Sadder than sad

To defend disgraced police inspector Elton Taliana, whose questionable character was noted by the former Commissioner of Police, is sad.

I have not quite figured out what makes politicians so bloody thick. But the decision to defend St Julian's mayor Peter Bonello's folly to issue a direct order, right before the 2013 election to Nationalist Party benefactor Zaren Vassallo is foolish.

Nazzareno Vassallo was awarded a direct order to build a €13 million old people's home. News has it that other companies who feel cheated at the way this contract was awarded, presented a judicial protest on the matter.

To see the PN blame it on junior Labour minister Franco Mercieca is silly, if not diabolical.  

On another matter - the Darryl Luke Borg case - the decision to query the independence and veracity of the Police Board report because of the composition of its members is also questionable. Yes, some of the board members have political connections and links. It would be ideal if they had no connection at all. But since when are boards free from political interference?

With that kind of reasoning we have to question the inquiries, the boards that have been set up over the last 35 years. Shadow minister for home affairs Jason Azzopardi did none of this. He seems to have started to question the seriousness of boards after March 9.

All of the past boards have been set up by politicians and organised and led by political appointees. Not all appointees are hopeless and dishonest. God forbid. Even the commission against corruption was led by political appointees with clear links to the ruling party. So were all their rulings bad?

In the case of the police board, the judge emeritus Franco Depasquale, chairman of the board, is definitely not a Labour stooge.

To defend disgraced police inspector Elton Taliana, whose questionable character was noted by the former Commissioner of Police, is sad. It is sadder when you think that PN leader Simon Busuttil thinks otherwise.


With Azzoppardi's reasoning, then citizens should also question 'the independence and veracity' of the judiciary since ALL of them are technically political appointees.
@better future. I can confirm all that you wrote. This morning I went for my 'totamol' and 'aspirin' tablets for my high blood pressure. However, my doctor reduced my supply because I do not need the same dose. I was told a 3 euro aspirin box of tablets was out of stock. While waiting to be served I saw patients taking boxes upon boxes of pills like taking candy. I think the problem is not the supply but the way it is given free to all those who ask. Yes if one need pills he should be checked by a polyclinic doctor either at home or at the clinic from time to time, a family doctor will not rock the boat. I say if only those people realize that medicine can be also a danger to your health they will not take all those boxes because they are free.
Paul Sammut
Day by day in every way the PN is sinking deeper and deeper in a sucking quagmire.
Salv, here's another honest moan picked up from the QUEEN's b(l)og. This purports to show the present situation without acknowledging the provenance from the GonziPN administration: "Hi Daphne, I’m one of your silent readers but I decided to write today and maybe you can write a blog-post about this. Something about me: a pharmacist working within the community, who has been working with the Pharmacy of Your Choice Scheme since January 2012. Never have we had a list of out-of-stock items so long as it is now. Nearly every patient coming to collect medicines is being issued with an out-of-stock note. This requires the patient to come back to the pharmacy every week to check whether his particular drug has been sent to us from the POYC section. Not to mention the numerous telephone calls we are getting from frustrated patients… One particular drug, Omeprazole, has been out of stock since May/June. A small supply was distributed about three weeks ago to some pharmacies, which supply was depleted within two hours. We later received a circular telling us to distribute on a fortnightly basis as opposed to the normal two-month supply. Last week, to my surprise, one box (56 tabs) was distributed as an urgent supply. Urgent supplies come in small sealed blue boxes so the delivery man has to open the box in front of the pharmacist and we have to sign for receipt against an invoice. I got to know later that the POYC department has issued urgent invoices for one box of Omeprazole to each pharmacy. What a disgrace. Dawn x’qed jahsbuna. U jien din il-kaxxa lil min ha naghtiha? Never has this part of the health sector been in such an awful state as it is now. And we, the pharmacists, are left to face the music, after the government promised that the problems in supply will be dealt with. Before being elected, they promised that they would deliver medicines to the patient’s door at home, and now they can’t even deliver them to the pharmacies. I would greatly appreciate if.... Talk about obscene "truth"???
Luke Camilleri
Salv being the best journalist (and the best paper) in these islands, it is surprising for me that you are sad about the issues you raised above. Sad about what? The bottom line is simple the PN with Simon as leader is just empty space filled with loud mouths, punto e basta
Barely six months have passed and the PN and psycho hangers-on have turned the clock back 30 years. Look at the reactionary media publications of the time (no need to name them), the pattern is identical. Destructively criticise public institutions; sow disarray and disparagement; ridicule the country's PM and Cabinet and all those who in some way or other support/help the Government; damage Malta internationally to cripple investment and thus be instrumental to create discontent and unemployment; link Malta totally to China and North Korea; but above ALL, destabilise Law and Order by discrediting the Law Courts but mainly to antagonise and aggravate the Police Force aspiring there will be retaliation which will then foment reaction to produce another Tal-Barrani (put the women and children in front to take the brunt of Police retaliation whilst the politicians snuggle safely at the back) and other incidents. The burning question is when will bomb planting begin to intimidate those who help the Government (i.e. Bertie Mizzi and many others)? One aspires that this time the PN psychos will have the courtesy to inform the country when the bomb planting will commence. ALBERT FENECH
Salv, I have said this before, but I will repeat. Unless the current crop pushing the PN out of the mire takes matters seriously, I am afraid they will be likewise treated by the electorate. The Maltese electorate has matured sufficiently to demand an honest, capable, serious opposition. Enough of cheap, low value "negativity" weaponry and more intelligent "opposing" PLEASE!!!