@Michael Schembri. Malta is a village state; it is not a normal country so stop being surreal! Saving people at sea is an exception yet NGOs and people whom we have not elected want to bully us to submit and treat this as a norm!
When Soros-who bank rolls Human rights watch becomes a committed communist and gives his money begotten from speculation; I will become an active pro illegal immigrants agitator: till then I will defend my one meter square of this barren humiliated and often abused village state.
NB I've been around in 50 countries
Dear Mr. Balzan, What is happening in the last 24 hours made me dig my heels and stand my ground in my believe. Libya over the last 24 hours had 300 emigrants, I call them illegals as they are without documents. One group made it, and we know what is happening. My believe is Germany during the last war had Poland to put people that they did not desire. In this day and age Malta is what Poland was in the last war. Any African that come in is finger printed and if caught will be returned to Malta (like the good old days of the Third Reich). Now we have the fishermen who swore in court they were guilty, now saying on RAIl, they were scared under the Malta Land Force show of force. Are we really in a Union of Europeans or we ended exploited by foreigners whereby all good going concerns have been taken by them and even the sea around us is open season for illegal fishing by the Italian. SHIES! do not make a sound otherwise Europe get angry and they get fined. In the meantime each day that passes we are squashed by more emigrants who now they are even living in stables 10 with a horse, is this what Malta has become by joining the E.U. I was no a racist but now I am like the Germans and the French, the British and the Italians.
Micheal Bonanno•
@Michael Schembri. I am not a racist, blah, blah, blah is how you put your arguments. Selfish at the most. What the Maltese people's concern is our lack or resources and the effect thereof in a few years' time. I'm not a racist, but am against all kind of illegal immigration, being all shades, not just black or any dark colour. We, as Maltese have to fend for ourselves for the EU, will only blackmail with financial packages and when it comes to burden-sharing, a dead-end. Only the USA managed to take more than the whole EU countries put together. What the Maltese people are protesting about, is the shabby way we're being treated by our EU brothers. We're the most overpopulated country in the whole EU and it is putting a burden on our limited resources. Another thing which is worrying us Maltese, is the way these illegal immigrants are being integrated in our society, but what is really worrying is, that these guests are making change our ways to suit theirs, instead of the other way round. Look what's happening in the UK. If you go there you'll know what I mean. I'm not against anyone. What I'm against is that we're wilfully submitting and yielding ourselves to them, instead of them following us. If this continues, we'll soon be strangers in our country. Our Maltese heritage and culture will be dead, and Malta becomes just a province in the EU. That's your I'm not a racist thing you tried to label us with. I'm not saying that we're patriots. This isn't a war, or we're opposing some dictator or invasion. We're a people who love this little country which for now we can call our own. For now, that is!
Jurgen Cachia•
I am not racist but... and so goes the refrain. But... when are you going to educate yourselves on why people risk their lives to reach Europe? That so called irregular immigrants are people seeking asylum? That all countries, Malta included, have legal obligations to such people? I am not racist but... so let's use that dumbest of non-arguments: put them up in your own house; as if anyone was being forced to.I am not racist but... it just so happens, conveniently, that the asylum seekers are darker skinned than many Maltese. I am not racist but... Yeah, pull the other one.
I am not a racist. But anyone who enters Malta illegally should be sent home. What other solution does one suggest? Maybe these people (first one Mr. Balzan) should open their homes to these unfortunate people and let them live with them and their families.
Maybe Mons. Joe Borg should also 'adopt' some migrants and they live happily at his house.
Kemm int maghggel Sur Balzan biex tara ir riformi ? ma ghandek l-ebda kumment dwar it tharbit li sab wara il PN ? nahseb li int infurmat sew x`qieghed isir fil parlament le ? fil guztizzja , fi trasport , fill Mepa u x`naf jien , imma issa drajnieha it tattika tieghek biex tmexxi il gurnali tieghek ! Nerga naghmillek il mistoqsija li kont ghamiltlek xi gimghat ilu , GHANDEK xi proposta konkreta dwar il klandestini ?
@ Savior Balzan
La Inti daqsekk HERO biex tpatpat. Ohrog b solluzjoni facli biex tparla lghaliex bxejn. Nixtieqek tinzerta warra turck ta zibel u tighdli jekk dak li qed jigbor il borza huwiex Malti.. Iva forsi xol disgustanti lghalura m ghandux jithalas sew il Malti li jigborlok il hmieg min warra biebek? imma le dawn ma setawx jibqaw jithalsu bir rati tajbin ax imigrant jghamlu dak ix xol ghal €4.00 is sija; Dan ezempju min hafna setturi biss li huwa visibli fil hajja ta kuljum.
