Parliament should listen: A case for ad hoc committees on abortion and surrogacy | Michael Farrugia
I believe more work needs to be done with respect to IVF. Two areas for evaluation are surrogacy for health reasons where implantation in the mother is impossible, and legislation...
Metsola’s finest hour
Michael Falzon
I am sure Roberta will not just rest on her laurels. Who knows what her next move will be two and a half years from now!
Human rights can build a fairer society | Renee Laiviera

To ensure continued support for human rights, it is necessary to inform people...

To ensure continued support for human rights, it is...

A third party against tribalism | Katrina Cassar

One can easily understand why such a mindset is so toxic to Malta’s...

One can easily understand why such a mindset is so toxic to...

Equality cannot wait | Rosianne Cutajar

Rosianne Cutajar • The few, privileged opponents of this legislation will remark that it is unnecessary. I, beg to differ

Rosianne Cutajar • The few, privileged opponents of...

The EU and Malta’s migration problem
Michael Falzon

For centuries, Malta has exploited our geographical position to benefit us as a small island with practically no resources. On this one, the disadvantages seem...

For centuries, Malta has exploited our geographical...

When things do not work out
Saviour Balzan

We are now at a point where the return of COVID-19 is more dangerous than ever before

We are now at a point where the return of COVID-19 is more...

We don’t need machismo. We need maturity
Josanne Cassar

What politicians have to accept is that they are not in that role just to bask...

What politicians have to accept is that they are not in...

Conscientious objection would nullify the protection of the Equality Law

Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish Inquisition of old, take action against someone who espouses even publicly ideas that go against its ethos?

Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish...

Faith schools need not lose their ethos, but teachers must be employed on competence

Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop discrimination, not encourage it

Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop...

It’s just too easy to blame it all on immigrants...
Raphael Vassallo

Who, then, is to blame for the spectacular materialisation of this very...

Who, then, is to blame for the spectacular materialisation...

A Constitution for all
Ralph Cassar

Our Parliament, based on a winner-takes-it-all system, could have kickstarted a process of deep reform; instead it seems that they have chosen piecemeal...

Our Parliament, based on a winner-takes-it-all system,...

Migration, COVID-19 and the Prime Minister’s shameless TV appearance
Kurt Sansone

After a week of silence despite a surge in COVID-19 cases, Robert Abela spoke on One TV. Kurt Sansone takes the Prime Minister to task on his misguided...

After a week of silence despite a surge in COVID-19 cases,...

'One of us'
Michael Falzon

In my book, their actions eclipse by far Adrian Delia’s shortcomings as party leader. If there is anyone who thinks that Adrian Delia’s time as PN...

In my book, their actions eclipse by far Adrian...

When is a health emergency not a health emergency?
Raphael Vassallo

Today, on the other hand, we are facing a situation that (on paper, at any...

Today, on the other hand, we are facing a situation that...

Public pressure to do the right thing is what will save our summer
Josanne Cassar

If we are very lucky we just might be able to contain this new outbreak which...

If we are very lucky we just might be able to contain this...

Leave the patients out of it
Saviour Balzan

Paul Pace should leave the patients out of it. Punishing them in the name of justified industrial action, would be simply criminal

Paul Pace should leave the patients out of it. Punishing...

Why Adrian Delia can still win, in spite of everything
Raphael Vassallo

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a party leader – either...

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a party...

Petulant and fraudulent behaviour won’t help PN build bridges it burnt | Edwin Vassallo

Vainglorious, petulant and fraudulent behaviour will not help PN build the bridges it has burnt with so many. Now is the time for PN to disentangle itself from...

Vainglorious, petulant and fraudulent behaviour will not...

An ever-closer union
Michael Falzon

Why the EU budget agreement has broken a major taboo on the EU creating collective debt and built a possible architecture for handling future crises

Why the EU budget agreement has broken a major taboo...