hiding information, because it will come out anyway
Josanne Cassar

It is only if health authorities are immediately upfront about how the virus is...

It is only if health authorities are immediately upfront...

Boris concocts a sour borscht
Michael Falzon

The Internal Markets Bill is still a hotch-potch solution that does not rule out the possibility of the UK becoming a rogue state

The Internal Markets Bill is still a hotch-potch solution...

A free press? Time to talk about media financing
Ralph Cassar

There is no one ‘truth’. Party TV stations should go. Public...

There is no one ‘truth’. Party TV stations...

Drawing clear lines for equality | Charles Pace

While government selects many public servants on the basis of personal trust,...

While government selects many public servants on the basis...

Careful what you pray for...
Raphael Vassallo

Who, then, even needs God Almighty to be pissed off? Quite frankly, it is a shocking scandal that should really enrage us all

Who, then, even needs God Almighty to be pissed off? Quite...

Charity comes home where providence lives | Jesmond Saliba

All those involved in the effective running of the Dar tal-Providenza give...

All those involved in the effective running of the Dar...

A Trump-inspired crisis management framework | Kristina Buhagiar

Malta’s democracy is in a state of crisis; we do not have an opposition;...

Malta’s democracy is in a state of crisis; we do not...

Has anyone ever had an easier ride than Bernard Grech?
Raphael Vassallo

There is, however, a striking difference. One candidate had to fight every step...

There is, however, a striking difference. One candidate had...

The egg to omelette conundrum
Michael Falzon

Yet, neither Grech nor anyone from his campaign team has publicly reassured the public that the publication of these accounts will eventually be made. A public...

Yet, neither Grech nor anyone from his campaign team has...