@ Savior Balzan
La Inti daqsekk HERO biex tpatpat. Ohrog b solluzjoni facli biex tparla lghaliex bxejn. Nixtieqek tinzerta warra turck ta zibel u tighdli jekk dak li qed jigbor il borza huwiex Malti.. Iva forsi xol disgustanti lghalura m ghandux jithalas sew il Malti li jigborlok il hmieg min warra biebek? imma le dawn ma setawx jibqaw jithalsu bir rati tajbin ax imigrant jghamlu dak ix xol ghal €4.00 is sija; Dan ezempju min hafna setturi biss li huwa visibli fil hajja ta kuljum.
For once I suggest you use your energy and provide us with valid, realistic long term solutions to this never ending saga.
Untill then believe me you're not impressing anyone anymore with your comments!
I am not sure that "takes on the debate"is very acceptable in English. At the same time nobody, including our Saviour, is denying the fact that his opinions are shared by a minuscule Maltese minority. [To find out, please organise a survey unless this makes some people uncomfortable.] Also there is something strange about Saviour's attitude, who seems to object that people have their cultural tastes and preferences. Every person has the right to like the Chinese, the Indians, the Russians, the English, the Italians etc. One gets the interesting impression - please correct me if I am wrong - that Saviour believes that one is obliged to like and love everybody. But this is not Coca Cola song, dear Saviour, where the whole world loves the whole world. Can't you wake up to reality, Salv? Idealism is swell but reality is sweller - if I may say so!
Get real Salv! I am at the moment at Torri L-ahmar, and you know what ;I can see half of Malta in length up to Bahrija towards the South, and all the width of Malta from Qammiegh to Ghadira: less than 500 metres apart!
Since I am not alienated with grandiosity, and I know that I am living on a barren rock 14 miles long, and as its narrowest less than 500 metres wide; can you give m an other example of an island village state, such as Malta, which exists anywhere in the world?
Salv please get real and don't talk of Malta as if it is Germany, France or Sweden!
To make your talk more convincing to me add the word' Tiny Malta today! Nothing personal Salv, and I like you, but you are missing the whole point because of our barren and tiny insularity! So much so that the EU does not give a shot about us!
Naqbel perfettament ma Robert Said, Salgister u Always Hoping...haduli l-kliem kollu li kelli biss jibqa dejjem il-fatt li sew is-Sur Balzan u hafna ohra qatt ma jindikaw suggeriment x'ghandu jsir biex din il-mewga ta' klandestini, immigranti illegali..semmijom li trid tieqaf minn din ir-rankatura, kullhadd jaf li f'Malta u Ghawdex il-kulur iswed, abjad u ghajnejn dojoq qed dejjem jizdied. Possibli li minn dawn li ghawn f'Malta kollha gew salvati, mhux hekk!! Nikkalkula li tmenin fil-mijja ta dawn gew illegalment u ma nqabdux u ma gewx salvati. Sa fejn naf jien s'issa ma gewx salvati immigranti illegali tas kulur iehor ghajr suwed..mhux hekk. Allura hemm bzonn li jsir xi haga ghhax dawk li jippridkaw li l-Maltin huma razzisti donnom issummaw hekk kif qed jizbarkaw dawn l-immigranti illegali li qedin jigu SALVATI f'bahra bnazzi taqtaw b'sikkina. Bzonn li jigu identifikati dawn kollha li qedin ghawn Malta u jitpoggew f'registru kif qedin ahna l-Maltin meta johrog ir-registru elettorali darbtejn fis-sena, ghax kull fejn tmur hanut, restaurant lantijiet tax-xol postijiet bhal Marsa, Msida, Gzira etc etc hlif minn dawn ma ssibx. Hemm flattijiet li jghajxi fijhom ghaxriet jew ghexieren minn dawn li qed ihossuom li diga okkupaw dawn l-postijiet...etc etc etc Mil-kliem ghal fatti hemm bahar jikkumbatti jispjega l-Malta.
It's heroism to be more or less unique in any country. Saviour's opinions are shared by no less than about 3% of the population. He must be shouting to himself before sleeping and on waking up: Wow I am rare!" And so you are; no illusion at all. By the way, are you still a bit reluctant to hold a survey on major issues in Malta? Some other paper will do it if not you!
Mr. Balzan I always valued your opinion and digest it objectively. I believe your views are still relevant although I do not agree with some of your comments. PL is trying to change certain institutions and it is not easy. Your expectations of PL's government is somewhat unrealistic and depends upon perception. Maybe you misunderstood Dr. Muscat during the General Election. Dr. Muscat is no Mintoff.....we associate PL with Mintoff's regime but those days of government are now extinct. I think Mr. Balzan you have to appreciate that for PN took 25 years to change certain matters but PL is already changing drastically the health sector etc. PL found a lot of problems which GonziPN left in their plate and you did not mention this important issue in your blog. The scandal of the oil purchase in Enemalta was not worth mentioning and I am inclined to believe that your perception of local politics is starting to shift from the objective to the subjective.
The problems of uncontrolled illegal economic migration to our country, the highest in the EU per capita, are further compounded by other problems. We are grossly overpopulated with 1.300 persons per sq km compared to just 100 for the EU average. We are putting an excessive strain on our limited resources, infrastructure, social services, health and education. It takes over a year to see a specialist at M Dei hospital and yet you support this onslaught on our tiny island with most of the illegals being Muslims who will soon start to demand the implementation of Sharia Law in our midst just as they have done (successfully) in other countries.
The only thing that changed are the faces and the friends of friends.
Mr. Balzan I always valued your opinion and digest it objectively. I believe your views are still relevant although I do not agree with some of your comments. PL is trying to change certain institutions and it is not easy. Your expectations of PL's government is somewhat unrealistic and depends upon perception. Maybe you misunderstood Dr. Muscat during the General Election. Dr. Muscat is no Mintoff.....we associate PL with Mintoff's regime but those days of government are now extinct. I think Mr. Balzan you have to appreciate that for PN took 25 years to change certain matters but PL is already changing drastically the health sector etc. PL found a lot of problems which GonziPN left in their plate and you did not mention this important issue in your blog. The scandal of the oil purchase in Enemalta was not worth mentioning and I am inclined to believe that your perception of local politics is starting to shift from the objective to the subjective.
Micheal Bonanno•
I'm no racist, but on this one I don't agree you Mr. Balzan, as I have every right. What I have seen abroad, I sure don't wish to happen here in Malta. In the UK, the locals are losing to the immigrants, and are becoming second-class citizens in their own country. If the immigrants are guests in our country, why should we adapt to their culture instead of them adapting to our culture? Why should the Maltese as catholics be denied their right to express themselves in public with holy icons and whatever because of the immigrants as is happening in the UK, where the word Christmas is nearly banned from the public and simply marketed as Seasons' greetings? Is this what you want Mr. Balzan? I hope not. We've already lost part of our national identity by joining the EU, hope we don't lose of what's left of our culture. Now about the Government's administration. You're quite right. The PL in government is still trying to find its feet. Who wouldn't after 25 years in opposition and with an exploding deficit, national debt and rising unemployment? The PL in government is in a learning curve so as not to commit the same mistakes from previous administrations, including the last Labour government of Dr. Sant. Time will tell if it's going to be a success story or a total failure.
Mr. Balzan, I tried to follow you over and over, with all due respect allow me to say you are repeating yourself. You seem to agree to let Malta be the guest of people of color with their culture and all their blessing they can give to us but the people including me do not agree with this line of thinking. The sooner you start to believe that the people are speaking for their survival the better it will be for us all. I ask we are as a people NOT WELCOMED either because we are supposed to be white, or supposed to be Christians or because we speak barbar this is the natural law why try to call a square round?
Salvu, you are utterly off track. Keep on pushing your obsession that the Maltese are xenophobic against the colour of the black skin. No Sir. Everyone is telling you that this is not the case. The Maltese are concerned about overloading and overpopulating their country with foreigners of whatever skin complexion they might be and the financial consequences that this fact is having and will keep on having on our livelihood. The fact that only our African friends are coming in numerous overcrowded boat loads, without identification, penniless and with very little to offer in return to our hospitality, is obviously more alarming than the issue of other illegals living with us. As regards your observation on the new administration's performance, you said you will be giving more chance, at least till the coming budget. Salvu you are old and mature enough to know that Rome was not built in one day. Patience my friend, patience. As the Maltese saying goes, il-qattusa ghaggila frieh ghomja taghmel!